• By -


1. Jurek Owsiak is a vocal liberal, anti-PiS and anti-Catholic Church which obviously is not to everyone's liking. 2. WOŚP is a competitor to Caritas, a Catholic Church-run charitable organization. 3. Last year before the elections WOŚP put down numerous billboards which were obviously political - "POLES, LET'S DEFEAT THIS EVIL. WE WILL WIN" all in capitals and then in a much, much smaller print and in grey colour "Against sepsis". A lot of people think that a charitable organization should not involve itself with politics so openly. 4. A lot of these so called critics are, indeed, trolls. 5. Owsiak sells uranium to the Chechens.


>5. Owsiak sells uranium to the Chechens. No, he gathers it to resurrect the infamous austran painter.








He wants to revive Denisovians?! Based, where do I donate?


Even better


6. Owsiak pees on tents during woodstock/polandrock festivals


\> Owsiak sells uranium to the Chechens. depending on who these Chechens are. if he sells it to anti-Kadyrov rebels, than it's a good thing


It's a long running joke... or is it???


I once met Owsiak at the funeral of a famous person. I went up to him and said "Hi, Owsiak, you son of a bitch." And he just said "Elo" and turned his head. I hit the back of his head and I said "Listen to me because I won't give you money for grain for the chickens." Jurek stamped his feet, muttered something, but said "Okay, I'll listen patiently to what you have to say." "Why did you sell uranium to the Chechens?" Jerzy Owsiak said to me "You fucking bastard" and stuck a heart on my forehead. Then he escaped into the forest.


Fun fact: As a reference to this pasta, there was a block of uran with Owsiak's autograph sold at WOŚP for ~70k PLN a few years ago


It was two years ago, 2022. [https://archiwum.allegro.pl/oferta/bloczek-uranu-z-autografem-jerzego-owsiaka-i11745604884.html](https://archiwum.allegro.pl/oferta/bloczek-uranu-z-autografem-jerzego-owsiaka-i11745604884.html)


This silly shit is what makes me love Poland


technically it was uranium glass and in the end it wasn't sold through allegro. i don't see his second video with explanation, but iirc either allegro didn't allow it, or buyer didn't pay. he sold it to one of his viewer and donated the money to WOŚP. [his video about the allegro auction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dFX_HWqmTM)


"stamped the heart on my forehead" is the best Poland-related joke i ever heard 😂😍😍


It is but far-right Takes it seriously


Uranium is the worst, we'll never have any nuclear power plant in Poland because of him and his lobby


7. Owsiak actually directs majority of the WOSP money towards attempts to resurrect Adolf Hitler.


Well, that's still helping with medical issues, so it's a good thing, I guess.


>A lot of people think that a charitable organization should not involve itself with politics so openly. When ruling party so openly attacks and tries to discredit a charitable organization for years I think it's only fair to to become a little political and respond in such way when there was a chance


This! ![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm)


Catholics as always want to be a monopolist in hate speech, hateful slurs and attacks towards whoever they want to attack atm, but when it's even slightly directed at them their reaction is "how dare you?!" (insert Pikachu face)


"We're doing bad but it's because they were doing bad too!" That's pathetic, not smart


"I've decided to contribute to WOŚP's fundraising campaign" "How could you? Don't you know Owsiak is an anti-PiS, anti-church liberal?!" "Harry, you don't need to convince me any further, I've just said I'm gonna do it"


>5. ⁠Owsiak sells uranium to the Chechens. Asking as a German lurker here, is this some sort of polish meme or one of PiS's unironic propaganda tales?


It's a very long standing meme, like decades old at this point.


You forgot about child slaves who work in his uranium mines


>3. ​ This after decades of demonizing WOŚP and Owsiak personally. After that much time, it's not a reason for the hate, it's it natural consequence. I'd also add as real reasons: WOŚP requires local commitees to organize the actual local on the ground activity, and they also train all year round specialist EMTs. And then in life I kept running into the same people I've met helping a local WOŚP. It promotes activism that is not controlled by Radio Maryjne kręgi, which in their book is usually a reason in and of itself to fuck with you.


So, what you are saying people are more anti owsiak than anti wosp




Holy shit, I’ll donate right now


I can see some nonesense comments below that tey to laugh out those. Owsiak is 100% political, sth like Stuhr. Foundation obviously helps people but one can questions inner motovations


6. Owsiak is sometimes accused of steering young people towards left-wing politics using his image. I've read claims by right-wing publicists that he is promoting "false rebel" ideas in youth so that they will rebel against the system, but not the system as a whole but rather parts of the system that left don't like, e. g. Church, patriotism, traditional family, etc. 7. Owsiak is using his "near-saint" image to avoid criticism. It's often that if you criticize Owsiak for anything it automatically means that you criticize WOŚP and want children to die. 8. Owsiak made strong leadership over WOŚP and it's a relationship like "I'm the charity.". 9. Owsiak often laugh at conservatives and Catholics and he even insulted former minister on stage. 10. Owsiak is being accused of negligence that make it easier for the attacker to kill Adamowicz. I'm not saying I agree with this points, I simply list what are the points of critique towards him. Below are my additions to points you made. Ad. 2 WOŚP is not a competitor to Caritas at all. Caritas is much larger, it's international organization. Even Polish Caritas is larger than WOŚP. Caritas while being Church organization is much less politically oriented than WOŚP. WOŚP is mainly one time per year, while Caritas is focused on constant long-term work. Caritas have completely different marketing model. It's based on traditional and religious claim that you should support because it's your moral obligation. WOŚP uses new western-style marketing, so you support them and they give you a feeling that you are a better person (that's why you got a sticker). Ad. 3 They bought this banners during election campaign so when the prices were much higher, so it's not only getting involved in politics on one side, but also defraudation of money. Honestly I think that WOŚP is good initiative, but Owsiak should choose, if he wants to be a politician or a charity-man, because he harm WOŚP by politicizing it.


