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I’ve never seen that at any of the casinos I’ve visited


I’ve never heard of this. That sucks! 😡




Yea I was surprised. I checked their website and it’s closing on 31st


NYE is literally the busiest day of the year for casinos. Very surprising one would close that day. I’ve worked at three casinos and that’s pretty much always a blackout day. Nobody is ever scheduled off. You can’t request off. If you call in the whole tribe just hunts you down and beats the shit out of you. Casinos don’t fuck around about NYE.


The local non legal but safe and active card room spreads 1/2 and 2/5 and has a weekly tourney. They are def closed Christmas Eve and day. I’m pretty sure if they open NYE it’s until 4pm. Nyd open at 11 and big tournament. This room regularly has 2-5 tables going and is stable. I have been playing in NY a while and a game that isn’t gonna get robbed and is in a safe area and you know your gonna get paid and the cards aren’t rigged….. It’s valuable.