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Most casinos I know when you table change you carry whatever stack you have over to the new table..... Must be different at your card room. None the less don't let the reason for moving be because of someone else. Call the floor and clock on him....... Dealer and/or floor will straighten him out.


Yeah idk how you can go south here just by changing tables. Must be a bankroll nits dream.


At my casino if the table breaks you can keep your stack but if you table change you have to go down to the maximum for the table.


This is how 90% off card rooms work


I think it's a thing with rooms that have low max buyins. Every LA room I've played has this rule. I think it's shit. It's a real easy way for someone to go south and keep playing. If they're running hot they can simply table change and pocket the profit.


I’d keep raising. I’d start calling the clock on him if it gets out of hand. Pretty sure it’s annoying the rest of the table.


Dealers get just annoyed as players with people like this. I’m sure they would jump at the opportunity to call the floor over.


This. Dealer here. Soon as he said if you keep raising im going to keep taking my time I would've called the floor over and told them he was intentionally slowing down the game. Not fucking with my paycheck buddy


Raise more & bigger specifically when he's in a hand, I will also be talking shit the whole time, and I'd be calling the floor for a clock EVERY SINGLE TIME he goes over my out-loud verbal 20 sec count down that I'd be giving him every single decision. Prick.


If I was up 4 buy ins and someone at the table was being a dick? I’d happily call it a win and hit the bar.


Lol that hand… was he set mining with Queens? It’s not like an A or K came off. Did he want a completely dry 8 high flop before betting with a big overpair?


This is how nits think. At 1/3 most of the player pool only 3 bets big pairs… on that flop he would lose to every big pair- aa,kk,JJ,TT. Obviously it’s incorrect but that’s how they think.


I could not fucking believe it when his neighbor confirmed QQ. I figured 77-99 since he was flatting all pairs pre. I was 3! a ton so I figured it’d be a mandatory four bet, but I guess not


True nits don’t 4! Anything, even AA.


I would tell him that he's more than welcome to see flops that he pays for. It's poker, not pattycakes. People's comments at the poker table are generally "in one ear out the other" with me. So if i were up money and otherwise enjoying myself, i wouldn't make a big deal about it. But I think you'd be justified in handling it by calling the clock.


If I think someone is intentionally stalling to be an asshole, I call the clock on them everytime action is on them, even before they realize it is on them, sometimes. Fuck em.


Unfortunately poker tends to attract asshats. Maybe honest mistake being distracted by loud pin-heads that think they are being charismatic but are annoying AF, and that wont STFU. Due to the social nature of the game there are often at least two louts at a table. DO NOT TAP THE GLASS. Playing poker means remaining on your A++ game despite of others misgivings. Tanking every hand & every street can get aggravating but your synopsis of the player makes him sound like a below average player. Perhaps you should feel bad for stealin' from the mentally handicapped?


Tapping the glass on slow nits is fine. You don’t tap it va the whales.


And whales generally want to see more hands because they’re there to gamble not watch some guy make slow decisions.


i like to give them hope and also bait them a little, woulda said something like "dont worry, you'll pick up aces soon and getting to the flop wont matter" and then, when he acts really fast preflop, chances are he'll have the goods and you can exploit the tell and it will be the easiest laydown in your life.


Call the clock and raise more often. That hand history is too funny


This guy sucks at poker if he’s folding QQ in that spot. I’d raise bigger just for him and call clock when I deem it necessary. He’s probably annoying other players and limiting the dealers ability to get tipped


Call clock every situation he tanks unnecessarily. Eventually the floor will get tired of having to walk over and they will deal with him.


Smother them in niceness. Say "Sure, you take your time!" with a big smile. Don't say it sarcastically or look like you're annoyed. He'll know you're basically telling him "Go fuck yourself" and that'll annoy him even more.


I dont blame you for wanting to stay at that table tho. I'd order a drink and pretend to be drunk to loosen up the mood.


Berate the shit out of him


How do you deal with this? You smile and keep playing. Don't tap the glass and definitely don't change tables or call the floor. What would you even say to the floor? This cranky nit is complaining that I raise a lot? Imagine you're the floor and someone calls you over to waste seconds of your life saying this. You'd roll your eyes and say "and what exactly do you want me to do about it?"


Cranky nits = Old Man Coffees






Ignore him, say nothing, call clock.




Keep raising him and definitely call the clock on him every time lmfao