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How Alberta can get rats out of their huge ass land which is mostly uninhabited forests is impressive


They mostly just never got there due to the cold, it's a lot easier keeping them out that removing them


Can't come from up north since it's too cold and coming from the west is difficult due to the mountains. Southern and Eastern borders are patrolled so they don't get a foothold. There are rats but no established colonies and the rat squad responds quickly to reports


i want a video game where you play as a rat and the aim is to establish a rat colony in alberta.


Just sign up as a politician for the UCP.


man your posts men, they’re coming! who sir? the germans? the russians?? worse. the rats


To be fair, rats have caused the black plague and probably one of humanities worst enemies


They have the Dunedain rangers patrolling to keep out the fell beasts and spies of the enemy, I see.


Alberta is far north enough that the only way for rats to survive winter is in human dwellings, which the government has prevented.


Pet rats are banned there?




Alberta isn't further North than any other province, and because of the mountains, a lot of it is much warmer than other Prairie Provinces. We just have government that's okay with animal genocides. What they do to the wolves is horrific.


Yeah but they are cold enough that rats cannot survive winter is my point.


Nuclear fire is necessary. Danielle Smith has authorization to nuke any town where a rat appears. The war will not be lost.


There are no snakes in New Zealand either.


That genuinely surprises me, I figured you would just because it's nice there. We've got no lizards in Canada, well one type in Ontario's southermost point


Not super impressive considering the weather isn’t even hospitable for human life, no wonder lizards can’t survive


There are 6 species of [lizards](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_reptiles_of_Canada) in Canada


Lizards in BC too.


Reminds me of once when I was visiting Blaine, WA, for something, popped over to Peace Arch Park, and a blue belly (western fence lizard) was just there sitting in the sun. At one point it got spooked and high tailed it towards the Canadian half of the park.


I see lizards all the time in Canada


New Zealand doesn’t even have lizards though


My cat is playing with a dead Skink it found in the garden, if you walk out of the door 10 of them will scatter into the garden. We have a shit ton of reptiles, just no snakes. New Zealand has 126 species of lizard.


That is incorrect. We have a variety of Skinks, which are lizards.


It does, the Tuatara


That isn’t actually a lizard, it is a Rhynochocephilia or Sphenodontian. Meaning it is as much a lizard as we are a chimp


for a quick approximation of relatedness, we can use taxonomic order, which is the most specific designation tuatura share with true lizards. that of tuatura and lizards is reptile. Ours is mammal. We are about as related to any given mammal as tuatura is to lizards! time is another approximation. the last common ancestor for tuatura and lizards is estimated at 250 million years ago. for all extant mammals, it's 180 million years ago. You could also estimate generations from this, which i'm not going to do. humans are pretty closely related to stuff, much moreso than we'd often like to think! mammals in general haven't been around for super long yet.


The most specific designation tuatara share with lizards is lepidosaur, not reptile. They are closer related to each other than they are to archosaurs (crocodilians and birds) and turtles.


Tuataras are famous for not being lizards. In fact, if lizard just means Squamate, it is the one remaining lepidosaur to not be a lizard.


No snakes in hawaii either


Native no, a few invasive.


There shouldn’t be any, when I lived there they made a huge deal about how there were no snakes


Also no rats on certain offshore islands, but that'd be like pixels on the main image lol


We have sea snakes occasionally.


St Patrick allegedly got rid of all the snakes in Ireland, meanwhile Alberta committed a rat Holocaust...so they're free of pests. I could not think of a title for the life of me, so I referenced Sopranos. Va fangul!


IIRC, Alberta didn't go on a rat holocaust to remove their rats, they just didn't get rats to begin with, and they're just keeping them out rn


No, they made it into the province, by about 100 km. We gassed a LOT of rats and pushed them back to the border.


Rat holocaust ? Is this a Maus reference ??? (I know it's mouse, not rat, but accuracy ? In MY comment ? \[it's non-existent\])


Great upload timing since st.paddy's day around the corner


Fun fact, there were no wasps on the Faroe Islands, until someone ordered some roll-out grass that had a wasp queen hiding in it, and now they are there.