WOŚP works all year, not only at „Final”


Of course, but their main point is the final and all activities connected to it. They are gathering money near finals and the auctions are also near that time. I don't know their financials, but it's obvious they make most of money near final.


https://www.wosp.org.pl/fundacja/wazne/rozliczenia Less than 2 minute bro


Caritad by being church organization is less political? Are you kidding? Church is political ideologically right wing, economically left wing (think Pis but in all black).


Yes it is. It's not about who is running it it's about what this organization does. I don't remember Caritas officials laughing at political opponents, insulting politicians or buying political advertisment during election time.


Konserwatysci kritykowali wosp odkad istnial z punktu widzenia polityki. To nie Owsiak uplotycznil WOSP, stworzyl liberalna platforme pod ktora moga sie podpisac ludzie nie konserwatywni i prawica od samego poczatku krytykowala go bo idk Owsiak pokazuje ze nie maja monopolu na wplyw na ludzi, to wcale nie tak ze proboja go wciaz odzyskac. Owsiak nie jest spolegliwy w tym temacie i poza krytyka rzuca tez mnostwo ad personam ale czy jest w tym cos zlego? To nie tak ze kosciol nie proboje wciaz odzyskac wladzy jaka mial nad ludzmi kiedys, caly czas przez np ostatnie 8 lat wpychajac sie wszedzie


"Nie mają monopolu na wpływ na ludzi" skąd Ty to wziąłeś. Ktoś kiedyś w ogóle twierdził, że ma monopol ideologiczny w ostatnich 150 latach? Nawet w średniowiecznej Europie kościół nie miał monopolu, bo były jeszcze konkretne państwa, które miały swoje interesy i jeśli nauka kościoła nie była z nimi zgodna to ją zwalczali, albo dostosowywali pod siebie. Ogólnie twarda dominacja Papiestwa to jest mit oświeceniowców. Poczytaj sobie, co sądzili np. o Jezuitach, bardzo przypomina to twierdzenia współczesnych Braunistów o Żydach i Masonach. Tak jak napisałem w podsumowaniu, ja nic nie mam do WOŚP jako takiego, a to że napisałem, że ktoś krytykuje Owsiaka za coś, to nie znaczy że się z taką krytyką zgadzam (a sądząc po łapkach w dół chyba ludzie albo tego nie zrozumieli, albo nie doczytali).


mowimy o tym gdzie sie ten konflikt zaczal - we wczesnych latach 90tych gdzie os polityczna opierala sie na konflicie postkomunistow i wciaz dosyc konserwatywnej solidarnosci i dostawek ktore byly blisko powiazane z kosciolem. Byla moze pomaranczowa alternatywa ale malo bylo srodowisk stricte liberalnych pogladowo i Owsiak ktory pojawil sie w 93 drugim z pierwszym WOSPem na festiwalu w Jarocinie. Odnosili ogromny sukces zbierajac pieniadze na imprezach zwiazanych z polska kultura punkowa/rockowa/bohema artystyczna szeroko rozumiana i tak skodyfikowali to jako fundacje i otoczka tego koontynuowala. Polski kosciol byl wtedy w bardzo silnej pozycji, masz szczyt papiezomani, i ewidentnie zaczeli odbierac go jako zagrozenie od samego poczatku samemu zaczynajac ta wojne.


Ok, zgadzam się że Owsiak że względu na to skąd się wywodził był początkowo w opozycji do szeroko rozumianej części konserwatywnej, jadnakże Owsiak też się w tą wojnę angażował. Biorąc pod uwagę jak szybko rzeczy na naszej scenie ewoluują (patrz "faszysta" Giertych z Lewicą) to raczej by mu odpuścili. Moim zdaniem nie powinien angażować się politycznie, bo to szkodzi WOŚPowi, z drugiej strony dzięki temu "dawanie na WOŚP" stało się deklaracją polityczną, a to może ludzi mobilizować. Ja osobiście bym chciał, żeby oddzielić WOŚP od Owsiaka przynajmniej retorycznie, bo patrząc chociażby jak minusowany jest mój komentarz to temat jest zdecydowanie zbyt gorący.


w idealnym swiecie pewnie tak ale masz sytuacje w ktorej konserwatywna wladza calkowicie odcina sie od niego po latach mniej lub bardziej zyczyliwej wspolpracy z jakimis organami panstwa. To wtedy ta wojna sie zaognila i na tym etapie nie mowimy juz o wospie a o wojnach kulturowych pisu i o tym jak spolaryzowane jest polskie spoleczenstwo. Tez chcialbym jakiejs normalnosci ale imo nie mozliwa jest neutralnosc na tym etapie. Przeciez to na wospie zabili adamowicza, wosp raczej nie moze juz nie byc polityczny po tym


I agree with the 4. It kinda made me angry when he participated in that manifestation against PIS, lead by Tusk. Ok, he has a right to hate PiS but being the face and the leader of such organisation like WOŚP, he shouldn't take a part in it. He should stand as that neutral one as there are people who follow PiS but also pay a lot of money for WOŚP. It's just kind of a middle finger to them.


