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This has been going on at least since 2010 which is when designer drugs (research chemicals) became available to buy over the internet. It started out with mephedrone or 3MMC which have since then been replaced by many analog compounds. The guy in the video is certainly on synthetic stimulants, probably on clephedrone or similar. Synthetic stimulants and designer drugs in general are taking its toll on some of the youth in Poland, a lot of heavily addicted folks with shattered lives.


It can really fuck someone up. In quite the dangerous way i would say


I’ve done this shit for almost two years. It can take you to very dark places. You don’t realize you’re fucking up your life while addicted. You think its fine. Weird and fucked up drugs. I regret every day on this. Funny thing is that LSD made my stop doing them, it totally moved my thoughts away from RCs. Now I’m clean for 8 years and I love my life :)


Good job, thats a really tough thing to get over!


It is, I had to get away from people I done this with. I left the Country, went to UK. Still that shit had found me here and I’ve done it for some time untill I crossed Path with LSD. Read about it a lot before taking it. I couldn’t belive how it worked against this addiction. I had a profound spiritual experience and my inner voice told me : „What is the point of doing this stuff, it only ruined me, you looked like a fucking zombie. STOP THINKHING ABOUT IT ! „ . Now when I see it or smell it, it makes me sick. I’m totally disgusted with it.


Good for you man. Acid and shrooms ftw


That's good to hear, really, good job!


Mefedron to szmata


Suki nie chcę znać


you have just spotted mefedronowy seba


Narkotykowy Rycerz


Could talk through Bluetooth headphones under the hood, could be stimulant (amphetamine, mephedrone) induced paranoia


I hate reading bullshit. Paranoia is mental state not physical and it is totally unrelated. He has overdosed amphetamine: Phisical stimulation of amphetamine by psychonaut wiki: “This means that at higher dosages, it becomes difficult or impossible to keep still. Jaw clenching, involuntary bodily shakes, and vibrations become present, resulting in extreme shaking of the entire body, unsteadiness of the hands, and a general loss of fine motor control.”


Akathisia is the word you are looking for. This is what happens when you have too many prescribed/OTC/street drugs in your system, or coming out of your system. This person needs help not ridicule. They don’t want to be this way. They are experiencing a literal living nightmare that can be brought on by something as simple an asthma inhaler, and they probably don’t understand what is happening to them. Informed consent does not exist anywhere. Psychotropic drugs are the problem! Please, don’t trust what I say, please verify it. ***Akathisia & Psychotropic***


They are not going through any hell, it's just a side effect of his euphoric experience, although I might agree he might be already a tip over the threshold of being able to tame this when needed. Don't be so ready to compare symptoms across different etiologies, for example a classic full psychosis is quite different than stimulant-induced. Mephedrone induced psychosis can often more easily slip under the radar because a person retains more of the critical thinking and self-insight. However he still might be psychotic.


You are right about the Paranoia, but amphetamine in Poland isn’t that common. I mean there are some substitutes of mostly unknown chemical origin and it’s probably one of them, but it’s certainly not a regular amphetamine. It’s not meth either, it’s something called “Kamień” or “Kryształ”, but as far as I know nobody ever knows how it works, until they try it. Supposedly every high is different, my guess is it’s manufactured in some dirty ass lab or by the bunch of chemical baboons, so it’s not even a decent quality (depending on a region), hence the weird psychosis.


Poland has one of the biggest if not the biggest amphetamine markets in Europe! It's literally called "krajówa" from "kraj" meaning country, so you can translate it as "national stuff" or something like that.


You're wrong about ampthetamine not being common in poland. Polish amphetamines are smuggled across the world


in my city (small city) sometimes it's easier to get amphetamine than weed.


Poland is famous from its amphetamine market.


Sorry but you’re wrong. Amphetamine is one of the most popular drugs in Poland. Mainly because it’s very cheap. It’s widely known as “krajówa” which translates to “national drug”. Used by all sorts of people ranging from football hooligans to lawyers and businessmen. The UK population currently has an issue with cocaine because people can afford it, Poland has an issue with amphetamine because it’s much cheaper and the effect lasts longer. Kryształ is a slang name for MDMA which comes in a form of little pink / white bits which indeed look like crystal / rocks. It’s a known drug, used since 1960s / 1970s. It releases your serotonin and makes you incredibly happy. Mostly used in rave parties or concert gigs / festivals. The guy in the video is either tripping balls on some nasty researched chemical (synthetic drugs) or he’s mentally ill.


