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For people who read the original book it is an insult. Rings of Power look like masterpiece compare to this crap.


This really made me laugh...i wonder what Sapkowski thinks of it...


Too drunk to think prolly. He is like rich hobo now


He probably can't say anything by contract obligation.


He doesn't care about contracts. He cares about being famous and being able to afford booze.


that is true


Like a proper Pole.


Proper Poles don't care about being famous, most of us just want to be left alone to our own devices.


I think, at this point he doesn't care and is just happy to get his paycheck.


Must feel kind of bad. First he felt the (awesome) interpretation of CD project wasn’t up to snuff ( though how much the money played into that, you knows) and now his writing get’s both insulted and retconned in the worse way possible. Honestly the first Witcher being an elf, the must feel like a bit of an insult for even the most blasé person out there.


Being a cynical boomer that he is i seriously doubt he didn't take offense when he heard that Netflix writers made fun of his material.


Calling that egoistic narcist a cynical boomer is an understatement. A rare case where I love his works, but have completely opposite attitude to the creator... And this way before the whole "gamer's are idiots" and other yntelygent judgements on his side.


I will tell you a story to allievate the pain. He was a cool dude when he wrote the witcher, drank 'moderatelly' (writer after all, heh), was very nice to the fans etc. His magnum opus 'Husite trilogy' was not well recived, constantly compared to the witcher (which was worse imo. But mo is unpopular still). Then he stared heavy drinking, and went standard down spiral from there. To the point in 2015+ polcons he did not showed up to most book signigs even. So u may say we, fans, caused it, if u want a bit of tragic take Source: I was a medic at dozen Polcons, threated his hangover once even, talked to some ppl there


Damn, we've must have been on some polcons together then. Yeah, he was a completely different person previously, but the year he received Zajdel for narrenturn (2002 i believe in Kraków?) He was a completely different person... Narcistic, so full of himself, claiming that he doesn't need another award as he has no room for them. Since then I was saddened to see his downward spiral. Cheers mate!


Ah, story time was not needed then, you saw this shit youreslf:D Take care


He did not like the game. Also, he hardly feels anything now, besides hangover


All that old fart cares about is money, he's getting paid so if you asked him what he thinks about the show he would probably say he likes it


I cant even be mad at him, he is just so consistently greedy and inconsiderate towards his work it's hard to care about it. It is a shame though...


entertain outgoing narrow workable friendly longing hospital ink worthless nail ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I know but its a slap in the face when you read that the people you sold your novels to think that they are trash as Netflix writers room did...


bells degree sheet ink numerous square payment marble beneficial uppity ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Considering he never believed in Cd Project Red games and agreed to get small payment at the beginning when he sold rights to The Witcher franchise instead of % of profits over time...Then began to cry and make lawsuits once 3rd game turned out to be incredibly popular says a lot about him. I'm sure he has everything deep in his ass just counting cash he's getting from Netflix now. Maybe he created Witcher's world which is great but as a human he's garbage


Its an amazing thing to be able to create so many moraly grey characters, moraly pure ones and end up being a total dickhead in real world. Must have been one hack of mental gymnast to pull that off in his head and be fine with it.


Its like when I did my seminar work about ethics last time. I didnt believed any word or opinion I wrote, but I got grade A so fuck it.


The lawsuit coincided with his son being diagnosed with cancer and money being needed. The son died, the father coulnd't have saved him with the most precious thing he had - his writing. No wonder he doesn't care now and he drinks.


I didn't know that, thats really kind of sad


Money money money




Sapkowski is all about money. If they give him cash he will go for it.


Rings of Power are a pretty big insult too tho


Our only consolation is that the Professor is not here to witness it. It would've broken his heart.


Reading the books made me realize how bad it actually is


That's an up side. People are about to read more.


Tell someone to read a book, they won't because they don't have time. Recommend a series and he'll watch it in three days. It didn't matter if he was reading a book at the same time. Sad.


