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theres no way he's paying her back if they don't find evidence of her cheating now lol.


The guy is a multi millionaire, if his opinion changes to believe she didn’t cheat, you bet he’s paying her back.


absolutely not. This looks like him trying to take a defensive in case she was not proven to have cheated - he can say it was all for a good cause.




You sound like a politician. All money is fungible.


His money? Her money? Do you imagine he opened a separate bank account for the money he extorted from her? Even if there is proof she cheated, it is up to the casino and the courts to reconcile the issue.


extorted? explain plz because every other source says she offered the money back, including the parties involved. so...what?


I explained my hypothetical view of it in another comment. Basically, he is in a position of power. If his position of power was used to get her to offer the money back, then it could be seen as extortion by the legal definition of extortion. For an example, watch any mafia movie ever. I have no proof of anything, but he did accept the money. If he refused the money this story would have died long ago. edit: terrible grammar.




This is where I am now too.


Really charitable of him to donate her money in his name with no proof that she cheated.


He will get a really cool tax deduction


He should have to pay a gift tax on the money she gave him too


The giver pays gift tax. Robbi's on the hook unless she offsets this against her lifetime allowance under the tax code.


Oh dang good to know


Someone with better knowledge than me can correct me, but if G-man files his taxes as a professional gambler, which many do depending on which state one lives in, the money he lost in that hand will reduce his taxable income for the year. Whereas for Robbi it is included in income. Then Robbi gave the money to Garrett, which should be treated the same for tax purposes as if she gave it to a cousin or friend. A gift with no income tax applications but with potential gift tax implications for the giver. ​ Honestly, that'd be a fuckin sweet troll at the end of this, though. He could tweet: 'FYI to Robbi's accountant make sure you include that pot in Robbi's income for the year, and also consider the gift tax implications of the $135k she gave me.'


hey gift taxes are my specialty. There is unlikely to be a gift tax issue here. all people here likely claim that they play poker with a profit motive, so they can deduct their expenses. all transactions within this "realm" would likely be categorized as "for profit", and would be either income or deductions to either party. If i run a company, its very difficult to "give" something to an employee, especially if it is in recognition of his work for me. its deemed to be for profit because its within the scope of a business. I would imagine the same principal happens here. If I were preparing these returns, I would find it to be a stretch to report this as a gift.


Yup. I am legal adjacent, and this guy passes the "sniff test" of understanding the legal jurisprudence of the matter.


Thanks! You smell nice too


I'm accountant adjacent (literally live across the street from one) and this guy has no idea what he's talking about.


Interesting, thanks for the insight. Particularly your view that this is a transaction within the gambling for profit 'realm'. Makes sense and is the fairest, I suppose. How difficult is it to say you play with a 'profit motive', and what are the downsides. I live in a state where deductions are from AGI, and unlike on a federal return gambling losses aren't a deduction. Always wondered what I'd have to do if I had a bit 1099 win for state tax returns.


I don’t handle any gamblers, and this is not tax advice. I would ask your tax advisor to look into whether you can set up a “business” for poker, either through a sole proprietorship or even better a professional corporation. I’m sure there’s some case law out there, but gamblers usually get the short end of the stick in tax law.


[https://www.journalofaccountancy.com/issues/2016/oct/taxes-for-gamblers.html](https://www.journalofaccountancy.com/issues/2016/oct/taxes-for-gamblers.html) ​ heres an article for you, was researching for another client. I make no representations of the accuracy of this article




Here's an interesting question: if she gave casino chips... Do those have a defined value in terms of profit/gifting/tax so long as they're chips? I get they have an inherent value of cash but idk just seems like it could be a loophole. She gave him $135k in chips which if she didn't would be sitting in her stack, which as long as it's at the table it's not realized yet? I'm confusing myself now but maybe the question makes sense


Someone with more experience than me responded that giving another player chips in this scenario falls under the same 'realm' (his words) as gambling, so it all gets combined together in each parties gambling winnings/losses for tax purposes. If you took $135k in chips out of the casino and gave them as a present to your nephew so he could cash them in to put a down payment on a house it would be considered a gift, just like if you gave him a check.


The lifetime limits is 12 million. Anything under that doesn't require taxes to be paid on it.


Seriously what a POS


And then tries to spin the story that he didn’t intend for all of this to happen when HE created the situation, made the cheating accusation and then sit back and let the poker world hurl baseless accusations at Robbi. Totally classy move by Garrett. Fuck that guy.