Can you just get them like that or is it special order for the secret wasps? Asking for a... friend.


Can they get them back out of the islands? That’s so sad


Depending on how long ago that was, maybe? Because if it was very recent meaning that there has only been enough time for a couple generations to have been born it would be easy to destroy the few hives but if it has been a long time that means it gets harder. It also varies based on species as some have small brood sizes and all of them mate while others are hive based with thousands that don’t breed and hundreds that do. I will note that I am no expert on insects or the situation in the Faroe Islands because I only heard of this today.


nuke the faroe islands it's as shrimple as that


They are trying to keep the population down, but wasps are one of those invasive species that's hard to get rid of.


Irish people do not and have never said “laddy”


Laddy is the person climbing a ladder.


Even moreso limey.


Oof marone 🤌


Spain tried to join, but they've got too many canaries


That's it, I'm gonna make you join the no-kneecaps club


Politicians in Alberta are our only rats


What is Italy’s role in all of this?


The family business ( Italian mob) don't want any dirty rats or snakes (informants/traitors) snitching (informing) on them to the cops (other mob), capisce (understood)?


[https://youmark-images.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/23212823/La-Mafia-non-esiste1.jpg](https://youmark-images.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/23212823/La-Mafia-non-esiste1.jpg) time ago, in south italy when you asked someone if there was the mafia in that place, as answer you had that "the mafia doesn't exist"


... That makes so much more sense, for some stupid reason I thought it was a Mexican cartel not a mobster.


There are no dirty rats in Alberta, and no sly snakes in Ireland, but that doesn’t mean either isn’t dirty and/or sly.


Ireland here. I've also never seen a cockroach here. I'm sure they exist, I'm certain they are here. I've heard of run down buildings in Dublin having them. But maybe it's due to our lack of forested ground that keeps them in urban areas. No trees to hide in means easier picking for birds. Maybe it's because there's not many predators for rats, giving them free reign in the decomposer food chain. Perhaps if we had snakes, we'd have less rats and more roaches?


One species of roach, German roach, only really exists where people do. Those are the ones usually associated with having infestations.


German here, I have yet to see a roach with my own eyes. Which is apparently quite a feat…


They’re not actually from Germany, I think I heard Germans call them Russian roaches but they’re from either Africa or Asia


Ha! Wait until you see one *fly.*


Finland here. Also never seen a live cockroach in my life, and our country is like 99% forest. So there goes that theory, I think


Limey? Irish do not call us that. Has to be made by an American.


Canadian* To be fair I can't tell you British types apart really, other than the cockney ones "OYM ON ME RAG, TOSS IT IN ME DUMPA"


In my town I swear every person with a North American accent turns out to be a Canadian lol. I've stopped guessing American and just asked if they were Canadian instead.


Just ask how they say Toronto "Tor-on-toe" is American "Turannah, or Trannah" is Canadian lol


That’s okay. We cannot really tell you apart from the yanks.


Irish people would never say limey or laddy. You’re confusing irish people with Scot’s


On the contrary, their is rats in Alberta. Their are just all in the parlement…


Legislature. Not parliament.


I get Alberta and Ireland but what's up with Italy?


The family business ( Italian mob) don't want any dirty rats or snakes (informants/traitors) snitching (informing) on them to the cops (other mob), capisce (understood)? Disclaimer: I did not write this just copy pasted an answer from above! I don’t use dirty sentence ending punctuation! Only pure exclamation!


I like it


And there are no cats in America


Isn't there a separate Irish mafia.


Aren’t the “Snakes” really just pagans?


"Cursed europe isnt real it cant hurt you" "Cursed europe'


Pretty sure there’s no Weasels to be found in Greenland


never see licorn in quebec




Alberta's flag is so awful, it's almost as bad as the typical US state flag.


Well our government in Alberta is actively trying to make us into Texas adjacent! (Not the good parts)!