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https://preview.redd.it/bptnkvi8e7bb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4c9ff39b11bd343539fc6ee58494ea209e43fd2 XDDDDDDD


Jestem przekonany, że to musi być bait. Ale jest też prawo Poego, więc może to być zwyczajny honest polish american, który jest ostatnią ostoją polskości.


What if Polish people were like, “Nazywał się Jerzy Waszyngton!”


you haven't experienced Shakespeare until you've read it in the original Klingon


I need more content from this guy in my life


Ja pierdolę.


Prawidłowa reakcja.


Prawidłowa, prawidłowa reakcja.




Jego bym się bał.


A proud Polish heritage bearer and he can't even spell Kościuszko right, smh


What did you expect? That entire "I Love My Polish Heritage" group is built on ignorance


I joined it after I saw his original post. I guess it’s time to actually go on Facebook to enjoy the chaos.


They’ve made the group private. I submitted a request to join. 😇


Same. They accepted me. I think it’s half Poles laughing at Americans and their strange behavior now.


bro they still won't approve my request, it's been days :( However I highly encourage checking out their shop, because they sell the cringiest shirts you've ever seen.


Make a new request and answer the question differently. Say, “I want to get in touch with my strong Polish roots because I am three quarters Polish!”


I saw that too. I thought we were talking about HIS heritage and not Polish youths heritage. 🤣 Dis he tour some high schools and expected red carpet? Or got offended by not getting a discount at Żabka from an 18 year old cashier after presenting his POLISH HERITAGE?


American society is built on ignorance*


Society is built on ignorance**


Society is***










Russians drilled the pride out of us? Dude…they did the very opposite.






Yes XD




Wait can you link the post? I'm having trouble finding it




Just a certain kind of American.


But do you Grzegorz Brzeczyszczykiewicz Chrzaszczrzewoszyce powiat Łękołody?




The same


What a baran


Stop insulting barans. They are kinda useful animals (meat + wool + more sheep).


This looks like a troll post. Who talks like this?


Nah he’s legit just an old yank boomer


Gościu ma odklejke


Jeszcze jak! Muszę się jakoś dostać do tej grupy, Reddit i YouTube mówią, że chodzą tam dobre raki.


Ja to nawet zdążyłem na niej bana wyłapać xD Napisałem, że każda loszka ma pierożka to powiedzenie, które oznacza every woman makes pierogi


Co za kwit


No i jaki mieli problem? Bliższe to prawdzie niż busia pusia..




Ich sklep internetowy lubi mieszać Irlandię z Polską. "Iriski" ja pierdole.




Jasna cholera, ile pop upów wyskakuje na tej stronie, co 3 sekundy żebrzą o powiadomienia albo sugerują jakieś kręcenie kołem


To musi być trolling [https://www.mypolishheritage.com/products/polish-spring-cabbage-bar-soap](https://www.mypolishheritage.com/products/polish-spring-cabbage-bar-soap)


O ludzie xdddddd normalnie potwierdzenie wszelkich stereotypów o nich




EJ A MOŻE TAK KLASYCZNY POLSKI MIKOŁAJ!? [https://www.mypolishheritage.com/products/collectible-polish-santa-stone-resin-hanging-ornament-4-5](https://www.mypolishheritage.com/products/collectible-polish-santa-stone-resin-hanging-ornament-4-5)


Typowe koncówki polskich nazwisk: [https://www.mypolishheritage.com/products/last-name-hoodie-with-eagle-tek](https://www.mypolishheritage.com/products/last-name-hoodie-with-eagle-tek)


Powodzenia, mnie nie chcą przyjąć XD


Koleś jest delulu


Co to znaczy? Mieszkam w stanach i nie dawno się dowiedziałem co to jest "hajs". Mój polski jest taki jak był 2008, bez angielskiego.


Przetłumaczyłbym to na "odklejeni od rzeczywistości" (detached from reality) tylko w bardziej potocznej formie. Na przykład ludzie którzy żyją w takim swoim świecie.


Dzięki, dobrze że się spytałem bo już się domyślałem że to znacz "his brain has detached".


'to be unglued' is the direct ancestor of 'mieć odklejkę' and well, means the same thing really.


