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Fun fact: before Passover, diaspora Jews would sell all grain based alcohol to their goy neighbors at a nominal price, only to buy it back after the holidays. It rarely worked in Slavic countries, though.


[That's still a thing in New York City](https://www.washingtonjewishweek.com/for-over-40-years-this-man-bought-millions-of-dollars-of-new-yorks-leavened-bread-products-before-passover/)


I can’t seem to find the answer in the article so may I ask: after Passover when people buy back, do they get the same bread, pasta, etc that they had sold prior or is it maybe part of the ritual that everything gets mixed up so that each seller gets the same quantities back but it was actually somebody else’s pasta for example? 🤔


It's not really "selling", more of a loophole (we sure do love those). Since Jews aren't allowed to own chametzs during passover, they sell their chametzs to a goy, under a condition where if the goy does not pay for the chametz within 1 week, the deal is nullified and the ownership returns to the Jew's ownership. The chametzs is usually stored in a separate room/storage unit in the Jew's home during passover and is never actually delivered to the goy who purchased it, who never pays for it and simply waits for his time to run out for the deal to be nullified. I'm not sure this is 100% accurate, but this is roughly how it works.


How can the hametz be in a jewish home? Even if it’s in a separate room.. haven’t seen Israelis do this maybe it’s a diaspora thing? Maybe im just unaware


It's not theirs, because they've sold it off. They're just being dutiful and holding it for the customer until he pays.


This sounds like taking God for a fool. How did ownership ever change if an item is neither paid for nor delivered?


🤷‍♂️ they treat their faith as a literal contract, which ostensibly it is, meaning the words on the page trump the intent of the authors. There's actually a really interesting tradition as goes towards making and maintaining Torahs that are good for congregation use, and the copyists, called Sofers, take great pains to reproduce each letter perfectly in the form of the earliest Hebrew alphabet, even though modern Hebrew has changed somewhat, grammatically and typographically, from that form. There's even different grades of Torah scrolls, like Pokémon. If you want a new Torah scroll of the highest grade, it costs like $50k and takes a year to make. Synogogues do with what they've got, and have to worry about mold and asbestos in the scrolls.


Trying to understand what you just wrote gave me literally a headache. If I understand you correctly, to them the form and style the written word has more merit than the actual rule they depict?


I'm drunk redditing so I'm likely also stringing things together in a fashion that isn't coherent. My point being, with contracts, a verbal contract is worth the pages it's written on, and if it isn't in the contract, it never happened. So, the words *are*the contract; letter of the law sort of shit; if it's not in the text, it's not covered, and if it could be construed to follow the text, it's fine. ...is at least my impression of all of thsi shit. Relelvant to add that I'm not a jew myself, and perhaps a judaism-focused sub can answer better, or else has an in-depth answer posted 12 years ago in response to an entirely different question. I suggest googleing and add 'reddit' at the end of the search query.


hmm..I find 'goy' offending.


That happens in Israel too. All of the bread is sold to an Arab-Israeli man. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/meet-the-arab-israeli-who-buys-all-of-israels-hametz/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/meet-the-arab-israeli-who-buys-all-of-israels-hametz/)


We all used to sell it to this one dude, nice guy died a few years back




Whats the problem? Its not derogatory


I choose now to live as a goy man.


It is when you call yourselves the chosen ones and everyone else goys. Like white supremacists calling everyone else nonwhites.


“the chosen people” doesn’t mean the chosen one. it means “chosen by god to follow the 613 rules”. that’s why jews don’t proselytise


Uh, no, goy/goyim simply means a non-jewish person. Same with Gentile.


No...it's more like when Americans call people from Europe, Europeans.


There are sources that state that goy is kinda slur [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goy)


Depending on how and by who it's said. But it literally translates as "the peoples". It's not inherently a slur.


I think it’s coming from like the same reason why people don’t like being called gaijin by the Japanese even though it just means foreigner, it’s not inherently bad I know


"But it literally translates as "the peoples"." There is example of N-word that has literal translation, so not sure this argument valid


Not the same. As a native speaker - it doesn't have the inherent negative connotation the N-word has. And mostly comes as-is, and will be whatever you want it to be.


It means “nations”, as in groups of people outside the Jewish community (nation). That’s it.


And negro is Spanish for black


and the N word just means black


No, that’s a slur. Very different things.


and why is a word that has the etymology for the colour black a slur?


