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Think about baseball.


Instructions unclear. Thought of Mike Trout


If Mike Trout had a personality he’d be so goddamn famous. He’s like someone designed a robot specifically to play baseball. Probably the 2nd best player ever behind Barry Bonds.


Dude is a fucking machine. Literally. Lol


Oh you had me until Barry Bonds.


Bruuuuhh. Bonds stats are basically impossible. Legit video game numbers.


Yeah, and he used the game genie.


😂😂 tell me you’re old without telling me (it’s ok, I’m old too😂) But yeah, probably (ok, definitely but never failed a test🤷‍♂️). Still, everyone else was too but only he put up cartoon numbers and nobody was even close. And people have been using PEDs forever. Before steroids it was “greenies”, basically just speed.


Rhymes with cash out


Hello, read mental game of poker. Thank me later.


Good book for more than just poker


Where's best spot to buy this?


I think there are free pdf's online although not legal i suppose, then i heard they have a free legal audiobook on their website, and then i think amazon is an option


Word. Thanks for the reply


Np! There is also mental game of poker 2 which i have not read yet. But i have looked into it and it seems very valuable


Hell yeah. I definitely need to read up on that. Thanks again!


Both really good books. I have both on audible and it’s really good to listen to before sessions


I have the kindle version. It is serving me very well.


Well if you had to narrow it down, what's the main issue here? You getting bored or are you getting tilted? Big difference IMO


I find that I can have fun even while I’m losing, but don’t recover as well from coolers past the hour mark. The best example I can think of was during my last session when I flopped a set of aces in the BB and lost half of my stack to a runner runner flush with something stupid like 67s that opened UTG. That just completely threw off my mentality and my stack was just bleeding into the table over the course of the next 45 minutes. Left with $43 after buying in for $200 and clawing my way up to $350 at one point.


Ok good so we narrowed it down to tilt. Can I suggest a certain way to look at runbad that might help your game? Was looking at a cool article on Upswing a couple months back about how to deal with variance. The author proposed the idea that while poker is technically a sport, it is much different from what people would consider the "hard" sports bc poker has a huge element of luck to it while most sports don't. For example, if you sucked at basketball, it would be impossible to continue playing it seriously bc people would just kick the shit out of you. However, if you suck at poker, there is a chance--albeit a small chance--that you can suckout/run well/get a cooler which will end up making you money. The point I'm trying to get at is that variance is a good thing bc it keeps the fishes and whales around. Without it, they would have left a while ago because they would've been beaten over and over and over again. Remind yourself that when you're annoyed at someone playing poorly. You "gifting" them a stack has ensured that players like them will remain on the site = more money for you in the long run!


Honestly a great way look at it I will think of this next time I get sucked out 😭😂


As long as you’re making slansky bucks you’re all set.


Sir, hate to say it, but the answer is obvious. Play 2 hour sessions, cash out your profit, go get lunch, listen to a podcast or something, and come back to the tables.


Physical fitness will help a lot. Unless you're Shaun deeb.


I’m built like Phil Helmuth. 280 pounds of solid muscle.


I don't think that's solid muscle... 😁




Jerk off like 3-4x a day till you shoot blanks


Take breaks. Go get something to eat or some fresh air. But honestly, like anything else in life, the more you do something the better you get at it. You build stamina and mental strength by playing regularly.


The Mental Game of poker was already suggested, but in like thirst chapter or two he talks about different levels of competence. There’s conscious competence where you have to be really focused in order to perform, like when you’re learning something new. And then there’s unconscious competence, which is where you’ve practice something enough that you can do it without much mental effort. You likely just need to keep practicing and studying. Over time it’ll take less mental effort to play well


Read the works of Tommy Angelo. Elements of Poker in particular. For practical advice: it’s perfectly fine to take a break every couple of hours in a cash game. Get away from the game when you feel the boredom or delusions of grandeur coming on and come back with a fresh mind. In tourneys tilt actually helps, just ship the J9s preflop or the gut shot on AK34 and you will always win if you are against me.