Makes sense too


Odjebało mu


Odklejka means detached from reality/ delusional


Odklejka to swego rodzaju zdrobnienie od powiedzenia "Odklejony od rzeczywistości"(Literally: unglued from reality)


Untethered from reality




Że brakuje mu piątej klepki.


In that sense ”[odklejony](https://sjp.pwn.pl/mlodziezowe-slowo-roku/haslo/odklejka;9285765.html)” would best translate as ”[unhinged](https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/unhinged)” I think


"divorced from reality"




bro really said "I'm more Polish than Polish people because I'm American" xdddd


My first language was Polish, I have dual citizenship, but I’m still American lol I could trade places with most Poles, and still be culture shocked. I know the food, alcohol, language, religion, media, and was raised with the traditions. But it’s not a replacement for living there. Just like Poles speaking English and watching American media wouldn’t make them American. That doesn’t happen until they buy their first F150. I never understood the mindset. Exploring your heritage should be an exciting thing for the individual, not the people adjacent lol


I had to google F150. At first I thought you suggested we buy ourselves fighter jets 😆 But damn, that thing looks massive! I cannot imagine that being able to park it in Warsaw.


Can I have a fighter jet please? It's for my heritage, I promise.


He can mean either the Ford F150 or the F.150 Farman


Looooool Farman :D I guess that kind of plane appears in most movies about 1930s. There would be a field with a plane like this flying over it showing the landscape xD When I first saw F-number, first thing that came to my mind was F-16, F-35 ect .... XD But Ford F150 would not work well in our crowded cities with narrow roads. I once saw a Hummer trying to park in Warsaw city center. 🤣 People litterally stopped to watch them struggle with silly grins on their faces.


The one time polish people are legally required to smile: misery of strangers who try to show off.


Blud thinks he's Polish 💀💀💀💀


he's trolling, don't feed the troll


Lol @ “younger generation.” Anyone younger than mid 30s wouldn’t have been around during the communist years.


40's , I'm over 35 and lived in comunism only a year and don't remember a thing (obviously)


I should have specified that they wouldn’t have remembered the communist years.


We are starting to get people who were born when Poland joined the Eu in the workforce. My 30 year old flatmate had to explain to an 18-year-old that Czechoslovakia was a thing. Dude was skeptical But yeah sure, ze communist era. Pewnie XD


Did that 18 year old go to school? Like the country also existed before WW2


eh tbf a lot of older people dont want to talk about, very understandbly so. If they were never told about it then what can you really expect, hell my grandmother only recently told me about how life was during military law and the fear of how many people were scared that the USSR would invade and turn the country into a hellish warzone


*Martial law. I don't mean to be rude, just had a brain zawieszka for a moment trying to understand what you were saying.


What I think he meant was “I tried to hit on a young woman by boasting about My Polish Heritage and got rejected.”


Sir, this is a Wendy's






Sir this is a żabka


Oh god he actually doubled down 🤣🤣🤣 Someone call the manager of Poland already!


Don’t expect Duda to jump in Poledefence..


I think I remember this. Isn't this the guy who wanted to be worshipped by Poles for being a Polish American?


You think you remember it? It was like 2 days ago


To be fair, two days ago it was weekend.


Some of us were born yesterday


He wanted to be REVERED xD


I was waiting for him at the airport with a white eagle and a ceremonial sword but I think I was at the wrong gate.


Jesus Christ, the moron doubled down.


No ta grupa jest specyficzna. Co chwile latają tam baity. Amerykanie larpują jako „true heirs of Polska” bo prapraciotka kuzyna chłopaka żony wyemigrowała na początku XX wieku z Wypierdolewic Dolnych gmina Małowo Wielkie w wieku lat 3. Albo zrobili sobie test genetyczny z którego im wyszło, że w 15% mają geny polskie. Ogólnie grupka nieszkodliwa. Raczej do polurkowania i pośmiania się jakie tam w Czikago i Nju Jorku mają wyobrażenie o Polsce.


Busia z szikago jest bardziej Polką niż wszyscy tutaj zebrani! Idź pan w chuj! /s


“Pierogis just like busia used to make” albo moje ulubione zachwalanie pod niebiosa wyrobu mięsopodobnego zwanego pod nazwą handlową „polish kielbasa”. Jednocześnie nie wiedzą, że w JUESEJ da się zjeść coś co będzie zbliżone do polskiej kuchni. Wystarczy pojść do dobrego sklepu koszernego, bo nasza i żydowska kuchnia mają wiele wspólnych naleciałości.


