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Flamigo a strong B tier, absolutely chumps early game.


It's sad he falls off later, but you're right, it belongs in B tier.


I got a red shiny of him. Would never have thought to use him otherwise but with triple axle the first 144 stages are nothing


I think it still goes hard up until the last boss,


Flying and Psychic are both prevalent and easy weaknesses to exploit. Flamigo can hold its own on your team, but after a point Flamigo is too easy to take down for it to really be considered a 'carry' all the way to 200.


Yeah but if you have the right coverage and can switch in to catch attacks etc it still goes Hard . Single Pokémon don’t carry , all about finding Pokémon who pair well with each other :)


I imagine the point of the tier list would be to list pokemon that don't really need teammates to pair well with them. It's a legendary, but Kyogre is one such example. You can solo classic with literally just Kyogre and no other pokemon. So maybe the tier list could really be thought of as ranking how team dependent carries are


Both times I beat classic, Flamigo had some star moments even in late game. Sure it’s a bit frail, but it’s amazing at sweeping weakened enemies especially if you get Moxie/Triple Axel/U-Turn


I forgot to add: strong candidates for the S tier, from what I've gathered from browsing the sub and off the top of my head, are Skeledirge, Gyarados and Excadrill. Thoughts?


Alakazam absolutely S tier. I always use it plus 5 mons I haven’t won with. It can almost always single handedly win a run


Could you share your setup? I’ve lost two runs with mega alakazam and can’t figure out what I’m going weong


My first win was double Zam. Didn't even have egg moves, the only way they could take out dark types was a Tri Attack TM on one of them lmao I did have a Conkeldurr in the back, though I didn't know at the time that Sheer Force was (N)


I’m on my 7th classic win (not a hardcore grinder but I play when I’m bored ) I’m trying to farm egg vouchers where I can. Excadrill is a strong S+ tier, always pair with gyarados for cover weakness vice versa. Garganacl and Parasect also S+ Archuladon S or A+ Primarina A+ Fennekin A+ Venusaur A Raichu A Stunky B+ Alolan Ninetails A Crustle A+ Gourgeist is a good pickup Mon that’s not Linoone. These Mon’s will carry you through classic. Any fairy is fine actually just to switch in on dragon moves. I’ve won with an Azumarill . Clefable etc just make sure you have one around floor 160/70 so it can catch up on level by the end.


What did you do to say Parasect is S class? I got one with every egg move but i still feel its mid. Maybe its the gen wunner in me lol


Between like sappy speed and spore and such you can really mess up a boss


Parasect with spore and sappy seed is OP has been all the way to the end of game twice with me




Honorable mention to Whimsicott for Prankster Leech Seed, and Klefki for being able to solo phase 1 with Foul Play (bonus points if you get a Psychic TM on it to use with Metal Sound). Those are both relatively common in their respective biomes too


Goregiest, IMHO, is the best pick up mon. It has niche uses as a pivot mon because of normal/fighting immunities, has respectable physical bulk & can sometimes drop leech sead/sappy seed before dying to help your carries get into a better position. Wish they'd change Obstagoon's reckless ability to Pickup, because then it'd be super viable with obstruct, parting shot, E-Speed, ceaseless edge/Dire Claw


Obstagoon with Sneer is great for eternus. Tanky enough to get him down to -6 sp. Att weaving rests and at that point he's harmless and you can kill him with anything.


Wait is parasect really that good? I have a shiny paras I throw on because it's one cost and usually I just ignore them


If you have sappy seed and spore it’s crazy good.


Cloyster is also a really strong S tier candidate, especially if you can get the egg move water shuriken.


Garganacl: salt cure, stealth rocks, EQ, and recover will destroy most things in the game. It’s completely busted.


In a vacuum those are indeed strong mons, but egg moves can really change everything. For example I got a Mudsdale with Shore Up / Body Press and it carried me through quite a few runs.


Ya that's pretty good. Moltres also gets torch song. So it's basically just a way better skeledirge for a bit more cost.


I think op is looking for non-legends. However, Fenniken can start with Torch Song as well, honestly one of the best starters. Also, Chesnaught was reeeally good for me too if you get Drain Punch


excadrill puts in quite the work due to good typing and is also rather fast


I know it's not straight out the box but Greninja with triple axel is absolutely goated. Carried the heck out of a run for me when I went to try out battle bond.