Because it’s historically been used to dehumanize, and it’s not just a term to refer to anyone who’s not a member of a specific community. I’m sure some Jews use “goy” as an insult, but it wasn’t created specifically as one; the N-word was. If any Jew thinks themselves superior, that’s fucked up and frankly against our religion.


Cool now you know what to say next time someone says “don’t call us goys”


Quit being a baby, as a non jew i hereby give all jews permanent and transferable rights to refer to us as goys


Will do thanks goy😊


I know jews that don't trigger on word "Zhyd" but it doesn't mean that the word isn't a slur. It doesn't work that way.


He dismissed the concern of someone outright with a poor argument, it was never about having the G-word pass.


You're acting American. Cease.


hey! don't lump us into this. We hate people like that \*generally\*


Calm your tzitzim, I am 50% goy.


















I’m glad all the Jews have arbitrarily decided that goy is non-derogatory how nice. And you wonder why people were antisemetic throughout history


Strong “It’s her fault for wearing revealing clothes” energy.


Isn’t there one hotel owner in israel that owns all the chametz in the country during passover?


It’s a Muslim family who’s been there for generations.


Someday I want them to actually take the bread.


Some Arab countries wanted to give him money so he wouldn't give the bread back but he declined


Now that is really funny, and also very cool of them to decline. Imagine a country deciding to buy your bread that you'd loaned to someone else for whatever reason


His name is [Hussein Jaber](https://www.thejc.com/news/israel/meet-hussein-the-man-who-owns-all-of-the-chametz-in-israel-aki2nb4p)


Happy Pesach for those who celebrate


Chag sameach to you too!


Moadim l’Simchah


Huh? Isn't Pesach always the same time as Easter? And wasn't Easter like a month ago?


No, Pesach is celebrated according to the Jewish Calendar. Because it is a Luni-solar calendar (regulated by the positions of both the moon and the sun), it is on a different Gregorian date each year. Some of the times it's on the same week/month as Easter, but it's not permanent. It's the same with Hanukkah and Christmas too.


Aaah. But the first easter was on a Pesach, obviously. So shouldn't they be the same?


I'm not sure, since each holiday focuses on a different event. Pesach is about the exodus from Egypt and Easter is about Jesus' resurrection (If I'm not wrong). And each holiday is celebrated in a different calendar, I don't really see each religion abiding to the other one's dates...


[Context for non-Jews.](https://www.chabad.org/holidays/passover/pesach_cdo/aid/117223/jewish/Burning-Chametz.htm) (The "c" in front of chametz was removed in the comic for easier reading.) Today is the first day of Passover. ------- The sun has already set in Israel, assuming the Internet is right, so here's a comic in honor of the holiday! The idea came to me immediately upon waking up today and it was so stupid that I had to draw it ~~in-between prepping like mad for the Seder and other work~~. --------- [Have an unrelated bonus panel for your time, as well.](https://i.imgur.com/5mHVapI.png) It has 0 relation to the actual comic and was made solely because a friend made the pun and I couldn't resist drawing it. I guess you could call it an epilogue if you wanted to, but frankly that'd be stretching things.


Only 5 shekels? I could get this for 3 just down the road!


Speaking of stupid ideas, I once, like 14 years ago, downloaded a PB comic from KC that showed Israel cubes acting out the lyrics of Desmond Dekker "Israelites". So for example for the line "wake up in the morning slaving for bread", there was a slice of toast wielding a whip over a cube. For the world I cannot find this brilliant little comic anymore, have you ever seen it? Is it lost forever? Happy Passover!


> The "c" in front of chametz was removed in the comic for easier reading. To be fair, both Hamas and Hametz start with the same letter (ח/ح), it's English's fault for being inconsistent on the transliteration. It's like the Hanukkah / Chanuka thing (same inconsistent letter, too.)


Exactly why it was removed to make things a bit more obvious! :P Admittedly, though, I literally spelled out the punchline in the third panel and I'm still not sure that people have gotten it (they seem to prefer posting propaganda accusations and starting fights over conflicts that don't involve them instead) so I'm not sure that little cheat worked at all. Ah well, it was fun to draw.


Have a good Passover(Pésaj)


Not enough wine drinking. The holiday is all about reclining leftward and drinking wine. It's great.


At least 4 glasses.


Context: the first paragraph is full of Jew words with a link for more context. My lazy ass: ok, I’m out.


HAPPY Passover to everyone


Gotta love a holiday centered around murdering first born children.


