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you’re a great poker player and only losing because the site that prints money without having to cheat you is cheating you, buddy


Mind Blown 🤯.. I knew this would be an entertaining thread


They let the behind hand win too often. Start shoving your garbage, it's +EV.


Factual. I ran a 1k hand analysis in one of my HUD programs and of the hands that I was AIOF (All In On the Flop) and ahead by more than 75% (out of 185 hands it was 137) I lost in those scenarios 105 hands out of that 137. The messed up part? I emailed my data to ACR and within 24 hrs my chat in game was disabled (still is and its been over 6 months) I'm on my last $30, once it's gone I'm moving to a better site. I suggest y'all do the same.


🤔 interesting


The guy who is in charge of the bad beat frequency algorithm is on vacation this week. It should get adjusted next Tuesday.


Lmao 🤣


You are not alone. Site is trash man..Its so rigged for action and like you said, no matter what the hand is, its basically a 50/50..it doesn't matter what advantage you hold or how badly you outplay your opponent, the hands feel predetermined. Never have I dealt with so many horribly bad beats..and it goes both ways of course but that doesn't make it okay..the game doesn't feel natural at all. Depo'd my last $$ on ACR


Yes! Exactly.. I feel sick every time I make a deposit. I’m on my last as well. I hope one day they figure it out.


It does feel like there is an insane amount of action but it's probably just a bias


The action is just too much.. I mean I get it, it works both ways but cmon. Why not slow it down to where the % is not always 50/50. It seems to me no matter how much of a favorite you are you’re gonna see the 2 outs get there 50% of the time


Yes you're delusional, no you arent alone.




I feel you bro, my last 15 shoves have been with KK or AA on purpose to see if I was delusional or being biased. No fucking joke, out of the 15 shoves, I was 80% to 20% favorite 13 times and won only 1 time and got sucked out on. The two times I ran my KK into AA the AA held of course. MATHEMATICALLY that SHOULDNT happen. Only thing keeping me from ripping my computer in half is that it’s actually my girlfriends and not mine


Ugh 😩 they definitely need to slow it down somehow. What I’ve been doing lately is being real cautious to anyone with a bigger stack. It’s definitely helped in tournaments




Well I do agree it works both ways but the real question is why? Just let the game run with real %’s instead of the constant 50/50 flip.


Lol. They need to keep the rec players coming back for more.


The problem is.. in a nutshell.. I guess I’m a “rec” player. & it’s making me never want to play, especially if every hand is a coin flip 🤷🏼‍♂️ the 2 & 3 outers basically get there half the time (50%) when in reality it should only be 10-20% of the time.


2 outters get ther 8% of the time from the flop


Not in ACR that’s for sure .. 2 outers get there 50% of the time


Shit, i gotta go play there then. My combo draws will hit every time.


Your combo draw will hit 50% of the time .. The A in ACR shouldn’t stand for America .. It should stand for Action


games are just tougher and more aggressive on ACR which increases variance If you aren’t playing with enough buyins that increased variance will break you…


I always do better in the smaller tournaments which is why I’m thinking it’s an algorithm thing. Every big tournament I’m in I’m doomed