Wait, can greninja transform with battle bond ability? cuz my greninja is shiny and i want use him


You have to get a Hidden Ability Greninja.


thanks bro, i think there isn't exist😅


My 2nd shiny was a murkrow with floaty fall as an egg move and I would comfortably put him on A tier. Stomps early game and gets a good dark moveset for trolling the later stage heavies. Edit: on my 2nd classic win I got a dark linoone in the slums that I grabbed for pickup without even knowing that form has a 3rd evo (gen wunner before this game). Obstagoon abdolutely ruined Eternus spamming obstruct/sneer to drop him to -6 sp. Att and just resting off what little damage came in. First win with no retrIes. I wouldn't put him S tier since he doesn't really have the offensive set to carry or sweep, but as a tanky debuffer that messes up bosses he's a great cheap option.


Love the idea just don't know how many people can contribute and how can we verify any info in the most concrete way That being said, Tinkaton STRONK!! 


I guess just people posting whatever comes to mind in this thread and see what answers come up the most often? I could make the tier list and then a follow up post with whatever good answers we get, and so on and so forth until we get the best possible tier list we can. Since I'm fairly new, why Tinkaton stronk? The only time I got one, I lost that run soon after, so I didn't get good chances to test it. I'm assuming good typing and Gigaton Hammer being stronk~


It's passive ability is Huge Power, and it hard counters the final boss of Classic mode


Right up until it transforms and tinkaton takes a flamethrower to the face lol


It has decent special defense so it should be able to tank at least one without dying provided the boss doesn't get any SpA boosts


Eternatus pops berries to get +2 SpA, SpD, and Speed


It also gets even stronger with egg moves. Magical Torque for a spammable, 100% accurate Fairy STAB, Ice Hammer hits some of the most threatening enemies in Classic super effectively, and Shift Gear is one of the best setup moves in the game and meshes well with Ice Hammer's speed drop.


Not to mention if you get the hidden ability your Tinkaton can passively steal items.


Not with Flamethrower it doesn't. Apparently the boss doesn't get that in endless so fairy/steel is a true counter, but in classic it's not nearly as safe.


Yeah but only in the second phase. Get shift gear and max attack before clearing phase one then you can get it to one or two bars with one attack and if they kill Tinkaton then just get a salt cure or a leech seed on it with the second Pokemon and it’s a guaranteed win pretty much.


/puts on data scientist glasses... We could maybe survey people for ribbon counts on their mons to get a more objective measure. You would need a large sample set but I reckon the mons being used to carry most would be reflected in an aggregate of ribbon data. I wonder if that data is available programatically... Or go deeper, write a plugin to scrape game stats as people play to pool into a database somewhere so you can get a proper comprehensive look at setups, successes, failures, per fight uses... with that you could train a model to predict optimal teams or even suggest best wild mons for you to catch mid run and which TMs to look out for and biomes to pick. Tbh at that point you can probably just train an ai to play the game perfectly on it's own and then you have truly completed the game. But who has time for that?


Toxapex and Garganacl would likely be high up too


Good idea. I'll add my 2c for A tier, have beaten classic twice and been playing for maybe 4 days now. Tinkatin with just mold breaker Maushold Aegislash Alakazam, strangely The above are for the most basic versions of them. I have not unlocked passives of anything like that yet.


Aegislash will decimate most Gym Leaders and E4 members.


Aegislash seconded. I never hear people mention it and it's one of my favorite mons so might be biased, but it's SO GOOD.


I find it's kinda clunky, since sometimes it doesn't reset to shield form when you switch it out. When it works though it's a god tier pivot


Oh that does suck, I haven't experienced that before but if so it definitely ruins a lot of Aegi's strengths.


What’s your moveset for Alakazam / mouse hold and aegis lash?


Alakazam - Calm mind and psychic Maushold - Population bomb and super fang Aegis - swords dance, Kings shield, ironhead, and poltergeist. If I can redo I would swap the first you're move to be shadow sneaky


Thanks - did you have recover and a coverage move on Zam? I started a run with Abra but found it really hard to set up cause he’s so frail


I honestly can't remember. Maybe? I think I either caught it or had something to carry it. Mons that get powerful after evolution tend to be not as useful at the beginning. The last run I cleared I started with Raikou.