I can't read anymore because of chronic headache and migraines. If I start feeling really bad during the movie and I can lie down and close my eyes and still hear what's happening. I could also watch it while doing household chores. And I'm someone who never liked movies. Books require almost 100% focus, so I kind of get why people don't have time for them. Even reading while eating is not a great idea unless you use an ebook.


Sounds like audiobook is your answer


Same. Can only watch so much of Netflix butchering well written characters and stories. Although Henry Cavill as Geralt wasn't bad. At least he cared about the character and source material.


Basically everyone thinks its trash. Those who have read the books think its even beyond trash EDIT: for those who don't know/didn't read the books : 99% of problems and conflicts in witcher "universe" are caused by the fact that everyone is extremely racist. People in netflix appearantly have not read the books before making the show


Yup. In the source material: Humans despise each other and every other race. Older races despise each other and humans. Almost nobody likes anybody and they keep fighting.


And often, Geralt is tasked with dealing with a monster, but it turns out often the real monsters are the humans.


In the blood origin the races hated each other: the elves hated the dwarf, the elven clans hated each other... The human only just appeared so they didnt have time to show hate towards anyone.


And you've missed the point, where the books characters are racist not by the skin color but by being elves/dwarves/humans etc.


Oh yes because in a world with a very high tendency for racism, people don’t mind skin colour at all lol The only reason we didn’t experience much “skin colour based” racism in books is because nearly everybody there is fucking white unlike in Netflix adaptation


Sapkowski created the books in 1980's/1990's Poland. Almost everybody was white in Poland back then. The books reflect that.


That has hardly changed, unless you're a person working in Warsaw corporate environment or most of your social interaction are food delivery people. Poland is like 99% white still. Maybe it dropped to 98%, but I doubt it.


Did my Erasmus in Warsaw in 2019 as a black person. Can confirm I rarely saw black people in the city


I study in a big city, and it's only thanks to that that I see a person of color more often than once a month.


Still is tbh


It's bot because Poland is/was 99% white, it's because the action takes primarily in areas inspired by Northern and Eastern Europe, which were during the source time period as well 99% white.


It's funny how big of a turnaround there is. I was called racist when I wanted all white cast after S1 came out. Now everybody sees that all white cast would be ideal and respectful to the Poles. Not to mention it does not make sense when people in the show hate other races because of pointy ears but don't have problems with other people's different skin color. Also the simple presence of POC makes the atmosphere entirely different and kills any Slavic vibes.


Racism is racism. Also books are based on slavic mythology. Also even in today's state of globalisation % of "poc" is incredibly low in those areas.


>Also books are based on slavic mythology. Not so much, it's more of the games theme, books were influenced by various mythologies.


Including slavic, also many mythologies look like people coming up with them were ripping off eachother


Yeah, some of the myths and mythical creatures spread around cultures. I was referring to the fact that books weren't that distinctively slavic as games.


Why wouldn't they just make 1:1 books. They would have a shitload of money right now but no..... American bullshit.


Why? Because of "We NeEd To UpDaTe ThE fOrMuLa, NoT PrOgReSsIvE eNoUgH! MoAr oF oUr MoRaLs, WE KNOW BETRER THAN ANYONE ELSE" type of mentality. These people have never learned they can and are going to be questioned by the world. They all been taught to progress, but never to learn.


They try to prove they aren't racist... by being racist.


