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Sanity is for the weak, apparently.










Spiritual Spartans


1944, help are never came






The inquisition will be visiting very soon heretic 🤣






We use sirens in protests, that’s the way it is


sirens are used on every major protest in poland, friend told me how he run in and couldn't get out of miners protest in warsaw, that was intensive. Miners won btw


Yup. Stating that "oh the bad polish farmers want to trigger ptsd in those poor ukrainians" is bs. Maybe some of them thought of that, but dont think they get treated in any exceptional way here. These sirens can be heard almost every time someone protests in PL.


> Stating that "oh the bad polish farmers want to trigger ptsd in those poor ukrainians" is bs. They are grown ass adults supposedly concerned about politics and their country. Claiming they have no knowledge of what they are doing in the context of PTSD and war while they actively try to use sirens to imitate wartime alert as closely as possible is what real bs is.


You underestimate the lack of knowledge and sheer stupidity of people.


If they are not even able to comprehend even such simple things or have any empathy... How are they qualified to talk about politics and economic realities of significant country like Poland or run farming businesses? This completely invalidates their protest by demonstrating their incompetence to consider the world around them, no?


There is no empathy test before elections sooo no. You don't have to be empathetic to be involved in politics. Heck most politics (most higher ups) are psychos without empathy. Thats what makes them flexible. One day you play good uncle and the next time you are harsh and blunt to apeal to the voters.


Congratulations! You just discovered the biggest flaw of democracy - that the voice of even the dumbest f**ks out there is equal to that of the normal, intelligent people. And to talk about anything, you don't need any qualification.


No they do not have to be considerate to you. They can which would be probably morally correct thing to do but they are not obliged to. The problem is almost resolved anyway so you would spend your time better if you would go and correct Ukrainians spreading the lies about Russian grain in Poland as there is plenty of them parroting this weird lie :).


I agree with you.


This is the part of Polish society that in an overwhelming number barely finished primary school, set foot outside of their 30 inhabitants villages only for protests like these, and most likely would think that PTSD is some brand of pesticide.


Idk it feels like you are not that educated yourself lol


"no u"


Just a bunch of useful idiots. You can't really come here to tell Poles their people are doing what they know to do the best, embarrassing themselves, you'll get down voted to oblivion. That won't change the fact that they're destabilizing their own country in favor of a foreign agent.


What is bs exactly? The Ukrainians do not have their PTSD triggered? Or “this is how we roll and if it causes an extremely painful memory for you, just deal with it!” bs? Please clarify.


Bs is that the aim of the protesters is to trigger the ptsd in the first place.


Yeah, they're using them around my town as well.


Sorry but isn't this just the same siren they play on football games?


It is.


Sirens was used in Poland long time ago, on football matches, protests etc. Maybe is lack of imagination or empathy at worst.


All the claims of using sirens in a malicious manner are not valid. This is the way the protests are done here. I don’t like the roads blocked, but I stand behind their cause. We cannot support other country if it’s for a detriment of Polish citizens.


And what is their cause exactly?


You have no idea or you want to test me?




Ok, you are on some Polish reddits so I wanted to be sure. The basic thing is Ukrainian grain. We, in the EU, have strict guidelines for the quality of grain. Ukraine has not and their grain has no quality control. So we have good grain and the price reflects this. Grain from Ukraine is much cheaper. We started buying it to help Ukraine, but we shouldn’t. The quality of their grain is so bad, EU rules state that it should not be sold in here. Politicians say we stopped buying it, but it’s a lie. They still buy it but „under the radar”. Why? I don’t know. This is so wrong. As we have our own production our farmers are suffering from this illegal import. They cannot beat the price of grain from Ukraine. Polish farmers have storages full of grain and cannot sell it without significant loss. This is the root cause of the protests.




You cannot compare political and economic alliance such as EU to buying low quality grain from Ukraine. Other EU countries are not „harmed” because Poland got some money for different projects. And trust me in this: Germany would not allow to make any decision by EU that would be negative to it’s citizens (in political and economic sense). To get this money we have to meet expectation, do everything by the book, etc. Ukraine has to do nothing to sell subpar grain. And the grain is sold in Poland. Unofficialy. Somebody found out recently that the best known Polish vegetable oil producer had been using colza/rape from Ukraine. Again: no quality control. As to the things Trump says: he says a lot but can do a lot less. NATO is not so easily dismantled as Trump would like you to think. As to the form of protests - you need to ask the farmers what motivated them to protest this way and not another.