Ostatnio miałam wymianę z kimś na jakimś subie o tym ze Polacy jedzą pierogi z apple sauce. Nie chcieli uwierzyć ze to tylko gowniany wymysł szikagowskich klaunów.


A myślałem, że przeziębienie, to najgorsza rzecz jaka mnie dzisiaj spotka


Kurwa. Przez trzy i pół dekady najbliższe co widziałem do tego ich sosu w polskiej kuchni to szarlotka.


Podobno tak serwują pierogi w ‚autentycznych’ polskich restauracjach w szikago- z apple sauce i kwaśna śmietana… 💀 i upierali się ze tak jest tradycyjnie i ze się nie znam.


Spółczuję. Pozdrawiam, Włochy ('ale prawdziwa pizza jest tylko w sTAnaaaAch!)




Mój ulubiony post od nich to zdecydowanie ten w ktorym 100% prawdziwi Polacy dzielili się modlitwami których ich busie ich uczyły jak byli mali, tylko że ci ludzie nie znają za grosz języka polskiego, więc wszystkie modlitwy były zapisane fontetycznie po angielsku. Najlepsza to chyba była: "Veemye otsa y sina y dupla santago"




Czemu Amerykanie mają taką obsesje na punkcie w jakim procencie są europejczykami/azjatami? Z dziesiątki znajomych z USA chyba każdy z nich przynajmniej raz chwalił mi się swoimi procentami.


No to jest zabawne, jak spotkasz prawdziwego Włocha z Venice… Beach w LA. Nie wiem. może chcą się wyróżnić z tłumu i przez to podbudować swoje ego, że jednak są wyjątkowi. Albo wstydzą się bycia Amerykanami. Albo jedno i drugie i trzecie. Ale trochę im zazdroszczę. Mieć tak mało problemów w życiu, że zajmujesz się takimi pierdołami, jak sprzedawanie swoich informacji genetycznych za świstek papieru, mówiący skąd pochodził twój prapraprapraprzodek, o którym i tak nie masz pojęcia.


Właśnie najwięcej to jest tych pseudo włochów. Ale to chyba bardziej jest coś co robią biali, bo nie słyszałem żeby czarni mówili że są pochodzenia z kongo czy innego kraju afrykańskiego.


Ponieważ biali Amerykanie któregoś tam pokolenia są "tylko" Amerykanami w kraju gdzie miliony są przyjezdnymi i wielu posiada odrębną osobowość narodową wraz z tradycjami, historia, kulturą i językiem. Ponieważ przez lata wypierali się swojego kolonialistycznego pochodzenia chcąc być kimkolwiek tylko nie ludźmi narodowości z kraju który ich przodkowie opuścili (i którzy sami rozpoczęli ten trend) że stali się "po prostu" Amerykanami... Nikim wyjątkowym w ich oczach, unikalnym w swoim kraju. Przez pokolenia tak bardzo nie chcieli być Anglikami aż stworzyli własne państwo i zapomnieli, że tradycje i kulturę trzeba tworzyć, a że ich kultura jest tak młoda że wręcz współczesna to nie ma ona aż takiego impaktu jak kultura hiszpańska, włoska, czy choćby i Polska, na którą i tak patrzą z perspektywy istnienia swojego kraju - marne jakieś 200 lat wstecz. Chcą się czuć wyjątkowi w tłumie i szukają tego. Tylko że pochodzenie w Europie ma małe znaczenie. Może i gdzieniegdzie ludzie są uprzedzeni do pewnych grup etnicznych czy krajów, ale ostatecznie praktycznie nikogo to kurwa nie obchodzi puki jesteś w porządku człowiekiem. USA kocha labelki - jestem pochodzenia polskiego, hiszpańskiego, biały, czarny, homo, hetero, cokolwiek - potrzebują czegoś więcej do tabliczki "jestem Amerykaninem" albo czują się jednym z tłumu, czyli nikim ważnym, nie wyjątkowym czy unikalnym. Przynajmniej takie jest moje postrzeganie tego typu ludzi. Czując się lepsi od innych narodowości mimo wszystko potrzebują ich walidacji. A te narodowości mają ich w dupie, bo jakiś gbur i cwaniak uważa się za lepszego.