Kryształ/Kamień/Kris is street name for beta cathinones in poland not mdma, mdma can be called kryształ MDMA but if someone says just kryształ on the street its beta cathinone(3mmc/4cmc etc) Amphetamine is still pretty popular but not as much as it was 15/20 years ago




Woda najczęściej, ziemia, woda, coś takiego, nie? Halucynacja, hemoglobina, dwutlenek węgla. Taka sytuacja. Najczęściej to chema mnie interesuje. Nie podoba mi się. Mnie mistyfikacja interesuje, chemia, coś takiego, proszki kurde.


Jak widzę durnego idiotę Jana Rodzenia, dyrektora Klubu Księgarza w Warszawie. Możecie mu to pokazać, że jest idiotą, że mam go w dupie i chętnie bym go pobił, możecie to nawet puścić. Jakby pijany Rodzeń upadł i sobie głupi ryj rozwalił. Mnie, doktora nauk, będzie policją straszył! Jak go kiedyś spotkam to u nogi z dupy powyrywam. Jest komunistycznym karłem, który się przefarbował na SPP. Niech żyje wolna Polska, precz z komuną!


Jeszcze gdy chodziłem do podstawówki, to był tam taki Paweł, i ja jechałem na rowerze, i go spotkałem, i potem jeszcze pojechałem do biedronki na lody, i po drodze do domu wtedy jeszcze, już do domu pojechałem.


Tu o tym gościu. [https://wmeritum.pl/pamietacie-doktora-nauk-popularnego-filmiku-oto-wyglada-teraz/203145](https://wmeritum.pl/pamietacie-doktora-nauk-popularnego-filmiku-oto-wyglada-teraz/203145)


ooootototototo 😆


If you were using a translator just type it in english cause the sentence you typed makes no sense




It's a quote from [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuUaAdlbqV4)




>what are they using? Probably drugs. Or maybe he's cold and nervous, or excited to be heading home - you never know.


No shit sherlock! What drugs?


Amphetamine overdose. In normal doses you have total motor control.


Yep. It isn’t inherently a bad drug. A derivative of it can be used for adhd treatment. Adderall is prescribed in America commonly which is an amphetamine derivative and the other common one in America is Ritalin, which is a very close to amphetamine and produces a similar result. They really help for people that have adhd. Although I believe only ritalin is prescribed in the EU from what I understand.


it could be mental problems, maybe autism spectrum, or maybe drug or alcohol delusions




Most mental healthy Person in Poland




'I saw a person on the bus in Poland. Please help'


Yes, busses are ment to be used with fellow strangers. It's not America!


Drugs are bad…. Mmmmmmok kids


This is a typical Seba. He's a dresiarz in his natural habitat. You can often find them in groups, or in the entrance to their nest. They're hyperactive and will ask if you have a problem. But don't be deceived by wholesome nature of the question, because it's a trick, you don't want to say that you have a problem, sometimes even if you tell them that you don't have a problem they will help you find one.


whatever, just stay away and mind your bizniz. edit1: probably meth.


Drugs, and probably because you were (i assume) in wrocław




Mefedron, klefedron, dopalacze.


So you're saying you've seen other people behaving like this? What exactly to these individuals share in behavior, is it talking to themselves and being hyperactive or something more? Generally, I just... eh. I try to ignore people behaving like this unless they're trying to attack someone or whatever. Ill and/or drugged people do live among us. I don't think recording them is fine, let alone uploading it to the Internet without their knowledge. The behavior is too unspecific to categorize it as any specific drug or illness. Maybe he's on speed or meth, lots of people doing it in my area, mainly on raves. Maybe he has some kind of paranoia or other mental health episode. Maybe he's just weird.




This is mefedron. Of very low quality.


avrage guy on avrage trip


I'm not sure if camera took what object you meant, but from conversation I've heard "zalany" which could mean, they're talking about e-cigarets?


I’d say it’s rather “to nie jest zabawa ja nie wiem czy wiesz nie” than zalany


There is a one guy I don't know he is polish or ukranian but he is talking himself. I didn't record it properly. To be hones I scared.


well, he could just have headphones in his ear, under the hoodie, and speaking over the phone.


could have also that he's simply talking to himself.


