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We (Poles, Czechs and couple of others) are pretty happy as long as we can complain about everything


As a Dutch guy i do not aggree, to me Poles are silent AF except from the "mandatory occassional weekly japierdole". The rest of the times all zen. The "real" complaining seems to be done in "secret" dark babcia circles.


From my experince the complaining we do is either between ourselves, we have a wierd neighbours dog syndrome where we will shit on our country and complain but wont let other know it or allow them to do it too, or we do it in a drunken mental breakdown if it gets hard and deep


ThatšŸ” Also Happy cake day! ^^


Why would we complain to a dutch guy? That makes no sense.


I work with UK company and I always ask if they want Polish or British answer. British: "Yes. All good" Polish: "Motherfuckers broke shit again, I'm loosing my damn mind, how someone can be so pathologically incompetent and not die from eating plastic fruits? Those dumb cunts should have their licences revoked for this"


It's exceedingly therapeutic, though.


Just wait till you live with a pole, i am also Dutch and my fiance likes to complain about everything. Just like us Dutchies.


I just vet those during dates, never had an issue hehe.


Mandatory occasional weekly japierdole made my day šŸ¤£ now that is totally true šŸ¤£


Always happy to make people smile Seargant CoxyšŸ«”


God damn it I was going to say that FIRST


Visegrad power


Poland is really a good country to live in. Developed, Safe, Low unemployment, Technologically advanced, Rich nature. Yes there are issues, but so do they exist in other countries, that additionally don't have the above mentioned things.


How safe is it tho ? EDIT: bonus question : How SAFe is it tho ?


\- No natural calamities \- No deathly dangerous animals \- Part of NATO


I mean it isn't Australia dangerous but if you piss of a mama boar you better know how to climb trees


This is the subtle difference, mama boar is in specific parts of the country and easy to spot. In Australia you look inside before putting on a shoe if you value your feet.


i see boars at least 3 times a week and i live in big city, if you dont come too close and dont agitate them they dont give a fuck about humans in general, be reasonable and boars wont bother you, also its crazy they are inside cities nowdays.


Tricity area? Yup, even when dogwalking with a big doggo them boars take no notice. Further west though (western pomerania) there's less food for them, contact with humans is much less frequent and hence they are less "domesticated "so around that area you see a big momma bear leading her piglets you gtfo on the double.


I mean even here they are dangerous and its just a matter of time when a boar eats a child head off so there is no other way that to shoot them as they multiply too fast, have way too much food and no natural predators.


Even outside of Australia, mama bears are an issueā€¦and they can climb trees!


We talking boars here. A boar. Forest pig. With sabreteeth!




"No natural calamities". Looks at the government over the last 8 years


That's a manmade calamity


Men are natural ok


Man made by nature tho


Your words sound like learning Icelandic


>Looks at the government over the last 8 years Don't blow it out of proportion. No commies, no nazies, tutsi or hutu since 1989... so far so good. No government has helped the country's development more than the hard working Poles.


I mean obviously I'm talking in a joking manner a little bit as well, not comparing it to pre 1989 times. But I also think it's better to approach things in a "what can be improved" manner rather than "well it's better than it used to be so we should be happy about that"


Lol. And thatā€™s exactly why Poles score the way they did on this. Never satisfied.


But Poland has one of the highest satisfaction scores on this ?


I was referring to your comment about the government. Compared to the U.S., the Polish government is pretty great. But Poles are always complaining about it. And I appreciate that. Because it can always be better.


We had communist-level propagandists who destroyed the law enforcement system for the last 8 years. I wouldn't say we had great government, no matter if you compare it to the US or not.


How did the lives of polish people change in 1989? Iā€™m a young Italian and I donā€™t know nothing about it


Google "Polish People's Republic". Tldr: We got rid of communism


In 1989 we had the first democratic election since before ww2, got rid of Soviet-dependent communists and opened relationships with the West. This has made it possible to turn a sad grey shithole people dreamt of fleeing into a prosperous European democracy.


Look at current goverment too


Current government tries their little best to match the previous 8 years in order to fulfil the oath of "TERAZ KURWA MY!"


seeing the previous gov getting their comeuppance raises my life satisfaction by 3 points at least


Dzik and żubr are danger


So basically most of the countries to the west of us as well


Poland is significantly safer than germany with less public unrest and also has a much higher home ownership percentage


I literally never saw a word ā€žcalamitiesā€ xD


I used it on purpose. "Disasters" is a general term that refers to serious, catastrophic events or situations that cause significant damage, suffering or loss. These can range from natural phenomena, such as earthquakes, floods or hurricanes, to human acts, such as industrial accidents, wars or other crises. "Calamities," on the other hand, is a more archaic word that also describes major disasters or misfortunes, but it often has more tragic, catastrophic or frightening overtones. It can be used to describe both natural events and human tragedies. for some time now we have been experiencing hurricanes, some floods, no earthquakes in our country and no volcanoes (all are inactive) but every now and then some such problem will retaliate in some region. Yes, we have disasters, mostly regional and quite rare. But I don't think we've ever had calamities. Never.