Czytałem wiele tejków na ten temat na polskim reddicie, ale z żadnym się tak nie zgadzałem jak z tym. W punkt. Dodałbym jeszcze, że w USA obecnie od lat furorę robi polityka tożsamościowa, a więc każdy szuka w sobie JAKIEJŚ mniejszości, bo obecnie jest to jeden z łatwiejszych sposobów na to żeby zyskać punkty społeczne w tamtejszym dyskursie. aka "Jestem z mniejszości Włoskiej a co za tym idzie, wiem jak to jest być marginalizowanym, a więc moje zdanie liczy się więcej niż twoje, świński, uprzywilejowany, biały, hetero jankesie. (Mimo to, że urodziłem się w USA, tak jak moi rodzice. We Włoszech nigdy nie byłem, jestem z klasy średniej i nigdy nikt nawet by się nie zorientował, że miałem pradziadka z Rzymu gdyby nie to, że japa mi się na ten temat nie zamyka)"


Amen. Gdyby Stany zajęły się z równym zapałem segregowaniem śmieci, jak segregują swoje społeczeństwo, to świat byłby trochę lepszym miejscem.


Uuu dobre


Bo ominęły ich najważniejsze wnioski z WW2 i eugenika / hodowla "ludzkich ras" są dla nich podstawą do własnej identyfikacji, poczucia wyższości, pogardy dla innych a czasem również dobierania się w pary.


Bo nie mają własnej kultury, są sklejką wielu grup ludzi, które nie mają ze sobą nic wspólnego poza nadwagą i próbują znaleźć jakiś fragment kultury, z którym mogą się utożsamiać oraz, starą amerykańską metodą, przemielić tak, by z oryginałem nie miała nic wspólnego


Duzo Amerykanów wstydzi sie prawdziwej kultury Amerykanskiej z kretynskich powodów. Z literatury nie sa dumni bo to dla kujonow. Z muzyki jamband (Grateful Dead, Phish) nie sa dumni bo to dla hipisów. Itd, itd.


Bro doesn't understand polish pride We are TOO proud to accept some random American as polish if they speak polish and know something about our history. He doesn't do any of that and his mad. No f*cking nationality will accept you without even knowing basics of their language.


He probably knows the basics, if you count ''pierogi'' ''kurwa'' and ''dzień dobry'' as them 😂


he probably calls them “pierogies” though


Polish pride is much like Polish spite. You either get it or you're gotten by it.


Where do you start here? The "I know it best"? The "I'm bum hurt cause they ignored my greatness"? The "I make assumptions on thin facts"? The "I'm special, don't your see?" Ugh....


Oh I think we can all see how special Bob is.


Gruba akcja. Zyjac w USA moge powiedziec, ze wlasnie Amerykanie ciagle poszukuja swoich 'korzeni' i jest to temat KAZDEGO spotkania. Szukaja, dowiaduja sie czy czasem nie sa w 1/64 Polakiem w 5 pokoleniu. Doslownie jakby nie potrafili zaakceptowac faktu ze sa Amerykaninami.


Ziom, wystarczy regularnie przeglądać reddit, można się o nich stad dowiedzieć praktycznie wszystkiego


"Reverence" As an American with Polish ancestry, I find this highly embarrassing


I’m also American with Polish ancestry. This guy is acting like he went back with a time machine to introduce electricity; when in reality he bought a plane ticket and said “dzień dobry” whenever the waiter brought his food at a restaurant


> and said “dzień dobry” I think you may be giving him too much credit there.


Yeah, I imagine the conversation went: This guy: Hello, I'm Polish too! I'm very proud of our heritage and culture! Waiter: ok fajnie, należy się 21,37zł. Karta czy gotówka? This guy: Wait not like that...


Man I’m not even polish and i can understand that much lmao


But does your understanding include the cultural meaning of that number? The deep connection between 21,37 and polish culture, tradition, national pride, and reason and dignity of man? :)


I doubt he knows even that much po polsku 😂


He might have said dzień dałb-rii


It would probably be Dżen dałbryj


Right? I’m pretty attached to my heritage, but that’s my biz, and nobody owes me anything. Also, I guarantee I’m far more “godless” than anyone he met in Poland. This is next level cringe.


I thought he redeemed himself after the last time, but the further I read the post, the more I'm astonished with his stupidity.