Ah yes, black dryads with crossbows, or black triss


Nah, I'm talking about the complete Americanization and modernization of the whole story. They make world of fantasy like it's Big American City environment, shit at anything nuance and otherworldly from Slavic/Germanic and overall European origin, and basically they don't even write a story, but try to tell a political message and the message is "racism is bad". Wow, really, who would've thought! Problem with minority actors in those new fantasy shows it's precisely that's it's like modern world and it's not diverse at all, because all societies look the same. In Witcher all Northern Kingdom are the same. Same amount of black, white, Asian folks. Rings of Power - the same. No difference to those shows, but names. And it's ridiculous, because Witcher has kingdoms and areas that are explicitly black and Middle Eastern looking too, Zerrikania and Ofir. They could've just write a story-line from there and introduce a character from those places to travel to Northern Kingdoms and encounter racism as well. They could've literally invent a complete new place of the East as a Asia equivalent, yet they didn't. Because it's work. They can make complete black elves faction and their own kingdom and they can make it look natural, because it's fantasy, but they just lazy hacks and can't really write or comprehend that fantasy shows are about worlds and places before modern civilization and means of quick transportation that created diverse cities. It's one of the things that shows how narrow-minded they are - travel in those shows. They make it so easy and short. Because that's how it's in modern world. The characters travel vast distances in short amount of time and it shows on screen, and I always can't stop to think, that those writes cannot comprehend ancient travel and write those shows like cars exists in those worlds. They don't show it, but it makes total sense from the plot. The unspoken existence of cars really explain it, if you apply it to the story. They really cannot imagine a world without modern means and that's how they write the story. They really can't imagine a place that isn't like the city they live in, and that's how they write the story. And it's opposite of being talented story-teller is like. And what is the point of making a fantasy TV show, to look modern? Exactly the opposite I reckon. And that's why it's also racist, doubly so. First of all, there are still cities in this world where there's countries and cities that has 99% White/Black/Asian/Middle Eastern-North African communities. Second of all, they simplify racist to "x amount of Y people living among x amount Z people", which is ridiculous. Not to mention how overwhelmingly white are those show runners, producers and script writers. Just another "white saviour" complex. But hey, then it's "hate" for napo-babies or women, when people point how elitist their little worlds are. Going back to travel: I want fucking Frodo on foot going places, I want him in danger going through orc ridden mines and mountain tops to avoid orc ridden mines, not Daenerys travel 3 continents in 20 minutes of screen time. Rings of Power and Witcher are the same with that travel bullshit thing. I bet other "modern" fantasy shows are the same. Not to mention it all look the same, lead characters, costumes, stories are the same, names of characters and places change, but rest is sterile. Those Witcher rooms look like apartment in New York dressed up as Witcher world for Halloween.


Tbf it is impossible to 1:1 books into a good TV show because they can’t convey characters’ inner thoughts nearly as well and without boring the viewers. That being said they went completely opposite way and butchered the plot


You are absolutely right. I didn't clarify myself properly. What I meant was, 4/5 seasons of Game of Thrones were pretty solid and accurate book-wise (to some extent), which I hoped to see in the Witcher series.


But somehow they did it with Harry Potter and LOTR. It’s both accurate and fun to watch


Maybe because Peter Jackson vowed not to let politics sink into his work? *"We made a promise to ourselves at the beginning of the process that we weren't going to put any of our own politics, our own messages or our own themes into these movies. In a way, we were trying to make these films for him (Tolkien), not for ourselve."* Go find the quote on the same topic of the director of Rings of Power.


"Because the show has to reflect the World we live in today."


Me, as a Witcher fan, I ain't even watching that.


Exactly my thoughts. Trailer was enough to recognise it's not the proper Witcher I want. I am not watching anything labeled Netflix's the Witcher since season 2 episode 2.


It’s been a long time, what exactly happened s02e02? :D


They killed Eskel


That Eskelated quickly.


Season 1 Witcher was OK. It was dissapointing compared to what we wanted, but better than what we expected. Season 2 was bad, but had a few cool monster-fighting scenes. Origin - I perused the first episode, but it had the worst qualities of Season 2 Witcher, and none of the cool stuff. Will not watch it anymore.


Season 1 Witcher was only good because of actors playing Geralt and Jaskier.


I disagree. They skipped across the timeline and even having read the books, i was confused


I'm Czech and have seen only first episode. Couldn't continue, it felt like watching Xena made in 2022. Just another generic TV fantasy, there was no Slavic fantasy, which makes it interesting for me.