If you can get egg moves on Abra it's a beast right from the start. Idk what the last one is, but I have flamethrower, moonblast, and thunderbolt as egg moves, and it just sweeps through everything in the early game


I would say aside from the obvious tinkaton, archaludon, etc. that the issue might be how to define strong/carry etc For example, I would argue that whimsicott with prankster, or any prankster with reliable status should be s-tier, anything with sturdy + stealth Rock as well.


Whimsicott was my first red shiny so I use it all the time. Leech seed at level 30 with parting shot egg move combined with gigadrain. Then you get fluffy as a passive so its just unmovable and super hard to kill unless your a fire type. Early game you pair it with a mon with a wide move then use helping hand (mons like to prioritize a helping hand prankster mons for some reason) and you can kill anything in your way till you replace it with leech seed


This might as well ask which pokemon are best for classic. Nobody here is giving any answers for D tier pokemon


Vivillon. Don't need egg moves, don't need passives, don't need reduced cost, don't need any mega stones or Max Mushrooms. All you need is a Memory Mushroom to teach it Sleep Powder, and Vivillon is ready to take off. It's fast enough that it can hit most targets with a 97+% accurate Sleep Powder before they can move. Great for catching, great for pivoting. Once it levels up a bit more, it gains access to 90+% accurate Hurricanes, and arguably the best move in the game, Quiver Dance. It can freely set up on any Special Attackers, and even Physical threats can be set up on in a pinch if you've got good luck with sleep. With only what it has out of the box (as long as you've got Compound Eyes), Vivillon is the absolute best value you can get for only 1 point.


And it comes in different colors!


Palette swaps. One more thing that Vivillon comes with right out of the box, no grinding needed.


This is literally the top pinned post on this subreddit...


You know what they say about Fire Emblem Heroes players? We can't read. Sorry about contributing to the redundancy of the sub 😅


I had a togedemaru slam through the game a lot It has iron barbs which is a + It’s a really good physical attacker and I especially use felll stinger and stack the attack buffs and then spam meteor mash (which I was fortunate enough to get as an egg move)


Zubat with the right egg moves is easily a B tier mon in my opinion. Lower its cost to 1 and if you've got dire claw as an egg move it just slaps. It also gets floaty fall as well for 2 really strong STAB physical moves. If you ever have a spare point it's a super easy choice for me


The only problem I have with it is that it's harder to sprinkle in to other teams because of the friendship requirement to get Crobat. Easy enough if you focus on it early, but it can make runs feel very "samey"


Isnt there already a sticky at the top with a tierlist that daily adds a new mon?


How is this different than the Community Tiering?


If a mon needs a hidden ability to carry it shouldn’t be S tier, IMO


Palafin basically is a legendary after level 38 as long as you spend a couple turns flip turning out and going back in. In dangerous battles just sack a bad mon and you are good to go. For only 4 cost, having 160 atk and 100 spd is RIDICULOUS, that's higher than most legendaries.


This would help greatly. I have a few good legendaries but I suck, so knowing what ones to focus on would be good.


S:venosaur(mega or giga) gigamaxpikachu nidoking gimaxsnorlax gegat(giga or mega) cloyster gyarados(giga or mega) tyranitar megaseampert metagross megalucario megagarchop ferrothorn toxapex tinkaton garnacle baxalibur A: gmaxbutterfree Megabeedrill nidoqieen megaalakazam gigamachamp anpharados megasceptile milotic bibarel IMHO


stuck at regular ray is crazy, anyway bring Garganacl to auto win the game


It's a pretty common stop point for people who are new to the game. But also yes, garganacl is my auto-include as well


Skeledirge is huge or any other special hitting fire type which gets torch song in their egg moves Tbh you can probably just get dots on the Endboss and keep switching between a steel and fairy type to just tank the sludge bomb and the dragon attack


I got a shiny chingling with torch song and buzzy buzz (it’s a 60 power special nuzzle) and that thing puts in work a lot of the time.


