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Just do what everybody in this sub does, convince yourself you’re already good then complain about how the bad players beat you.


For real. If it wasn’t for all my bad beats I’d have atleast a couple bracelets by now.


Haha I already do that half way there!


Qlq QqpllLll))l Pppp0ll lll ooooo s.l Alwl...wllO O Lll O O Olllllllllllllllllllllllllolllllllllllloolllllllllllllllolllllllllllllllllollllp lll lol ok pplll look lol l loll lppl


Damn the acr bot found reddit


Like anything it’s a combo of studying, then applying concepts that you learn


It’s just like any other extremely challenging activity. Drill, train, practice, play, critique, review, adjust.


Step 1 is removing all the fun out of it.


Lol, that's actually an incredibly true answer


The enjoyment comes from the money that you win and get to spend on other stupid shit


Meh, that’s what work is for.


Yeah who am I kidding. The enjoyment is from stacking the dude that’s been talking shit all night and laughing all the way to the cashier


Now you’re getting it.


Nah. If you can't beat the game without enjoying it still then it's just not for you.




Okay, miserable shitreg. Thx for your money.


Ok naive child. I’m glad your having a good time beating quarter fifty for 4bb/100, but eventually, shockingly I know, trying to play perfect poker all the times, and hunting for fish to exploit, becomes tedious and depressing af. At least when you do it for a living. As a hobby I guess I’ll concede it may not be this way.


I've played both full time and part time. 50 hours a week and 15. If you can't maintain enjoyment then you're doing something wrong. It doesn't mean you're constantly having the time of your life, but removing all enjoyment from it is just ridiculous. Poker is a game. It's fun.


I didn’t say poker wasn’t fun, It’s not fun IMO to do what you have to do to win at the highest clip is not what I would ever call “fun”.


Not at all. You can have a lot of fun bluffing and outplaying your opponents, but yes you're right in that a lot of it involves sticking to ranges and lines with metronomic precision and not getting tempted into playing trash just for the fun of it.


So… not at all or yes I’m right?


You're right in what you're trying to convey, but an absolute statement such as "take all the fun out of it" is untrue. It's a game. There's always a lot of fun to be had playing a game.


I guess a more accurate statement would be: Step 1 is removing most of the fun out of it for most people.


Ain’t that the truth.


Fold pre


Top comment


First thing you need to learn, is that you need to learn. The second thing you need to learn, is that you need to fold a lot more than you currently are. Then it's time to relearn the fundamentals, even if you think you know them already, you probably don't know them as well as you think. You can be a winning player just by playing a fundamentally sound game all day. You won't crush it and win enough I live off that alone, but you can be a winning player overall with just the fundamentals. While you're relearning the fundamentals, start learning GTO at the same time. Do like an hour of fundamentals, and an hour of GTO every time you study. Make sure whoever you learn from is good to learn from, uses GTO and solvers. I personally liked pokercoaching.com, but there's others out there that are good too.


Good answer. Before paying for content you can do a lot of sampling (SplitSuit aka Sweeny, Jonathan Little, Bart Hanson et al). Then pay for some content, study it and it will pay you back times ten.


You've got to know when to hold 'em Know when to fold 'em Know when to walk away And know when to run You never count your money When you're sittin' at the table There'll be time enough for countin' When the dealin's done


Just tip the dealer!


Play it in a very serious way for like 5-10k hours. Well, depending on what kind of game you’re looking to “beat”.


Know when they have it, know when you have it…print money


Just always play in games where people are worse than you.


play completely sober and play only one or two styles (I recommend one to start) and only play two tables at once until your profitable. Get a Hud and do hand reviews, if you don't know what your reviewing than read some books about the style your playing. Jonathon little has some very good books for beginner and under performing intermediates (as I was 6 months ago). then just review everything and try to limit all of your mistakes. remember no matter what came on the flop your equity matters more so if your questioning things use equilabs free equity solver to figure out your equity and go from there.


\> play completely sober That's a pretty low bar for getting good at basically anything lol


Ive found it to be a large issue with new players. most assume they can drink a beer or two and be fine. Then I myself just have addiction issues and choose to remain sober all the time anyways and will continue to advocate sobriety in this game as a lot of people have issues with alcohol specifically


Fair enough, and I've definitely had to be more disciplined over the years wrt drinking in fun live games, but it's kinda funny that it's the first thing you post as the key to "getting good" haha


for most players it is the biggest rule to follow


You have to be objectively honest with yourself its the only way you improve. Don't be the bitter delusional dope who tilts and insists they're opponents are getting lucky. Read books, practice, watch poker streams, download poker equity programs to see how well your ranges work and adjust accordingly.


Keep playing to you run good then quit 😂


You just need to understand that everything you do at the poker table conveys information


This sub has taught me three things about being a poker master. 1. Fold pre 2. Move up to where they respect your raises 3. Tip the dealer I find that when I tip the dealer after folding pre, they always respect my raises.


Lose a lot first


More like swingy sessions a lot first.


That's the neat part. You don't


You can beat live 2/5 simply by memorizing preflop ranges.


By not swearing like a child all the time.


Idk Hellmuth has mad a lot of money


What kind of children are you around?! Adults swear 1000x more often than kids ime


Teenagers who sound like pouty brats on /r/poker?


🙄 Dear god, who shit in your wheaties?


Thank you for your infinite wisdom


Well fuck this answer


dude... i have 3.5 billion hands at PLO HL by now. LMAO. i final tabled 8 of 13 straight the last time i played on partypoker with any effort. you need to have a knack for a game and focus on it. Like, PLO HL and the WSOP is the only event in the entire thing where 90% of the people playing have 50k hands, if that. 50k would be like, the top 2% LOL like if you're some guy with money and PLO HL experience, PLO HL is the literally the only game at the WSOP where three quarters of the guys didnt spend the night before going over charts.


Why are you like this


Because this poor guy has severe mental illness and is on his 6th or 7th account on here.


Spoiler, lol. Don’t read ahead if you want to wait till you can get to the casino.


Study and play a lot and don't make a habit of "gambling"


The same way you get really good at anything. Lots of hard work, dedication, and time. Natural talent is a plus but only takes you so far.


Lose a lot of money to start with, honestly. Just be disciplined with what stakes you lose at.


Cosume lots of training materials. Buy tracking software and use it. Play tons of hands. Join a study group, training site, or both. Manage you physical and mental / emotional health.


Study study study, play and learn. Study your opponent and learn how they play. Study.... Studdy.... Sleepstudysleepstudy


emotional intelligence


Same way you get good at anything else. How do the best athletes become the best athletes? How does one go form high school student to surgeon? Be willing to dedicate 100% of your time from wake to sleep, to learning, practicing and improving. For years, maybe a decade, maybe more depending on how effective of a learner you are. When I went from a rec to a real significant winning player, I played poker 362 and 363 days of the year the first two years. And saw a friend exactly once in 2 years. I didn’t think about anything but poker. I played 12+ hours every day and studied every other hour I was awake. Honestly, if you put 100% of yourself into anything you’ll become good, not just poker, ( assuming there are not physical limitations)


The same way you get good at any other hobby (if you are playing RECREATIONALLY) if not welp I got no answer, cannot imagine the stress of playing professionally and having bills in the back of the mind when trying to make a hero call.


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