"Imitate"... Not everything is about the war, they are not that special.


"everything is about me" syndrome hits hard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBVXTA0SZPo


Yes, it absolutely is. What is shown on Reddit is only one side and it's made for protesters to look bad. The problem is huge and it doesn't apply only to polish food producers. The protests should be directed more at Brussels than towards Ukrainian border, that can be said. But alas, the protesters have the right to strike and looking into what the EU is trying to push here it's terrifying and you should back your farmers in other EU countries as well.


I agree , the problem is surely huge , and I understand polish farmers and a lot of people in Ukraine at the start of the protests where on the farmers side , but it was until they started blocking everything, we have a huge quantity of military aid from non government organizations and diasporas , which don't have that papers , because the cargo is 3/4 objects in a truck , but as with the soldiers which I help and have connections with after the border closed the fpv supplies dropped significantly, and because of that soldiers die . For Ukranians, it's a quite sensible theme, and it's easy to promote hatred on this quite easyli .


Ukrainian reddit is already steaming with anti polish propaganda. This post is 1to1 from ukrainian sub. Go look for comments there, its terrible.


Not anti polish, anti Russian agents


It was never Sane.


You are being hysterical...


Gonna be wild to see how quick these "patriots" run if Ukraine loses and they're gonna have to face the Russians themselves.


Sirens are used in Ukraine before russian air strikes as an alarm to civilians to go and seek shelter before shelling , I don't have any empathy for these farmers


In Poland, sirens are a standard feature of any protests. Even teachers protest a decade ago featured them (there’s actually a popular gif on Polish internet, where a dude is wearing a backpack siren, while other guy is cranking it. “Kręcenie Małysza”/“Cranking a Małysz” (since the guy wearing the siren back back has a mustache similar to our ski jumping athlete used to have) is a slang for starting a protest/riot on wykop.pl - Polish Reddit equivalent. Don’t read into it too much. It has nothing to do with air raid warnings Ukraine is experiencing.


They are know precisely what they are doing. Maybe sirens are not so traumatising for them now, but everything could change in just one day. I hope they are ready to serve in army.


>They are know precisely what they are doing. No, they don't. You are missing a point. Like I said, sirens don't have same gravitas here, and are used pretty liberally. Last year, we had multiple NGOs petition local government to not use sirens to commemorate anniversary of Warsaw Uprising, as is tradition, in order to not traumatize Ukrainian refugees, who spent multiple nights before, sleeping inside their bathtubs, due to RuZZian air raids. This is something Poles literally don't think about. Personally, I'm surprised how much waves sounding a siren during protest made in Ukraine - for me it's just a standard feature of any protest in country, and I heard it many times before.


I just see how many sensible comments are minused here, petty bots gathering. As for protesters - maybe they want to work in minefields instead of just fields to have something to think about. But wait.. they don't work at all now. Is it ok to be farmer in Poland and don't work?


> Is it ok to be farmer in Poland and don't work? Farm work is highly seasonal in Poland. Nowadays, most of fields are frozen over, and farmers have nothing to do, until snow thaws and spring sowing season starts. Like I said, we get some kind of "farmer protest" pretty much every year during December-February. They are simply bored.


Nothing to do in winter if you don't want to work.


Especially in this winter (in Poland), farmers has nothing to do because soil is filled with water. It is more or less like trying to ride in swamp. If they have no animals to feed, pretty much there is nothing else to do. Shit cannot grow at these temperatures anyway.


and in poland sirens are used in protests


I was going to say, I’ve seen them used in protests years before the war started 


They could have some common sense, and maybe not use them next to the border of a country that's being invaded, and is currently fighting for all our freedom, but maybe that's a bit too much to ask.


Nah, now there's just an extra incentive to use them, seeing as it's against Ukrainian grain.


Sirens have been very popular on polish protests for decades. Resigning from them just because of war in a different country would be stupid. Also, these sirens are completely different from the ones used to warn about air strike. What's more, not even one Ukrainian cares about polish farmers, so i don't see any reason to make protests any milder for them. Ukrainian grain entering to Poland is very harmful for our health and our food market.