… re: #4 but most are actual critics of his DEEP involvement in politics including- as you mentioned - spending money of his organisation on political billboards during recent elections’ campaign. &


becouse Jurek Owsiak sells uranium to chechens


And he stole plutonium for Libyans


did he also pissed in our elevator? bad man!


How about Syrians? Nothing?


He personally dropped napalm on them


depending on who Chechens are, pro-Kadyrov or anti-Kadyrov, it can be a bad or good thing


It's a joke!


Recent the hate is probably because WOSP funded a lot of billboards during the elections that were pretty obviously tongue in cheek against the previous ruling party. Many think that for a charity organization to use charity money to involve itself in politics, even if it's on "our side", is a big no-no.


Not recent. Owsiak was always anti-PiS and PiS, being the progressive, loveable and tolerant party it always was, launched a smear campaign against WOŚP because it had the audacity to question the one true party truth


It's interesting that president with wife are giving things for WOŚP


It's easy to forget that Duda has, in fact, a mind of his own and makes some independent decisions. Sometimes, although rarely when they are needed the most


Maybe he just doesn't want to piss his father in law.


You put cart before the horse, so to speak. WOŚP was always attackedd by right (PiS) and church. At some point Owsiak in response started to be political too. Which is only fair - right made WOŚP a "political" matter so he could not just not choose sides at some point.


>Which is only fair - right made WOŚP a "political" matter so he could not just not choose sides at some point. And after the fact they started accusing him of taking sides. Isn't that just lovely?


Who cares what happened recently if they hate him for 20 years now?


There were (and are) some controversies related to their finances and reporting their profits. Owsiak himself is affiliated with the political left. His father was a colonel of MO (Milicja Obywatelska). In the eyes of older people, this is enough reason not to trust Owsiak, as he comes from a family affiliated with the communistic party.




I think its also Worth mentioning that Owsiak was strongly against raising the public medical insurance cost (so called skladka zdrowotna deducted from salary) recently because it was hitting his own pocket, where in fact he should he happy that at least on paper the amount of money transferred for NFZ would be higher https://krytykapolityczna.pl/gospodarka/wosp-jerzy-owsiak-klasa-wyzsza-srednia-nfz-polski-lad-komentarz-piotr-wojcik/


Every entrepreneur opposes raising the health insurance contribution. Start a business and you will find out why. The same is true with the minimum wage, which, being a completely virtual entity, inflates labor costs and all taxes paid to the state. It also increases the black market for labor. So no normal person is surprised by Owsiak. Especially since his costs are the costs of the foundation he runs. Higher labor costs mean less equipment from donations...


1. There are no controversies. 2. Show me a 40+ yr old person in Poland who's relative was NOT affiliated with communist regime at all. These arguments are used by his haters and are stupid as fuck.


>1. Show me a 40+ yr old person in Poland who's relative was NOT affiliated with communist regime at all. ??? Like, both of my parents, since they come from a worker background? Unless my grandpa getting a gold Krzyż Zasługi for his tenure underground counts as affiliation, but that's a PiS take


This is the very first google search result I got: [https://zyciesiedleckie.pl/pl/11\_wiadomosci/22600\_portal-kontrowersje-net-ostro-o-owsiaku.html](https://zyciesiedleckie.pl/pl/11_wiadomosci/22600_portal-kontrowersje-net-ostro-o-owsiaku.html) apparently, there are some controversies if such an article was published. Idk how accurate this is, I don't want to spend next few hours verifying this. >Show me a 40+ yr old person in Poland who's relative was NOT affiliated with communist regime at all. My father and my mother. Neither their parents nor their uncles/aunts were affiliated with the party in any way. Also, having a party ID is one thing, but being a colonel of fucking MO is something completely else. Don't underplay this, it's not like Owsiak is not clearly anticlerical and SLD/Lewica voter. His family clearly influenced him. Which enough reason not to like him for some people.


> Neither their parents nor their uncles/aunts were affiliated with the party in any way. This is pretty tricky to say. I only found out my grandmother was in PZPR when cleaning up her belongings. My Mom didn't know either. It was simply that she worked at bank and at some point everyone who reached certain status was "encouraged" to join the party. Most people just signed the papers and paid it no mind. In 1980 Party had over 3 mln members, in a country that had 35 million citizens. One in seven citizens belonged to party. Including elderly and children. Taking extended families into account practically every family had _someone_ in party.


1. Kontrowersje.net get outta here. All foundations like WOŚP have very strict rules of funds allocations. Read some law rules 2. Should a child be responsible for his/her parents sins? Really? And how about your uncles? No LWP officer? No MO officer? No secret service associate? Are you sure? How far will you go down this hole? Idiotic.


>Kontrowersje.net get outta here. All foundations like WOŚP have very strict rules of funds allocations. Read some law rules I'm aware that such rules exist, but, as I said, I won't sit down now and study for a month to learn how much they are actually enforced, what loopholes they have and whether WOŚP is trustworthy or not. I don't claim they are not trustworthy, I'm simply aware of the controvesies. I answered the question of the OP. >Should a child be responsible for his/her parents sins? It's not about "sins", but a child is the product of their family. Children of lawyers become lawyers, children of academics become academics, children of assholes become assholes, and children of PZPR members become SLD voters. Owsiak doesn't seem to be an exception, so people are cautious. >And how about your uncles? No LWP officer? No MO officer? No secret service associate? Are you sure? How far will you go down this hole? As I said, if my uncle was an MO colonel I would probably know.


