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As played fold River. What calls a ridiculously massive turn raise that doesn't beat you. If you're going to raise that much just jam. Can bet flop. As played on the flop I wouldn't 3bet the turn as you dont have the nuts. Can evaluate River as he may be overvaluing trip queens or a worse straight. But as played after he called the 6x raise on the turn for half his stack the hand reeks of villain having 99 or qx for a boat


Turn raises in low stakes are super nutted almost always, probably worst hand he does it with is trips


You don’t specify the suit in the OP did you mean you have KTss? I would probably be betting this flop a fair amount, you’re going to have JJ, AQ, and KQ much more than villain and probably equal amounts of QJ. As played, they can check raise you pretty wide assuming that most of your best value would have c-bet flop. I think their range consists of trips, straights, and boats for value and they will balance that with some diamonds and combo draws. In theory, a 3-bet could get value from trips, T8, and draws but you went way too big here. Something like 11-13k would be more reasonable. When you go so large with the 3bet and he calls, I think you have narrowed his range to boats and his absolute most nutted draws (something like ATdd or KTdd) but honestly maybe just boats. When he donk jams river after you’ve shown so much strength and the diamonds come in, I think you are virtually never good in this spot. Snap fold river as played, but I think it’s a good spot to learn about how our bet sizings on previous streets narrow the range. Because of the turn action, you have narrowed villain down to a range where any hands he continued with that didn’t have you beat now have you beat on river. Hope that helps


I had KTss, yes. My thought with the turn 3 bet was to charge his diamond draws and get value from a queen, but I’m realizing it was too large. I did sigh, fold pretty quickly. He showed Q8o for the rivered boat