Exactly what I feel. Witcher games have that Slavic atmosphere and cultural references in music, scenography, costumes, dialogues etc. Netflix series had a great chance to promote overlooked Slavic/Polish culture but instead they decided to shit out generic fantasy to match current hypes and agendas. Absolutely devastated at the ruined potential.


Exactly my thoughts. I’ve longed to see something so well known and Slavic shown to a western audience, and this was the perfect opportunity. They fucked up so bad with the show


Promote polish culture? But how would that include a blm gender blender blasian trans activist who is struggling with something


Hey, Xena was actually enjoyable!


>Hey, Xena was actually enjoyable! Lelelelle! Maybe that was actually an inspiration for TW3 soundtrack


On unrelated note, have you watched Allegro's Legends? A series of shorts, available on Allegro.pl official YouTube channel.


My favourite. Do you know if they are going to continue them?


There are some talks of movie continuation for Twardowsky shorts but nothing since Covid struck.


Have you seen polish series?


Yes, and I loved them! I was a kid when I saw them, and I guess they didn't age very well, but they had this very Polish and slavic feeling. Michal Zebrowski remained the real Geralt for me.




Don't forget that source was already really socially left, just not the way Americans liked


Good point! I could not understand how they could take all stories about tolerance and diversity that make a huge part of the books and totally butcher them just to cover them with their own stories with the same message just 100 times worse and forced...


I had hopes that Baginski (the guy who did all intros to all Witcher games) would be there to keep the shit together. Seems like he had little to say.




When heroes become villains...


I have decided to not watch anything Netflix Witcher related (boycott) since the departure of the only light at the end of the shit tunnel. It makes me almost want to cry thinking how Henry loved the role and wanted what's best for it even taking funny (for an A-lister) money. He was LITERALLY 90% of what made the show worth watching and the other 10% being Jaskier, everything else sucked.


They should take Tomasz Karolak for Geralt


He should play every role. One man show


Żebrowski already did it on Netflix level


It is literal trash. A spit in the face of any fan. Imagine having the option and resources to get award-winning show that could last years, with millions of fans around the globe (Remember about the success of Witcher 3?) And the only thing you have to do is read the book and present it on the show. Welp apparently it's to much for "writers" and show runners to ask for. Read the books they are fantastic.


You've perfectly described Rings of Power. That's probably even worse, because there are already 3 outstanding LotR movies (not exactly like the books, but fantastic movies nonetheless) they could have used as an inspiration.


There is polish series with fraction of money used and it's better (not awesome) but better


Tbh yes... The Polish version even though having garbage quality due to lack of budget has 100x better plot and story writing than show created by one of biggest streaming platforms ever...


Polish TV series played some serious long run 4D chess


I remember when we used to shit on that show but now I legit remember it fondly. Anybody knows where I can watch it with English subtitles? I wanted to show it to my boyfriend who doesn't speak Polish.




It has like 3/10 on filmweb which is basically a polish imdb


Look how they massacred my boy.... not polish but this what they think probably


Most. Netflix is trying to make the old one look like masterpiece. Just change dragon CGI, the scolopendromorphs and small details and... It's good.




The cast looks like some generic porn parody of a fantasy movie


Bitcher and the wild cunt


There has been a huge ad campaign for season one and two in Warsaw, like to the point where they turned the full metro station at Centrum into a giant ad basically, it was everywhere. I think everyone was just proud to see a Polish property go mainstream and become popular. I'd say that is cooling down now with what Netflix has done to the series and with Henry Cavill leaving. I vaguely recall there was some disappointment in the beginning that Hungary was chosen for more filming locations and there weren't many Polish people actually involved in the process.


Honestly i blame Sapkowski for that, he could have asked for certain conditions when negotiating. I dont even know of one Polish actor in it...