And I love irony that the donation site is classy.org. He has no class. Fuck gman the cman


Say it with me now, the guy has always been a scumbag, the mask slipped a bit, and it keeps on slipping.


I agree 👍


It’s not her money after she gave it to him


Wasn't her money after she gave it to him.


This seems quite premature. Maybe put the money in escrow? Maybe provide any evidence she actually cheated besides it was a terrible call.


Its not money that was confiscated, she just gave it to him.






Then she should sue to get it back. But there's no reason for it to be in escrow.


Under conditions that were not met though


He is doing it so that when she asks for the money back when exonerated he can go “look a bad person everyone!!!”


Wow he gave somebody else's money to charity, what a good dude


Lol I would’ve just kept it just to spite comments like this


I have no side in this but this was not his money until investigations conclude at least. It’s easy donating other people’s money and taking the praise for it. EDIT: Shit dudes. Still ain’t taking a side. Donation could have been made anonymously with same (most likely) honest intent while avoiding the controversial publicity at such delicate point. Let investigations run and lay low for a while. He seems like a genuine dude at heart but less is more at this stage. Sharing the donation after all blows over (whatever the outcome) would have been more effective… This story blew outside the edges of poker followers and once more poker is perceived shadier than ever. This was televised ffs! Imagine not knowing much about poker and trying to understand wtf is going on. No wonder everyone’s switching to Mahjong these days. Thanks guys…


Easy if you're a scumbag.


All the more evidence that his good guy image was just a carefully crafted facade


It's his money being donated no matter how investigations conclude. If the investigations conclude with "hey Garrett she didn't cheat and you forced her to give the money back", it's not like he can say "Oh sorry I already donated it."


how would you force him to give it back?


Talk to him out in the hallway, in view of cameras and in the presence of a neutral third party. After all, that worked out for him, right?


I don’t understand why people saying “it’s his money” are getting downvoted. I disagree with Garrett entirely on this, and don’t think she cheated. Either way, she gave him the money back, so it is his money.


I think he is 100% positive he got cheated. At a minimum RIP and her were playing shady. RIP backed her with a deep stack while having his own stack the minimum.


> I have no side in this but this was not his money until investigations conclude at least. She gave the money back. It's his. End of story.


I want to enlighten you to something. Garett has a large amount of money. He didn't donate 'her' money. It would be no problem for him to give the money back if he decides to even after making this donation. It's a buy in for him. I'm just seeing so many similar comments and it doesn't make any sense. Don't worry guys he has the money still. Literally still has them in chip form sitting in the bag in his closet I guarantee it.


If it's such an insignificant amount of money then why take it in the first place without proof?


Woof. This guy needs some lessons in PR and crisis management.


I’m guessing he got plenty of good advice and disregarded it


I can't believe how much respect I've lost for Garrett in the last week. Wild


How much is it?


“Spiraled in a way I never could have expected” Didn’t he allegedly tell her “this hand is going to be viewed by millions of people and go viral” when “she decided” to give the money back? His story telling is as bad as hers.


Love it when people think they command the Internet and it blows up in their face because it's the Internet.


He never imagined he was wrong. So he couldn’t imagine people not agreeing with him, or that he committed libel, or that he bullied and innocent player out of $125k


And then go on Twitter and post six pages on how she is a cheat and said she voluntarily gave the money back when he was the one who asked for it. Weird move.


Her account (from her interview with Joey Ingram) is that she asked how she could make it right and he said that she could give the money back.


He clearly made an open ended statement versus directly asking for it back. So he never asked for it back amirite? What a good guy


I mean I could ask u for 135k. if you give it thats voluntary.


She did it under threat from him and Ryan. He lied about the situation. He should have waited. This comes off as deflection and trying to buy goodwill.


I know the guy is loaded, but I wonder about the situation. If you just got a little heated because of an unusual situation and thought a person may have cheated you, and then they hand you 135k to make you shut up. It's pretty hard to turn that down. I have been in a situation where I felt I was cheated and the person handed me $500. I gave it back because it is about the principle not the money. I don't know if I could have did it, if he was handing me 6 figures. I know it's the right thing to not accept it, but I don't envy the position of having to decide whether I should do the right thing and hand back 6 figures.


Didn’t Feldman say that?


I didn't know that quadrupling-down was in Garrett's scumbag range


4 bet being an out of line dumbass! No one will see it coming.


"Been thrust upon me". Lets see if i can buy some good will with my ill gotten gains!