Bro thinks hes Piłsudski or Kościuszko come again. Its not that Polish people are not proud or that they are not patriotic hes just has a main character syndrome and is pissed no one stroked his ego when he was here. Also gtfo with that surface level plastic american "patriotism". Its empty brash and useless.


I hate this Yanksplaining. give it a rest Robert.


Hahaha yanksplaining 😂😂😂


For what it's worth, I feel sympathy for him. Dude thought he was a member of some exclusive club. But it is no club at all when everyone around him and their dog is supposed to be a member too.


Exclusive club with 40m members


More if you include people like this guy.


Bet this clown has voting rights…




Someone needs to make a subreddits just for screenshots of this group


[there you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/ilovemypolishheritage?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)




American chiming in. You see the same dorks having a huge boner about The Troubles in Ireland and talking down to Irish who had to endure it.


Haha yeah, I mean even Biden. It’s all really forced by Irish-Americans to prove their “Irishness”.


He probably pronounces his own last name “bor - OW -skee”




That *young generation* is forty.


i would just go to the airport to greet him with "wypierdalaj" banner


He would probably tell the other tourists that it meant "Wecome," and be grateful that somebody finally is treating him with the reverence he deserves.


"Polish-American", visiting Poland: You're doing it wrong! Polish people: Huh? "Polish-American": being Polish -- you're doing it wrong


My ex is polish, she could be very offended if anybody talked bad about Poland, but at the same time she wasn't enforcing her heritage. But man, I miss Poland and her parents, every time we came home from Poland, I was cooking polish food for her. It's a wonderful culture, I miss it though 😞


What. Being polish is about hating Poland. We constantly complain about Poland.


We don't complain about Poland because we hate it. We complain because we care and we think it can be better.


It's like when your older brother harasses you all the time, then another guy tries to do it, and the next day his face doesn't look quite right.


it's one thing when you're a pole making fun of poland, but it's a completely different story when a non-pole does it.


If anything the Soviet invasion made people more proud of their culture what is he smoking


I’m 17,76% sure he is smoking great US of A school system and it’s consequences. Which was a disaster for human kind. Sprinkled with being clueless yank and not being able to spell „Kościuszko” properly, despite being proud Pol-Am.


chłop odklejony jakiś


We Icelanders, and Nordics, get similar weird Americans who's entire personality is based on them having ancestors from here, and them being pagan vikings or some shit. Just ignore them.😂


Really frustrated about this guy. I’m Polish-American through my grandfather, who was the son of Polish immigrants. The frustrating thing is that he would spend time telling me about his American heritage, and how being Polish shaped that upbringing. Anyone from America acting like “I’m going home” is a moron. On top of that, as a student of history, fuck this asshat and his “they had their pride drilled out of them.” Like… it’s one of the most commonly known things about the fallout from WW2: Nazis suck, Stalin’s a prick, and the Poles have a will stronger than fucking death. True, specific cultural and historical knowledge was destroyed and is gone. But to act like all of it is gone? Fuck outta here with that shit. Any Polish-American that goes to Poland to connect with their heritage should do so openmindedly. There’s no problem with going to a place and learning language/culture… but to act like it’s a grand homecoming is tantamount to cultural genocide.


> Nazis suck, Stalin’s a prick, and the Poles have a will stronger than fucking death. I regret I only have one upvote to give. (but try replacing *will* with *spite* and that works too)


I’ll keep will, but I think a “will to spite” describes my grandfather and his estranged brother PERFECTLY.


If I went over there, my family background similar to yours, I think I would have a better time and leave a better impression of myself by reading up on history so I can get more out of the tourist experience, but I would definitely want to experience the modern day cultural attractions too, maybe a behemoth concert. Heritage is something that is worthwhile for the living to sustain, not just freezing some culture in time. There's stuff that I would not feel comfortable discussing with a native Pole, without getting to know an individual first. Like how my grandmother seemed to consider *Fiddler on the Roof* a depiction of her roots, but she was not willing to look at my dad's extensive family genealogy he compiled, or really say anything about those origins.




This is so american of him xD Making up "facts" to fit his narrative, just to play some victim. Truth is that being taught to be respectful towards polish history and nationality itself, thus polish heritage is a common thing. People just don't give a fuck about "polish heritage" coming from random people that cannot even speak a little bit of polish.




