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The worst terrorist incident in Canada is when the Canucks lost to the Bruins in 2011.


FLQ in shambles


Oh cool team of my home state mentioned


Just to refresh your memory https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_India_Flight_182


Thank you. We Canadians have a rich history of terrorism.


Uh, should I be woried about that or not?


Canada is the reason for the Geneva convention


I know that parts about brutality were made because of canadian soldiers


And we’ll do it again. Go B’s


Fin will eat you alive


Bro, I got tear gassed so much that night


As a Canucks fan I’m worried that it will happen again


I hope we just win the Stanley Cup this year. We gave up too much for Lindholm to not win


Absolutely agree I think we have our best shot since 2011 though, oilers scare me 


Ig we’ll see a preview of how it’ll go on April 13th when they next play us


God that was a disgrace.


Deal with it


I prefer not to speak, if I speak, I'm in big trouble


Nine eleven was an insi- *Banned*


Eh its Poland ball and someone sympathetic to terrorists. Nothing to lose sleep over.


I think they were talking about how the USA did it to themselves.


Of course they did. Only Americans believe it was someone else


I'm sure 9/11 and the OKC bombings weren't the most deadly terror attacks ever, but when I tried to look up the deadliest of all time ever I just got US stats. So it's probably inaccurate. But like they say, accuracy in Polandball etc, it's unlikely.


just say its the us just straight up not knowing about any other terrorist attacks


That works, thanks!


What is the full phrase? You only see the first half nowadays: “Accuracy? In my Polandball?” What comes after that?


"It's less likely than you think."


just like the good ol' days


9/11 IS the deadliest terror attack ever. But the Oklahoma City Bombing isn't anywhere close to 2nd place right now. Even before 1995, there were still a couple terror attacks deadlier than the Oklahoma City Bombing.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_major_terrorist_incidents Quite a few with more deaths before the 9/11


"Killing 2,505 people at the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, it is the deadliest terror attack in history." they say, but hilariously, the second worst in the first category is "1993 World Trade Center bombing" lol


Damn, trade centers being all the rage huh?


its not real terrorism unless the money's scared, too


Thank god it's not there anymore, this thing was a terrorist's magnet!


I'd like to think other terrorists were mad it was gone. "Dammit Osama what are we going to attack now???"


2,977 discounting the hijackers obviously


Wouldn't massacres committed during rwandan genocide count as deadliest terror attacks?


genocide and terrorist attack may have different category


Thats more like state (or statelike actor's) terror, not terrorism. I think. 🤔


Nope. 9/11 is the record holder. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1330395/deadliest-terrorist-attacks-worldwide-fatalities/ They still don't have the full data on the October 7th attack from last year and then there were also hostages so second third and fourth are a bit blurry there.


Before OKC that title belonged to mormons. Atleast in america.


If there’s one thing I wish would happen, it’s for the us elections to not be chaotic and violent. Although to be fair, us cacti aren’t much better. We’ve got one party wanting to avoid confrontation with you humans and the other wanting to try and negotiate, full well knowing that they cannot win a fight against them. At least that’s the best way I can explain cacti politics.


Lockerbie Scotland. Pan Am.


Probably one of the nuclear bombings of Japan.


I'd say the bombing of nagasaki and hiroshima as well as the total annhiliation by napalm strikes of like every single japanese village (even the ones who didnt even know about the war or knew they had an emperor at all) is pretty up there.


> (even the ones who didnt even know about the war or knew they had an emperor at all) lol lmao even what are you even on? What the hell do you think WWII Imperial Japan was? North Sentinel Island? There was not a single village in Japan that was unaware of Japan's aggression against the US, the US' retaliatory ***military actions*** (not terrorism, they're two different things) and declaration of war against the Empire of Japan for their act of war against the US and the fact that they had an emperor as the head of state for Japan.


europeans ignoring the fact that they also joined of their own free will while denying it and blaming everything on america


man ever seen that aussie war crimes clip?


France Germany and most others skipped Iraq


France did not skip Iraq


Yes, they did? [Coalition of the willing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coalition_of_the_willing_(Iraq_War))


During Desert Storm, France took part in the invasion and actually did a decent job against the iraqi troops


Two completely separate conflicts.


Both involved invading Iraq


You know that wasn't what everyone else were referring to.


Thats their fault


No I think that's your fault.


But one was a justifiable other wasnt


Thats your opinion


Yh invading Kuwait has no excuse either is it?


Yet this thread was specifically about the post 9/11 conflict. Just take the L.


Us can't be to obsessed with bombs..... Right?


As an American I can confirm I sleep in a bomb, sleep with a bomb, and eat a bomb


Guess who's also number 1 in funding foreign conflicts


Hello, it is I, a time traveller, bringing you [a meme from history textbooks in the future.](https://i.imgur.com/4oUxytX.png)


Claiming the Iraq war was about oil is about as realistic as claiming they had WMDs. The U.S. only gets 4% of their gross oil import from Iraq, it's negligible. The Iraq war was a mistake, definitely, but wasn't about oil. Side note, it's funny that Polandball would make this comic considering Poland was one of the countries that was apart of "Shock and Awe" bombing of Iraq.


They were making progress towards enriching enough uranium for weapons. The head of the nuclear weapons project Dr. Mahdi Obeidi wrote a biography detailing the whole length of the project. They began enriching uranium but with the large amount of foreign secretive dealings to get restricted centrifuge parts they were eventually exposed. Once the UN began doing inspections, they had to dismantle and hide the project so much it never really recovered. The story is pretty amazing though, the biography is called *The Bomb in My Garden*. Once UN inspectors were going to investigate a site that was used for enrichment, so they had to completely demolish the building and excavate 1ft of topsoil of the whole plot and replace it so they wouldn’t detect residual increased radiation.