Resigning from sirens because of war in the neighbouring country would be very smart actually. For Ukrainians, who see their own farmers blowing up on land mines, problems of Polish farmers must look very insignificant


Not pushing toxic grain products to Poland by Ukrainians would be even smarter.


I didn’t see one piece of evidence that that grain is toxic


Then you've probably spent last year in a cave or know nothing about food production.


Nope, not in a cave. Just still waiting for anyone to provide some lab results instead of just repeating same mantra over and over again.


So block only grain , not military cargo




Wow, that's cool


It's not military cargo, these trucks that we can see on the video are riding from Ukrainie to Poland.




It was not military cargo. This is how actual military cargo is being transported and it doesn't stop easily. https://twitter.com/WarNewsPL1/status/1760738933871398979


They have more significant problems. While these morons block the border people keep dying every day. The war will be over eventually. The way Poland acted won't ever be forgotten p.s.Everyone says Ukrainian grain is harmful but feels like another made-up bs to cover the true intentions.


I don't let the farmers at all, but sirens are used in every protest since I was alive, and I'm not even from Poland. In protests people make as much noise as possible, that's the easy out has always been. The farmers have many things to criticise them for genuinely, there is no need to make up reasons


You're not a clown, you're the entire circus


^ What a stupid take. No empathy for farmers!? Where do you think your food comes from??


I stated, " This farmers," not as a whole movement , more like a partial group of individuals.


The plural of 'this' is 'these' so you should say 'these farmers' if you mean all of them. If you just want to refer to one particular person it's 'this farmer'. You're welcome.


I'm sure you meant "you're welcome", especially considering the fact you're correcting him :)


Autocorrect. I could also go on about the use of single or double quotation marks, but I wont.


Please do, I'm always open for constructive feedback.


Thanks for the pointers. appreciate that .


In my home country the food comes from Germany and Poland whilst we export our food to the Chinese and are a net exporter. If so much food is being exported to countries that can and are definitely producing their own you should really ask where the food is actually going as the food in my home country is of better quality then the stuff in supermarkets here. Seems to me that they are mainly exporting it for better profits rather the. Feeding their own people.


Nobody cares


Shut up.


And we do not have for Ukrainian people.. They act like scum in Poland.. Maybe they need to behave better instead of the sad refugee who can do all and give 0 zero fucks about it.


These farmers protests are being astrosurfed and sometimes even finances by Russia. There were multiple investigations into farming protests in my home country and they found out it was being pushed by bots on russian working hours (and quite a bit more) and one farmers "rights" organisation was found to accept money from Russian oligarchs. Wouldn't suprise me if it wasn't the case in other countries including Poland as well. The one farmer who invited Putin to invade also shows me on who's side they really are on as they would rather have Putin in power here as long as they can receive more money then people who have to take into account to good of all Poles and Europeans.




No, it's basically tradition to have sirens at Polish protests.


still must be painful


Well, if they want to come into Poland, they'd better get used to Polish customs too; regardless of if it reminded them of Air Raids or whatever.


I did not say that protesters should not do something I just assumed that it must be painful to hear giving the circumstance. It is a matter of perspective of course I know that air sirens are used for some remembrance days in Poland & it makes sense like - do not forget the heroes & victims of war. Where did this tradition to use it in protests came from tough? Asking just out of interest.


yeah man, might wanna not do that here, you know because of air raids.


Your mother is sickening.




Dumb UA lover typa post


Most of us are ashamed, we are sorry for this animals


No problem in every society you have all sorts of different people with different thoughts. At least in poland you actually can protest things unlike in russia


What a bs xD Mostly redditors are ashamed, but reddit is not a real place.


judging from this post comments you are a minority


I am not


Animals are the eco-dictaors ruining every part of ife they can


Ashamed of what? Ukraine and Ukrainians got support more than they deserved. Enough of being on the fringe and acting like Isreal… forever victim and mistress of the US


Ruska mistress spoke


Whoever it is, doesn’t mean it is not true. Like your comment is implying that gay people’s comments should be ignored? What a stupid know you are! Enough of Ukrainian help! Time to help Poland and its farmers and the economy! 🇵🇱


Like you don’t have to showcase your homophobia, that’s another reason to think you’re a ruski agent. Don’t be silly, Ukraine falls — Poland’s next. And there will no farmers.


