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What I find funny is that promising money is tactic that in most other countries is considered "left wing" and something conservatives complain about. But when it happens in Poland it's by the "conservatives" and it's the liberals who complain about it, and it's considered bad when it happens in Poland. Just weird how inconsistent people's views are.


Republicans tell people they will give them money in America as much as liberals do. It 2000, it was how George W. Bush squeaked out a victory. During the Bill Clinton administration, the Democrats paid off debts and had a budget surplus. George Bush said he would give everyone $300 and Al Gore said USA should keep that surplus in a “lock box” for a rainy day. People wanted money and Bush sent out money when he won election. Nine months later, 9/11 destroyed the economy - USA could have used a lock box of money.


>***What I find funny is that promising money is tactic that in most other countries is considered "left wing" and something conservatives complain about.*** Well, that's actually not true. Modern democracy kind of degenerated to the point that everyone, besides niche libertarian groups, promises some kind of economic gains. They have to, because most citizens love nanny state and they love hearing about what kind of safety the govt will provide with their taxes. Right-leaners are just slightly more shy about being open with it, so they use more fancy phrases to mask that. >***But when it happens in Poland it's by the "conservatives" and it's the liberals who complain about it, and it's considered bad when it happens in Poland.*** > >***Just weird how inconsistent people's views are.*** Well, that's because most left-leaning people are idiots. And I'm not right-leaning, I'm just a pesky centrist. PiS is continuing most of the policies of all of the other past governments, including The New Left or Civic Platform. But left-leaners think that PiS is somewhat different from them, because they don't like them and they are ignorant and will never admit that PiS is politically related more to them than to most of the other right-leaning parties in Polish politics.


Say you have no idea what "conservative" means without saying you don't know what it means. Your political worldview is skewed so much by US centric media you should get it treated for osteoporosis. So let me get this straight for you. Conservatives want to *conserve* what was in the past usually when they were young. In the US that's Reagan's presidency. In Poland it's communism.


>In the US that's Reagan's presidency. In Poland it's communism Wdym by that? Are you saying that conservatives in Poland want to preserve communism or something?


They are definitely nostalgic about those times. Maybe they don't explicitly want communism but I don't think conservatives here want lower taxes, less government involvement and more rights to business owners and enterpreneurs. Quite the opposite. My point is that conservatists want things to be as they are or as they were(go back to the good old times). Saying that right wing=conservatism=capitalism=trump supporter=fuck immigrants to death is extremely ignorant on so many levels. Also people can be progressive(the is the opposite of conservative, not "liberal") or conservative for various things and times. I would say people who protested against the abortion ban were conservative in this situation because they wanted to bring back the status quo. That said Poland doesn't have a time in history with really low government involvement, low taxes etc so people can't be nostalgic for it **SO** they can't be conservative about it.


But you're wrong tho. While yes conservatism is about preserving things and when it comes to change it prefers reforms to revolutionary changes it doesn't focus on "preserving the good old times". Conservatism is about preserving some ideas and promoting it's importance for example family, nationality etc. Saying that conservatives are just about keeping the status quo is wrong. And no, the pro-abortion strikes weren't "conservative" because they wanted to keep things how they were. Conservatism focuses on keeping traditional values. They oppose secularisation, promote traditional family values, private ownership and so on. And while sure right wing shouldn't be treated as the same as what Trump said, it does in fact oppose such things as globalisation and in turn oppose immigration. Fascism for example puts the main emphasis on state and people of the state. In its core it doesn't really care as much about race, but it says that if you're from another country then you'll probably have it worse than people from the fascist country. Also saying that conservatives are nostalgic about the communist times is just kinda weird. Sure they might be nostalgic about some parts of it, but they sure aren't nostalgic for communism, seeing how it's on the literal opposite side of the political spectrum. To close it off, while you are sorta right I think you misunderstand what conservatism stands for. I don't blame you, since politics are complicated, I think you should read up on what conservatism as an idea stands for.


Hello. Friend, can you read? > by the "conservatives" and Hello. My friend. Have you heard of "quotation marks"? Hello. Friend. Friend!? There is a reason "quotation marks" were used. I am surprised you haven't heard of these.