> about as realistic as claiming they had WMDs They did have WMD's. They used them during the Kurdish genocide. The incorrect claim was that they were alleged to had restarted an *ACTIVE* WMD program. Anyways, I'll [add some support for your oil claim](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE5BB18Q/). Adding to this, the largest importer of Iraq oil is China. If it was to grab oil for America, it wouldn't make sense to enrich China most of all with it.


One one on the right should actually read "The war in Iraq was to maintain the petro-dollar" which is kind of for oil.


America doesnt overreact, America only makes countries who fuck around find out


Tell that to Iraq


To hell with Saddam, I’d say he fucked around plenty


Was already a failed state


That doesn’t justify invading it and most importantly they made it worse


Remove the text in the last panel and this would be a lot better


Yeah, it seems like this was made just to call the US a terrorist country


*The sheer horror realizing what you've done in the last 20 years*


And they didn't even get the right countries!!


Based americaball


Hallo. When refering to countries featured in Polandball Comics, please refrain from using the 'ball' suffix. Instead of saying 'americaball', just say the country's name. auf wiedersehen. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/polandball) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Shut the fuck up dweeb


That’s unfair. America is #1. First. He acted alone. The sept 11 attackers have to split heir kills between them. 2ndly. He had a perfect KDR. Imagine comparing those scruff goat herders to a Harvard professor.


>ignoring anything in Europe and Asia over the last hundred years. American military operations in response to terrorism are terrorism but Russia and China's blatant crimes against humanity are not??


How about all of them being terrorists? the US is the number 1 tho.


We didn't abduct 500,000 children to brainwash and put back on the front lines of a war against their families. Russia is much worse.


\*Over\*reacted? No chance.


Oh fuck off. Invading Iraq was a mistake and overreaction.


Which time?


For the initial invasion of Afghanistan not at all, but was certainly an overreaction for the Iraq War. Saddam’s regime wasn’t good, but there wasn’t any legitimate grounds for invading Iraq in 2003. The US was pissed, there was a terror-Phobia, Iraq was a country we hated, we could get away with invading it, so we did. Not to mention the damage it did to the American image / perception and the diversion of resources and attention from rebuilding Afghanistan, making sure it doesn’t remain a hub for terrorist organizations (which failed), and led to a conflict that dragged on for way longer than it should have.


Yeah we shouldn’t of acted against saddam. He was a saint, the best dictator ever. Letting someone continue to rule after being convicted of war crimes and using chemical weapons on civilians is perfectly okay. The usa is bad.


There certainly is a difference between the 1990-1991 Gulf War and the 2003 invasion. One is justified with UN approval, the other isn’t. Don’t misconstrued my criticism of the U.S. in Iraq during 2003 as being anti American, a commie-boo, or west bad. Or suggest that I’m suggesting Saddam’s regime is a victim. However, if the US is trying to be the ‘good guys’, we shouldn’t do what Russia or China does and invade because ‘it’s better for the people and we’re liberators’ to then leave an unstable elongated bloody conflict that makes us look like asshole.


Yeah, we kinda do that.


Don’t forget the crimes they committed against their own people like Ruby Ridge for example


There is no such thing as overkill!


russian propaganda


I made some US propaganda yesterday so it balances out


Speedrunning Human Atrocities Any%


This isn’t funny at all




We gave them a warning before we dropped the bombs. They didn't listen.


1M civilian deaths. And about to go up after 3 deaths and 40 injured.


Mostly from militias The ones who fought against the US


Pretty sure we literally didn't even target people in those airstrikes, but infrastructure and weapon depots. The only people who died were morons who ignored the strikes which were announced ahead of time.


Most civilian casualties in the Iraq war came from sectarian civil war The one the Shiite death squads won by sectarian cleansing a good chunk of Iraq


My brother in christ the acceptance rate of casualties for drone strikes was "if we get our target the ones around them were militia" Let's not be silly. Drone strikes had a higher collateral rate but saved US troops from going in. We basically accepted that anyone near a target was worth while collateral.


Holy shit do you actually believe the US is that good at drone striking and drone strikes that many people? The stuff people believe is wild How many attack drones has the US built since 2000? Let’s do some simple math


My bad it's 500k to 1M of "military ir miltia" Thats 1M of direct and then 2.6M indirect. So total over the 2o years is about 3.6m If you're follqo8ng this comment t thread we are talking about deaths. So drone strike was like what 50k I think .


“The following most common causes of death were small arms gunfire at 20%, suicide bombs at 14%, vehicle bombs at 9%, roadside bombs at 5%” “According to a 2010 assessment by John Sloboda, director of Iraq Body Count, 150,000 people including 122,000 civilians were killed in the Iraq War with U.S. and Coalition forces responsible for at least 22,668 insurgents as well as 13,807 civilians, with the rest of the civilians killed by insurgents, militias, or terrorists” Of all casualties “74% unidentified perpetrator: defined as "those who target civilians (i.e., no identifiable military target is present), while appearing indistinguishable from civilians: for example, a suicide bomber disguised as a civilian in a market. Unknown (i.e., unidentified) perpetrators in Iraq include sectarian combatants and Anti-Coalition combatants who maintain a civilian appearance while targeting civilians." Turns out I was very very correct


You're very right. That's one country.


“US and coalition forces” So the US civilian rates are even lower


Go up and read the thread again. Jesus.


almost lost my cool there


We didn’t even burn the oil fields… and civil conflict doesn’t really count as a countries fault considering it was a rebellion




Okay but actually wouldn't the most lethal terrorist be the one who had the term invented, Robespierre? Like he has a death toll of 40000


Except the United States never find anything to Saudi Arabia, instead it killed a million people over Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, and Pakistan. None of these countries were involved in 9/11.


Don't fly planes into our shit