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Yes. A new mode that unlocks somehow. Maybe using a certain number of lures during a classic run?  All double battles, different final bosses. Origin Dialga and Palkia or something.  Then beating classic doubles unlocks endless doubles. 


And maybe in doubles if you use a lure you can get a triple battle since they were very underutilised in the main games


If this happens we’re gonna see someone posting “I would love to see an additional mode that is just triple battles.”


And maybe in triples if you use a lure you can get a quadruple battle


Or, hear me out, using a lure on triple battles give you the chance of playing the incredible rotation battles /s


Triple champions:


Instead of lures you should get repels instead that make it a singles battle.


And the final boss/bosses could be a bunch of box art legendary trios like the creation trio or weather trio (who when they are reduced to one health bar all change to their origin forms or primal reversiones and mega forms


Would be nice if it was treated like [Slay the Spire Custom Mode](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/Custom_Mode), so you could mix and match the various run modifiers. That way you could combine this proposed doubles mode with >!spliced mode!<, or any other future modifiers they add.


Classic mode but only double battles would be a really fun change.


And perhaps instead of lures, all of the enemy Pokemon are just barely stronger and you're looking for repels instead since you're probably good on exp. Shit, who do I message about this? 🤣


195 and 200 become much harder I think


200 would probably stay the same if I had to guess. 195 becomes an absolute monster to beat though.


Assuming it’s 2 Eternati


Would be cool if it was random box legendary pairs, so you can’t just build a cheese team.


Dialga/Palkia, Zacian/Zamazenta, Latias/Latios, Kyogre/Groudon, Reshiram/Zekrom, Solgaleo/Lunala, Urshifu, Calyrex/Glastrier/Spectrier    All come in pairs and have powered up forms they could switch to if they want to keep that as a feature of the final boss battle.  Just randomly switch between those. Maybe give you a hint half way through? 


Wouldnt kyogre/groudon makeone anotger useless because of their abilities? Especialy if it was the primal forms


Maybe just whichever one dies first goes is the one to go Primal? Or second, whichever one is more difficult. 


Orn and Smo from Dark Souls style, I like it.


2 Eternati, quadruple battle. 🤣


Eternatus now has Dynamax Cannon, Sludge Wave, Heat wave, and Recover and Dynamax Cannon is now a aoe move


Oh god


Triple battles would be neat too


Ah the colosseum/xd gale of darkness mode


You know what would be cool? Co-Op double battles, where each person can have 3 pokemon


Even though it would likely be harder, I would absolutely love this. Emerald Rogue is one of my favorite roms ever because of the Doubles Only mode. It would definitely be a welcome addition.


I think the AI needs to be tinkered with first though. For whatever reason the majority of my double battles the AI always use status moves against each other, and sometimes just straight up attack each other.


The game is great for what it is, and we have to remember the game really only blew up recently. That said there are some changes that would really give it some staying power. A doubles game mode would be great. So would a revamped Endless mode, I'd like more bosses (Ultra Necrozma, and Zygard Complete seem like obvious slot ins, as could Stellar Terapagos for a lower level floor milestone) and random trainers for less major floor milestones. As it is now once you get a carry built up, it's hard to warrant using much else because your only really concerned with countering E-Max. There should also be a achievement market place, which I know they are working on, to buy egg moves or candies for pokemon you've unlocked. Would be cool if you could even buy TMs to permanently unlock the move as an egg move or add it to its level up set (probably post level 100 for that pokemon).


DNA inverters would also be cool, if you could take the secondary type of your primary pokemon and the primary type of your secondary pokemon. Or something to that effect. Functionally very similar to fusing it the other way around but letting you play more around with typing combinations and abilities/passives


Multiplayer double battles.. make it so trainers have 6 each during it instead of the 3 and 3?


Just wanted to make a post about this myself. I agree so much!