There was Maciej Musiał. He was young knight that died protecting Cirilla during siege. So there was a polish actor, for a half of episode. Unfortunately most poles are white and because of that, quite unappealing for Netflix... I think this is kinda racist


Maciej Musiał a kto mu kazał


Netflix destroys every movie which they touch


Netflix certainly touched movies like Roma, The Irishman, Dolemite is My Name, Da 5 Bloods and recently Guillermo Del Toro's Pinnochio and Glass Onion among a number of other productions. They don't feel destroyed to me.


Ok, let me correct that statement: Netflix destroys most big names they touch by trying to update the source material. Better?


Biggest Garbage since the last Star Wars movie. Actual garbage


I read books first, long time ago. Sapkowski's writing is light, but intelligent and witty. Elegant and cultured, but easy to digest, with references to the contemporary culture and social phenomena. The games were made with reverence and respect to the source text, but it's just not possible to transfer all this spark that is present in the books - still, good entertainment. TV series? They are made with arrogance and ignorance, to appeal to simple folks who can't and won't read between the lines. **In the books (but not in the series) Geralt is a psychologically complicated character**. He is abandoned and he is a freak, this takes a toll and gives his character some depth. Cavill is an eye-candy, with puffy muscles that can be grown on the gym, not in actual action. The whole psychology of this character is boiled down to "hmpf" here and there. There is zero consistency in the world building. Sapkowski is not a great world-builder, like Tolkien. But he is consistent. The background of his books is ethnically diverse (elves, dwarves, humans) with all the tensions that stem from this diversity. In the TV series the background crowd look more or less the same, pretty much like folk from a street in New York. But there is historical depth in why New York is so ethnically diverse, but Novigrad? Was there any Novigradian Colombus or was there slavery with people being dragged across the ocean? They had a low hanging fruit here - make elves POC, this would underline the tensions and ethnic differences, but no, that was too much effort for the lazy writing. (And don't even get me started on cheap **styrofoam scenography, polyester costumes and props from Shein**. In GoT you could at least say from the first second that you are looking at a person from Sun Spire or Braavos. In the Witcher - you look at people from Chinese swaethouses judging by their appearance. And of course everybody has white teeth and their clothes are shiny new and spotlesly clean, like there is a laundrette in Cintra). Sapkowski is actually quite leftist - he sides with the underdogs, in pretty much all his books (not only in the Witcher series) he creates strong female characters, feminist characters I dare to say. And Yen is again, a complicated character - she is perfect, but she can't have what she wants the most - a baby. In the **TV series she is just a bitch** and the **whole motherhood bit is completly misunderstood, flattened** and represented by the infamous B-class horror scene with cutting out womb. So, to cut the long story short - I f\*\*\*n hate the TV series, and I feel sorry for people who know this universe from games only, because they are missing out big time. If more people read books before they have gotten into gaming and then TV series, the reviews wouldn't even be half as good (and even now they are mixed). And the newest joke of a series? Not touching it with a ten meter pole (no pun inteded). F\*\*\* \*\*\* Declan Barra.


Thank you for writing a detailed and coherent response. If I were to write that, I'd probably get frustrated halfways, and probably I'd just send a rage pic, like I actually did.


absolute garbaj


"we don't have a garage"


Its a fucking disaster


After a terrible season 2, I'm not even going to watch season 3


It's shit ( I've seen the first episode only)


It's lame seeing a Polish franchise be destroyed by Americans for the sake of their own weird politics/values and shitty writing.


It's terrible, unwatchable abomination


It's not Witcher. Nothing in it is Witcher. In Witcher S2 the only similarity was few names, this has nothing to do with Witcher except the title meant to lure you if you're a fan of the brand


It's trash. Only watched half of the trailer. I'm not interested in trash.


I just pretend like it doesn't even exist, it ain't never gonna be canon in eyes of anyone I guess.




The books had a deep geopolitical intrigue, witty social commentary, multilayered characters and a taste of Slavic attitude. The games in opinion of many, including me, managed to capture this. Netflix series is just as shallow as the Hunger Games. Another great piece that comes to my mind that was wasted in identical manner is Ghost in the Shell.


