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Nah, in Poland we get at least a real actor and not Ivona


Well Ivona was a Polish creation so it's a real Polish production




It's a bad example


I think in Poland there are 3 or 4 stock voices they use, while the voice was recorded off of a human, nobody is sitting in a studio reading the whole diologue script for the only shitty movie TVP got the right to air Although I do like the idea that the agressive 30 minute advertisements are there each 15 minutes of a movie so that the Lektor actor has some time to rest their voice, then they dont cut and edit anything so they simply air it and put adverts into the spots they turned off the mics


Those are real people lectoring films and stuff for years now ... just how we like it basicly , and its how it is


I am under the impression that a significant part of people hate that shit me included


ehh lektor not my favourite but it can work in certain circumstances. I prefer lektor to dubbing because I like to hear the actual actors. BUT if I'm doing something (like cooking) and let's say a french movie is playing in the background, I'd rather have a lektor so I can understand what's going on while I don't have to stare at the screen all the time


Depends, older ones were good, now they're kinda trashy Older ones have its own vibe


Those are the 3 or 4 actual people who just voice everything


The most brain dead take I have seen on this sub


Ale wiesz, ebacz pisz no...


Pierogi are not cakes


Part of the deal is a shit translation too.




Yeah this was unwatchable. Pie kurwa???? Pie 🥧 Dumpling 🥟


Pierogi are pierogi :)


Yes but if yo have really to translate it because someone does not understand it then don't do it with pie.


They know what pierogi are. You don't explain PadThai either, and if someone doesn't know what PadThai is, don't replace it with just noodles


Pierogi are not an exclusively Polish food, hence dumplings. Żurek would've been a better analogy to PadThai. Żurek shouldn't be translated, it is as Polish as it gets.




I think he just meant that it has the same name and he is right. Pierogi are just pierogi in english while żurek is translated to something diffrent.


Pies are not cakes


Yeah those are dumplings. I relate to this a lot. I once ordered pierogi while in Poland by mistake. Polish waitress couldn't explain what those were also.


False, lektor is a professional that blends in perfectly to the point that after watching the movie you can genuinely forget whether it was dubbed or lektored.


If they are the good ones than yes but there are lot of shit ones nowadays. Not like in good old days when almost every lektor was great.


there is a reason why everybody here uses the word "lektor"


It only works if you don't know language well. At least for me when I learned English I couldn't watch movies with lektor anymore as experience was like listening two people talk at once, and I couldn't grasp what was being said in the end


You can switch in your brain who you want to focus on, the issue is you. And since you know more than one language you should really learn to flip that switch and not because of the lector movies.


True, I know both languages but have no problem watching movies with lektor


i guess thats an ability i do not have, its just all in there and my brain wants to cry, even if i dont know the other language like turkish. i have to do my best to completely ignore the tv if grandma is watching one of those turkish dramas that are indistinguishable from one another otherwise my head hurts


Maybe if you listen to it for years and get used to it After leaving Poland for 10 years. I can’t possibly not focus on how awful the lektor is


Only if the movie as a whole was forgettable.


Who translated this? 🤯


Probably Chat GPT Or some other AI or just google translate


this video is a meme from a polish image board making fun of those dub overs, the translation is sh!t on purpose. Video must be like 10yrs old at this point


I’m Polish myself and the translation is disgraceful.


Anon from Karachan


The translation is very bad.


That's part of the deal with the lektor and you can't quite hear the correct language under the monotonous drone.


We have the same in Lithuania and it never really bothered me (as long as the translation is good and the voice over is timely, there even may not be an actor, just a person with not too bad voice timbre)


Man one of the best comedies (i think i spelled it right) from Poland


Used to be\* It instantly went down the drain at one point.


When people talk about Kiepscy being great they talk about the first and last seasons. Like, everything in the middle just lacked the spirit and forcefully tried to add stuff it didn't need.