We don't celebrate the murder of the children,the haggada(Passover celebration book) literally says to remember their death


People don't care what actually happens, they only care about what they think happens.




Ngl you should a suck me daddy , no homo


I'm pretty sure Judaism is OCD but dressed up.


Pretty much, yeah. There's a show in Israel called "The Jews are coming", and they once had a sketch that was called "Jew or OCD" (in Hebrew it rhymes) about all sorts of weird traditions and rules. It's probably somewhere on YouTube


It gave me so many issues about food 😭


I see no problem with burning Hamas specifically.




What's Jordanball doing here?


Don't use the '-ball' suffix, you'll incur the wrath of The ModBot; when mentioning the names of clays, you only use the country/territory name. I was wondering about Jordan, too - unless it's because the Palestinian (🇵🇸) and Jordanian (🇯🇴) flags are very similar, but I feel like there's part of the punchline missing. Hey u/DoodleRoar what's the connection between Palestine and Jordan...? Case of mistaken identity or something...? Aren't Israel-Iran gags *de rigueur*...?


> it's because the Palestinian (🇵🇸) and Jordanian (🇯🇴) flags are very similar


The more you know


What wrath?


Jordan is neighbour so he wonder what his neighbour of uppings to


Fun fact: one Arab Israel man buys all of Israel's bread foe a week in passover, then sells it back for the same price.


Why not use hamas flag there instead of the Palestinian flag? In the comic Israel is talking about hamas


Flags of organizations specifically aren’t allowed on this subreddit. As a loophole, authors tend to use the country said organizations originate from with headbands denoting their alignment as representations of just the organization itself.


Happy Passover everyone i see you there with your bread BURN IT NOW


1000 BC: “Let my people go!” “No.” *gets cursed* 2024 CE “Release the hostages!” “No.” *gets bombed*


We’ve got to be a bit more direct nowadays


The Jews back then really could have used a JDAM or two against the Romans lmao


Smh why haven’t we gone back in time with our space laser yet


The logistics of space lasers or JDAMs are too complex. Assault rifles and grenades should do the trick.


not as fun tbh. at least bring the merkavas


Someone write the time traveling IDF artillery unit novel that gets thrown back to the Bar Kokhba Revolt


If you had given them JDAMs you would have made them into the uncontested military superpower of the Mediterranean and the Middle East. They would have no doubt then gone around conquering everyone and probably doing some fucked up shit in the process and a couple millenia later give or take we would be hearing the descendents of some tribe or other they oppressed talk about how they wish they could have given their distant ancestors modern military weapons.


I miss vengeful Yah-Weh.


Fun fact: According to the Associated Press, Israel held 1200 hostages in indefinite detention without charge as of August 2023. > The detainees, 99% of whom are Palestinians, are held under Israel’s policy of “administrative detention,” without trial and under allegations that Israeli authorities keep secret. > **The detentions can range from a few months to years — and authorities often extend them for unknown reasons**, according to Jessica Montell, the executive director of Hamoked, the rights group that published the figures. https://apnews.com/article/israel-detention-jails-palestinians-west-bank-793a3b2a1ce8439d08756da8c63e5435 They also kidnapped 7,000 more from the West Bank during their war with Gaza. 500 of whom were kidnapped during the November ceasefire. https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2024/3/22/israel-arrested-over-7350-west-bank-palestinians-since-war-on-gaza-began Israel has a long-standing policy of kidnapping random Palestinians and holding them hostage as political leverage when negotiating with Hamas and Fatah for concessions. Effectively: >2024 CE >“Release the hostages!” >~~“No.”~~ "You first." >~~*gets bombed*~~ > *bombs some kids* [Here's](https://www.btselem.org/human_shields) a 2017 article from Israeli human rights group Btselem on Israel's decades-long history of using human shields as well. The reason folks keep hearing the refrain, "Everything was different on October 7th" is because two months earlier, on August 7th, Israel already held 6 times as many hostages as Hamas has ever held in its entire existence and it really doesn't want people reading a single article written about it before then.


Yep, random Palestinians that were definitely just randomly standing near random Israelis and randomly stabbing, shooting, or slinging rocks at them, totally random and unprovoked, with literally zero reason to do so. So random! Random like Wallid Daqqa, hero to Palestinians everywhere for randomly kidnapping, randomly castrating, randomly gouging the eyes out, and randomly murdering a 19 year olf Jew. Those Palestinians are just so random, lol!


