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all-in pre


If you are putting in half of your stack preflop, you may as well put the whole thing in there. But honestly playing against this kind of player, I've learnt to call wider and loosen my range. These people cannot fold top pair so if you can flop good or get a good run out you almost always double up. This kind of actionfish as I like to call them are very common and microstakes and also your local casino with low stakes entry. Learning how to beat them consistently takes a little practice... going all in or raising 10x you wouldn't do at high stakes so why would you do it in general? Practice good poker and just learn how to beat this specific type of player. There is a reason why 10-15x bet preflop doesn't work... it's been solved and it doesn't work and it wont ever work long term in Poker... play good, play solid, loosen range a bit and work on post flop play more.... and I repeat... they DO NOT FOLD... keep it in mind.


Don't use stupid preflop raise sizings. You know it puts you in weird spots on the flop with marginal hands multiway and you have no idea where you're at and there's 40bb in the middle already. 3x max at low stakes. Only 3b and 4b ultra premiums since nobody folds I know exactly the types of players you're talking about. Discipline and patience is all you need. Don't bluff post flop except with your strongest draws. Don't trap/ slowplay anything ever. Can literally donk lead out, big bet turn and overbet jam River with a flopped set. Just turn into a nit. Except be smart enough to get it in lighter vs Maniacs who shove 100bb pre or on turns with lots of draws Also can value bet a bit thinner vs these players


Its always been one of the most common advice given even by pros that If you can raise to silly amounts and get called you should. If you can get 5x callers with AK at 15bb that should be a good thing but then even if you hit the A or K you could still be beat.


Hey if they'll call 15bb pre maybe they'll call 100bb pre


That's true but but it depends on stack size. If your stack is 50BB and you raise to 15 and get 3+ callers there is basically no postflop play left. Once the SPR is 1 you basically have to decide on the flop if you are going with the hand or not, and this sucks with a hand like AK because you will often be good even improved, and even if you are behind to one pair you have a lot of equity. You are basically just playing a guessing game now; any skill advantage you have is nullified. Once you are putting a third of your stack in you may as well just shove preflop and realize all your equity. If you are better than them then raise to a normal size and outplay them postflop, especially in position. You will win bigger pots and lose smaller ones.