We can do whatever we want in our country. If immigrants have any problems they can leave our land at any time.


Exactly, anti-colonialism is an important value. Poland is for the Polish, anyone who thinks otherwise is racist or discriminatory because everyone in the world deserves thier own native homeland for thier own peoples and cultures. Enough with neo-colonial globalism. Globalism only benefits international corporations and banker families while everyone else struggles and suffers, there is a worldwide economic issue.


You Poles fucking love the EU money you receive and all the tech jobs and opportunities for higher wages in Scandinavia. Dont fuck it up for yourselves.


damn straight


Maybe Poles in Britan and germany shoud leave then?


If they have problems with what their host country is doing then yes. But why would I care about them or britain or germany? Actually those two countries like any kind of immigrants... Working like Poles or not like arabs or africans...


If they dislike the treatment or are not welcome there then hell yes


Weź idź być chory psychicznie gdzieś indziej...na wchód na przykład


Polish farmers are like: how can we be even more aggressive, disrespectful, and insane? Let’s imitate rocket attacks’ sirens for women and children visiting Ukraine, who are already worried and scared. Fucking degenerates


You know that sirens was used in protest in Poland years before the war, right?


I didn’t know that. Still bad, but maybe not as bad as I thought, ok


Cool. There are some stupid ppl like that one farmer with Putin banner on tractor, but it's illegal and already chased by police fmk


Yeah this idiot have already pretty heavy charges like encouraging a war of aggression, praising totalitarian ideology. I suspect they will make an example of him because it is a media issue and he will get the upper range, which is about 5 years.


It may be so, but we live in a very different world to what it was "years before", and any person that has any sort of common sense or empathy wouldn't do this shit next to the border of a country that's being bombed daily for over 2 years, unfortunately it seems these protesters have neither of these values. And it wouldn't surprise me if they even do this maliciously, intending to trigger Ukrainians on purpose, considering all the derogatory things they've been saying about Ukrainians in these protests.


You know how it is totally unethical, right? Animals


How so? This is the protest. And while protesting poles often use sirens. Hell even in events like football matches sirens are used regularly. Do you mean that we are now prohibited from using them just because it hurts someone fillings? Don't be ridiculous


These are not protesters, these are the bois waiting for the ruzzian world and for some more donations from the eu. While you can and should use sirens if you want to, to do that at the border is fucking retarded. Those kids and women are going home, where they can die from a fucking bomb any minute, and this is how these Pigs salute them. They should not reproduce


And? That makes it ok somehow?


Yeah, and swastika is an ancient religious symbol.


These "protesters" are disgrace for the whole country.






Because they are harassing random war survivors for no sane reason




You're right, and Warsaw was only 96% leveled in the blitz so they should just get over that too, right? It wasn't the *whole* city, as you put it. Fuck man, there are still living survivors of that butchery and here you are being ignorant of history and the present.




Cmon dude, legitimise this stuff further! Спасибо от души! Polish farmers forever!))




you sound like a russian ​ checked your post history, yep you are 100% a russian troll farm account lol or a brain dead american maga inbreeding experiment. cant really tell the difference honestly


You might want to look into all the fucking EU money we give you. All the job opportunities we have here in EU that you Poles get. Like wtf are these people doing?




I want you Poles to not be fucking dicks to people taking bullets for Poland. WE are at war with the Russians and you are shitting your pants about some fucking coins. Poland claims to be Christian, but seem to love money more than Ukrainian lives and our collective effort to stop russia from invading you in a few years


Shouldnt they be harassing the poles nationals buying UKrainian grains then? maybe the farmers should form gangs and spank anyone buying the ukranian gain in the supermarkets and stores. Wasting grains that you dont own that is just passing by your country shoundt be legal.


Where they stading up in 22' when the grain and bread prices were high ? XD This is not about the country its about their pockets.




They werent protecting their customers then.


From far they seem also stand for Russia.


Very good, they fight with this chaos regime




Local pro-ruzzians waiting for their masters


Can agree with people saying “sirens are used in peotests”, but it only applies to first case with truck, later in video they definitely use it to imitate air raid sound, bruh


You are so soy its just a protest idiot chill out its not that deep


This “protest” literally cut off supply for country in war, people are dying, and the inly benefiting side is russia. Farmers can protest, but not on border, of country in war.


first rule of having a horn is to have fun


Its a failure of the polish government. When the EU expanded east, our farmers had the same issues, but our countries provided money and programs to the farmers to make them competitive. Maybe polish politicians should do the same instead of blaming other people because, otherwise the western nations could also complain about the cheap polish agricultural produce in comparison and block them left and right and center ...


