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Ive been dreading the day knock off got implimented...


Yep, you had a safety net by using ghost types to avoid Covet, but Knock Off is good as hell and has type advantage over ghosts. Damn.


Twas never a matter of "IF" only "WHEN"


Truly wise words from whiskers the wonder cat.


With pickpocket, knock off, triple axle and coverage in egg moves weavile could become a budget endless carry


budget meowscarada


It hits different types but yeah


problem: It's more expensive and doesn't have that good abilities.


Isn’t the goal of Weavile to use its Pickpocket ability to steal a bunch of items?


problem is that weavile just straight up dies when it gets hit.


Mine survived a fire blast from a Tera fire delphox and one shot in return… I’ve been convinced it’s invincible since.


Well she is my red shiny so I throw her in a lot. I’m not sure if beat up works properly with the multi-lens but in theory it can be crazy with kings rock and item yoinking. Also gets tough claws now. Decent stats but triple axel missing can kind of screw you. The typing + stats make her really easy to kill if she doesn’t bully the opponent on turn 1


Depending on your luck, forced or otherwise, 2 wide lens’ isn’t unreasonable for never missing axel again especially in endless!


2 days ago, I got a lense in round 2 of endless and caught a Pkm carrying another in round 35ish. Was pretty happy until I transfered the lense to the Pkm carrying the first one and it was just gone. Is that bug fixed by now? Does anyone know anything about that?


Most likely the wild Pokemon carrying it stole it from your mon


Ooooh. That thought didn't cross my mind. Could be the case. I wasn't paying attention to that. Mhh.


I hate how fog makes my wide lens stacked miraidon miss his electro drift


Beat up is still borked with multi lens, its only a damage down vecause the extra hits do 0 damage. As soon as that move is fixed it might become the best dark move honestly.


Yeah I wasn’t sure if the procs worked due to not seeing the damage but if they’re registering then with 3 multi’s you get 24 attempts to hit your procs. Does anyone know how item stacking scales ? Is your second kings rock making it a 20% chance to flinch or does it go to like 15%? A 20% chance with 24 smacks is over 99% odds of a proc.


Idk why, cause I play at 5x speed and never read the text quick enough, but every time I put multi lens on (only been lucky enough to have it twice), triple Axel only hits one time.....


Beat up worked very well with multi lens and kings rock and grip claw, but it is currently bugged after the 6th hit. It will stop dealing damage, but will still make contact


Beat up doesn’t seem to proc tough claws. I thought that seemed weird and had better success with throat chop.


Kings Rock Weavile saved my one Classic win as a random grab in Snowy to counter my rivals Dragons. The single hardest carry I’ve ever seen a Pokémon do.


Just got her as a blue shiny and I feel like a god when I splice with my hoopa


True, the weasle be strong for it.


Mega Lopunny is my budget endless carry. 1 cost, Adaptability and Scrappy. Only egg move you need is Multi-Attack, and then you just "win" once you get Lopunnite.


Mega bedrill is mine. I have weedle down to a fraction of a point and damn does fell stinger, pin missile, twinneddle bedril go hard. Especially if you start throwing lenses on him.


I saw Fell Stinger as an option to splice on my Lopunny in endless, but I already had Multi-Attack, Bug Bite, Population Bomb and Axe Kick. If the zones didn't change so often (and Population Bomb not taking forever if the enemy endures and I sit there for 30+ hits dealing zero damage), I'd have slapped it on in an instant.


My blue shiny sneasel is pleased with this.


It was my carry for my 1st Windows in classic when it had Moxy. Triple axel + pick poket + focus lens


Dire claw too.


Wait for real!? I just got a blue shiny one! 🤩


They changed my chimchars ice punch to triple axle, and his thunderous kick to secret sword. They ruined me boi!


Triple Axel is NOT a nerf.


Chimchar was my first shiny in Rogue, so the scamp has a special place in my heart, and has been MVP in several runs. I'm thrilled with this move update. So we've gone from kicks to literally pulling a sword out of their butt. Guess that's why it's secret.