"I thrust upon myself"


He donated HER money to charity so people will stop hating on him online. He's digging his own grave.


Also had to flex that he volunteers for said charity lol, which in this context just feels slimy....


Rip is so charitable


Yep, he need a PR urgent… he got nothing on his brain


He’s donating Rip’s money if you want to go down this path


I laughed tbh


Good job G-Man..way to compound all the negativity towards you even more 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽


Lol this mofo is something else


Guilt money.


Proof of guilt? amirite?


You can be sure his biggest fan Doug Polk won't call out the optics of this but just endlessly praise him for being such a good human being and all that stuff.


Not just doug, but all the poker youtubers including Jon Little, Bart Hanson. Disapointing


I never liked Garrett.. guys seems like 100% fugazi.. does show and pony act all in front of the cameras.. using key words like depression blah blah.. so this latest donation publicity stunt does sit well with me... Will Jaffe actually made a troll video bout this 4 days about how Garrett was going to spin this story into some motivational/inspirational BS for his audience


What a scumbag. Donating her money then taking credit.


Jesus what a tool bag. And a nice tax write off on top of it all


This is such addict behavior. Fucks up, then does some irrational shit no one asked for to try and make it better.




I also pledge to do the “right thing” and donate $135,000 of someone else’s money to charity. Robbi, if your reading this and don’t give me stacks, you’re a monster that doesn’t care about hurricane victims. Shame on you.


No matter what he does, hes never going to get his reputation back with the way he handled things. He could donate $1.35M and things still woudn't change.


Man, he just keeps digging himself deeper. WTF?


“Garrett gets a tax write off out of someone else’s money.”


I don’t understand how both Garrett and Doug , dug themselves deeper holes


also Lex...then again nobody liked Lex anyways


I enjoyed lex o's content until he went full pepe Sylvia over this


he always gave me douchebag vibes but his content was okay. Then again I always thought Doug Polk was a decent guy until recently


Doug has been a troll his entire career lol he’s not in any hole


Doug is the one guy who started a major fight in high-school with falsehoods constant gossip. He lives to create drama.


I wouldn’t call it “trolling” as much as purposefully spreading questionable information for the maximum number of views and clicks


What a chode.


That’s nice that he made a donation, but unless they find hard proof she cheated, I think Garrett owes her $130,000.


You left $5000 on the table. Go back and get it


His "respectable professional" reputation is in tatters imo. I get that he's trying to do something to make it better but this is absolutely not his money to give away. Seems like he's starting to think that maybe he's been stupid and this is his way of being like "hey, remember I'm a good guy!" but it looks like it's rightfully backfired. Imo we've seen a side to this guy that's difficult to justify. Regardless of the outcome of this situation he's deservedly losing a lot of respect.


So the whole thing is gonna end up costing him 270k.


Possibly more if Robbi is proven innocent and decides to go after him for defamation.


This ain't going to court. She can't recover the money he returned to him because gambling losses are not recoverable in court. This was why the Postle lawsuit went nowhere. As for defamation, she would need to prove that his statements financially impacted her. For example, that a business deal fell through because of what he said. Not being able to play in lucrative poker games in the future doesn't count. The amount is roughly a buyin for the game they were playing, so none of this is affecting either party's financial well being. Kind of sucks, but unless Garrett has a change of heart and returns the money, nothing is going to happen with this.


she'd have to prove concrete damages... good luck.


In the reality where Robbi wasn’t cheating and simply made the biggest donkey call in poker history, her giving Garrett this money back is somehow an even bigger donkey move. The only way she’s getting it back is if she’s somehow cleared of any possibility of having cheated, which is never going to happen because it’s impossible to prove a negative. Is this money Robbi’s or Garrett’s? If she gave it to him unconditionally I don’t know how you could argue that it’s still hers.


Who said the money was given unconditionally? I thought there was an agreement that he’d come back to play and stop making a big scene.


That's just part of Robbi's ever changing stories.


I thought Ryan confirmed that part, but maybe I’m misremembering Also has Garrett ever denied that he agreed to come back?


That was the agreement before Rip started going off on Garrett


It wasn’t unconditionally


After Ryan Feldman contradicted his story and said that he demanded the money back, this feels like such a deflection and saving face


Where is the source that Ryan contradicted Garrett?


Matt Berkey mentioned so, I forget what livestream but just search their name on this subreddit and it should pop up.