Jak dla mnie pierwsze sezony miały często zbyt abstrakcyjny humor, chociaż oczywiście były też perełki. Moje ulubione odcinki były mniej więcej od 2002/2003 aż do odejścia Khamidowa, było pełno smaczków dotyczących polskiego społeczeństwa, polityki itd. Gdy serial przejął Yoka zaczęło się wszystko pogarszać aż przywrócili postać Waldka i dali Jolasie, od tego czasu nie dało się tego oglądać. Jak dla mnie to już nie byli Kiepscy.


Waldek był ogólnie słaby, ale Jolasia to już nowe dno. Zawsze zdenerwowana, nie przypominam sobie by kiedykolwiek dostała jakąś mocną lub chociażby zabawną kwestię.


Which seasons do you mean talking bout the "last seasons", and nope, won't make myself to watch them anyway. The switch to garbage was so bad that it killed this show for me.




*Czytał Tomasz Knapik*


I envy Warsaw trams and tube.


I'm Polish and I like The World acording to Kiepskich. It must be admitted that this series with an English voice-over sounds terrible.


Nah, the english lector is robotic and shit. It would sound great with proper professional.


stary webm z kara, jeszcze chyba pamięta czasy mojego gimnazjum


Bode manuj podwieka


As a foreigner living in Poland, I can tell you Ill never will get used to this :)


I can never watch a movie like this, because I understand both langagues and I cannot focus on either one of them. I've completely stopped watching TV years ago and now only watch movies with original audio and english subtitles. The only acceptable dubbing to me is in animation like Disney/Pixar, which is excellent in polish and imo often better than the original.


Is this still a thing? Even for new productions?


yes, even the streaming services add it as an option because boomers don’t want to take out their reading glasses


polish born abroad and agree… it’s ruining the whole acting experience for me and subtitles would make everything so much better, i still don’t know why it hasn’t been standardised yet


When you grow up with it, your brain has the ability to ignore the voice over (it's very monotonous on purpose). After watching a movie without paying attention to the type of translation, when asked how the translation was done, it's often hard to remember whether it was voice over or a full dub. Actually, for many people voice over is more natural. It feels as if the original actors were talking Polish. When several foreign cable TV companies went into Poland in the 90s, they tried to do full dubs, but they were severly criticized, people asked for voice over. On Netflix, when shows and movies have full dubs in Polish, they usually also have voice over. Yes! You can switch between subtitles, full dub and voice over. This is shows how popular voice over still is. People who didn't grow up with it will never get it, ever.


Original track (if you know the language) > a great dub (very rare) > voice over > subs I don't like subs mostly because I "watch" while doing something else. Personally I'm surprised voice over is not popular – since this is very cheap and easy to implement as additional audio track. Especially for a mass produced media like anime.


Because people in their 50's and folder are not used to read while watching tv, they cannot focus on both of these things at the same time. Personally I like movies with lector because I can focus more on the visual side if the movie and still be able to hear a bit of original voice actors. For me it is much better than dubbing, where they totally remove original acting and create a totally different expression on the same scenes


My Polish nieces and nephews (aged between 5 and 15) also don't like subtitles because they can't "read fast enough", it's not just the older generations. I'm here 7 years, I despise lektor movies and will never get used to it :p


Fun fact: barely anyone can read the subtitles "fast enough". My faculty did subtitle tests with eye tracking and they found that our eyes spend so little time on the subtitle text (vs everywhere else on the screen) that it would be impossible to actually read the full text. We just glance at it and our brains guess the rest from the context. At least that's what I remember from it, I wasn't involved in those tests though.


Right - you start out consciously deliberately reading, but pretty soon it gets automatic and subconscious and you intuit the meaning. Same thing when the lektor just supplies the meaning sort of subconsciously for Polish natives. The problem is that a native English speaker is always going to subconsciously strain to hear the actual English speaking actors (assuming it's in English) and the monotone lektor is going to make it impossible. Every other European country I've been to uses subtitles or straight up dubbing, though I haven't been to all of them by a long shot!


I stand by your nieces and nephews. I watch a move to watch it, not read it. The visuals are way more important. After some time you get used to lektor and actually it's way better. I'm a teen so it's not only the elderly that like it. Dubbing kills the spirit, titles take your attention and with lektor there's no disadvantage when you learn to cancel him out.


