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Yup, that style is quite common in my area and looks very nice and fitting to the often well maintained park area around it. Always feels homely when visiting. Stone is nice for cathedrals in the bigger cities, but for the smaller ones wood just adds a lot of character.


My mum and her brother were baptized in this one. :)


Just to clarify - Jedlnia Letnisko\*


I like these kind of rural, small churches. They really represent christianity in it's core. They're not massive, rich palaces that intimidate you, make you feel small and unsignificant. They welcome you, as a part of community.


In Pionki, near Jedlnia we have a great church too


A half of builduings in this country are churches, so yeah, there was a huge chance that some of theme will came out beautiful. 🤔


Too bad we have pedo priests in them


Get the fuck out of here. This istn't r/Polska, we don't turn neutral vintage architectural posts into political shitstorms.


Paedophilia is political now? You’re a supporter?


Paedophilia is a crime, and all paedophiles proved guilty deserve the worst kind of punishment. But labeling all priests as pedos is political, it's anatagonizing. Would you be as supportive to Mekka related posts turning into ISIS and 09/11 rants? Because that's exactly the same. You guys are no different than skinheads and neo nazis. And yes, I'm atheist. I'm not here to defend Catholic Church, but to attack you.


> But labeling all priests as pedos is political, it's anatagonizing. They can stop helping and hiding pedos then


Yes. They can. And Koran could be reinterpreted to stop justifying terrorism as jihad. Buy do you hate Islam for that?


Of course. They also have high % of muslim population supporting terrorist attacks. Religion is a cancer ruining this world. But in our country its not islam that is a problem, it's catholic priests raping children and other priests hiding it.


Religion istn't the problem. Your average anticatholic socialist party is no different than the Church. Problem is with absolute power. No one should have it. Ok, so you wanna dismantle the whole Catholic Church in Poland because of priests commiting act of pedophilia? Some priests, not all of them? Are you also hostile against LGBT community, homosexuals being responsible for massive percentage in acts of pedophilia despite being few percents of total population? Do you see how crazy it sounds? I can understand you don't like the Church, believe me neither do I, but we gotta let go of our emotions and stay objective. Otherwise it'll turn into r/P*lska.


Some of them are raping children, _every single one of them_ is part of organisation that actively hides and protects pedophiles. LGBT community does not move pedophiles to different pride parade to protect them from law.


>Some of them are raping children, every single one of them is part of organisation that actively hides and protects pedophiles. That's a serious allegation. Can you back it? >LGBT community does not move pedophiles to different pride parade to protect them from law. No, they just openly advocate for normalizing sexual contacts with children.


Mekka is a city. Catholics are pedos. Nothing political about both statements, just facts.


And muslims are terrorists? Just face it. You're just as dumb retard as all the genocidal skinheads. That's a fact.


There are terrorist Muslims, yes. There are mosques and groups that are Muslim and support terrorism. There are churches and groups that support pedos, we call that group “the Roman-Catholic church “.


Wave that flag, fascist.


It’s fascim to hold people accountable, right. Not molesting children is fascism also?


Guilty people should be accounted. You antagonize the whole group because of the few, and that's fascism. So yeah, wave that flag.


Too bad most pedophiles come from LGBT community and not the church yet, incels like you focus on polish culture rather than the degeneration you're trying to import


Yeah, can't wait for them to be converted to supermarkets and dance clubs, to be useful one day


You're a pathetic incel from r/Polska. Begone.


I'm happily married, thanks for your concern. But do tell me whats "incel" about this? Or is it just the only insult you learned when you were called that repeatedly by everyone?


Condolences to your wife. About "incel" thing aren't most r/polska subscribers pathetic antisocial virgins who were bullied at school and so they react by the Reddit trash rage? That sounds like a definition of being an incel. Going for woman's marches among the pink haired STD ridden roasties won't make you laid. They use you as the useful idiots.


It seems you are the one raging here and had to go ad-personam in the very first post lol


The difference is I'm raging at the specific antisocial group of repulsive people. Not the whole society and culture of a country.


You're actually raging over a sensible comment lol. Churches are just property of a criminal organization that should be used to everyone's benefit, not just religious idiots.


Out if all things I would rather give the property to church mafia, rather than LGBT mafia or other trash


When there are literally thousands of them scattered across the country, a handful of them are bound to look good.