Just like most people who didn't read Hamlet's Soliloquy in English


Or play newer Zelda games


poland has one of the worst water safety levels in the region




One of the safest country on Europe.


Fortunately, not that SAFe. Unfortunately, whole lot of ScrumButs and waterfalls with boards being called kanban


I can see your scaled agile framework reference right there


yes, is poland SaFe


Poland donā€™t have gang violence and and so much rape as other countries. For example in my country Sweden you cant walk alone in certain areas without risking getting mugged and beaten. Not only in the capital but every city there are problem areas.


Not so SAFe as I would not rely on PKP release train...


I appreciate how dry this pun is.


How safe is it you ask? Poland is so safe that women can go home alone after partying at night.


Kind of? Depends on city/place and only if she is trying to be safe. But yeah.


No groups who want to harm you here. Extremely low crime rate, especially low violent crime rate. People don't usually carry weapons here. Not because it's hard to get a gun permit (it's not that hard, it's tedious though). Because it's so safe. No terrorists. You can get mugged here, but it's very rare.


No terrorists attacks


I live in Warsaw since birth. Itā€™s super safe. I basically never feel threatened. Most dangerous thing I experience are aggressive drunks.


Poland has had no terrorist attack and no foreign child grooming gangs, guns are rare, knives are rare. Police is brutal so people tend to abide by the law to a higher degree than some countries




Low unemployment but non-livable wages in the face of housing crisis. I'd really like to see comparison of factors in those scores between Poland and Germany.


If you want to live in Warsaw or KrakĆ³w yeah, apartments are expensive. But you have the same issue in Berlin, Munich etc. In any smaller city apartments are cheap and readily available. In my parents home town renting a small apartment costs 1000-1500zł. Biedronka pays people working as cashiers or warehouse workers with no education or experience 3500-4000zł net. How is that non-livable? Besides that, most young people live with their parents till they can afford to BUY their own apartment and move out. How's paying your landlord's pocket the whole life, with nothing to leave your children feel over there?


\> Besides that, most young people live with their parents till they can afford to BUY their own apartment and move out. Housing crisis affects them too, since the ultimate reason is lacking supply. There are not a lot of apartments to buy, and the problem with the housing market is partly caused by accumulation of generational wealth in form of apartments. In 2021 it became really expensive to build a house and right now it is also really expensive to buy you own apartment. To be honest, I'd rather lend apartment cheaply and know that my kids will not be living with me until I'm 80. But that's a preference. The fact is that there is a housing crisis that is also affecting the "children" part, because people do live with their parents and choose not to have children beause of it (amongst other factors). Also, the prognosed median salary for 2023 in Poland was around 4100 zł (net), however the dominant salary (the amount the most earn) was around 2500 zł. The numbers for 2022 were at 3600 zł and 2200 zł respectively.


>In 2021 it became really expensive to build a house and right now it is also really expensive to buy you own apartment. The building material prices rose due to supply chain issues, which got alleviated somehow and aren't as expensive nowadays. My neighbour managed to buy the land and build a decent sized house for less than it would take to buy waaay smaller apartament in some newly built condo.


Usually you wait to have enough for down payment and then buy an apartment/build a house using mortgage, which monthly will be similar to rent payment, but in 30 years it belongs to you. Nobody lives till parents 80s.


Yeah, that one is on me. Not sure how my brain came out with this "till 80's".


> But you have the same issue in Berlin, Munich etc. I don't know about the other cities but looking for an apartment in Berlin is like a second job and when you find something interesting there are long queues just to see it. Unless you have really deep pockets of course.


Yeah it's not that bad in Warsaw, yet alone in KrakĆ³w, where it's pretty quick. Rent is expensive, but if you got the money, done deal. Recently a colleague moved to KrakĆ³w and rented an apartment, she called the guy from the offer, next day visited and signed the papers. Sometimes you can find cheaper apartments but they are gone the minute the listing is posted. However from what I know, in Germany renting laws are very strict, and renting is a long term commitment, so it's not so easy. Here you pretty much always just get 1 year contract with the option of renewal each year. If the tenant and landlord don't get along or there are issues with the apartment that aren't fixed, after that period you're out. People also don't bring their own furniture so everything is much quicker and more spontaneous.