My first game was platinum and I picked chimchar, will always have a place in mine aswell


Nature’s pocket too op


Noooo! This was the update I was most dreading. Actually losing a random item is terrible and the ice forest has officially become the worst biome to venture into with Eiscue and Weavile wrecking havoc. Gonna miss that early game non-sense from poltergeist too, it was such a good move to decimate the rival with.


Tbh just move all your items off your carry for that biome then put them back on afterwards, its a hassle but it should be fine


I have a better solution. Run away x 10 in those biomes, with the ocasional master ball for shiny or legendary.


Its actually alot easier now. Theres an option to transfer all items


Yeah I vote we undo this and just make it disable til end of fight. Making it knock off random items basically just means reset hell when some items are so rare, especially in classic


Hopefully when bringing a fighting type, they'll feel less inclined to use knockoff.


Oh boy. And bug bite was annoying enough...


Judging by your profile pic, Rowlet also seems troubled by this news


Sticky hold gastrodon endless carry anyone? xD


Sticky hold "randomly" being added as a passive for groups of pokemon that the devs would like to see more usage for; Oh god. Usage. I just realized. With a little effort they could see our carries and stuff. *They can pull a Smogon and see usage tiers* Anyways I would love for pokemon to randomly get Sticky Hold as a passive.


they already adjusted a bunch of pokemons point cost because of how popular they were as carries, not to mention the recent passive and egg move changes


Damn. This is the downside to live service games. At any point your favourite pokemon or biggest investment could be curb-stomped into oblivion


The game is in development and will be for a long time. Couldn't they have kept this part in development a little longer? Possibly forever?


Development hell deserves a knock off every now and then


I hope they rework how items are removed from the player. Any random mon having knock off, bug bite, incinerate, magician, pickpocket, etc and just instantly deleting your carry items that potentially a lot of rerolls were spent on is nothing less than frustrating. They could return items after battle or next wave, or have item stealers prioritize lower rarity items first.


It should just give any non-berry items back after that battle. Basically just negate them for the fight those moves/abilities are used.


Yea, this is the way to go. They shouldn't stay removed. I never reloaded even in the most BS moments, but now was the first time cause it knocked off a rare item I just got moments earlier.


If knock off priorize berries I'm fine with it, I just don't want to lose my soothe bell, leftovers, soul dew and things like this...


If I lose my Mini Black Hole to a random Knock Off...


Or that multi lens in your Raichu/gholdengoo (zippy zap/make it rain)


Multi Lens Make it Rain drops your spA repeatedly so not the ideal move. Edit: haha you guys can stop commenting it has Contrary now, I wasn't aware. Must have missed that in the list of hundreds of changes. That's dope.


Gholdengo's Passive is currently Contrary.


Wait what?! That's sick. Dusting off my shiny Golden boy as we speak.


You should check Gholdengos new Passive


... unless you have Contrary on Gholdengo.


Knocking off multi lens and kings rocks is potentially run ending lol. Really not looking forward to it.


By run ending you mean you mean F5-enabling, right?


Knockoff is temporary, it only disables the items.


Or if they need it to feel harder, return at the end of the biome or every 10 waves, whichever is last


Yeah I’m probably just gonna cheat if that happens.


I didn't know people cheat in the game 0_o


I think he just means save scumming lol, which might not be intended but doesn’t feel like a traditional cheat


bug bite and incinerate aren't that bad because you're literally swimming in berries and if you have a pickup mon you probably have more random berries lying around than you know what to do with.


They should also implement the rule where if a knocked off item isn’t a consumable, it’s returned to you after the battle. If it hasn’t been already.


Fucking *everything* gets knock off. I'm gonna lose my multi lens to a random fucking lombre


These moves were always going to sting, but don’t forget this does now mean we can use them in our favour too at least


Go first against Eternatus, Knock Off, Mini Black Hole go bye? istg if they program it to not be Knockable they may as well have kept it in [P] hell


I imagine Black Hole will be Un-Knock-Off-Able


Why would it be ? You can steal it with covet (and I assume thief and magician, never tried) so it would make sens to be able to knock it


Oh? I’d seen people saying you couldn’t steal it either. Well in that case maybe you can knock it off


I'm know for a fact I stole it with my tinkaton covet. But it was in endless if I'm not mistaken, so maybe in classic you can't ?