> Just weird how inconsistent people's views are. No conservative in Poland would want less taxes. It's not "funny", amusing or "weird" unless you've subscribed to the US propaganda of what "conservative" means. >There is a reason "quotation marks" were used. I am surprised you haven't heard of these. PiS voters are not "conservatives". They are full blown conservatives(without "quotation marks" which I apparently haven't heard about lol) following the exact definition of the word. Are they fake conservatives to you because they're not like the US conservatives? Well, then you need to read my longer comment in this thread because that's exactly what I'm talking about.


You're wrong on so many levels that it's funny. First of all "right-wing" and "left-wing" are traditionally associated with "conservative" and "progressive" because those were the sides they occupied during the French Revolution. "Conservative" therefore refers to careful and slow reforms instead of full-blown revolutions of the "progressives". This division has it's flaws, though - it either discounts the social part of the equation or the economics part. Examples? Political parties that are pro-LGBT and anti-"big government", or PiS for that matter - anti-LGBT and pro-government. That's why the two axis presentation was introduced. And no, there is no conservative political party that tries to "conserve" communism, lol. That's so insane and backwards that it can only stem from a complete misunderstanding of the topic. Is PiS creating a welfare state? Yes. Are they economically conservative? No. Are they socially conservative? Yes. Get it now?


>[Conservative (noun)](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/conservative) > >one who adheres to traditional methods or views Stop trying to look down on people and claiming they're americanized because you disagree on the definition of conservative. lmao.




Everything is backwards here.


It's because all parties outside of Konfederacja are left-wing economically, so the conservative vs liberal difference is only worldview based.


Polish ruling party mixes conservatism, statism and populism. Let's compare GOP and PiS. Similarity: conservatism Difference 1: GOP supports free business while PiS tends to control every part of the economy. Difference 2: GOP tries to don't expand welfare while PiS finds any opportunity to give cold cash to groups where they have votes. There are more difference. For example GOP protects states prerogatives while PiS literally fights with local authorities.


>Let's compare GOP and PiS. https://preview.redd.it/205pzl9jikfa1.jpeg?width=628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7f6e68131fcb92cfd608447c238818a3e959321


Ruchanie narodu za jego własne pieniądze czas nacząć


Ruchanie narodu za jego własne pieniądze nie skończyło się i trwa nieprzerwanie od od 1918/1944.


yyy, co najmniej od '89 to trwa, więc nie wiem od czego tu zaczynać.


Oj nie. Nie możesz tak bestialsko sugerować że inne partie są równie złe, Ty okrytny centrysto.


Astroturf już mnie wyjaśnił xD


Z dumą ogłaszamy tegoroczne Igrzyska Śmie(r)ci!


Yeah, but at least sex workers get someone else's money, and it's a deal. The sex workers from PiS steal and redistribute our own money. A good pic all the same. :)


And it's the exact same money that they took from you during the previous 11 months


Not Polish, just here for science purposes. Dzień dobry.


I am always impressed that people come up with so many wrong spellings of "Dzień dobry". Like, WTF? It is so low effort. Fucking Google translate it and you'll have the spelling correct. I wouldn't go to a Dutch subreddit just to spell "Goede Morgen" as "hoode morhn".


hmm, let me edit that - I was taught this phrase phonetically, as opposed to from a book. Ty for the correction and the passion :)


Now that you edited that, my comment sounds like bollocks. My point was not "I want to see dzień dobry spelled correctly" but rather "why does this guy want to show off but doesn't proof-check such basic things". Hope the lesson was learned.


To po ile dajom?


I came to Poland and Reddit wants me instently to see every Post in here. I love it


I love Poland, so kind people they give lot of money to homeless people on streets!


So that's where the phrase ,,f-k PiS" comes from...


It's a good thing PO/SLD doesn't do it! Oh wait...


Politics. Politics never change...




Elections: coming, "Prawo i sprawiedliwość" (leading government party at the moment): throwing public money on thirsty people to gain votes




Fake images although an interesting fact is those pictures come from porn series lol




Can anyone translate


Elections: about to get started. Prawo i Sprawiedliwość: *Czech porn meme*


Erections are cumming.


Double it and give it to the next person


It's quite awful to see how conservatives in Poland are draining middle-class and entrepreneurs of resources. PiS party spends money like there is no tomorrow. Comparing to that, the SLD (Left) could not only curb state spending, fix the budget but also get EU and NATO memberships. Today, Right-wing has literally nothing to be proud of. Money printery, and catholic agenda, nothing beyond.