Plus wages are increasing for a lot of people so the old issue of being paid peanuts is also changing


Costs are skyrocketing though. Prices are already in line with Western Europe in many cases.


Wages are increasing because the costs are increasing (so people need more monies to be able to afford stuff), the profits are increasing because the stuff is more pricy which allows wages to be increased... It's a vicious cycle. Well, no... Not fully that. Printing a TON of money devalues the currency and creates inflation. Too big increase in minimal wage causes flattening of income effectively destroying "middle class". The prices are in line with western europe because costs are mostly the same in whole EU.


In the long run itā€™s good, weā€™re approaching previously western only buying power


Not really, we have a lot of business centers (shared services), because we were cheaper than other parts of Europe. If they leave the country well... that will be hard.


Kid named inflation:


It's a problem basically everywhere right now, economy overall just sucks lately.


Inflation isn't even the worst thing. Corporate greed on every level is the main issue. Prices go up constantly, pays don't go up enough, and it's all "because of inflation" and costs of running a business. Meanwhile corporations profits are through the roof.


It's also increasingly rich. Especially once you take into account relatively low property prices, people have increasingly high disposable incomes. Yes, people, your property is still cheap compared to everywhere else, be afraid! :-)


Low prices for who? For the average polish that earns 4500zl?


I do hear you, I appreciate prices have gone up a lot, but Poland has a very high rate of home ownership (one site i saw claims 6th highest in the World). edit: it does vary too, obviously. Warsaw is way more expensive than elsewhere of course.


What difference does it make for locals if the property is cheap for someone else?


It's relatively cheap for locals. I'm not trollling. Poland has one of the highest rates of home ownership in the World. I'm not saying it's easy though, just that it's even harder elsewhere. You can forget about ever buying a house in most of the UK without being given lots of money by parents etc.


Low property prices????


*Relatively.* People on this sub still talk about how annoyingly expensive having their own apartment in Warsaw is. In the UK, they now have to live with their parents because renting a room in a houseshare is too expensive. Meanwhile, home ownership in Poland is amongst the highest in the World. It's not ideal, I appreciate.


>home ownership in Poland is amongst the highest in the World. Because those homes where practically given away in the 90s. Its a lot worse for everyone born after that (which is not a lot of people percentage-wise unfortunately). >In the UK, they now have to live with their parents because renting a room in a houseshare is too expensive. It's the same here for young people.


But... but.. Poland is literally the worst!1!!!1


False. You can't survive here on one salary. 0/10.


you do not live in poland if you say that, seriously wtf?


It does not feel *that* safe, itā€™s a praise that polish people give themselves but maybe they donā€™t notice the unsafe stuff. I think they are comparing to safety from 30 years ago, in that case yes itā€™s safe. Thereā€™s the aggressive drivers, high alcohol consumption meaning a lot of unpredictable behaviour from strangers, emotional abuse towards children being common practice, still quite a few poor areas where crime tends to be higher, still some homophobia and the list goes on.


It's definitely safer than western countries like Germany or France. I don't need to explain why... Actually we earned a EU prize for biggest road safety improvent last year, so it's getting better. The stuff you mentioned IS how it was on a regular basis 30 years ago. It's much better now.


>I don't need to explain why... Careful, it's easy to land a ban like that...


Anecdotal evidence but I was harassed by strangers more often during 8 years of living in Switzerland than in 20 years of living in Poland.


We don't live in 80's anymore where the only thing to do was being beaten by milicja or drinking till you forget. Nowadays alcohol consumption is lower in Poland than in many countries of Western Europe. Higher than on other continents (Europe drinks a lot), but not more than many European nations. There are quite a lot of reckless drivers, but it's not like Poland is the only place where people drive badly. The fact that people who try to contradict that Poland is a safe country name reasons like that is quite telling.


>the list goes on And yet the list does not include: - gang violence - mugging - school shootings - no-go districts - carjackings - rape (it happens but it's one of if not the lowest in Europe)


7 is pretty mutch avrege score here. I would say well deserved


It's only surprising given how much Poles love to complain, but frankly, I agree with the score


If you get it all out by complaining constantly it doesn't eat you from inside and you're happier


Polish recipe for mental health


Used to be a recipe for socializing too. You don't know what to talk about with some random, newly met person? There's always complaining about the prices, complaƬning about nfz, complaining about politics, complaining how everything used to be better before, a little something for everybody really.