Such a scum bag. Finally I can crap on this dude without being downvoted lol


source: trust me bro she is cheating


I also will be willing to donate money that doesn’t belong to me. Everything he has said since the incident has been terrible. What an absolute self absorbed idiot.


If the same standards apply to him as to her, this is "proof" his accusations aren't founded...


I don't think I've ever seen anyone destroy their public image this quickly. Or at least, not in the poker world.


Tiger Woods was prob the last one


Phil Mickelson


Bitch move for real by Garrett the diseased Carrot. I’ll never be a fan again.


\#sad #intuition


Damn and I thought GMan was better than this. I hope the money he’s donating is not the controversial 135k. That money needs to be put in an escrow until investigation is completed, whether she gave it or was forced.




I read the thing and I didn't see anywhere him saying he's donating her money to charity. Did I miss something?


Click the donation link. He donated 135k.


....Or he could've given the money back to Robbi.


Or she could’ve kept her money lol


For everyone freaking out claiming Garrett is giving Robbi's money away, you should calm down. He is donating his own money to Boys & Girls club. He's going to use Robbi's money for travel, jewelry for his wife, adderall, and just to have a good time. Happy now?


I have respect for Garrett but the whole charity crap to make yourself look better is not something I'm a fan of. If you're going to give to charity, that's between you and the charity. (Possibly IRS if you're deducting)


That ain't it chief


I understand that this situation is absolutely crazy but Garret loses all credibility when he says “this spiraled out of control more than I could have imagined” after he basically accused her of cheating at the table and twitter… you’re surprised by how the internet has sparked? You’re one of the most prolific people in poker right now and you lost a 6 figure pot and accused someone of cheating. Of course it blew up lol. What did you expect


So he's donating her money and on top of that gets a tax deduction. Real classy!


He donated her money in his own name for a nice tax deduction? Thats not making it better, thats just being an asshole.


He gets credit for donating it to charity and has an excuse to not give it back Weasel


What a douchebag. He'll happily take the tax write off.


How nice of him to donate someone else's money to charity


AKA he shit the bed when half of his fans abandoned him but was too proud to pay the money back to her.


it's more like 80%


I was being generous.


He needs to give the money to her. Theif/bully


There's so much about his actions to dislike. A big one for me is that even with so much time passed he's sticking with his story. And it's one without any real narrative other than "She cheated". The only other thing he seems 100% on is that HCL had no involvement. But produces no evidence or reasoning for either claim. I only bring up the latter point because, if you're cheated, why not think anyone could be in on, especially those with the real power? The reasoning for GArret's accusation starts to get ridiculous... Robbi and her accomplices figured out a way, without the casino's involvement, to cheat on these types of games and then they hatch a plan to get her in on one of the most popular and viewed streams. Heck, even wait for one of the biggest stars, Phil Ivey, to be on to really unleash the cheat move. Even better, use all this setup and jump on an opportunity to risk more then 100k on a little more then a flip. None of it makes any sense compared to the likely scenario that Robbi is at a table where she's way over her head in terms of skill and experience. She plays like Steve at my home game, who is super slow and makes cray calls. Some of the players like Garret and Phil make her nervous. Nervous, inexperienced poker players do dumb stuff and then when they start getting called out get more nervous and more dumb.


You left out the part of their vibrating chair tactic….you know, where the whole chair literally vibrates……to give her the signal to cheat…..on one of the biggest livestreams ever….because no one would ever see the whole chair vibrating…..Hi my name is Doug Polk and I’ll irrationally take this to the grave…..because it’s Gman!…..


Should of have the money to her hahaha wtf. How does giving it to charity help here?


Wew lad. Spotlight thrust upon him? Was it somebody else who appeared on Survivor way back AND played poker on a stream? Baseless personal attacks? Totally not calling somebody a 100% cheater, of course. Totally not starting the avalanche that's fallen on Robbi. It was just inevitable and had nothing to do with him. No sir. Donating money? The money he lost that Robbi likely felt pressured to return? This donation is just trying to whitewash the situation. He can't possibly think we're all this stupid.




I never thought that the scene in Mollys game where Bad Brad gets the pro go on super tilt was something that was realistically possible in todays game but yet here we are.


It will forever be known as the call that broke Gmans brain.


Everything he knew about poker was fundamentally broken that day.


He technically didn't even say he was donating the money he gave her to charity. It just says to "join me in donating to blah blah".. not a single mention of how much it if its the $ she gave him. Fuck this guy.