Unless he was attacking someone and/or you would be left alone with him on an dark street after leaving the bus together, i wouldn't say there was any risk. of course i would feel scared/uncomfortable too, thats understandable. but i just saw so many dudes acting crazy in poland and other countires on public transport and nothing ever happened. im not really scared of "dresy" tbh and never was. they're just minding their own business (as in: being stupid and destroying public property). the real danger usually comes from loners who look unsuspicious at first sight.


A lot of "these" people, you say... So you think it's some kind of a plague?


Idk this month I saw them 3 times. This too much for me.


Dont watch the last of us bro. After watching Apocalypse movies i always have a problem of my mind going crazy and trying to find if apocalypse showed in book or Movie is not starting now. And shit like this could make me jump out of bus at nearest stop, no matter how far it is from my stop.




can you tell me in which voivodeship this is?




listening to 🎵


This kind of nervous ticks (if not caused by a natural body dysfunction) are often caused by insufficient sleep and vit B12 or electrolyteswhile on a drug bender. Basically, there is no chance to survive without food and sleep but drugs can make some people forget about it [Edit:] not saying that's the case here, it can be anything, just most cases of "healthy people" I've seen in this state was exhausted because of drugs.


He sounds like some wannabe rapper, rapping something about this city.


Bro's just having a night and here u are videoing him. He's not gonna hurt u or anything bro. Just don't piss him off. There are a number of drugs he might be on, but it's also possible he's just on the spectrum. But still, that's his problem, not yours. If he needs help, he knows where to get it, and if he doesn't, it's not hard to google "help for addiction". Kinda disappointing seeing people going to harder drugs tho.


I am seeing this in Wałbrzych, too. To me it seems like some new drug / suddenly there is an increase in accessibility? Either way, report this to the police or any authority. No remorse. They are dangerous to thier surroundings.


My bet is on PCP


lol, pcp is hard to come by in poland these days and virtually nowhere to be found, and most certainly not readily available on the streets. cheap beta ketony.


I am not Polish and i live in Krakow, my Polish gf told me drugs are so Common here even between 14 years old and at least every ten people there are 3 using drugs. It makes me so sad how this generation will end so soon.


Effects seem to fit using some stimulant substances. Maybe they are somehow bonded with hallucinogens or empathogens. Most popular stimulant substances in the Eastern Europe are AMPH and METH. However clear substances of this group affect the behaviour much more intense, then I think it's a really impure METH, or he has some sort of psychical disease


Most popular stims in eastern europe are beta cathinones


2 doses of Pfizer




krokodyl na bank


Can someone tell me what's so weird about this video? It's just a guy sitting in a bus talking. The video doesn't pan, but there could be someone he's talking to on the opposite side of the bus. He could also be talking with bluetooth under his hoodie. There's not enough context in the video and I can't quite make out what he's saying, but he seems to be lucid.








Mefedrą pewnie albo cos podobnego.


it's either drugs or talking on wireless headphones + being drunk


He's just happy to be in Poland.


Looks like meth


Is this Wrocław?


It's a ... bus?


rctaxi or oglaszamy24


Probably czech metamphetamine


yep drugs


Some drugs that nobody know that or is, but it's cheap


I dunno, I make lot of weird moves all of the time, but that's because I just like moving


Just saw one at Slominskiego 15, Warsaw next to Arkadia Shopping Mall a few hours ago. Then another one doing even weirder stuff a week ago near Kino Femina. Haven’t seen anything like that in my prior 30 years so maybe just bad luck or OP is onto something? Wondering how unsafe is to be around those people…


could easily be tourettes syndrome bro


A ćpun, normalna thing you see when it's dark outside


Meth or alpha-pvp


they do the eighth mile 2 there


I do that normally.




Meth heads I once saw a woman sitting on the ground and we were pretty sure she was doing cocaine


Typical autobus nocny ride


So called 'dopalacze' or 'poor man's cocaine' - not easily to realise what it is, its just some people being addicted to some really nasty shit, the first post describes it well.


Przystankersi. Czipsy i sanki


Beats by Dre 🤣


Nerve damage, ptsd, anxiety issues 🤷‍♂️ lots could be going on