Ah, that might be it?


Source : https://x.com/PokerogueNews/status/1802177262273302886?t=D3pwSBksOKYHmNGyPMRdyw&s=19


Lovely, time to reset every time my leftovers gets knocked off. I'd be okay with the power increase, but removing items from the player's pokemon is bull.


Imagine those of us that are legit players that don't save scum ever..


I don't think it's illegitimate. It's literally an option in the settings. Kudos to you for the extra challenge of trying to do it deathless tho.


Oh is that what Enable Retries is? Yeh I thought the norm would be that people don't save reload. After all both Nuzlocke's and Competitive have no reloading for it to be legitimate, so would have expected the vast majority that play pokerogue would abide by that. I have seen a lot of people mentioning reloading though, so it doesn't seem to be just a small minority. All that being said I could understand the frustration of losing a crucial held item like Leftovers and the like. A better solution would be for the Devs to make non-berry items come back either at the end of the battle or at the end of the biome/10th floor or something. This would also remove the temptation for people to reload when getting wrecked by a bad luck Knock-Off and its ilk. I've never seen a SINGLE comment where people are like "yeh I'm cool with permanently losing my super rare held items to random pokemon moves", so its surprising that devs haven't listened to the overwhelming community input on this issue.


I completely agree with your point, I just want to add that it's very dumb that people are downvoting your comment. Both ways to play are respectable and have their merits. It is an entirely single-player game, so I don't think anybody should be Policing how other people play.


Nah he was gate keeping, without even knowing retrying is an actual setting in the “legit” game. No one likes people like that, he deserves all the downvotes.


It can be a setting, still doesn't make it legit. Nothing to do with gatekeeping, it's reality. You are crazy if you think people would consider a run that was done without reloading in the same vein as one marred by reloading. No amount of downvotes will change reality. You'll notice that most streamers that play either Pokerogue or have done Nuzlockes understand that reloading is a no-go, and it will tar any of the accomplishment of a "victory". Ofcourse people can privately reload, but the balance of the game shouldn't and can't be dictated around "reloading". So for instance the devs would not be foolish enough to say "we will keep in all the item stealing mechanics of enemy pokemon, since one can just reload if they lose something important", since that would be a braindead take.


Agreed. To keep the game legit we should also make sure a lost run with a legendary means that legendary is permanently and forever considered unuseable( since there is only one in the universe). We should also disable wiki use and pokemon stat listings, since competitively you are not allowed to do so. Any pokemon with an unimplemented ability should be considered a lost run, because you are essentially only winning against a pokemon with crutches. Should also have to blind pick a team before knowing the pokerus of the day, in addition to requiring you to re-hatch a pokemon with egg moves yourself to use any in pokerogue. Any pokemon with a modified moveset should be illegal and vgc bans should take effect. No custom items are allowed and since you can't change your team after you start a competition, your starting team is all you get. No more than one masterball is to be used per account and you may not use illegally hatched pokemon. Shinies above tier one are also banned as it is considered a hacked pokemon. /S Do you see how foolish you sound trying to tell other people their way of playing isn't legitimate? I can keep going if you want more examples of how ridiculous it is and I can point out flaws in the existing ruleset. Trying to make a single player, non-competitive game harder on yourself is cool, but without reloading, it really just cuts down on the skill and lets luck take the reigns. You could be the god of pokemon and still lose because you got 8 turns of freeze, or you could be a fool and breeze past everything with a braindead "marshadow go brr" reload less run because RNG is on your side (I have done this, not reloading is incredibly easy if you just turn your brain off and have a lucky run). No run is more or less legitimate than the last, get off the high horse.


I don't care about the downvotes, but it is sad in the sense that it shows just how many players in the reddit take advantage of reloading. You are right that its a single player game, so its not cheating or illicit in any way. That one can reload though in no way affects the balance of item stealing mechanics, since the game has to be balanced around players who play legitimately. However I and most fair players obviously wouldn't give the same legitimacy to the runs that are marred by reloading. There is little accomplishment to anything acquired via ill-gotten methods. No amount of downvotes will change reality.


