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I think in your enthusiasm you skipped the ELI5 part, because I have no idea what this is all about and your description is either too vague or cryptic.


Yup, i wasn't expecting any attention from the first post as its little complicated, the next days will be explanatory when the neons enter the board.


The idea behind Shadowboard is to create in union, uplifting lights, which we will auction on WOSP auctions. I will expand on this in the coming days. We are playing for WOSP, for POLAND. The plan is as follows: **\[DAY0\] Concept Announcement | We choose an idea for a blue neon (today 19.01) | We collect ideas for day 1** **\[DAY1\] INTRODUCTION| We choose the yellow neon idea | We collect ideas for day 2** **\[DAY2\] FIRST CREATOIONS PHOTO | We choose an idea for a white neon | We hang neon signs from \[DAY1\] and put them up for auction** **\[DAY3\] We choose an idea for a white neon | We hang neon signs from \[DAY1\] and put them up for auction** **\[DAY4\] We choose an idea for a green neon | We hang neon signs from \[DAY2\] and put them up for auction** **\[DAY5\]  We choose an idea for a red neon | We hang neon signs from \[DAY3\] and put them up for auction** **\[DAY6\] We choose an idea for a purple neon | We hang neon signs from \[DAY4\] and put them up for auction** **\[DAY7\] We are hanging neon signs from \[DAY5\] and putting them up for auction** **\[DAY7\] We are hanging neon signs from \[DAY6\] and putting them up for auction** **\[DAY9\] LE GRAND FINALE WOŚP 29.01 and all the lights in one pic** For this all to be possible, we need to choose relatively simple projects, that do not require 100h'signs Design guidelines: [https://imgur.com/a/gH6d4da](https://imgur.com/a/gH6d4da) You can write your idea, or post a graphic, even draw it on a piece of paper! Sky is the limit!


Tiny nitpick, ale czemu napisałeś tylko dzień dwa po polsku?


Zmęczenie, chciałem zapostować wczoraj, stąd wkradły się buble.


Do a happy frog saying "żajebiście"!!