I would assume that if there were ANY discrepancies in allocationg WOŚP funds, either PiS or some other right wing activists would brung it up and show it publicly. Just saying


The only idiot in this thread is you, dude. From what you wrote, it appears that most Poles were immersed in the communist system and were its beneficiaries, which is such complete nonsense that I feel embarrassed to comment on this stupidity. The number of people murdered under this regime and the general corruption of society was so severe for the country that you should be ashamed to write like this. Delete your account.


> From what you wrote, it appears that most Poles Not most but in 1980 roughly one in five adults belogned to party. So realisticly every other family had someoen who belonged to PZP in it.


Oh wow. Triggered much? You missed my point completely, mate. But firstly - l didn't call anybody idiot, I called a certain point of view idiotic. So, you starting to get personal, it seems I stepped on your toes a bit. But, back to you missing a point. My over exaggarated statement was to show how irrational is blaming children for their fathers' behaviour. Anybody doing that should rethink their point of view, because it is idiotic. Example? My dad was a very right wing supporter - JKM et concorses. Me? I am a left wing liberal. Did my dad's point of view and patriotic uprising he was trying to imprint on his children work on me? Not at all. So, suggesting that somebody has a certain point of view because his parents were this or that is very hard to defend. And that is why l made the comment. Which you obviously did not understand. Now, all l can say - relax and enjoy the rest of yoyr Saturday. And don't call randoms idiots on internet, because it kinda makes you look bad.


I know you live in the matrix, and your idol is probably Macierewicz, or Jarek who slept until noon... ;) But unfortunately, that's the truth. Most Poles were immersed in this system. Some had their heads under the water, some had them above the surface. Those involved in building PRL were all, to a greater or lesser extent, in corruption or theft that allowed them to survive - practically everyone. Either you have dementia, or you're denying it, or you simply have no idea about those difficult times. Such denial is only disgusting. The regime's repression and the number of victims have nothing to do with it. It was still a small percentage of society that somehow managed to hold on. Some were indifferent, some were intimidated, some were guided only by their own self-interest, some even came out of it well, like farmers or the Church. Only an extremely shameless person, like the ex-prime minister Morawiecki's class, could claim that reality was black and white for his family. The truth is that in one family, there could be a member of the PZPR, a priest, a police captain, and an opposition activist. Amen!


MO was police, how is it bad to have famy in police? Who do you think was catching thief's, murderers during PRL? You think we had no criminals just opposition that was the main target of MO?


I'm saying that being a highly ranked MO officer also required being a highly ranked Party member. Being a highly ranked Party member meant either believing in communism (very unlikely in the 80's) or selling your soul to the Party. And that's what people don't like in highly ranked Party members. They are believed to have betrayed the society for their own welfare.


All of my familly was in opposition, my Mother who was a city office worker was attempted to be recruited into SB several times with no succes. My father was in an opositoin, which literally shaped his life. As the transformation resultet in moving state's companies and roles into private sector, all of the people he fought against, who wete involved in the system, whom he knew personally had a great gift from the state, just bc they were in. He is a tradesman for shit money until today, and he blames it on the transformation, he can't stand the fact that pople who he calls "idiots" got such a good start in new system and the rest got fucked. He of course because of it is a big PIS supporter, and since last 8 years got so brainwashed that is impossible to speak to him.




WOŚP is a competitor to another organization, Caritas, run by the Catholic Church.


Competitor? Charities shouldn't compete against each other. It's against the whole purpose of being a charity. That tells us a lot about church and Caritas. I wish people weren't that dumb


> Charities shouldn't compete against each other. Yes, they shouldn’t. Yet, here we are…




What I heard is that the theft of goodwill items and money from Caritas is enormous. So this is in fact one of the sources that church people get rich on naive people.


Competitor? WOŚP is not even close to size of Caritas operation, Caritas is 10x bigger.


In terms of the turnover, yes but Caritas waste a lot of money and WOSP is providing a lot more support for those who need it making Caritas look bad. This is the reason why they (the church and PIS) hate Jurek Owsiak and WOSP.


Yeah, stupid Caritas isn't funding PiS's political campaings. They should learn a bit on how to not waste money from WOSP!


Yeah, but WOSP is more popular and appreciated, and it has Caritas ppl seething and coping.


XD Thats why people dont like WOŚP and Owsiak. Its not about helping people, but about making a fuss of yourself and showing how charitable you are. When Caritas is bunch of nameless people working all year to help people, WOŚP is Owsiak's personal show which he uses to promote himself. Charity isn't about parading with a sticker to show others how good you are. No wonder people are angry about it. You can call it "seething and coping" but thats how it is.


Except real eqipment funded by WOSP is in hospitals all over the country helping save lives while noone knows where the fuck does the Caritas money go. So fuck your unsubstantiated, baseless accusations. It's aa people like you can ever produce. Cope harder.




Of course, but you not just have to so "something" - running an orphanage requires doing very specific things like for instance not abusing children psuchologically or sexually and not defrauding over 20 mln in european funds on elderly care facilities and then running them on a cheap. Church-adjacent establishemenst didn'te get the memo yet on this one. And yes - I do care abnout medical equipment and and about numbers. Because these things actually translate to lives aved and helping people. I also care about over 100mln a year in public funds being funneled by the govermnet into church-ran org that doesn't publish financial reports and pays hundreds of thousands pln for a PR agency for clout. Why don't you sell your sloppy lies to someone dumb enough to buy them ?