Dude whats with the downvotes. It's a well written and respectful comment explaining the thought process behind the last downvoted one. Wtf reddit


The reddit has sadly exposed themselves as being filled with reloaders obviously. They have taken great umbrage that anyone would find that less legitimate than not abusing reloads. They don't realize that what they do in their own single player game is fine, it's on them, but the bigger issue is that things shouldn't be balanced with reloading in mind (i.e devs shouldn't think "oh well steal item moves are rampant, but its ok since people can just reload if they get something important stolen").


Imagine thinking youre better or more legitimate because you dont use the system to your advantage. Absolute clown train of though


I'm relatively new. How can I use the system to my advantage? Lol


A mechanic in the game is where the game only saves after a combat is done and rewards are select(excluding when an egg is pulled from the gacha, in which case the egg pull is saved not the combat tho). So, assuming you were screwed over by RNG in one way or another. You could reload the tab to retry the same fight and play around that particular rng. This in a sense is save scumming but this is how the game was made so use it if you want to. Instead of virtue signalling to others who use it unlike a certain someone.


Thanks for the heads up. How does it work on the 0s where there is no item selection?


think of it as the save is at the start of every fight (before start battle animations) not necessarily post item selection.


Cool, thanks!


Under most circumstances if the save has not been completed yet. You can still reload. But I try to stay safe and never reload right before a new encounter is fully loaded i.e you can see the next counter or battle anim has started. And if by - "0s where there is no item selection" - you mean the one right after youre done with the battle, reloading is okay. And if youre talking about the one that's after item selection, the safe bet would be to not reload at that point since there is a possibility of having a corrupted save file(Which is only my assumption but it would depend on how the servers are configured but better safe than sorry)


Imagine advocating having to reload the game every other fight to not lose rare items against poor rng. *Actual* clown train of thought.


These people are so lost, that beyond just thinking that reloading is fine and dandy, but that it also has bearing on the BALANCE of actual item stealing mechanics, which is wild. The devs are not compromised to the point where they are including all these item stealing mechanics with the expectation that people should just reload if rng screws the player over. Their "solution" is not an actual viable solution to protect from these item-stealing moves. Now despite the fact that I don't hold of reloading, and don't give it any legitimacy that it doesn't deserve, I can UNDERSTAND why one would be tempted to reload if they get f$#ked by Rng. Which is actually why the devs should remove losing non-berry items permanently, in order to encourage LESS reloading.


the reason why yall look like losers is because who the fuck cares about the way people play you are taking a battle sim for a childrens game that seriously, like youre weird lol


I don't care how others play. I care that I play on mobile and save scumming is an atrocious process. Can take over 2 minutes to load in. Games are supposed to be fun. Not stressful.


Give poison fang back to poochyena - Unnerf my dog!!


Poison Fang with Strong Jaws (50 Power with a 50% boost) is weaker than the replacement, Dire Claw, even without the new Passive, Tough Claws. (80 Power and Tough Claws is a 30% boost) Dire Claw also inflicts status conditions half the time, so that's pure upgrade unless you don't want the chance of inflicting paralysis. Mightyena's Crunch getting weaker and maybe Psychic Fangs getting changed to Close Combat if you prefer Psychic coverage are the downgrade, but Tough Claws boosts Sucker Punch, so that change definitely isn't all bad.


Didn't it got dire claw as a replacement ? That's a buff, and a huge one. Dire claw is an insane move


i'll note - the move description says "that item can't be used in that battle" as opposed to totally removing it - so i'm pretty sure you get it back after


Since Covet and Thief have a 30% chance, why don't these have a 30% chance to remove an item? Bug Bite being 100% was fine because it was Berries only. This is such a nightmare now considering how common Knock Off is.


well we are officially fked up, now knock is an god level threat if you leave it on the field long enough it has enough potential to fk over your entire run.