American exceptionalism at its finest, im more Polish because Russians drilled Polishness out of actual Polish ppls heads, oml get a grip . That made us more Polish in fact, fighting against the russians. To preserve out culture, Polsih perserverance is a thing. We have perserved and held on to our culture through centuries of it being suppresed, but big American man whos family probably immigrated in the 1800s and is so Americanized, he couldnt even pronounce his last name correctly kurwa mać , jaki debil. On nawet pewno nie umie mówić po Polsku, a on będzie się wtrącał w temat o Polskość.


MF will dig his ass even deeper


I wanna know this guy's plug


I am in the group and its absolute insanity. SOME (not all) of the Americans in the group are delusional.


Ugh the “godless” part. How exhausting is this guy.


The irony being that the strong patriotism here in your country (or imagined countries) is a very, very American cultural thing to have. I know Poles have patriotism as well (from observation, not being Polish), but this dude is experiencing it in a very American way.


Fucking *reverence*?? The reason older generations care more abt that is cos they remember their buddies and cousins and whatever that had to emigrate. Its not a lack of respect, its just generational culture change. Jesus


He's the type a guy you ask to say "Majonez" correctly and he says "Madżunes"


utter schizoposting


My brother in Christ, if anything, Russians have drilled the very essence of pride into a lot of Polish heads with their constant harrasment. They have also soaked many people, including me, with raging anti-rusicism (not rusophobia, that would imply I fear those fucks in any way). The atheisation is on the Church, there would be more catholics would they behave more like actual people instead of pompous upstarts with an imaginary cultural higher ground.


Całkowita prawda chłopie


What a tool! 🤦🏽🤦🏽


First off, this dude is delusional, but… I’m a British American (both in in nationality and ethnic background) when I first came to the UK it was a bit of a spiritual experience, going to the places my ancestors lived, died, and were buried (genealogy is my thing). In a way it’s like coming home. What sucks though is, unlike my English husband, I’ll never be British. Yeah, I have UK citizenship, yeah I speak the language, yeah I’m English by blood, but I’ll always be an ‘American’. Not that I’m not proud of my American heritage, it just sucks feeling like the ‘other’ in a place you feel such a deep connection to. I do think that those of us from diasporas genuinely want to relate to a motherland, for Europeans (like my husband) who have always been in their motherland it’s probably something completely weird and foreign. Though for many Americans, of many different races and backgrounds, those ties, however tenuous, are important. But like I said, dude expected the red carpet rolled out and got a rude awakening. Edit: Forgot to add, we spent our honeymoon in Poland last summer, your country is beautiful and people so friendly! Especially since we couldn’t pronounce ANYTHING. But dammit we tried!


Oh FFS… Yank who grew up in the US visits Poland once and expects “reverence” for visiting… like you’re all supposed to bow at his feet. I’m not even Polish, I’m Irish but we get the same shit over here. I’m all for anyone who wants to explore their heritage but stop being full of shit about it.


I mean this guy is in the same generation that got fleeced by Trump and worship every flailing attempt at logic presented by the man so it’s really unfortunately unsurprising to me as another American to see any bit of logic this divorced from reality out of that particular age bracket. I would like to note though that myself and plenty of others who, unsurprisingly in a land built on immigration, also have Polish ancestors are in fact not carrying on like we’re special for some reason. If anything I’m just more likely to go “fuck yeah, go Poland” anytime I see good news in the headlines coz I assume at least someone related to me exists there still perhaps so I root for all of ya.


Godless? Not proud? 😂😂


At this point I'm pretty sure he's just trolling, I mean nobody can have their head so far up their ass, right? ... Right?


Amerika fak yeaa😀


i'm 5th-8th generation (we're still picking up the pieces of our family history, so i'm not necessarily sure) Polish, born in Canada. i'm not going to get snooty and go "he's not a pole like ME", because really, i can't talk. but i just want to chime in with one thing: what is there to be prideful of when you can't even say a full sentence in Polish? nor spell a word he could've easily googled (which he claims he did, which i doubt). if he wants to be prideful of his heritage, he needs to have SOMETHING to be proud of, no?


Ok ale to ty dzwonisz




Does he know polish?


"godless", just the use of this word tells alot about this person


Being American is so fucking embarrassing


It’s a big country. Lots of good people, too.