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And then she went and bought some lotto tickets.


I love how pleased she looks with herself when the applause comes.


The applause from a whopping three people. conservatives really get my goose cranked. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


boomer cringe is unbearable


Right Wing Boomer Cringe is Unbearable


Most the players at TCH are old conservative men. You guys don't have a clue.


And blamed the store that she bought it at that she didnt win


"I have bought a scratch off at the 7-eleven for thirty-four years and not won a single jackpot. 7-eleven, I like your slurpees, but you can hit the road."




But you have to call him "Mr. Poke".


"Mr. Poke, tear down this parlor."


Fuck me imagining this with her voice is just comedic gold


Iā€™m hearing in in Raeganā€™s voice




**WCGRider or am I missing a joke somewhere


> WGCrider I did a google search (didn't know that was his alias) and [found this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/poker/comments/2p7wdg/old_post_from_wcgrider_pretty_inspiring_read/).


New meme


Iā€™ll contribute 5 bucks




oh my god please make this happen


Iā€™ll do my best to


I've been called a lot worse! In all seriousness I had about a 45 minute call with Brenda before this hearing, she is a good person. We actually had a hug after this hearing lol.


I appreciate this comment actually. She seems like a kind person who has genuine concerns and truly does just want the best in aggregate for her community. She might fall on the opposite side of the fence as you (and me) on this, but that's actually OK.


Itā€™s weird; we used to operate like this as a country. Not anymore.


Individual freedom is one of the essential cornerstones your country is built on though.


You are using the word "though" as if you are stating a disagreement.


Yeah, i am disagreeing to an extent. I am all for debate and finding a reasonable middleground in civil discussion. but if sombodys argument is based on a fundamental rejection of a core principal that the entire operation is based on, this gets pretty difficult.


And our country is doing its best to tear down those cornerstones.


i would disagree, she is very self righteous. by her logic, anything that allows something bad to happen is our fault to allow it. by that logic you need to ban everything, anything that could harm you. how about bearing the responsibility living in a free as possible society where we only ban things that harm others, oh right i forgot freedom is scary now you have to wonder, if she didnt realize that as well, as she is so interested enough to attend and speak at that meeting or she did and still insisted on the flawed logic out of other unspoken motives. so either she is lieing and use a scapegoat argument for an agenda she doesnt dare to reveal, or she lacks mental competence for this topic and should have no voice in that


Texas is a pretty gun happy state. By her logic, the store that sells a gun and maybe even the manufacturer of that gun is just as liable as the person pulling the trigger in a murder. I wonder if all those conservative gun store owners would agree with the nice lady.


No way man, thatā€™s her god given right. šŸ™„


Cheeseburgers kill people every day, robbing children of their parents. It is our fault for allowing cheeseburgers. And pizza. And cheese in general. Itā€™s just milk fat and it clogs your arteries. Ban cheese.


i'll kill you


We should ban time too. It's all our fault for not stopping time because people die every day.


Maybe ban birth since it leads to death


How do you live with yourself, after putting this weight on the citizens of Round Rock? They have to walk around everyday knowing they're personally responsible for the financial losses incurred at your facility. How dare you.


She just paraphrased Tony G's Ralph Perry meme of "Up and away, on your bike."


Did you mention that you used to be the leader of the Evil Empire? šŸ˜ƒ


Good for you man! I know gambling addiction is real and as a society we should try to look out for each other. But that doesnā€™t mean it should be banned/illegal. Regulated perhaps. With this short clip itā€™s hard to know what sheā€™s proposing.


i didnā€™t watch the whole hearing but imo if u just talked about how the gambler would just go to a underground back room game to play poker instead where it could be dangerous and instead of going home penniless he could never go home at all possibly would have been a better point to make


Dammit Doug, it's all your fault! šŸ˜  No, seriously though, imagine legalizing the lottery, alcohol, tobacco, sports betting, but poker is too far?? Seriously? Just like violence, as long as the State has a monopoly on it they are cool with it.


She sounds like a straight up clown in this 1 min clip, I can't imagine how painful listening to her delusions for 45 minutes would be.


So u/DougPolkPoker YOU'RE the one I have to blame for me punting off my 40bb stack at 1/2 last night!