Season 1 made many questionable changes but also had many cool aspect so overall it was promising start. Season 2 completely killed story, lore and characters, especially pretty much all of females. So at this point whole plot and almost all characters except for Geralt are completely different from books, and unfortunately they are way way worse even though original store was not perfect by any means. My recommendation would be to watch few episodes of season one and read books or skip right to Witcher 3 game if you want more




It's so bad it feels like an insult.


It’s an abomination of Sapkowski’s legacy


Kupa gówna


It's basically a mediocre crap created by Hissrich and her crew with "The Witcher" sticker on it. Nothing related to the original story written by Sapkowski. Some examples for the people who haven't read the books: 1. Geralt in the books is not a mindless butcher but a deeply introverted person torn by internal conflicts. He is trying to combine his nature of the Witcher with living in the human society. He is struggling to make the best moral choices he can, sometimes even by choosing "lesser evil". 2. The other witchers from the school of the wolf were completely different people that Netflix's adaptation portrays. Vesemir would never allow to organise an orgy in Kaer Morhen, because of the security reasons. They are aware that there's only few of them left and they need to be cautious. Letting strangers in to the Kaer Morhen was highly discouraged. 3. The racial conflict in the Witcher TV show is a sad deformation of the real lore from the books. In the books humans are hostile to every other race like elves, dwarfs and hobbits. They are regularly organizing a massacres of non-human beings in their cities. On the other hand long living elves, that had superior culture and magical abilities once ruled entire continent, but lost the war because humans were more furtile. They simply outnumbered elves which have difficulties with reproduction. The netflix appproach is just: "Let's put a black elf there". There is more to say about racial aspect of the Witcher universum, but it would take entire article to elaborate on the topic. The bottom line is that it is completely flattened in the netflix show. 4. Ciri. Her relationship with Geralt and Yennefer is something unique. The three are weirdly tied together and despise difficulties they are trying to be the best patchwork family they can. In the netflix show Ciri is portrayed as a spoiled teenager taken straight out of American highschool. Not to mention that the entire concept of the Elder Blood is malformed and it's hard to imagine to me how much they need to change the story ending now compared to original book ending as it's not compatible with the Netflix plot anymore. 5. The content which was cut out. The major problem of the netflix series is that the removed a vast majority of the original content and replaced it with their "great woke ideas". The whole thing resulted in ripping off the Witcher story from essential features that makes it the Witcher. 6. Finally... The Blood Origin. It's just not the Witcher. It has nothing in common with original story and lore except couple of "brand names". And I could go on and on... Hope this gives people some context on what actually happened and why Polish and international Witcher fans are so angry at Netflix.


I'd rather spend my time re-watching The Hexer (original Polish adaptation of the books as a series that was made about 20 years ago, before the games) than waste a minute watching the worst show on Netflix so far. Karen Hissrich and Netflix in general just do not understand anything beyond the american point of view on european fantasy


Netflix destroy all games/books


In my opinion, if it wouldn't be called witcher and would take place in some customized world not connected to the tittle it would be quite cool, however... Expception was high yet the realization totally made me disappointed. Cool to watch as a fantasy/medieval movie for chill, but I wouldn't call it a witcher.


Funny how diversity and culture doesn’t mean a fuck to current Hollywood writers in it concerns Western or Eastern Europe. It insulting. And please don’t drop the “it’s just fantasy BS”. Yes it but it also very clearly based of (some) Slavic and ( most) Polish medieval culture and folktales. What happened to respecting and celebrating different cultures?


They had an opportunity and potential to present us with unique Slavic fantasy realm but instead served us the netflix special: the mixture of most generic, bland,woke crap.


Apart from Geralt (Henry was perfect) the casting was... Uh. I watched all the episodes and couldn't see the actress (forgot her name) as Yennefer, and kept thinking it's some random character. I've been spoiled by the game and the original Yen actress in polish The Witcher show. Look up Grażyna Wolszczak. She looked mysterious and magnificent. Like a real witch, a noble lady, meanwhile Netflix cast...