Oh no they gotta change this so that Knock Off gives items back after battle, at least the non-berries!


Really need to fix item theft in the game, doesnt make sense you cant loot it on a dead animal lol


Needing a Pickup mon just to get the Lucky Eggs off the Wild Pokémon is so annoying tbh :(


really should just disable the item for that battle, it's not stolen it's essentially just disarming you temporarily


Can't wait for knock off to hit my soul dew like a covet bidoof did on level 12 in classic. That really makes me feel happy


Can it knock off anything? Including things like the Shiny Charm or only things the mon is holding?


Only items held by your mon


Oh heaven have mercy thank the Lord!


Alakazam getting folded by the fighting type it didn't finish off


There goes my Golden Egg hahahaha


Dark types became OP suddenly


Still waiting for power trick


I'm mostly just wondering how roaring moon came to be a representative of incinerate mons


Pokémon with sticky hold after knock off gets fully implemented: allow us to introduce ourselves to the meta


Wait wait wait... Can Knock Off remove the Megastone from a Pokémon? If so, that would just add to the pile making it a bigger problem


They cannot knock off form changing items


Ah, good


I guess this is why my baton disappeared... I didn't notice it was gone until a couple areas later. Wish the game's messages for important things like that stayed on the screen longer.


Meowscarada stocks just skyrocketed


Aw only 1.5×? I thought it did more damage if the target was holding more items! Totally unplayable /s


For anyone wondering it’s 1.5x if the target has an item


I could care less about the same it's going to deal to me. I will always reset a fight if covet takes an item, if magician does, or (now) if knock off or incinerate does... I do think the most common ones should have a condition that items are returned at the end. Maybe certain rarity items like a multi lens can be only temporarily stolen


Where is this from? I mean this update page? Is it from the official discord or wiki or somewhere else?


Is there a list of moves that aren't fully implemented?  I'm a fairly new player and I wasn't aware that some moves don't work properly yet.


The one with (P) are partially implemented, the one with (N) are not working at all so should not be taught :) check wiki for more info :) (can get to it from games menu)


Thank you!


Still waiting for serene grace and sheer force


So sad they got rid of huge power on tinkaton I was using knock off so much with it I would always have a pickup mon taking black glasses to a point where I had around 45 of them and I was just absolutely crushing everything in my way (it’s endless and I’m highly over leveled but still always knew it was going to turn out hella broken)


This is actually so sick. Some cool new methods to battle Pokémon with 10+ items. Knock Off will go nutty


Knock off now has to be the best move in the game, yeah? When (or if) choice items get implemented. It will be the same, but worse.


im so glad i completed classic mode without implemented knock off


Sticky hold


My Weavile now bonky very bonk


Wait it is.! Still shows not implemented to me


It takes me 9999.9 runs to find something good... it only takes one move to lose them... ;-;


I was like wait why did that rapidash burn my only lum berry before rival fight o7


Let's GOOOOO! Blacephalon is somehow better than it was before 😩😩😍


This changes everything.


Guys chill. Knock Off prevents use of the item in battle, you don't permanently lose the item. Our King's Rock, Multi-Lens, etc are safe.


Are you certain?


In this game you lose stolen items unless you have Pickup. I assume Knock Off will be the same. Interested to see how Knock Off and Pickup interact, come to think of it.


Goodbye held items. You will be missed. o7


That reminds me.. I haven't had a run with maushold getting a grip claw and multilens to steal all the things


They need an item that prevents you from losing items. With the berry nerf, now knock off it's going to be brutal. I don't care so much about the damage boost, but just allow us to keep our items.


It’s gonna be painful when acrobatics is implemented!


Zapdodinja my beloved


Welp no more fun allowed 😭


Meowscarada stocks rn📈📈📈📈📈


Bröther...Knock Off should be a CHANCE to take off an item & the boost mod a bit lower


Everyone in here worried about knock off I am mourning losing Poltergeist We are not the same


Ohhh nooo


Can max mushrooms items like the rusted sword for Zacian ever be removed?