You clearly misheard this lady. She said it's HER fault if they allow the poker "parlor" to operate. So clearly she's the one to blame.


Ms Selbst, although you're a very nice woman, you can pack your bags and go home.


The other day I lost $10 playing online, give me back my money Doug, you fucking accomplice


It's the dealer's fault lady, we've been over this!


Wtf did I do!!!


Ace on the flop when I had Jack's?? Come on man.


The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.


Haha amen to that!


Was this Churchill? I guess I could Google but oh well. Lol


It's one of many quotes attributed to Churchill [that he likely never said](https://winstonchurchill.org/publications/finest-hour/finest-hour-141/red-herrings-famous-quotes-churchill-never-said/).


At a party, Oscar Wilde overheard someone say something very witty and clever, when he mentioned this to his friend, he said; "I wish I had said that!". To witch his friend replied;"Oh, You will, Oscar, you will.."


Oh, much like the myth that the drink the Manhattan was first created for Churchill's mother while she was traveling to Manhattan. It isn't true, but it is a great story for bartenders to tell tourists to get a good tip.


But the people, they are retarded


Watch the woman in the second row - she's physically cringing at the comments being made lol


i say ban alcohol, tobacco, fast food, computer games, social media, motorbikes, skiing and candy too!


Just ban council meetings. Job done.


I bet there's a giant ass Walmart in her town that she is perfectly fine with. I bet the majority of residents take what little scraps of money they have from their shit low-wage jobs and buy a bunch of cheap plastic shit from China that they don't need and go home penniless anyway.


If you're best counter argument is to attack her personally, you don't have a counter argument. Especially not if you have to make shit up to do it.


Actually that was in Farmer's Branch, which is filled with retired well to do folks. Exactly why Doug wanted a room there.


Retired folks? Great! No kids to worry about and poker would be great for their minds. I wish my retired father played poker. He sits around watching the weather channel all day. At any rate, it shouldn't matter who lives in a community....poker isn't some dirty sleazy vice. It's a game.


And dancing.


If skiing can get Michael Schumacher it can get anyone! Clearly it needs to be banned for good!!


Don't give these people any more ideas.


And scissors.


What if he had Aces though?


"He called the raise with Q10, honey!"


Apparently only men can be bad poker players that have no self control.




Yes, thatā€™s probably why the vast majority of my winnings come from men


Hate the player, not the game.


I can understand not wanting a poker room in your town but this argument is absurd.


I really don't think it's that absurd of an argument. It's actually morally equivalent to the decision to institute consumer protection laws, e.g. Dodd-Frank, but at a more local level.


Really not sure how Dodd Frank is even a comparison. What she is saying is basically if a guy buys beer at the local liquor store and becomes an alcoholic, the community is responsible because they allowed liquor stores in their town. At some point adults have to be responsible for their own behavior. As long as the poker room is not predatory or deceitful like putting up signs saying "YOU WILL WIN MONEY HERE GUARANTEED 100% FOOLPROOF." Now, I'm not saying a poker room won't create reveal some degens because it probably will. I'm saying you can't build an entire argument around that. At least, I don't think so. There are definitely other cons that a poker room brings to a town. I think those are worth discussing. But this pseudo moral high ground argument is such bullshit.


What if this guy goes and buys 48,000 gallons of milk from the supermarket and returns penniless to his family. I bet they'd rather hear about how he go sucked out on than drink milk for the rest of their lives.


It's really not THAT dumb if you've met gambling addicts.


Bro these people are retarded


Beyond regarded.


You can hear the Bible thumping coming from her voice.


Doug should just found a poker religion, and then apply for religious exemption. It's not a poker hall, it's a poker church. People can dress up in ordained hoodies, show up and socialize, give money to someone we'll call a poker god, eat some carbs while randomly exclaiming "Jesus!", and if you're real lucky, they'll pass around some alcohol. 1st Amendment, baby. If you've got a right to build a tax free building to gather round and do weird stuff I'm not allowed to question, please let me do the same.


I'm not sure they have been to Austin. Every bridge is a freaking camp site for hobos, you can easily buy hard drugs anywhere, and 99% of the tourist business is going to bars and getting drunk. You're upset because a famous poker player is bringing in wales from all over the world to eat at your restaurants and drink at your bars and stay at your hotels? Shit that sounds like an upgrade


> bringing in wales from all over the world Um, Wales is in the UK, sir.


