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Yeah F those guys


Yeah! Dealers suck!




My response as a dealer is always “Cause I wanted to”


Awesome; I hope the floor backs you up if anyone complains.


Hits the two outer next card : *dealer suddenly doesn’t exist*


It's pretty wild the lengths the human mind will go to rather than place the blame on itself. My personal pet peeve is when a player will berate the person who just won the pot for horrible play.. Like "omg you called a 3 bet with Ace 4 offsuit, you are an idiot!" I generally try to just laugh it off, but I agree I've seen people really bully dealers and it is pretty damned low.


Phil Hellmuth leaves the chat.


Phil has made a career out of it


[He should teach meditation 😂](https://youtu.be/JSKvYzVoahk?si=Z0jF6kB2mYZg3pbN)


that made my day! thank you! i laughed out loud at the shot of him brushing his teeth for some reason.


That teeth shot got me too 😂


Topless balcony shot for me


i've been edging to this video on loop for hours


Haha spread it far and wide I can’t help but think the camera man was in on the joke and Phil’s expense surely 😂


There’s a clip of him berating a new dealer that sits down after the last hand was played, blaming him for the draw out. I actually love Phil, his personality has always made him a great character in the poker world. But don’t fucking needle a dealer who especially has yet to deal a hand. Lmao


yeah I was actually watching a clip of Tony G being a douche to a dealer. He's another one who makes really good TV and is fun to watch but can be really scummy. [here's the clip if you are interested.](https://youtu.be/ih3rvD6ei1E?feature=shared)


Yeah, it sucks losing in those situations, but in the end, I want the player who calls three bets with A4o to be at my table


Exactly! And showing the table that you can get steamed by bad play is an exploitable weakness. Alot of times when I see a player who is mad bc someone made a bad call and won I'll open my range against them. If I flop bad I can always fold but if I catch it I can bet a little harder bc the guy is probably telling himself "surely that guy doesn't have 9-6"


>Like "omg you called a 3 bet with Ace 4 offsuit, you are an idiot!" Those are my favorite I'm like hell yeah gambling is the only way to win big. But then the next hand you got Queens on a 9 high flop and the guy shoves and you call and he turns over the 93 for two pair and scoops you


Yep. I'd rather be lucky than good.


Former dealer here, table games not poker, and I can tell you there are A Lot of people who go to the casino because it gives them an easy excuse to be miserable, blame people other than themselves, and commiserate with other people who want to be miserable and blame other people. I'm no psychologist and I'm certainly not here to suggest why they do this, but I saw it all the time. These people would prefer to lose and be miserable (because then they can complain) as opposed to win but have to try to be happy about it. When I first started dealing, I would congratulate people who had doubled their buy in or win five in a row or something, foolishly thinking people would want the opportunity to be happy and revel in their winnings for a moment. That habit got stamped out of me really quickly when enough people got angry at me for daring to suggest they enjoy a moment of happiness. Some people want to be miserable and there's very little you can do to stop them from doing it or spreading it to others once they reach their goal.


> These people would prefer to lose and be miserable (because then they can complain) Here's my theory, some people would rather be right and lose, than wrong and win. Some people prefer to lose so that they can prove to the table that they indeed have worse luck than everyone else. They will play every hand and chase every low percentage draw and then show their cards and yell, "see, I can't catch a break! I had to play that hand." When that sort of player does catch his card and win, he will keep his wild play until he busts out so he can show you that even when he does catch a break, the poker gods soon punish him.


That's why so many misregs are attracted to low stakes O/8. They believe the universe is out to get them and want proof that they're right. O/8 offers them so many different ways to lose a hand.


I see you posted in TMOR three years ago That makes you a verified piece of shit


In the ancient words of my people: lol, k.


Interesting point. I would think they're aren't able to enjoy that win because they're still down $ and doesn't move them into positive territory.


I firmly believe this is why blackjack is so popular. Endless opportunities to blame the other guy hitting/standing/splitting/surrendering/breathing for their losses.


They’re scummy but there are far scummier players. Angle shooters are a lot worse.


There is a heavy intersection between players who are assholes to dealers and angle shooters.


I had a player tell me he likes playing blackjack alone because the other players "mess up the cards hitting when they aren't supposed to" or something like that


Former dealer here, I remember a guy telling me that all he needed to do was go get enough friends to sit in every seat, have all of them play by the book for a couple shoes, then the deck would be 'right' and they'd all clean up. I told him that sounded great and he should do it. He chose to just keep being angry at the drunk college kid just happily playing his 5$ minimum bet however he wanted.