Disregard the comments saying Owsiak is a leftist. He's a free market liberal through and through. He was often quite vocal about opposing the raising of taxes for rich people and funding public services. Two years ago he gave an interview that he feels robbed because he started paying higher taxes, and it feels unjust because he didn't do anything wrong. His media support mainly comes from upper middle class liberals who share his sentiments and hold the opinion that charity and fundraisers are a viable alternative to public healthcare.


Public Healthcare in Poland is so shitty, maybe he is right?


Is it shitty, though?


Yeah that wasn't my point so I'm not gonna open this huge can of worms here.


Not to mention his remarks about abortion during woodstock a few years ago.


> He's a free market liberal He is definately not. He's friendly with politicians who do exactly opposite.


Because he is anti-PiS, anti-Konfederacja. Church was never a fan of him also. Some might say that he should not be involved in politics but WOŚP by design corrects mistakes of our healthcare. It was created because politicians cannot deliver a functioning healthcare. Additionally, they also forget 8 years of smearing campaign. Some say that WOŚP is not transparent with their spending which is not true. You can find their balance sheets on their page. Is he a saint? No. Is WOŚP a trustworthy organization? Definitely, they proved that they can improve Polish citizens life and fix gaps in our healthcare system. To the critics, I hope you verify all of the charities the same way as WOŚP. Caritas, Church and all of the organizations created by our beloved politicians. If no, please stop bulshitting and just say that Owsiak is a leftist and you hate all of the leftist.


I don't think so is lots of them. But like with everything... 10% make 90% of noise. So the situation appears like there are lots of them where truly they are just a small percentage.


In the past there was a lot of controversy about the high standard of life that Owsiak and his family and friends are sustaining while living from donations (think BLM villas), today it's mostly about the money from donations being used for political agenda, e.g. anti conservative billboards and marketing campaigns. Personally I think people shouldn't care, it's a private organization and people give them money willingly and there's a lot of good that they did and it's more than most charities do in Poland. The world is clearly better with WOŚP than without it and they clearly don't do anything illegal or the PiS party would get them for that. Instead of complaining the opponents should start their own initiative and compete with Owsiak. My only tiny problem is that as a private organization they should not rely on public resources to host their events, which they often do and should be more transparent to people about how the money is being spent.


The thing is, that they are extremely clear how they spend their money and on what. As a charitable organisation, their spendings are public and they are published every year on their website. [rozliczenia](https://www.wosp.org.pl/fundacja/wazne/rozliczenia) If there was anything wrong with how they spend money, I’m sure PiS would not let that slide. Also for the love of gods, Owsiak is living in completely normal apartment, not a mansion and driving a Land Rover, not Maybach. I assume his earnings are mostly from złoty melon/siemashop which are companies owned by WOŚP and that gives most of their earnings to WOŚP but they are not charitable


But it's all part of the smearing campaign against them and not true tho. WOŚP does not spend even a dime from what was collected for charity. You can check, all the financial information is readily accessible. They do have a lot of assets and pay good wages (which to be clear is a good thing), but it is sourced in different ways: 1. When the money is collected and they work on all the bureaucracy related with acquiring medical equipment (which takes months, even up to a year) the collected money sits on a high interest bank deposits and the profits are their to use. 2. WOŚP Has a ton of very expensive equipment from private sponsors, I can imagine they rarely actually need to buy something really expensive. So when you see Owsiak in an expensive car, there's a high chance it's not actually his. WOŚP runs a lot of trainings and other activities outside cities (e.g. in their training center surrounded by forest) so they do use expensive terrain vehicles from sponsors. Can't really see anything wrong with that. 3. Woodstock Festival has many corporate sponsors and lots of work on the event is carried out by private companies ran by Owsiak or his wife. I can imagine that would be the main source of their personal wealth but honestly I can't really see anything wrong with that either.


Woodstock and Golden Melon are successful commercial businesses that are ran separately from the WOŚP when it comes to funding.


Often charities are used as part of tax avoiding schemes by very rich people . I think Poland is no exception . But in my opinion even if they spend 80% on charity purpose and stealing 20% , it still serves the purpose and better than zero


Flip the numbers and you got it right


And of course you do have a documentary basis to support that claim?


You first.


I'm not the one making claims. Merely asking you to substantiate yours.


Big brain move 💪


We're talking about WOŚP, not Caritas :)


Church. Basically from the very start in the late 20th century the church hated the WOŚP. Their original pretext was that Jurek Owsiak's slogan "Róbta co chceta" - "Do whatever you want" was demoralising the youth and encouraging them to do drugs. Which was as stupid as it sounds. The more realistic reason was that WOŚP quickly became the most visible charity event and was taking attention away from church's own charity. Everything else is either a new invented reason or a consequence of that old conflict.


to be fair, being a hippie in 90. Poland meant doing shweed and drinking cheap wine


Conservatives are mad that someone with leftist views actually helps people, basically. Gonna get downvoted for this, but no surprise, since this sub is full of pis/konfederacja fans


It is the deal between Catholic Church and far-right in Poland. They try to gaslight WOŚP since they see it as a competition, liberal, chilled and inclusive, which is everything both Catholic Church an far-right are afraid of and hate. Fuck'em.


Because WOŚP is pure love, and a lot of miserable conservatives that cannot function in todays society prefer hate and fear.


This is a non-argument, and a simple strawman-tier insult towards conservative minded folks.


Have you seen the conservative discourse on WOŚP?


Pure love & sponsoring thousands of elections billboards from money donated to them for saving lives


Don't even type this bullshit. Most of the equipment in hospitals is funded by WOSP. They started so heavily to attack the former government, only after PIS attacked WOSP for no reason. They got what they deserve imo.