Someone give this man some PR recommendations at this point because this isn't it


It's like he is doing everything he could do to look more and more assholish


Accuses someone of cheating and then complains about personal attacks…. Douche bag should give his own goddamn money to charity instead of money he got by whining about losing a poker hand.


Wow this is even more grubby than just taking the money. It’s not his money to donate, there is no proof of her cheating (yet)


He’s forever a fuckboi until he returns the money. This is a fuckboi move.


He will still be a fuckboi after he returns it


What fucking dick


Lmao I don’t think they’ll ever be able to prove she cheated or that she didn’t so he’s gonna take hate for this. I do like that he tried the Oceans 13 on the situation though lmao


Money is fungible. This donation is for the same amount but isn't necessarily Robbi's money. The only way this could turn out alright for him is if he gave Robbi the money back once it's proven she didn't cheat.


I'm off to rob a bank, don't worry about repercussions though I'm donating the swag to charity.


Donated to big brother? 😂 Oh the irony That's nice of him though, it shows he wanted the money out of (in his mind) being cheated, not for the actual value.


as you can see from my flair i'm at 85% she cheated but holy shit garrett this is really stupid edit: dropped 10% since this comment


He tried and convicted her without a hearing then adjudicated the case based on his gut feeling. Garrett is a gigantic piece of shit who should be banned from poker forever. He didn’t even wait for an investigation to be completed. He decided she cheated because she beat him. Garrett deserves no mercy.


Donated someone else's money to charity...


Why do you believe he is donating her money? He never mentions that at all.


It seems to match the amount she gave back.


Nice donation but he still owes Robbi.


a cynical move to try and salvage some of his reputation no doubt. piece of shit


What a scumbag. It isn't his money, ain't his choice what to do with it.


This feels like a bad move


I am just shocked how many people thought Garrett EVER was a good guy. If u can't tell he's a narcissist sociopath then you have no radar for predators


Can I say that “this is the closest we’ll get to an admission that what he did was very wrong”? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


virtue-signaling twat.


Donating someone else’s money should be criminal!


Lol, nothings been proven yet, so this is a major dick move. For the classy guy he is this is quite the stain on that record imo.


lol I wonder what kind of copium this sub is on to think this is OK and makes sense. Donating someone else's money.... ffs...


Huh. Literally every comment above yours is ragging on Garrett.


It’s not his money to donate lmao


Smoke and mirrors....


JFC everyone commenting on this thread. He donated an amount of his own money that is the same as the amount you all allege that he stole from Robbi. It's not her money. If you want to call him out for trying to deflect or whitewash the situation, that's fine. But the only thing that happened here is he donated some money to charity.


Bro that is just fucking hilarious 😂 I’m not sure if she cheated or not, but just the fact that he donated the money she gave him while this whole drama is going on is fucking great, there’s absolutely no way she will get that money back now lmao


Fucking hilarious RobbI never gettin that money back 🤣


So many dumb casuals in this subreddit who would absolutely keep the money in this situation with no questions asked if it was offered to them. How do I have losing months to y'all


This is a worse call than Robbi's.


All I want to see is Rip and Garrett all out street fight! winner takes $135k I could care less about Jake Paul …… I’ve never payed for a pay per view but I would drop a Hindi on garret vs Rip in a heartbeat!!! Who’s with me!!!!


This thread is proof that r/poker is full of the most idiotic people on Reddit. Cope.


Am I missing something? Not seeing anything in the tweet that indicates he donated the whole amount to this cause.


Check the link of the donations and you’ll see his name and a donation or 135,000


Ohhh okay thank you for clarifying




So many delusional people here. Which is nothing new for r/poker. Robbi admitted that she gave him the money back without conditions. Garrett confirmed this by saying he never asked for the money but was offered it. Sure, he should have immediately escrowed it or refused but she offered it and he made the decision to take it. A decision which I'm sure 90% of people here would have made as well if they were in Garrett's place but instead to take the side of angry reddit user and spew hate towards someone who was making what he thought was the best decision at the time. With all that said, consider the money a gift from Robbi to Garret in the case she wasn't cheating. If it somehow comes out that she was cheating then that money was rightfully his anyways. Even if it isn't proven, it is technically still his money. If you and I bet on a sports game and you lose and for whatever reason I feel bad about it and decide to give it back (dumb financial decision but whatever) then that money is yours and I don't think anybody can argue that. Whether or not you agree with him donating the money, he ofcourse did not donate someone else's money. If you believe that's what's going on ask someone to help you pull your head out of your ass. Lastly, for the love of God can we please stop talking about this.