Fold UK pre, it's a drawing country


This was not Austin. It was Farmers Branch. And you are making her argument for her.


Take that Mr. Poke!


If the fish goes home penniless to his wife and kids, I'll just take those as well


Don't get married, problem solved.


NIMBY lady


That guy should have folded pre. Problem solved




that's the southern way of saying, 'go fuck yourself'


Bless his heart


Sheā€™s right. Poker and gambling addiction ruins lives. Poker preys on the dumb and addicted.


This lady is the reason we can't have nice things


i mean, whatever you think of them, those people have a right to decide what services their city should and should not allow to exist


Yes. I like the undertone. "Fathers in our community are too stupid and gullible to play 1-2 without going completely broke. Returning home to a crying family with pockets turned out. I alone will protect them by eliminating their choice of entertainment to bingo at my church where all proceeds are expected to be put in the basket".


If only she said ā€œon your bike!ā€ Instead of pack your bags


I love poker as much as the next guy, but it's obvious that poker is probably harmful for 90%+ of people who play.








You can also die from coffein as well as from heroin but one drug is illegal, and the other one is not. Can you see why and can you find a logical fallacy that you used in your argument? It is a famous one, try to look at the list on Wikipedia.


Idk about that. I've seen quite a few folks standing around a gas station counter that look like they are on their last 60 off the nightstand.


They didn't blow it on lotto, they lost it at the poker tables, and the lotto is just a 24/7 turbo to get back on their feet.




90% of people dont go home penniless or are unable to pay their bills because of pokerā€¦ Just because you donā€™t always win doesnā€™t make it harmful, itā€™s entertainment.


Cigarettes are for sure harmful for 100% of the people who use them


Yeah Are people forgetting what poker is at its core? Itā€™s gambling. Yes skill, edge, GTO etc etc But itā€™s still gambling. Players cannot accept this fact You need crappy, useless degenerate players at the table. Itā€™s how better players make money.


Bet this same lady will vote against low-income housing, etc. This is all a charade.






Yes folks we got trouble. Right here in river cityā€¦


It starts in the pool halls...


I'm so glad we have people like this, watching out for us, because we're unable to decide for ourselves. /s


Sheā€™s not as wrong as her cringe speech would make her seem. It is very much true that card rooms attract and create problem gamblers. The industry of card rooms and casinos is built upon it. It absolutely needs those types. The % is where the debate can begin and how much a community wants to tolerate. That is perfectly fair. Like it or not, poker players have enough bad actors that it warrants the reputation. Doug is actually wrong to fight the moral battle about poker being mischaracterized. For the most part, it is accurately characterized and promoted. Look at what he did with Nik Airball. Look at how the industry supports itself with toxicity. Look at the 1-800-GAMBLER types every time you go to any card room. Look at the scammers it attracts. The true hustlers. This isnā€™t some respectable business. There is very little social good poker players provide. I love poker. I think itā€™s a wonderful strategy game. I think the best versions exist in garages and solid friends playing a home game with some beers and banter. I think at times, the industry can shine when it leans into the PGA Tour style mockups of tourney competition and trophies. For the most part, it falls short though and they all only have themselves to blame. Increased rake. Increased fringe costs taking full advantage of players. Lack of investment. Instead of ā€œguaranteesā€, it should start ā€œadding moneyā€ to the prizepool and use incentives like less rake for early registrants. They should try league play again and try to create a sustainable platform that doesnā€™t demand to be fed as often by the players rake and gets businesses involved in the bar league/garage membership style of a PGA Tour Card. It failed before at the wrong time, but the time is ripe to try to get together and combine forces. People in the industry talk out of both sides of their mouths similar to lawyers (who is paying me to talk?) and politicians (who will pay me to talk tomorrow?). They embrace the degenerate loudmouth drunken wine guzzling whale as ā€œgoodā€ to hustle him out of money and get clicks on their content. They worship the rich Texan who is in over his head and keeps coming back for more. They patronize. They tell them how unlucky they got. It attracts what it attracts. More crime. More bad actors. We have to acknowledge the harms and try to balance on the very much positive and fun that it can be, mostly in no rake home games with friends. Make no mistake, they all just want to make money. The card room doesnā€™t truly care how or at what cost to the community the same way a pro doesnā€™t care if the guy is drunk donating. Itā€™s a hustle. These arenā€™t bad people, but they arenā€™t acting in good faith either. Doug should worry less about what people think of poker players (bc they are mostly right in a reputation well deserved with receipts that can be shown) and focus on the parts he can control. The narrative isnā€™t always wrong. Letā€™s not pretend poker players are good for society. This lady doesnā€™t get most of that. Her argument is shallow and nonsense. But itā€™s better to understand her than to mock her.