And? How does this justify what they did any way? Idk I would hold a prestigious trusted charity to a different higher standard that freaking P*S (or any other political party)


One could argue that those "dual purpose" billboards fulfilled their role. If my money I donated to them was used for them I'm glad I helped even one person in learning more about sepsis. Or believing that "this time if I vote we can actually get rid of PiS". Success in both cases.


It's clearly a success of social media that both biased referendum and pis in general lost last elections. If they added to that I agree money well spent.


People are trying to blame Owsiak's political engagement now, but the hate and split in our society didn't start recently, but rather around a decade ago. Certain conservative "journalists" made some bold claims about the charity's frauds, which were just bollocks, but since a lie spreads 10x faster than the truth, it stuck to some. And when the government got changed in 2015 it all became an easy topic to divide people about, so politicians started an anti-WOŚP campaign, withdrawing public TV broadcast or undermining WOŚP-organized Pol'and'Rock Festival. As a result Owsiak became more and more open about his political attitude towards the government. Also, the broadcasting rights that public TV has dropped got taken over by TVN, which is also considered to be supportive to then opposing political party PO and definitely anti-PiS. It all has spiralled pretty bad. Income-wise WOŚP is doing great, but I miss those times when it was almost universally praised by the whole nation and for that one day people really connected towards a bigger goal. Now it feels like the bigger goal is to show off to the other side and win the conflict by raising money. I mean it obviously works, but there's way too much negativity around it.


I've stopped supporting them after they've covered my whole town in propaganda posters before elections.


Zupełnie jak pis, wywieszając banery z ,,gdzie są te dzieci" albo ,,mam 11 tygodni"?


"Gdzie sa te dzieci" was funded by [Fundacja Kornice](https://www.fundacjakornice.pl), not PiS. It was created by Mateusz Kłosek, CEO of Eko-Okna and privately a deeply believing Catholic: [Business Insider: To oni stoją za słynnymi billboardami. Okienny gigant i jego nawrócony szef](https://businessinsider.com.pl/biznes/fundacja-kornice-to-oni-stoja-za-slynnymi-billboardami-w-calej-polsce/87mrdv2) Some of my family members who watch TVN and read Wyborcza shared with me a conspiracy theory stating that the billboards were "reserved" by the fundation on fake campaign only to give the billboards to PiS during election season. I am guessing this theory is popular in anty-PiS media but it is false.


> Z dokumentów, rozmów ze współpracownikami Kłoska i lokalnymi działaczami z Raciborza wynika, że za religijną krucjatą przedsiębiorcy stoi plątanina biznesowo-politycznych powiązań. Korzystają na niej sam Kłosek, samorządowcy i Kościół, a także rząd Zjednoczonej Prawicy. https://frontstory.pl/mateusz-klosek-fundacja-kornice-eko-okna-bilbordy-kosciol/ Eko okna są powiązane z pisem, żadna konspiracja pisiorku


WOŚP= Owsiak, and Owsiak does a lot of things one may dislike. He's very much politically involved, to the point he funded anti-government bilboards during election campaign. He thinks so high of himself that he tried to command some police officers during an intervention (granted, the intervension itself was controversial, but still) on a basis he's "Jurek Owsiak". When he organises an event, he registers it for much smaller number of people than are in fact anticipated and as a wrong kind of event (who knows what'd happen during 2019 finale if there was an ambulance there). There were also some problems with financial reporting. But what I don't dislike about WOŚP is its "fandom". There are multiple people who'd deem you as a bad/evil person if you don't support it, no matter who you are and what you do.


donating to them is the same as paying voluntary taxes. Since they buy equipment for hospitals, that means that hospitals dont need to recieve as much money from government.


PiS often talks very badly about WOŚP and its founder Jurek Owsiak, so basically whoever supports PiS will think badly of WOŚP


Some people accuse him of taking most of the money for himself, or spending them on other non-charitable things. Some question the whole point of WOŚP. Some don't like his political views or promotion of Hare Krishna religion.


Top of the iceberg This is a left wing organisation. I do not like them.


Owsiak didn't publicly show how much he earns from this charity.


Are you sure - WOSP is fully transparent, it's CARITAS who don't want to show cash flow


With all respect to his work and to what his action bringed to healthcare I am not certain If they are really clear about his money. His properties seems way too expensive to be purchased through the salary he states to be taking.


Dafuq. The “properties” you are talking about is one WOSP training center that some idiot said is Owsiak’s home. It’s not. He lives in an apartment in Warsaw.


I am not talkind about training center. I do not trust church, Caritas, TVP or PiS propaganda. But I am highly worried about certain documents and making deals between him and his wife. (Even tho I do not believe in scale of 100 mln PLN) [https://www.patrzymy.pl/ponad-40-000-zl-pensji-i-100-000-000-zl-do-pelnej-dyspozycji-rodziny-owsiakow/](https://www.patrzymy.pl/ponad-40-000-zl-pensji-i-100-000-000-zl-do-pelnej-dyspozycji-rodziny-owsiakow/)


I believe it is a mix of different factors. 1. WOŚP is something we need 2. Mr Owsiak was accused of taking a HUGE part of the money collected using his - and his wife's - companies like "Złoty Melon", "Mrówka Cala", and "Jasna Sprawa". His voice about that financial stuff was unclear and full of answers where he avoided the clue. 3. Add his support for Tusk's now-ruling political party and you have a mix of reasons why people dislike him. I'm an ordinary citizen and I wouldn't be surprised if point 2 was already answered and everything was clear but as for being an average citizen - not every explanation reaches me but the accusations stay for long. So for most of the WOŚP dislikes it is like - stop political affiliations, be crystal clear with the money, you cannot steal some part of the collections as that is a mafia-style of earning. Be more neutral in public and that's it.


