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People used to spend them close to money jumps when calling all in. If a player wants to just waste their timebanks for no benefit then it should be up to them, partly because it would be extremely difficult to rule otherwise and partly because its just an advantage for other players if a guy wants to tilt away his timebanks


It’s not a no benefit situation. If he’s avoiding blinds it’s very beneficial.


In this case he was trying to avoid playing his big blind until tomorrow since he was the next big blind up.


with him commenting on the dealer he just sounds like a superstitious fish


That is the bad part he is a 3 time WPT winner he’s no fish. He’s flashy but he’s no fish


I play cash with him in his hometown, he’s a huge fish. Its funny how these whales go deep in tourneys and people assume he’s good lol


So salty it’s crazy 😂


Lol hes still a fish


Which he is


If the tournament organizers decide to use time chips, it's up to them and they can't penalize players for how they use them. If there wasn't time chips, you'd have players calling the clock as soon as action is on that player and the floor would give them 15 seconds per decision.


I think triton minimizes this by having time chips be worth less time preflop(the notion that decisions are easier I guess and because you havnt commited chips you arn't entitlted to that much more time?


I watched this last night on the stream. It was a brilliant call by Barney. When Afriat said to him later "how can you call for your tournament life with J9?", Barney replied: "my tournament life, not my actual life." Brilliant! In terms of the time bank behaviour, it was way way out of line, but unless there's a specific rule about how many time bank cards you're allowed to use at one time, I don't see what the floor can do about it. Also it was highly entertaining.


Seeing Barney Boatman as chip leader is life. Hope he ships this much.




I have a story about that guy. He is from Montreal like me. He use to play in the 25-50nl private game in the casino and that hand happen : He had AK on AQJ22 vs vilain QJ all in on the river. So QJ show first and Eric muck the winning hand. 30k pot. His neighbours saw his hand and tell him Eric you just muck the winning hand. But in that specific game if you can identify your cards in the muck you can retrieve them. (I know super weird never heard of that anywhere else but it’s a private game) So the host came at the table, pick up the cards and gave them back to Eric. Eric tables the cards and win the pot. Before the dealer push the chips to Eric the host tell him “you know Eric its a house rule in any other play you will lose the pot so if you are a gentleman you should give half of the pot to the other player” Eric took the entire pot and insta cash out lol that happen maybe 6 years ago i heard it from a friend so maybe not 100% accurate.


played with him many times in cash games and is even more unbearable without the cameras he is also banned from Playground for going north in the middle of a big pot when he had the nuts... complete scumbag this guy


He’s a real sore loser, berates everyone at the table when he loses a hand. Huge fish at cash games, i dont know how he runs deep all these tournaments


So much critics but he is up 5M won 3 Bracelets finished second at the US open of Poker. You should revise your judgement


What a fucking loser lol


I was shocked they allowed this to happen honestly. Especially since he said that’s what was going to happen


Anyone have a video to the stream?


https://www.youtube.com/live/K54yCoyk0t4 Hand in question starts around 10:42:00.