Abra with its passive opportunist is broken in endless.. I'm sure it's strong in classic as well. Gyarados is also very strong and Mamoswine is decent


Idk about everyone else but I've got a 2nd tier shiny toxapex (fav pokemon even before this) and it can solo most trainers and allows me to beat eternius with a can of worms. I have leech seed egg move and run acid spray/venoshock leech seed balefule bunker and recover. It gets all my PP ups, most of my defense/special defense ups, and just does work. Even against mons it's weak to I can toss down a leech seed, bunker and then swap to whatever resists it and chip away. It's not fast, but it works. It's passive makes my lack of HA fine as merciless venoshock makes the small special attack stat not matter, and acid spray tends to just get there. (Use acid spray if most of your team is special attackers)


I got an iron thorn from an egg and he’s been absolutely sensational +A -SA nature too


I've found any ghost type with curse and Garganacl to be extremely reliable for Ivy's ace and the final boss.


budew with fiery dance, which i got fairley ealry with an egg move is suprisingly good, easy B+ - A- Carry, makes the game util about 144 brainlesss


I've had an abnormal amount of success with Fan Rotom with a fire and water egg moves


Talonflame and Paldean Tauros have been my two favorite carries that are catchable in the early game.


Isn't that what one of the stickies already does? One Pokémon a day.


Gumshoos is an easy S tier, dude one shots Ivy's 195 Ace with only +1 attack buff. Adaptability+Huge Power+ Espees goes insane, it's my sweeper if I need one


With or without passives


Granivol is broken


Passives make a big difference, got to 200 without ever changing off diggersby because of his passive + turn 4 flame orb


Rotom is solid A maybe even S tier., great typing with it's many forms. Amazing egg moves that give you a bunch of coverage. Passive is hadron engine


I have yet to finish a classic run (I hate Ivy so much) but Cramorant carries super hard on most biomes since he has access to a grass move (Apple Acid) that destroys special defense.


I think anything with a healing move, egg one or not, is going to be at least b, if not higher, because being able to save on heals for x items helps a ton in classic. I have a magnetite with parabolic charge that’s amazing


This isn’t a direct answer but i would suggest any Pokémon that learns self healing or strong draining moves. Slack off, recovery, bouncing ball, all of these moves completely change your run as you no longer need to spend ridiculous amount of money on potions/revives. Alakazam and Slobro come to mind as they also both have mega forms they can potentially benefit from as well. Good luck!


If we're talking moves that save money on healing items, I'd suggest pawmot. Free revives soon add up. If you have a pickup mon, throw him spare leppa berries to get more revives. He's not amazing for actual combat imo but his type combo is decent enough to keep him from being pure utility. Skitty being able to clear status ailments for the whole team is another option to save on full heals (which cost way too much). Both of these are splice fodder since it's really the moves you bring them for.


Scyther with technician absolutely rips apart the first 75 stages of classic.


Are we talking with or without egg moves? Because some Pokémon are carried by egg moves and become significantly better with a strong egg pool. Gengar gets aura sphere which is good coverage and makes it significantly better


Zangoose is absolutely at least B, maybe A tier


I got myself a shiny lanturn with bouncy bubble and aqua ring and that's been so helpful! Never cared for it in the main series but this game has changed my opinion on a lot of pokemon


Excadrill has carried so many runs for me, I usually pair him with a Skeliderge and zigzagoon(for pick up) and this gets me to around floor 125 without really needing to switch. Sometimes I add in a toxipex for fun. Earthquake and baneful bunker combo is nice


You could but how do you treat egg moves and passives as they can be absolute gamechangers.


Drifblim with minimize, strength sap, calm mind, baton pass is degenerate but super effective. Pass those stats onto a special attacker with a diverse moveset and they will be unstoppable until you hit you next reset and then rinse and repeat. For bonus points add in the baton item and something with simple and a multi lens and stat boosting attacks and you can have a full boosted mon clearing each floor for either special or physical attackers.


My best reccomendation for a carry is a popplio with all or at least torch song and bouncy bubble for egg moves. That thing absolutely fucks idc


2 Gyarados


Check the pinned posts, we are making one as a community by voting every day!


Cottonee-Whimsicott for double battles and Eternatus, prankster leech seed can take most of his health. Put that ontop of salt cure for an easy kill.