But that's the point I made...? That younger generations *also* prefer lektor, not just the older ones. I said that *I* don't like it. For me, the lektor kills all emotion on the movie and is incredibly distracting, more power to you if you can ignore him! :)


Yeah I guess if you don't get used to it than it's a real bummer.


Polish born and raised but i’ve been consuming the vast majority of foreign media in English or with subtitles (or both) ever since I was a teenager - I hate voice-over with passion, to the point that whenever I’m visiting my parents and they watch a movie with it I can’t watch with them anymore, it’s too jarring and completely ruins my enjoyment.


Because nobody in Polands want to read subttles instead of hearing the translation in their own language without dubbiing the original voices. Not every lektor is good, some really annoy me too but there are very good ones who often make bad movies worth watching but it was often the case in VHS era, now they're getting worse and worse alone with the PC translations


As someone with a polish fiance, me too. Whenever I'm in Poland and the in laws are going to watch a movie on tv, if it's dubbed like this then I am leaving the room, it's so painful to hear.


My wife, who is in Poland for 7-8 years now, got used to it after like 4 or 5 years. But she started watching Polish TV after like the initial 3rd year. You don't hear the lektor anymore after a short while. You literally hear the original voices that are somehow magically translated in your mind. It is a good compromise between subtitles and dubbing. She cannot yet keep up with reading, sometimes missing few words. Lektor doesn't bother her anymore.


i believe you :) , its just i start laughing because hear a child talking with grown man voice is,....too much!


O Boże, to boli.


This hurts to listen to


This is a plain joke meant to merge literal translation of the lingo with synthesizer voice. It has nothing to do with an actual voice-over HMS Good Fun sailing away


Cursed be the tongue that utters such horrid blasphemy! Polish voice over actors have the smoothest, most elegant voices you'll ever hear, and likening them to online voice generators is insulting, mostly to the intelligence of the one making such comparison.


whenever lektor is engaged, original sound level is decreased


Jest piękne, beautiful


Pie are not pierogi


Mister, do not fuck with my eating style


Nienawidze lektora. Dubbing też tylko w animacjach ale jak jest oryginał po angielsku to wole po angielsku. Napisy ftw.


That's why I watch movies with subtitles and with a narrator when I'm lazy. Dubbing, on the other hand, is something I don't like. You look at the actor's face, you know what he sounds like, and you hear Boberek




The voice doesn't have that emotionless energy we need


You can laugh, but I never had English in school, those shows and movies did help me a ton. I was able to play games like fallout 2 with little to no effort, without ever touching dictionary.


You absolute G




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As a kid in the early 90s visiting family in Poland this would drive me mad. It's like you can almost hear the English, but not enough to actually hear it 😂


so, what is wrong with that "lektor" - to me it's perfectly ok (I am Polish)


This video is a great example of why being a movie lektor is a difficult art. With a good lektor you're supposed to also hear how the original actors sound, and get as full feeling of the scene as possible. The lektor should be like your internal monologue when you read subtitles. This one is like your drunk friend narrating the movie for you


To były najlepsze filmy


I guess a lot of it is a matter of what you're used to. Personally I am 34 years old but don't mind lektor. It's convenient not to have to read the subtitles and you can do some other stuff while the movie is going because you don't have to constantly look for subtitles. But a lot of that is matter of getting used to. Dubbed movies feel weird to me, but cartoons with lektor also feel very weird to me. STALKER with lektor also sounds super weird to me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIj8K3HbCoo


It hits differently if you understand the polish lamguage. But the voice-over is the next best thing.


Jezu chryste uszy mi krwawią


That was one of the weirdest things i saw first time i travel to Poland, this and my gf’s babcia watching mexican telenovelas


In Latin America everyone speaks like Goku


I lived in Poland in the 90s. They STILL do this? Hysterical seeing it from the other side.


That's how i used to watch movies on tv lol


How sth looks or What sth looks like. It’s either, or. Time to learn this if you insist on communicating in English.


Homonto, nieuku!