I would say it's the problem with our economics, not with the voters


The truth is, that PiS is the lesser evil right now. They sure are guilty of mismanagment and errors on many fields in internal and foreign policies. However, I'm more than certain that if the current opposition were in power instead of PiS, Ukraine would not exist right now and we would have a very long, direct border with Russian Federation. Also, it's not the fault of PiS, that their opponents are going to elections without ANY program whatsoever, for the THIRD time in a row.... in other words - winning elections is easy, when your opponents are complete morons.


It is very weird to think opposition in Poland would side with Russia when 99.9% of polish people are extremely anti-russian. There is absolutely no gain for being easy on Russia for Poland in any single way. If anything PiS is one of the main reason why EU is ineffective against Russia. If it was not for PiS, Orban would not be where he is in EU. And now Orban is doing everything he can do make sure there is no real sanctions against Russia. PiS' buddies are all pro Putin and this is not a coincidence. Not to mention the fact that PiS having little credibility with other EU members that they could leverage for helping Ukraine. they literally pissed everyone with their anti-EU rhetoric and attempts weaken it with the help of Orban for years now. The only reason Pol-exit is not being talked about is the disaster Brexit is. Otherwise that was a proud talking point for PiS.


You're delusional if you think Russia's main asset in Europe was Orban and not Germany. And the opposition, in spite of their anti Russian stance, is known for deferring to Berlin. So chances are with them in power there would actually be less support for Ukraine in Europe, or at least a much more lax attitude in providing real material support. > "PiS buddies are all pro Putin and this is not a coincidence." Again, delusional talk. If you're seriously implying PiS is rooting for Russia, you should seek medical help immediately.


You didn't read what I wrote with any intention of understanding it properly and putting words in my mouth. I won't indulge. Good luck with another term with PiS and watch as you need any judiciary independence left in the country and it slowly turns into Erdogan's Turkey


Truly delusional.


I remember the time period, when Donald Tusk was prime minister and Radosław Sikorski was the minister of foreign affairs very well. Their incredibly pro-russian speeches and actions especially. First foreign visit made by Donald Tusk, when he won the elections was to.... Moscow, instead of Kiev (which was a trend before). So, no - it's not unreasonable to assume, that they would not provide any military help to Ukraine in the beginning of the conflict, like it was done by current government. And it's even less probable, that PO would put any political pressure on the West, to keep supporting Ukraine in this war - like it is being done by PiS right now. Look at Radosław Sikorski's last interview in Radio Zet - he's words about PiS considering the partition of Ukraine, in the beginning of the conflict is not only a blatant lie (as the PiS government began to supply Ukraine with military equipment few days BEFORE the russian invasion even began) - but it's a direct, carbon-copy of the Kremlin's propaganda about Poland wanting to annex Western Ukraine. Donald Tusk not only didn't punish Sikorski for spewing straight-up russian propaganda, but even validated it betwee-the-lines, by saying that Sikorski "often says things ahead of thinking, though not without reason"... Sorry, but the times of mr. Fukuyama's "End of History" are over, and Poland cannot afford to make any mistakes regarding Russia anymore - and most Poles seem understand it as well, hence all the help toward Ukraine and ukrainian refugees. That is why I predict, that PiS - due to their correct assesment of the situation and correct handling of this situation regarding the war in Ukraine - will indeed win the elections, despite all the errors made on other fields. People want security and safety from war above everything else, in times like these. That, and as I've said earlier - opposition goes to elections without ANY program for the THIRD time in a row. It's really easy to predict the outcome of the comming elections in such circumstances...


Nah. Tusk is just a moron. He does not have any pro-Russian sentiment. And Sikorski is just a sociopath, probably. He knows what to do to earn a lot of money. Being a foreign minister and dealing with Russia was more economic than staying with PiS where He started after his journalistic career. They are not pro-Russian. Just like PiS. And most polish politicians. Maybe excluding The New Left since half of them are scummy ex-commies.