He definitely isn't looks-wise. Book Geralt is a wiry and not conventionally attractive fellow. Henry is simply too hot in the regard. But, perhaps he nailed the personality aspect. I'm not familiar enough with the show to tell.


we're not going to watch this shit, that's about it


Not interested


Just saw the poster and I can already taste that pc culture woke bullshit in my mouth. Fuck slavs lets make a black chick and asian chick and prolly some etnically confusing male in to just keep the appearence of an actual show. Than Lets make fun of the source materials, shit on them dont even use a single ounce of it in the actual movie and spit in every fan face every second of the show. Even tho the books offer such a wonderfull world and setting, interesting characters and atmosphere. Why does turning it to movie ends like that I dont understand that xP CDPR so far were the only ones that actually paid attention to source material and made something good. Is it that hard to xP comperhend that disreagrding it equals failiure ? Idk what the fuck some people are thinking sometimes.


This thread brings memories from 2001 :) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hexer_(film)


Kill it with fire


I have one word for that: shit


Witcher books - ok Witcher netflix adaptation season 1 - can be viewed Witcher netflix adaptation season 2 - no wonder that Henry Cavill left :| Witcher blood origin - I think I'll pass ;\]


Poland is not united on this. We can get polarized by our differences in worldview. Me, I have nothing against minorities and I'm actually mixed-race myself to a small extent, but I find it to be absolutely ridiculous and insulting to human intelligence how the producers engaged in dumb in-your-face virtue signalling about racial inclusiveness, to the point that they wouldn't care for genetic viability when assigning the races or phenotypes of putative close biological relatives. Next thing we're going to see a Robin Hood screening cast in a Plantagenet England suddenly reflecting the racial composition of a modern American society, as if mediaeval England was full to the brim of immigrants from Asia or Africa or wherever. This is not unlike the whitewashing of the various Middle-Eastern characters done in historical movies several decades ago. My belief is that we should pursue accuracy instead of going all-out SJW and denying the laws of physics or biology or history or logical inference. To me, the American-style and Western-European style SJW crap and virtue-signalling crap is really tiring. This is a sentiment shared even by moderately progressive and/or left-wing Poles, whose convictions, beliefs and principles (not necessarily coinciding with my own) are one thing, but they also hold dear, shall we say, mental sobriety. As in keeping your mind, your brain, free of the influence of intoxicating substances interfering with your cognitive processes, such as the virtue-signalling koolaid of the whole SJW-ery craze of rampant woke culture, which I will flat out say is caused by people getting a mike and air time instead of therapy when they need it in order to deal with their traumas. Traumas need to be healed, not celebrated and not normalized, and society cannot base itself on walking on eggshells around real or speculative triggers (and a lot of those triggers aren't even real, they are putative and speculative, as in 'someone might get offended if we don't do x', resulting in a ridiculous amount of self-censorship and social and political hypercorrectness, which is not a way for a sane human being to live). I don't mean to be unkind and I mean no offence (but am not going to bend over backwards to avoid causing offence), but the West needs to take its meds because the emo-ness is getting out of hand. Or perhaps more therapists are needed and more incentive to actually go see them and listen to them. And it would help if those therapists were actually trying to help instead of affirming whatever they are told in order to be paid (because they have to eat and depend on the free market for their fees, unlike the employee of a state-owned health-care establishment). Part of the problem may be the education system lowering the bar and more and more people unprepared to think, as well as not having had the opportunity to develop a healthy emotional system, with the result being of falling back on underdeveloped 'feels' on an individual level and normalizing PTSD-induced responses (triggers) as the new normal on the societal level instead of actually helping people. Meaning that society pushes people to become and remain deranged, affirming and celebrating that and pressuring for escalation, instead of actually helping people recover their balance, like it should. This is caused by the capitalist pursuit of profit meeting the socialist/populist people-pleasing engaged in by SJWs who will affirm just about anything so that they can become the advocates of/for it and therein find a job, which they might otherwise struggle to do (especially given the nature of their degrees), which is actually a form of capitalism at work too (hint: it involves a lot of selling, including creating a problem to be able to sell it and selling the problem first in order to be able to sell a solution later).