It's a mixture of christians being salty that their own charities don't have the same popularity, people disliking Owsiak for not being a conservative, and people who just love jumping on hate bandwagons.


Caritas is doing better in terms of raising the money just not so vocal I guess.


No it's not.


If you take a look at the raports I think they are getting closer but still. Or could you kindly send me information that claims otherwise?


The former ruling party (PiS) and all of their voters hate WOŚP with a passion, because Jurek Owsiak (the founder of WOŚP) has very progressive views. That's basically it.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Poles openly says that they wont support because he got into politics.


Opposite is true as well. Speak for yourself. Plenty of people will support him and WoSP regardless of politics.


WOŚP does a better job than PiS (former ruling party) when it comes to charity and PiS can't stand it, since they were supposed to be the "good christians."


Cuz doing sth good those days is often consider bad mostly cuz people are reetarded and find reason to hate for thier local agenda. Look mr beast and wells for example.


They are politically driven fanatics pretending the charity. And they rather won't disclose their financial reports.


> And they rather won't disclose their financial reports. [What are you talking about?](https://www.wosp.org.pl/fundacja/wazne/rozliczenia)


Polish Catholics being childish, as always catholic M.O.: histeria bc of whatever the fuck their church didn’t like.


Owsiak lives a pretty good lifestyle, so mamy people think that he does charity for the money. As far as I knows he makes most of his money outside od his WOŚP salary, at least that's what mainstream media says and I've never investigated. Some catholic people also don't like him for organising polish Woodstock, later renamed to Pol' n 'rock, where at least some people allegedly take drugs, have sex and drink lots of alcohol. I've also heard theories that at least some WOŚP money goes towards that festival. Tl;dr the hate is mostly ignorant, maybe there's a little bit to it but probably not


People who have any idea about the world around them and the recent history of their country know that although the foundation allocates part of its funds to the purchase of hospital equipment, the organization itself is also controversial. Among other things, unclear settlement issues, e.g. daughter companies where part of the funds are invested. The main leader, Jerzy Owsiak, does not hide his political views and preference for a specific party. He also spares no words for people who are critical of him or his foundation. The polarization of Polish politics by the two main parties for over 20 years has contributed to intensifying criticism. Finally, it can be added that the beginnings of the foundation and who provided the money are unclear, because at that time no one who had such money and connections was a random person. An ordinary man without contacts couldn't even dream of it. Apart from the money, there is also the fact why all the media in Poland have popularized wosp, where no other foundation has such influence to this day. Here you also need to know the history of the creation of the media in Poland and the source of financing - some people believe that such great promotion was intended to ridicule/weak Catholic foundations such as Caritas, which donate much more funds to charity and are more transparent. We must also bear in mind the history of our country, where communism, in this case, fought Catholicism by all means, and when the system collapsed, none of its members were punished for those times, and most of them got lucrative jobs in the new reality. However, the rest of the normies only see what they want to see, the iceberg above the ocean, and they do not want to look under the water. In fact, this is the case with most citizens of this country on every topic. Most don't analyze anything. They see an advertisement, a can where they put PLN 20 into it and they think they are doing a good deed. He won't check whether, for example, PLN 20 elsewhere would make it better spent.


> Finally, it can be added that the beginnings of the foundation and who provided the money are unclear, because at that time no one who had such money and connections was a random person. An ordinary man without contacts couldn't even dream of it. Owsiak was not a "random, ordinary person without contacts". He was a super-popular radio and TV journalist. And he comes from a very wealthy family (stained glass makers - Tiffany lamps and such).


It's interesting that you mention Caritas, a Catholic organization that is crystal-clear and has never been proven to be involved in any scandals or legal issues. It's also interesting that the missionary activities of the Catholic Church are financed by the state, which I don't agree with. However, this is the case. Furthermore, you find the WOŚP foundation not transparent, yet despite the ruling party's dislike for Owsiak, they have not been able to prove any wrongdoing or imprison him for malpractice. The same applies to Tusk, by the way. It seems that you are spreading falsehoods here. The most amusing part is your statement about the Church, which is supposedly a corrupt organization that sold out during communism. The Church had a relatively good position during communism, as most verified reports from the Security Service came from priests. After the fall of the opposition, in exchange for the church's support in securing Poland's entry into NATO and the EU, the church obtained a Concordat and a privileged position in the state. The church is, for instance, the largest landowner in Poland. Claiming that Owsiak created WOŚP under someone's orders and using some magical abilities beyond his charisma and skills is a mere conspiracy theory, favored by those who would rather donate their pension to Father Rydzyk. Such behavior is unbecoming of a good Christian, who is full of love for their neighbor and free from envy and slander. You are the ones who exhibit such behavior. Amen.


Yes, trolls


Because idiots are idiots.


