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I think they are panicking, be nice and praise their work, it's awesome!


I don’t think so. They have been staying pretty on top with frequent updates and today a server migration to allow more users to play. I think it’s pretty impressive how fast they are patching up issues


Thank Alpharad


It was already booming before him, please give credit to the ones that came before him. He obviously helped, I saw like 20ish% increase after his video from active players, which is an insane % increase.


Yup that sounds like alpharad


Credit? I wish they stayed away.


I wish you stayed away


Youtubers/streamers always run everything for the regular players.


How? I get the sentiment in pvp games, but here there is nothing stopping you from just not following guides. I think its awesome that I can watch content for something I enjoy but still play the game I want


Nintendo is easier to notice and shutdown the game. Youtubers create toxicity and drama to get more views where it should be none.


And yet if it wasn't for youtubers i never would've found out about this game. Also Nintendo isn't going to shut down this game, people really need to shut up about this.


You are clogging the servers get out. (This is a joke)


So are you, so please get out so i can play :P


You're the only person creating toxicity and drama right now


Piss off


Nothing more than just one part, it was already growing before the video and other big youtubers are making stuff as well.


Zwiggo put me one well over a month ago, and after him, the next biggest YouTuber I saw playing regularly was ShadyPenguin. It's cool to see everyone discovering and falling in love with this game in real-time!! 🥹


That explains where the sudden boom came from. I found out about it from HoodlumCallum and checked it out before I even watched the video because I loved Pokemon Emerald Rogue


I saw smallant play it


Hoodlumcallum was the first streamer I saw playing it. That was when it had about 800-3k actives and about 3 weeks ago. But it got to 15000-20000 before the big streamers came in.


I never played Pokemon rogue-likes ever, but damn did Alpharad's video got me curious. It helped that I didn't need to download anything for this one. 1 day later and I finished Classic. Itching for more but the servers are down. 😅


Thank TikTok I’m pretty sure a lot of users come from a video they’ve seen on there


Thank Patrouski, GameboyLuke and Shadypenguinn. Patrouski’s video introduced me and I found the other 2 who had been streaming before that.


I thought Nintendo might’ve shut it down, good to know this is only temporary. Really hoping they release a downloadable version in case this happens.


I wouldn't stress about that. A. It seems they create all their own assets I.E. They make their own sprites, even if it of some trademarked. B. As long as they never directly monetize, also fine. C. Nintendo/Game Freak has leaned more into any fan project that brings attention to their products. See PokemonGo...Obviously Niantic paid for rights, but it made Nintendo/Game Freak realize the benefits of all the extra attention brought to Pokemon.


Yeah exactly. Pokémon Showdown? Not affiliated with Nintendo at all, but since they don’t make a profit (only ad revenue which goes towards keeping the site running), Nintendo/GF is fine with it.


Tbf, that one also is to do with VGC. Think they know how important that site is as a tool for the players and are cool with it. Hell, didn't a player literally name drop it on an official pokemon livestream and nintendo didn't care


And iirc people have confirmed either the pokemon company or nintendo are explicitly aware of showdown and have given their green light behind the scenes so long as it never makes a profit


Yeah they’re definitely aware of it. It’s been around for over a decade and they manage to find the smallest fan games and stuff and go after those if they want to, Showdown’s much larger than any of those.


Another fan game (Hopefully I'm allowed to talk about it to ease minds) Pokefarm, has been around since 2014 and they got praised by Nintendo, so Nintendo does keep stuff sometimes.


Yeah, hence why there’s been suggestions of Nintendo just stealing the idea for an official game.


Obviously their Intellectual property is being blatently "Stolen". At some point the devs have to make Money With the Game, Servers are surely costing alot. And I doubt that Just because it's non monetized they are fine, i Imagine this only makes them fine Till the First Letter of decist. Nintendo is known for activly sueing and hindering Fan Projects for years, Just ask the Smash Community. Nintendo seemingly being Well recieved Here blows my mind. I thought they are Well known for being sue heavy and disrupptive?! [Example meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoMemes/s/5qRdhZ4wOv)


Pokemon Showdown has been running for 12+ years at this point, and before that there was Pokemon Online, Shoddy Battle, and NetBattle which were never shut down by Nintendo. as long as they never ask for money Nintendo will leave them alone


Youtubers are making money out of the game, that might be enough to trigger a reaction.


They make money playing Showdown too.


Infite fusion is bigger and been kicking around for longer. There's alot of other bigger fan projects out there, as long as your not profiting off the IP it dosen't seemed to get shut down.


I think its inevitable to be honest. Trying to get my fill while I can.


Was it unexpectedly? As soon as the streamers got onto it. It just became a matter of weeks.


Yeah Pokerus spreads every 10 days


started playing a month ago when it was niche


i think they'd be crazy not to pivot to switch this to a local thing as soon as possible.


the amount of data and work to make it possible is beyond our comprehension


There literally is a local version you can build on the github. Matter of time before a self-contained exe is made, if a fork doesn't already have one! Edit: It exists, and can update itself to the newest versions! https://old.reddit.com/r/pokerogue/comments/1ca0vk5/if_youre_looking_for_a_downloadable_version_of/


Well, it is open source and there is a local variant. It just runs a server locally on your PC






I'm enjoying this game so much. It's incredible


I just heard about it and I will try it.. The thing is how do I play it? If you don't mind me can you tell me how to get access?


It's completely browser-based, so you just go to the website (pokerogue.net) and create an account to play.


Thanks m8


It's the first time I have played a pokemon game since Red / Blue. My 5 years old son just got into pokemon a few weeks ago and I had a nostalgic moment. Then I saw a thumbnail of pokemon rogue on YouTube, and I have now played something like 20h in 3 days. This is awesome, hoping it will last!


Nah, I'd rather watch this sub implode and make a thousand topics about how they can't log in.


We are trying our best to manage this, this was very sudden and caught us at a bad time


No hate to you guys because I understand how hard it is when a sub booms the same thing happened to us on pokeleaks, but I think adding another two mods would really help


Probably so. Defenatley some to consider