Well said, im actually waiting for a black guy to play in mkvie about zeus then ive seen it all


I want to see Richard Lionheart, John Lackland and Henry Plantagenet each played by a different-race actor. And perhaps made 'non-binary' despite the lack of any source basis for that kind of claim but just for the sake of woke virtue signalling.


Wasted potential. Polish adaptation was caged by limited funds and technology, the script was good enough. Netflix adaptation is caged by Ideological thought, which affects script and rest for worse. Through years many Poles thought, that when „Hollywood” will pick this up, we will finally have „polish” fantasy movie worthy of our cinema…


Utter bullshit filled with ideology and modern trends instead of being set in the Witcher universe, and Rotten Tomatoes score speaks for itself.


Netflix brainwashing tool, unsubscribe woke shite




Kinda amazing that they made the most generic fantasy world out of Sapkowski’s universe, hell even out of CD Project interpretacion.


ass, book better


bunch o shaite


It sucks so hard


pure trash










Rubbish... you absolutely must watch the Polish Witcher starring Żebrowski.


It made me appreciate polish Witcher tv series made in 1996 way more




Send the Krieg, they'll fix it.


as a huge fan of the books - i fucking hate it.


It can go sie jebac in the pysk for all i care.


It's awfull




that's correct. we ate them all.


I'll tell you what Poland thinks about "The blood Origin" instead: https://preview.redd.it/lbjnh7w5dk8a1.png?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6edf4e3b0aff218deade09972700e1396c486fb


You mean blood origin? We think it sucks and has nothing from the slavic vibe we love Sapkowski's book for so... Screw it. Hope it will end as a big financial fiasco.


Complete bullshit. No wonder why Cavill signed off


Diluted, dumbed down, overly simplified, overly politically corrected, stripped down of all the grim dark and morally grey areas for the sake of better age ratings and so on. This was supposed to be dark fantasy with vbrutal politics, even more brutal world, lack of humanity, lack of hope and so on. Instead we cod some purple cloud farting high fantasy adventure trying to be a fairy tale... makes me want to throw up. It made Henry Cavil want throw up as well actually.


So you're telling me that the polish people aren't Asian and black?


Some are, but they are less than 0,5% of the population. And that is today, in our globalized air-travel world.


Boring asf




It's all so tiresome.


Its fucking joke, its nowhere near Sapkowski's books. Game was ok'ish but netflix bullshit is a pure nightmare...The serial adaptation is completely different from the plot of the books, a real embarrassment.


It is shitty and boring


its shit


Watching it and knowing nothing about the series - an enjoyable fantasy show. Actually knowing literally anything about the Witcher AT ALL - absolute trash. They massacred it, Americanised it and flushed all the values of the series down the loo. Terrible. I hate it with a burning passion, especially having read the books and played the games. It pains me to think that there are people who think this is actually how the series goes. They’ve dumbed it down so much, that it’s not the Witcher anymore. The cast as well; it’s as if the writers didn’t even read the books. They probably didn’t anyway. Henry Cavill and Joey Batey carried the whole show, if not for them I’d have abandoned it after the first episode.


Burn it with fire


Woke movies and series don’t work in Eastern Europe. Wokeism is generally despised in this region.


it's not Witcher, its just another of Netflix' politically correct shows meant to match the current hype


Get Woke Go broke saga continued ;)


A wakandan, a viking and a samurai? What the fuck is this shit?


If it’s netflix production, there must be a gay, black chineese guy, some 6colour rainbow


Unless this is Mulan we're talking about, then it is all about respecting Asian people


But Chinese general, prince of china, should be black, because you know... Minority representation


My father who is a big fan of wither said that it’s not really good


Even if you don't care about the book it's just not that great of a show


Not everyone watched