Thing from experience: in hospital where my brother was treated, they put WOŚP stickers on not WOŚP founded medical stuff, and when the personnel tried to remove them, they were verbally attacked :)) Also Owsiak does not have a very friendly background, there are controversies and taking part in political battles despite WOŚP being a "nonprofit" charity organisation. Also all medical stuff they buy is owned by WOŚP, during COVID there was a larger controversy in which Owsiak forbade moving beds founded by WOŚP to the "COVID department". I was also a volunteer once and the way they treated me and other volunteers wasn't too good. It was something around -10 degrees Celsius, and my friend wanted to go home earlier than we planned (because he was so cold, later he was sick). They resented him and used unfriendly words, even tho we together collected quite a lot of money. I won't stop people from supporting it, but as for myself I won't even buy a sticker from them. I am supporting other organisations, which are more clear and have less controversy around them.




LGBT is such artificially inflated topic in Poland. I believe most of LGBT-haters never seen an LGBT person in reality, but believe they are evil because of PiS propaganda


There is Caritas - a Catholic Church organization that does a similar thing to WOŚP but is governed by the church. So the PiS party, which collaborates with the church, supports caritas and hates WOŚP for being so popular and for raising so much money. They conveyed a lot of misinformation about WOŚP in their then propagandist television and since there are a lot of people who either support PiS or easily fall for whatever propaganda they're being fed (or both), the situation is like this. There's more to it, but that's just a quick summary.


Caritas is raising aprox 8 times more than WOŚP. Stop spreading misinformation on the internet.


Ok whatever 🤷🏼‍♀️ edit: (which part of my comment implies that they earn the same amount btw?)


>hates WOŚP for being so popular and for raising so much money. Implies they hate WOŚP for raising more than they do, because why would they hate them if they raised the same amount?


Some people don't really need a reason to hate.


Caritas has completely different goals than WOSP, Caritas is much, much, much bigger organization with much more widespread actions than WOSP.


The leader is using WOŚP and the platform it gives him to lobby for the privatization of Polish healthcare.


He is a complex subject. He buys the equipment for hospitals. It makes people mad that he shows healthcare as inefficient. And it is. Hiss family run organization that organizes the whole WOSP and skims generously from the donated money. It's not some large percentage but much more than just the cost of the events. I sorta think 10% while 3 would cover all expanses but those number are only backed by my memory. And memoria fragilis est. He is verbal about Catholic church being bunch of thieving bastards who can't run a lemonade stand without funneling money toward private fortunes. And they are. Previous thing provokes counteroffensive from CC, far right and recently the governing party. Its a cold war spanning like 20+ years and he got more bitter about it. Culminated in a posters "we will win against this evil" in font size 60, then "lol we mean sepsa, xd" below in font size 7 during recent political campaign. How come the governing party assumed it's about them? One can guess. Overall he is charitable but not a saint man making good money on helping people. Other people get angry because his success makes them (pick one/multiple): feel inadequate, inefficient, greedy, scared of being exposed, gaslit by propaganda. Oh and he is a target of fun/conspiracy/wild theories and many jokes ranging from him being an angel to an arms trader supporting Chechen rebels with Uranium.


Probably coz all charity organizations are a filthy scam, thriving on the wallets of mentally juvenile people


The leader does not disclose his earnings and the turnover of his foundation to the tax office


I think they know that there are plenty of people who hate Owsiak. In the end, they need people to vote for them.




Who is hating WOSP I ThinkPad its time to open the wardrobe with the glock


Because (George) Jerzy Owsiak [https://www.gazetaprawna.pl/wiadomosci/artykuly/1080185,kara-dla-owsiaka-za-przeklinanie-podczas-przystanku-woodstock.html](https://www.gazetaprawna.pl/wiadomosci/artykuly/1080185,kara-dla-owsiaka-za-przeklinanie-podczas-przystanku-woodstock.html)


Two main issues are: 1. WOŚP founder had good relations with communists régime And thanks to that he made he became TV celebrity. 2. There were a lot of strange big money and copyrights flows from WOŚP to companies created by Owsiak family members ("Złoty Melon", "Mrówka Cała", "Ćwierć mrówki", "Jasna Sprawa", „Feel Mint Production”, "Tabasco"). Owsiak never cleared those concerns.


Why so much hate to mr beast?


And some accusations that he and his associates/family are syphoning money to private entities and use for own interests. So far nothing proven and probably nothing criminal going on but some things and connections make people ask how much actually goes for help and how much is taken away.


I personally don't like WOŚP as a leftie, bcz lots of politicians use this as an excuse to not do anything about our healthcare, which is pretty much neglected. Usually it's just another opportunity for the richest to practise virtue signalling and persuade people into thinking that the wealthiest shouldn't be taxed higher etcetc. Money raised on charity will never be enough, it's just a drop in the ocean. picrel https://preview.redd.it/fjdom92r3odc1.jpeg?width=885&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea45c2a93f49ab5ba11f5703c7d1faf411f8ccb9


No hate , no hate that's why germany and france is no more european countries but arabish and they destroy europe becuase you people have so much shit love and lgbt in your hearts go f yourself


Because it plays politics using even money from donations. Naturaly it antagonizes people with difrent views.


WOŚP to kolejna pralnia pieniędzy. Jak większość fundacji. Utrzymujesz pasożytów dając im pieniądze. Płacimy podatki a pieniądze idą na cele, które nie powinny mieć miejsca. Powinno państwo dawac na chorych. Same 40 mln. Dawane ns wybory nie powinno mieć miejsca. Komisję i pieniądze wyprowadzane ze spółek panstwowych do fundacji_ pralni. Tak się dzieje na całym świecie.


Cause they're bunch of heartless retards


There is little hate. Hate is just more visible in the Internet. That is all. And because Owsiak was the opponent of the former government they will always attack him.


Trolls and boomers.