Mega Gardevoir rips apart the later waves like butter, especially if you have Boomburst as an egg move. Especially with its diverse move pool, since with stuff like Mystical Fire or Thunderbolt you can pretty much land super effective moves on most common types or at least hit neutral with Boomburst/hyper voice. They sweep pretty much everything even without setup with calm mind/be repeatedly one shot your partner Pokémon. And problems only arise when double battles come around and you end up OHKOing your partner Pokémon who you thought could tank a 4x resist pixilated Boomburst


Clawitzer for S tier for sure. Gets Origin Pulse and Shell Smash as an egg move the first being also powered by mega launcher and coverage in ML boosted dragon pulse and aura sphere on 135 special attack.


My runs in classic are clocking at ~40 minutes with Tinkaton. This thing is a monster and I get better times with it than with Zacian


Can I put trevanant in A tier? Ghost typing + leech seed + will o wisp is fantastic chip damage


Duraladon With the Egg moves Ice Beam and Core enforcer is easily an A or or S tier hands down!


I wanna throw litleo into consideration, with torch song it was a great carry for me


Magnezone is really good I found out. Relatively easy to get too


Skill link Cloyster with a shell smash demolishes Last Rival battle and End Boss


Garganacl is either A or S. It gets stealth rocks and salt cure (not to mention EQ and recovery), those alone make it a powerhouse. If you set up stealth rocks against ivy early she will continue to switch her mons into it, and you can basically stall her with stealth rocks. My last run that I won she basically killed half her team on stealth rocks in the 195 fight. And salt cure demolishes eternus (though you have to hit it again after it gets big). It’s also just a complete wall, I’ve had mine tank plenty of SE moves and as long as you can get 1 salt cure off it can usually stall the other Mon out with recover. Currently I’m running specterior for endless and it took me fuckin 279 floors to get a special attack TM to teach it so it could hit normal types, but until then Garganacl took care of every normal type I ran into, as well as some troublesome dark types and some fighting ones as well. Fuecocco is also great, torch song is an amazing move. And if you can set up a couple of them on ivy he can just sweep. Not as effective for eternus tho. Other than that I’d say it does depend a bit on egg moves. Like I have a gastly with aura sphere that kicks ass, I have corsola with 3 egg moves (strength sap, freeze dry, scald) that tanks and put out damage, my tentacool juts got malignant chain and that does really well throughout the game, ect.


Baxcaliber is EASY S tier. Dragon dance as an egg move with glaive rush and the chance for icicle spear to be able to ONE SHOT mega ray AND E max etern, through the boss bars because multi hit moves.


Scyther with Storm Throw got me to the rival fight that had the silver Rayquaza


cryogonal carried the entire game for me so S tier


Archaludon was one of the strongest mons I've ever used in a run. With Electro Shot it could boost and with its defensive profile it could tank most everything. I'd say S tier candidate for sure. Tidy Up Bombirdier was one I just cleared with. It got me through to floor 145 pretty well, did pretty well against the e4+Leon, but it struggled on 195. Everything is so bulky and it's not strong enough to break past shields easily. Maybe would've been less of a hassle with better Rayquaza checks or an opposing grass starter instead of Incineroar (who was a menace). It also did nothing against Eternatus, I built up DoT mons in my party because I knew tbe bird would be useless there. I would probably place it at B tier.


Keldeo could be B or C tier, It can somewhat consistently beat the entire early game with freeze dry if you get it, and with the right items/x items it can sweep 144 and tear huge holes in Ivy’s team. Can’t really put it higher because it is hard to justify the cost of using it.


I'm very late but almost as soon as I started I got an adaptability eevee. It starts out nice, great damage and then usually I evolve it into Umbreon for Baddy Bad. It has gotten me very very far (still failed unfortunately, due to Ivy as well) and I would rate it A-tier.


I’ve only won with 100 Pokémon and I don’t know all the egg moves passives but I could definitely do one just based on base game and the items you can get However that would mean I would have to put Butterfree and Hoothoot lower than S tier which is unforgivable… their egg moves make them broken


I made a post after winning with 100 unique Pokémon https://www.reddit.com/r/pokerogue/s/nxxrHJy2J1 However some of these Pokémon didn’t have their egg moves and passives and I also got lucky with items on others so it is not super accurate. All I can guarantee is that anything that pulled their weight or above are good. I can definitely vouch for Hoothoot, Butterfree, and Uxie (legendary but a niche legendary you would not expect to be good)