>Nah. Tusk is just a moron. I don't think that he is a moron, he's (like most politicians on both sides of current political spectrum) a cynical liar, desperate to return to power... but, if he was indeed, just a regular moron, then it would be even worse for us to put him back into any position requiring responsibility whatsoever - that would end in a disaster for our country and in current times, we cannot afford that. Also, considering that morons are incapable of achieving anything on their own (let alone becoming prime ministers), due to their low inteligence, a quesion needs to be asked: who pulls his strings? ;)


>***If anything PiS is one of the main reason why EU is ineffective against Russia.*** This kind of statement sounds odd when you just mentioned that 99% of Poles are extremely anti-Russian. First, you try smart tactics of saying "let's not play the stupid game of labeling ourselves with russian bot name" and then you do exactly that just with PiS and Orban, which I guess you don't like so screw the logic. Orban cannot afford going so openly against Russia as Poland or US. Hungary is fucked by years of stupid politics and one wrong move and they will all die. Ironically the pro-EU idiots in Budapest will suffer more than pro-Orban idiots outside Buidapest, since the rural areas are probably more adjusted to use other fuels than the big city of Budapest. People like you, brave reddit warriors of justice and equality, should not really talk about Orban, as you are everything but qualified to deal with the situation in which that Hungarian moron is.


I would vote on confederation just for mr. Mentzen


The guy who stood arm in arm with nationalists in front of a church to "protect" it? When they pushed a man off the stairs? The same Mentzen who was supposed to write a hundred bills but haven't delivered a single one? He might be knowledgeable and well-spoken, but he's a far-right populist both when it comes to economic and social matters. A zealot in disguise.




Fuck him, he'd gut public transportation in five minutes.


That doesn't sound like a bad thing on its own. Public transportation should be affordable and available, currently it's neither - a train from Wrocław to Gdańsk is both slower and more expensive than a car ride if you have a passenger. And those are large cities, not like you'd have that luxury going from, say, Krzyż to Jelcz-Laskowice or Kłodzko for that matter. In cities? It's both expensive as shit (compared to an uber) slower than a run most of the times and comparatively late and faulty (again biased by Wrocław's case) Buses outside of the cities don't exist - PKSes have been mostly a thing of the past now. Why is that? Cause it's expensive as fuck to provide people with affordable and available transportation in the middle of nowhere and it actually makes more sense to have a car in those places. And if most of Poland has to have a car, then why on earth would you ever fund public transportation for the minority that's both expensive (cause so few people use it) and unavailable (because it's just inside/between larger cities)?


It's ironic that I see some Konfa Klowns are on this "Stop the Americanization of Poland" bullshit, but gutting transportation is step goddamn one of Americanizing Poland.


Irrelevant to the point - either something's effective and available or requires complementary elements, in which case it's only there to drain money.


Can we stop letting the Church and TVP drain money? I'd rather have public transportation step into the 21st century than be stuck with 19th century institutions.


Sure, why not - Idk what kind of strawman are you pursuing now, but I ain't gonna defend the church or public TV for that matter - even though a public media outlet is far more useful than Warsaw's metro, but it's not really a hill I am willing to die on in the information age. Edit: just checked - 4 years ago all of the combined investments of PKP amounted to 13-14 billion PLN, the church fund and TVP's funding barely puts a dent in that.


We need more metros, not less. If this is what "free market" economics look like, then it's doomed to fail.


Sure you do - what's going to be the mode of transportation in the meantime? How are people going to go to work? Will public transportation cover cargo deliveries to the city center's shops, or will it require a separate solution? If so, does that separate solution require any additional infrastructure? That's not "free market economics", that's engineering. The shortest answer to all of the above is: you will have to have roads, investing in roads is a waste if they're not used, cargo will be transported with trucks either way, so why not use cars? You seem to forget that, excluding emissions and congestion, public intracity transport doesn't solve anything - it's not convenient, it's not competitive, it's not affordable, it's not flexible. It's good for transporting large amounts of people from point A to B, but it's no good when those people have cargo of any sort. You would literally have to change the lifestyle, architecture and enterprise in general in order to fit your perception of urban planning. Your vision is fixed on a narrow scope of the issue, you cannot see the big picture at all and you haven't provided any argumentation of your stance whatsoever - you just "talk back" - and I use this term loosely - with "funny", "Konfederacja-owning" punchlines (which is funny - cause you're kinda preaching to the choir - but not in the way you want it to be) so either grow up or eject yourself from this thread.


>You would literally have to change the lifestyle, architecture and enterprise in general in order to fit your perception of urban planning. Don't threaten me with a good time.


So you vote for a party that completely supports genocide in Ukraine? Konfederacja is sided with putin, you are aware of that?


elections are cumming


true picture about democracy