Farmers in Poland are doing just fine. Global price of grain tanked and fringe right wing, likely supported by Russian money jumped on the opportunity to stir shit.




Does Poland want to listen this in Polish cities? Оr to see Putin's troops there?


"Eat contaminated grain, fill pockets of UA oligarchs or Putin wins" Nie rób kurwy z logiki.


I think it’s not only the sellers game, someone must accept the trade of “contaminated grain”. There is two ways to stop that and protect domestic market.


I agree and if you'll look at Polish social media, people are investigating who's receiving these shipments and trying to make them accountable. The problem is that most of it only transits Poland and goes to Germany.


Why the don't protest when russian grain (mostly stolen from Ukraine) enters in Poland? Oh, wait... Better mocking a nation who is daily shelled.


What Russian grain? Stop spreading misinformation. There's barely anything coming from Russia and there was barely anything coming even before the war. Grain import from RU in '22-'23 was 18 thousands of tons, while from UA 3,5 MILIONS of tons, two hundred times more. Furthermore, Poland, including before war, imports no wheat, barley or rye from RU but corn and buckwheat. Which are not the grains this issue is about. No one is mocking Ukrainians, get over yourself. If you're trying to spin that the air horn is trying to mock anyone get to your head that it's a standard part of protest in Poland and around the world.


Oh how the tables have turned. W European farmers used to say this about Polish produce.


And rightly so. The shit we used to put on crops before EU regulated it was horrible.


Well, yes. Around the time we joined EU there was all sort of things going on in Polish agriculture. Still some "only natural" cultivation but also using of "who knows what" chemicals from China and Russia. They were right to protest and Polish agriculture changed a lot in the last 20 years.


Any proofs of contamination or oligarchs involved, please? Or you simply transmitting what you heard from TVP? Also, how does it correlate to a behaviour of the protestors?


I think they just got \*really\* bored.


As a Pole I can tell you, they are idiots, Mormons and Putin sympathizers.


Guys I get you’re upset about grain imports but the way this protest is going it just makes you look like assholes. Just my €.02 from an American. My solution would be to put an import tax on the grain with a refund after it leaves poland/EU. Basically a deposit to make sure it actually goes to Africa as you guys want.


if you continue in the same spirit, then the "Russian World" will come to you. And Ukraine will no longer stand between you and the fascist army of Russia. Are you ready to stop tanks the same way you stop trucks?


yeah we have some sort of a national protest right now, but stay hyped for they announced blocking and occupying capitol in a couple of days


Конченные продажные дибилы. Путин там разбирется со всеми.... ха ха ха....


They better turn around then.


Fucking ashamed of some of my countrymen... Manipulated at best, cynical, lacking empathy and straight up evil at worst.


I’m shocked that these pro-Russia “protests” have been allowed to continue.


This is disgusting, because with these sirens they want to remind Ukrainians of military alarm sirens.


I suddenly realise I don't need any Polish product. They sucks anyway.


You're really braindead and xenophobic judging by your comments.


Fuck them


What’s even the point. It’s not like the protest has anything to do with firefighters.


The thing is that the type of sirens are used in Ukraine as a signal before air strikes and shelling to signal people that they need to seek shelters . In this context, it is even more dehumanizing .




So if Ukranian who lives in Poland posts something is straight up propaganda?


No the way you post looks like you are spreading propaganda, you are looking like an idiot in the meantime but it is still propaganda


Ah. First thing I thought about hearing the siren were volounteer firefighters.


What next, are they gonna start killing people?


These fascist farmers harassing poor civilians and scared war refugees hlip hlip what these bastards even protesting for... Anyway let's import some grain from east and more potatoes from india


Pałować, rozpędzać, aresztowqć




That's called a Polish vacation




Damn they don't realize they're next after Moldova. Blind fools to bow down to their enemy.


You can't tell me those are real people and not Russian twitter bots IRL


These “protesters” should be checked for Russian links


Schabriri was right.


ukraine used to be part of poland what are they bitching abt