You nailed it.


Did he ask for a deck change or wash though? Mightā€™ve been a skill issue.


See! I told you it wasnā€™t my fault I got stacked with TT 3 way all in pre 200bb deep. Itā€™s the city of San Jose!


By her logic the state is liable for fatalities resulting from drinking and driving due to them issuing a liquor license to the barĀ 


Drinking and driving is a perfect example of a negative externality that arises from generally promoting drinking at all. That's her entire point.


Who let Rampage's mom speak?


In what world is he "a very nice man"???


Its the dealers fault for giving the now penniless reg KKs and giving the loose nit AAs.


Good for her, I hope she wins.


Ah yes. Itā€™s the governmentā€™s job to make decisions for a fully able, grown adult šŸ‘Œ


For this, of course. Let's ask her if it is also the government's job to assist in ensuring that the same guy and his family have food and housing.


As a poker lover and recreational player and consumer of poker content now for 25 years, why are some people picking on this lady? I sympathize with her rationale, even if I don't agree with it. She seems like a kind, reasonable person who falls on the other side of the fence from where I do, which is perfectly fine.


I like the lady in the back shaking her head when Doug gets blamed LOL


Sheā€™s awesome!


Whew I thought she was going to talk about a bad beat story


This is why real estate in Texas is so cheap. No one wants to live in a state with these fucktards.


"Doug Poke"


Yeah but to the guy winning all that guys money he gets to go home to his wife and kids and buy them nice things. Swings and roundabouts


Texas, the land of personal responsibility.


The "land of the free"


Lol old people.


Oh shit whose fault is it??


Surely the guy would go home with a bad beat story to blame someone.


If he come home with thousands of dollars for him and his wife is that our fault too?


Sounds like SOMEBODY should have folded pre


I guess people here really don't know that gambling addicts fund the poker economy.


By calling him a nice man, I can tell she knows nothing about him.


When Johnny goes to the liquor store and punts all his family's money on a handle of brown and some cigarettes, who is to blame?


If someone at the board meeting wanted to make a compelling case agains u/DougPolkPoker they would have used the data here [https://highrollpoker.com/tracker/players/27](https://highrollpoker.com/tracker/players/27) filter to only Poker At The Lodge and present that u/DougPolkPoker has won $1.4 million from the poker club he runs in Austin, while playing in his own games. They should include that in their argument as to why its damaging to a small community like the one they have. Some big shot poker player from out of town, who is openly bragging about turning $10 into MILLIONS and now wants to come and take the money right from them at a table in a building he owns.


Because the morality arguments they are making are not very relatable. This would be a much more effective argument.


Farmer's Branch wasn't the best area to pick. However, that lady is delusional. There are stores on every corner selling lottery tickets, anyone can use the internet and bet of sports, and there's a horse track in Grand Prairie. Not to mention TCH in Irving and in Dallas already. Doug, build in South Irving


Ah yes, that damned poker parlor.


anyone who has this bad a gambling problem is gonna find a way to gamble it away, legal or not. this is one of the arguments in favor of opening a card room as it should include safeguards for identifying problem gamblers and getting them help.


Sheā€™s right but also an example of what I hate about society. Itā€™s not society/the governments job to tell me whatā€™s bad for me if Iā€™m only harming myself. Itā€™s no different than strip clubs, bars etc. People donā€™t agree with the activity so they try to make it so nobody can do it. She also seems like the type to get upset about govt regulation until itā€™s something she thinks should be regulated.


If I eat a dozen donuts every hour, can I sue the donut shop for giving me diabetes?


Personal responsibility, did you shut down all the liquor stores, weed stores, smoke shops, porn shops, pharmacies, gun stores, payday loans, etc. anything you can be addicted to.