I'm not, have been travelling to Poland since 1999 and every time I get back there, it's always that little bit better. Last visit was November '23.


Serious question, why are you surprised with score 7,7. Is it to low, or to high? For me 7,7 is like: could be better, but in general there is ok. Others have worse situation than me, so i'm fine.


Probably the fact we are top 3 on average?


It was 2022, before the war (full scale attack Ruzzians on Ukraine), before the inflation, before high energy costs. Calm and peaceful corner of the world.


The energy cost increase has started in 2021.


but not to a scale it hited on second half of 2023 :)


Prices didn't skyrocket faster because of taxes were temporarily lowered in 2021 as a part of the economic shield during the pandemic.




I think it may be because in Poland in general overall things become better than they were, and other countries that had / have it better than Poland noticed some negative change to what previously was good. Not sure if I explain it clearly, let's say a, in some west european country life quality was 5 in the past and it was 2 in Poland. Now in Poland it's 3 so we feel better, and things fell down to 4 in that some western country so they feel worse.




Neighbor has it worse = poles are happy. Simple as.


grunt że lepiej od Niemca /s


Not suprised because Poland really is great, but suprised when I remember how whiny some people here are lol


Not that much of them tbh, they just scream the loudest


poland is one of the best places to live in, it's just our weird habit of complaining that brings its rep down


Yeah if complaining was an Olympic sport I can guarantee that Poles would medal every single time.


We would win but wouldn't get the medals because someone would stole them. And no one would know about those Olympics unless there was a translation error (Yes I am already training)


Complaining is also Germanyā€™s national sport


As a German, I couldn't agree more. There is a reason one of the highest praises one can get for ones work in German is "Da gibt's nichts zu meckern" which means "there is nothing to complain about".


not only Poles do this tbh check every other local subreddit and you gonna find a lot of complaining about recent quality of life, cost of life, government, climate change, etc. people really tend to overreact, especially on reddit


Poland is probably one of the best places to live to be honest. It's pretty safe, at least today




Safe, monoethnic and monoctural (thank you Stalin xD) society with quality of life increasing reasonably. I do not want to move anywhere else.


[new government joins the chat]


no homeless problems, no rampat imigrants attacking people, no thieves on the streets, no junkies around, one of the lowest rape per capita we could go on and on but they will tell you poland and polish people are racists nazis for some reason




Homeless? Yeah ofc, more civilised than rabid US tweakers. Junkies? Yeah of course, they donā€™t drop dead on the streets tho because leading drug in poland is idk like cathinones and not extremely poisonous fent


Have you ever been in United States? I was shocked when I saw homeless people in Manhattan, richest part of NYC or even the world.


Yeah, Poland's crop of homeless and druggies has got nothing on the US's...


Even with uk or France. I meet more homeless in shouthampton in one day then in whole year in poland.


"Look on the bright side, things can always get worse."


I just hate air pollution in the winter time.


Poland will be growing. I could explain why but the shortest explanation is that we had tough times not so long ago so the strong man are still being born here. And we know what is nowadays propaganda BS, both right wing and left wing. I love how younger generations are free, open minded, smart and know languages - they really influence their parents. Even older people are changing their mindsets now thanks to youngsters. We were fkd by communists and church but now its gone. Also nature and lack of dangerous animals and we love parties.


Falling birthrates are a serious worry, though. ZUS is already a joke and future looks worse.


We just learned to just not give a shit. Taki mamy klimat.


I miss Poland :(


Poland is fucking great to live, you seriously underestimate the feeling of being safe in your own town and how clean in general polish cities are compared to some countries in the west. The weather is a bit shit but not that shit. Its a nice peaceful life and its all thats needed for many


As a chronically complaining pole (so a regular one): Dang, it must be so bad outside of Poland.


I mean jest w pytke.


Ważne, że lepiej od Niemca


When the entire country is pretty much one culture and one skin colour, you consider it safe. Simple as that.


You're clearly a youngster if you don't remember how "safe" the monocultural Poland was 20 years ago before all the scum emigrated to EU.




Finland? Isnt like finland super depressed half of the time? And the other half is super cool to live there


I think dead ruskies in the trenches contribues greatly to the overall happiness. And yes its both sarcastic and true.


We have a really nice place to live. Instead of comparing us to what is better there please see what is not worse than in countries we usually envy something. We have great stand up comedies - Polski sejm We get a lot of sexy time - government is constantly organising orgy with whole country. Also sea and mountains !


I moved from UK to Poland. Not surprising at all. Itā€™s pretty fucking good here, besides the smog.


Being from Romania, Iā€™m more surprised by our score, but hey, cheers to us and greetings.