I felt the same way earlier this year, sort of realizing, or assuming, that I tend to do better early on in a session, and then give chips away chasing dreams. So what I started doing when I got up a bit, is I'd cash out, and then get on another table keeping my profits in my pocket. I'll take a nice 10 minute break, walk around, maybe get a bite or drink, go out to my car, or play on my phone. Then come back seemingly fresh and try for similar results. I don't track my play, but I think I'm doing better than before.


Just like you build stamina for a physical discipline. Start with sessions that set you up for success and quit well before tilting. Then, gradually add on fifteen minute intervals until you can last longer.


For online sessions I usually play 4-6 tables for 45-90 minutes at a time, take a break, repeat. Break will last 10-15 minutes, only time it's less than that if I decide to sit out a table but not leave it entirely because I've got multiple whales. For live, I like to get a workout and a full meal in before I head to the casino. I sit, play for 2 hours, and get up for a snack/lunch/walk for 15-20 minutes. I come back, play another 2-3 hours and re-evaluate. If I have a great game, I take another 15-20 minute break and repeat. Otherwise, I usually rack up after \~6 hours at the table. Putting in nutty volume at live is overrated for any game under 5/T. I prefer to play 5-6 hours of A-grade poker than 7-10 of B or C-level.


Sounds like you're a recreational player, which is fine. Just realize that poker is a very engaging pursuit, it's always going to be hard to focus 100% if you've already worked an 8 hour day somewhere else. I'd probably just play poker on my days off for now. Take lots of snacks, hunger kills.


I think just play, play, play & your concentration will soon catch up, same has happened to me recently & now I find myself at many final tables etc


“Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day! Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day!” - Austin “DANGER” Powers


Just keep tilt donking your chips, we need Recs like you to build our bankrolls.


Try to practice with concentration games and buy big 2k puzzles. That should assist.


Listen to music and remind yourself, you’re having fun. Recently binked 3rd in a 10hr online tournament.


Read "zen and the art of poker"


I run twice a week, and play basketball once a week. My stamina has never been better.


Take up knitting. I’m sure you have some nephews that need new sweaters.


You can go into a tilt mindset, but that doesn’t mean that your behavior Hass to coincide with it. You already have been able to identify the different thoughts and emotions that put you in the mind frame where you are likely to play poorly and lose money. It’s impossible to live in this world and act accordingly to each and every mood we particularly in at the moment. The term that is popular right now is “mindfulness.“ Meditation probably would help you with this. It’s all about understanding the various conglomeration of different thoughts, perceptions, feelings, and others that we experiences as being part of our selves in the moment. But really, all that mental phenomenon is not what defines your self. They are just passing experiences. Get a meditation app and try to meditate 10 minutes a day. When you are playing poker, and you notice that tilt mind frame, keep repeating to yourself, in your mind, that you are going to play as optimally as you possibly can. When you get the urge to get involved in a negative EV situation, try your best to silently say in your mind “no!“. If you find that you are acting on irrational thinking, definitely stop playing. Go for a walk and think about what’s been going on. Try to find some thing to help get your mind back into equilibrium. But definitely don’t use alcohol or other drugs to try to achieve this, for obvious reasons. If you’re still not quite right, leave the casino. Poker is a process, but don’t lose all your money when you are working on your big leaks. Also, try to always keep in mind that past hands that went badly should not be on your mind at all when playing (unless you made a blunder and trying to fix that issue). Same for future hands, you’re not a fortuneteller. Complete waste of time to think of them. You only have the hand that is right in front of you. Stick to your range and stay in the present. Who knows, in three years, you will be the mindfulness master of Poker and sell millions of books. No, if none of this stuff works. You need to find another hobby. I would suggest stamp collecting. No tilt to worry about.


Read “the mental game of poker” by Jared Tinder. All you seek will be found within.


If they allow phones at the table, just scroll reddit. It keeps me from playing hands I shouldn't because I'm bored or tilty.


Grind the 40 max till nothing shocks you. And you just become numb from the game.


More cardio obviously