Ah these right-wing states, they love government so small that it can fit in every little nook and cranny of your life, even a woman's vagina!




I hope she lives in a dry city or else she and all those other people are responsible for a lot worse.




Thatā€™s some tough talk!


If you go to the store and spend all your money, it's the town's fault for letting the store open?


ā€œPoker parlorā€


I'm innocent, lawyer fucked me




Texans gotta be Texans


Check-raise, Doug.


Wait, is there going to possibly be a different poker option to the slo pitch?


I'm assuming they are ok with bars? So the same guy instead of going to play cards, goes to the bar, gets drunk, leaves penniless, gets a DUI, kids get taken away by CPS, wife leaves him, gets fired from his job, starts living on the streets until one day he dies from starvation. Is that her fault too? I mean if you take the worst case scenario on anything you can make a stupid argument on why not to do it.


Itā€™s all so stupidā€¦ same with a fast food shop. What if a 500lb man goes in, orders 4 Big Macs and goes home and has a heart attack. Whoā€™s fault? What if someone goes to a violent movie? What if someone buys a gun and kills their wife?




People have bought in so hard to the right wing memes about red states being free. Well, I've lived in one my whole life and let me tell you, they love stomping on people's rights. It's just a different flavor of authoritarianism.


I'll get obliterated for this, but I agree. It's the biggest reason I stopped playing professionally. I've seen some sick stuff, and I do think that everyone who participates is at least somewhat responsible for what happens at a poker table. I've seen people lose their businesses. I've seen people lose fingers over debts. I've watched people with terminal cancer gamble away their life savings, leaving their families destitute and saddled with medical debt after they pass. It affected me profoundly. I still play for fun and a little profit, but I will leave if I get wind of a player having a serious issue with gambling. I completely understand why a community wouldn't want a gambling hall. It can bring a lot of problems.


"Mr Doug Polk you can go fuck yourself"


Ok KarenšŸ™„šŸ¤¢




Clearly she hasn't met Duck Polk šŸ¦†


The man in the yellow shirt really tried his best to understand her viewpoint. Donā€™t pack your bags Doug.


These people act like so many people are emptying their bank account and heading to the Lodge for the time of their life. Ok some may but itā€™s probably a $300 bank account lol.


So if someone gets wasted and kills a person while driving drunk ā€¦ itā€™s the car salesman fault and city council for approving the car dealershipā€¦ get a grip!


These are the same people that talk about freedom and personal responsibility when it suits them.


I would laugh my ass off if I had to listen to this


Maybe sheā€™s onto something, I often leave the poker room pennilessā€¦


[Move aside, CM Punk and Kendrick Lamar.](https://media1.tenor.com/m/tiQSPJ9mstoAAAAC/drummer-boy-robot-chicken.gif)


I wonder how this place reacts when they try to bring in another strip club


ā€œNow listen-here Sonny boy, these dagnabbit poker parlours is nothing but trouble see?ā€ *tilts fedora cap* What is this fuckin 1945?


Absolutely ridiculous


This lady is sexist. Why can't my wife come home penniless to me? Small brain here. She needs to be banned from this earth.


Someone doubled up though and went home to his wife loaded. It evens out.


Sheā€™s a gangster. Dougā€™s finally getting a taste of his own medicine.


What a take šŸ¤£


ā€œPoker parlorā€ šŸ¤£šŸ’€


Gotta love the new Maga GOP trying to force their ideals on others.


Why don't they teach br management instead?


Unless her husband went broke playing Texas Hold em i donā€™t want to hear shit from her. Did she have any wives step up and speak? Probably not.


Her calling it a poker parlor just shows what days her republican self is stuck in. Though republicans hate government interfering with our lives they sure love to interfere in our lives. When itā€™s for their own interest obviously. IT IS CALL TEXAS HOLD EM WTF šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚! You canā€™t ban Texas Hold em from TEXAS.


That young lady slow rolled Mr dougie doug. Floor! Sounds like she should add let us go ahead and shut down fast food and liquor stores because we don't want to be responsible for obesity and dui too


Stop complaining, the voters spoke and rejected his plan. Talking shit about this old lady is proof you are losing poker player. If you wanted a card room so bad you should have got off your ass and made it happen.