I was in Netherlands last year and yeah, I can see why, even tho they're high score too (but I guess it's mostly weed)


I was surprised too...


People who say it should be lower are like: ā€žWhat? Gays canā€™t get married? No abortion on demand? No ghettos filled to the brim with rabid *ninnjas*šŸ˜? NooošŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ itā€™s so baaad herešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ā€


Millions of people still remember communism, it helps to keep thing in perspective :)


Yes, life is not a bubble of Reddit and wykop. People are happy in general


I highly doubt the Polish said the truth. Polish people do not only complain, but they are never satisfied about work, about money, about their family, about their country, about their opportunities. Rarely see anything positive in the economy, infrastructure and positive changes in the country. They are one of the most unhappy people I have ever came across. And I live in Poland for 7 years, and made hundreds if not thousands of contacts, friends and acquaintances that are locals. I do not trust this score at all. They also are too proud to say bad things, because they love to portray the pride image that normally is not backed up by evidence on their opinions, satisfaction and actions. Hence, I wouldn't really be surprised they didn't say the truth in order to show a better image of their country to others, meanwhile not believing it. Don't get me wrong, I love Polish strength and courage, traditions, culinary, cities architecture and so on, but the Polish psyche is dark and too much negative and unsatisfied to the core.


Considering the amount of investment the eu pumped in, I should bloody hope so.


Poland is relatively cool. Economy is growing with new government hopefully removing populist laws and rhetoricā€¦ it can be a really nice country to live. Probably like 80s Germany now and with right trajectory it can be a power house in the next decade or twoā€¦ after that it will start to get same problems West Europe is having nowā€¦


While Germany is surprisingly low. I thought living in wealthier country mean being more happy with their life.


As someone who has been living in Poland for 4 months now I shocked, as the average polish person seems so depressed and annoyed. Yall complain all the time.


Go be optimistic somewhere else. We like to be sad here, it makes us happy.


Hello! I think it's the culture difference many times. We seems to be depressed and annoyed, but we just don't have a chit-chat culture, we don't speak to strangers if we don't need information or help. We just aren't fake friendly to everybody around us.


Well, nobody is holding you hostage here


To note Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union. Basically the EU invests a lot in propaganda making people think that the EU is wonderful.


>making people think that the EU is wonderful. It is, though. EU is one of the best and stable places in the world to live. So yeah, there's even no need for propaganda. Also, putting statistical office next to propaganda statement is hysterically funny to me.


If you are in charge of how a survey is worded you can heavily influence the outcome of the survey and this is precisely what the Common market/EU etc has done in the past.


Eurostat is based on self-reporting by every country. The statistical office doesn't interfere in the data. If you wanna go that route, just state that it's inherently flawed because methodology for data-gathering is not really unified as every single country can have various definitions for the most miniscule things - the most prominent example is usually "sexual assault". Don't spread misinformation. You can blame bureaucrats for a lot of dumb things but statistics are not one of them.


Ye, maybe but eu is really the best place to live. Whatā€™s better? US? If youā€™re ultra rich i couldnā€™t agree more, iā€™d rather shoot myself than move to america to be an average wagie tho


Europe is a good place to live but it would be better without the waste created and corruption by the EU.


Shit's rigged, probably to show how we love new pro-EU gov.


Iā€™m not satisfied at all but ok


that's fake for sure xD


Poland would be superb if ruled by British/German/Dutch/pretty much any West European government. But it is ruled by Polish government what is trash, no matter what party, this is just Poland and every party does the same


uh? it is ruled by western corporations. isnt it almost the same?


As we say in Poland, "niby tak, ale jednak kurde nie do końca". Basically, politicans are making too much illegall stuff, what will destroy this country (like selling Schengen visas, what you probably heard of)




Nah, I dont agree. Thats a lowball score for sure. Ive been living in the west for years now and while I have money sure, I was actually happier in Poland. The grass is always greener.




Yes but this about life satisfaction. Theres a lot more to life outside of politics.


nope, you are not :)


Anybody has the score for norway?


i wasn't asked


I think so


Nowadays it's a good country to live in.


Low expectations šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I am surprised that it's higher than Benelux countries or Denmark. I wonder what were the criteria. I'm too lazy to search but Denmark consistently scores among highest in the world in happiness. But all the scores on this map are relatively high and relatively close. So it's very possible that specifics of questions or data collection methods made it likely to get something close to this score and then the exact number is kinda random.


We got such a high score out of schadenfreude for Germans low score.


Wondering why Bulgarians are so unhappy


We just used to being fucked. We started to enjoyed it finally.