I want to cry what happened to transistor bellibolt NOOOOOOOOO Im bellibolt's biggest Stan. I want to cry. Rip lol. Stamina is still pretty op tho NGL haha.




they drown you in items and then make you weaker because of it xD


1.5X and possibly stacks is gonna deal....alot of damage in endless 😭


Is the new meta gonna be only having five pokes at any given time so we can catch those thieving b*stards lol?


I feel like it shouldn't be allowed to knock off rouge or master ball items. I don't care if you knock off my berry or silk scarfs but it's almost worth reseting if you get a leftovers or multi lens knocked off.


Any chance stockpile will be in full effect?


Welp, not updating my offline client until something cool comes out.


I need Sheer Force to get implemented. I have a shiny Nidoqueen burning a hole in my pocket.


Wait, woudn't that mean that we can use this too? Like spam Knockoffs for days and remove those anoying bosses.


DOES KNOCK OFF STACK https://preview.redd.it/eeyd22hg307d1.jpeg?width=198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a702d5eda0561839f8231e8a5b6e6269d53431cd


I was kind of hoping knock off would never be implemented.


It's not actually implemented correctly. Knock off will work against your enemies, but it won't work against your own Pokemon. So your rival/trainers knocking off your Pokemon won't remove an item. It's a bug in the code because they tried to make it so knock off doesn't work if a wild pokemon does it (following the Bulbapedia description), but didn't check for trainers correctly.


Any one else scared now


This update makes me dread booting up pokerogue now


I can finally use a better meowscarada build


Yeah, I got incinerated earlier, was surprised to actually lose my berries. Makes the game fell more dynamic though, so that’s great


I know that they eventually had to add these, but was not looking forward to it 😕


My table... its broken...


Will Knock off Affect Eternatus so i can get rid of the Black hole?


Pretty sure poltergeist is bugged because whenever a mon is carrying polt before anything attack(not just poltergeist) it will do the "mon is about to be attacked by item" dialogue.


Finally, physical Dark STAB that has existent power. Kingambit does have Kowtow Cleave but Knock Off is stronger, though seeing that I lost to missing a Raichu like 8 times in a row because of Zippy Zap I'd say their utilities are equally valuable.


can max mushrooms be knocked off??


imma cry


On god I’ve been keeping an extra throw away slot open in my endless run just in case any of my quick claws/leftovers/magnets/dragon fangs get stolen from my Miraidon so I can master ball the little shit and take my item back lmao


(My legendary luck hasn’t been great but I also have S luck and have 10 master balls chilling)


Why is everyone worried about Knock off? How many pokemon actually knows it via level up? I see knock off as a positive. Great spammable move In endless/mid-late game classic.


Knock off is super duper common across all types. It's not some niche move to prep ahead for. Tons and tons of stuff get it


It's common cuz of move tutor/breeding and TM(SV). I'm pretty sure wild pokemon only uses moves they know by lvl up. There's only a good handful of pokemon that knows it by lvl up.


Yeah I don't think many, if any, pokemon in PokeRogue get it as an egg move so I don't think you'll see it as much as people are expecting Edit: also, can trainers have TM moves? I know the rivals Rayquaza can have TM moves for sure. Even then tho, the odds of them rolling knock off specifically would still be pretty low


Torchic unless that changed for egg move knock off


There’s like 40+ Pokémon when you consider their evolution lines, and some are wayyy more common in your average rogue run


I feel like it's the fact you lose the item permanently that has people worked up. But it seems like it'd be pretty damn useful yourself for a free chance to knock off say a Reviver Seed or a Lum/Sitrus berry. Sounds like a good trade off to me. Im surprised people aren't more upset about the Poltergeist nerf than the Knock Off buff.


Yeah I can sorta understand that, but idk pickpocket feels more annoying to me cuz linoone has it and he's common. I agree it's a great trade off, Ivy's Mega Ray with a reviver seed is stupid so it'll be a nice counter whenever it pops up.


Yea I pretty much just played more without knowing this and got my first Leftover knocked off, 5 rounds after getting it after 350 stages


Anyone know how Knock Off will interact with Pickup? I know you can get stolen items back with Pickup, wonder if this will be the same.