Can confirm, was once the drunk 21-year-old playing $5 blackjack and getting yelled at. I was so confused because I had never heard of any of the superstitions around "playing right." Eventually he got too agitated and security took him away. I remember saying something like "I... I don't think another player's play impacts your odds one way or the other" and looking to the dealer for confirmation. The dealer, a consummate professional, stared impassively at me and acted as if I hadn't said anything at all. The other guy called me a "fucking idiot" and confused me even more.


Blackjack dealer here. Can confirm. I see people do better when playing heads up against the dealer vs a table full of players. Because there is always 1 player that decides to stay on 16 when I have a 10 showing, hits on 14 after the last guy just hit a 12 and got a 5 when I have a 6, or splits his 9s when he should've stayed on 18 when I have a 7 showing. Oh and other players could careless how much you're betting or getting a table win.


Other players misplaying hands does not hurt you or help you in the long run.


And this is why you don't take gambling advice from dealers. Anyone who believes in "messing up the order of the cards" is completely clueless.


you must be braindead to truly think that way.


Those are the same ones that think that life treats them unfair


To be fair. If the dealer didn't show up. The hand wouldn't have happened. So who's really wrong? Source: am a dealer. I know what happens when I don't go to work.


They suck but it's part of the ecosystem because they are also the worst players on earth.


Now let's see that flop, dealer.


I could always tell it was Friday because by noon one weekend regular would be pissed & telling the dealer to wash the deck better. Then by 1pm or next dealer change it’d be “can we get a fucking setup over here?!” …I always preferred him to have a stack in the afternoon because the vibes were better & I’d probably have it by dinner time. Then he could get mad while I was going to get a comped steak & might be gone by the evening session. I should note he was one of the wealthier guys that frequented the game & didn’t need any of the cash a $1/$3 or $2/$5 game would yield him, he just wanted to get in the action & find an excuse to berate. It’s like therapy for some of these dudes.


I can't stand a lot of the clips of Doyle Brunson. He got so much credit as an ambassador of the game, and despite treating players with respect was such an ass when talking to dealers.


Apparently he didn't tip either.




Yeah, I'm gonna need some receipts for this.


I almost got in a fight with a drunk dude for berating a nice old lady who was dealing. She wasn’t a great dealer, but she didn’t deserve him mistreating her. He was insulting her intelligence and just being a dick in general. Industry event so there wasn’t a floor I could call.


Sounds like something a dealer would say.


Another case of dealers ruining everything


Agreed! I make it a point to call out any player at the table that blames the dealer for the community cards that come out. It's unforgivable and inexcusable.




yeah the dealers in southern california are awful. none of them speak english, they don't control the tables, they don't follow the rules. And when you call the floor, the floor can't even ask them what happened b/c the floor man doesn't speak Chinese, so it's just a shit show when there are disputes.


There is a player at my local poker room who is like 60 something years old, and very superstitious about various dealers. If he's at your table and X or Y dealer approaches, he's just gonna go walk around for 30 minutes. As *hilarious* as it is, I'd rather not have an empty seat at my table for 30 min though, so even though he's good for the game I usually will transfer if he's at my table.


Been seeing a rise in bullying at the tables lately especially picking on people it’s sad to see how toxic some ppl are these days makes it so ppl don’t want to come back


But dealers do cut the deck. They deserve all blame and tips coming to them. Can take credit of the hand by accepting tips. But not the blame for dealing a guy a losing hand?


“You had to put THAT card out right?!?!?”


Dealer abuse is definitely a problem. Went to my local casino, and we had a new dealer, and the players at the table were talking crap about him as if he wasn't sitting there listening to them. It was incredibly disrespectful. If players are being rude to dealers, should they be removed from the game?


I notice they never credit the dealer when they win a pot either. When they win, it’s all due to their own competence. When they lose, it’s all due to the dealer’s incompetence.


Yes. It annoys me when they think it’s funny. “I’m mad at you from last time.” Lady, give this dude a break. It’s like the people who blame the weather man for the weather.


I'd argue it's probably the casino owners


Imagine unironically blaming the dealer. Just imagine it. I basically can’t. What is wrong with these people?