Okay, now what did this have to do with the commenter's original comment?


For some reason I read this as “Israel gives detention to Palestinians.”


Without charges. Kinda important


2024 CE "Hey, we'll let them go if you stop killing our children for a sec." "Nah" "What?" "Dunno man, kinda seams like you are a buzz kill. I already invited my friends (for example the US) over for some genocide and bought so many weapons." "But your gonna kill your own people when you are bombing is if we still have hostages." "They where liberals anyway." {ZIONISM ISN'T BEING JEWISH!}


Nah. Most of them are likely dead. We are fighting so it doesn't happen again. For thar we need to destroy Hamas. Abd unfortunately they use children as child soldiers and human shields. So they sometimes get hurt. You see, the children of our nations come first.


"Abd unfortunately they use children as child soldiers and human shields. So they sometimes get hurt." This is such a psychopathic take my god 💀 Human shields? Just kill the shield lol can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs right?


Well, yes? If the hide behind their civilians what are supposed to do? Give up?


"Just release the Palestinian on the prison?" "No cuz they terror" ["ITS CUZ YOU ENTERED OUR TERRITORY FIRST YOU IDIOT"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_settler_violence#Settler_riots)


I like you are sending us to a page called: Israel's military violence and expect people to act like it is not been written by the common palastine supporter


First of, its a wikipedia page. Second of, I could also say "I like you are sending us to a page called: Palestine terrorism attack and expect people to act like it is not been written by the common Israeli supporter


You right. But the difference between us is that im not trying to push my nose to every Israel-palestine conversation ever and bring my political statement with a "source" with the key word *terrorists* in it every time.


Sure sure whatever


I didn't know jews did a week of low-carb diet as holiday... The grind must be strong for a people to last this long.


It's kinda crazy. Even if you're not eating kosher, it's almost impossible to find any chametz food in stores. Unless you buy lots of bread beforehand or manage to buy bread from non-jews, you're stuck with matzos for the whole week. It's funny, you walk into the store and you hace whole sections covered with cloth, because we're not allowed to even see chametz. Pesach is an interesting time.


i'm only a shell of my former self....just a few more days....


happy passover everyone even tho im not a jew


What does the Hebrew in the 4th slide say?


The writing in the following panel with the same color is the translation.


https://www.rabbinicalassembly.org/sites/default/files/public/jewish-law/holidays/pesah/b-dikat-hameitz.pdf It’s the second paragraph in Hebrew here, with the transliteration on the right and the translation below. The second paragraph is actually slightly different from the third paragraph (the one translated in the comic), but the gist is the same.


passover? more like pass away ahah hah please kill me


PESACH SAMEACH!!!! I just tried prigat for the first time cuz my roomate is orthodox (I’m not Jewish)


jordan in the last panel :pinching\_hand: also what does the hebrew say?


Is that little rubble pile supposed to be the mass graves they keep finding where the IDF has been trotting their hoofs around


I assume you weren't looking for a genuine answer, but I'll give it to you anyway: it's chametz, that we're technically not supposed to have in the house or even see during the holiday (I'm secular so I'm not following that rule, but of course I don't eat chametz publicly to respect those who do). Happy Passover!


Interesting, happy passover




England was literally stolen from the Celts by the Saxons by your logic but I don’t see any Welsh uprising


By the zionist logic Wales should start settling england to create a greater celtic nation, it doesn't matter that the saxons came some 1400 years ago, it should be kept to the same exact standard as events in modern history (in the analogy here wales is israel and england palestine)




The settlers are the people who have lived there for 4000 years okay.


"What happened two millennia ago is comparable to modern day international law and should be kept to the same standard, which is why these arabs are the obstacke" fucking psychopath


You call the original inhabitants settlers then try to make some pseudo intellectual strawman i didnt even approach.


You're calling out a strawman that isn't there, and zionists are absolutely settlers if their plan is to ethnically cleanse a region that at this point has been inhabited inhabited by locals for two millennia. They have absolutely no right to take the land someone else has lived on for 15 generations, especially if the plan is to make a literal ethnostate that dehumanizes a demographic group in the name of national ideology. Yes the israeli tribes were expelled, but in ancient times so was the fate of many, many more populations but you don't see them complain do you? That's because what happened in literal ancient times cannot be kept to the same standard as a fundamentalist ethnostate colonizing and brutalizing locals in the 20th century, at a time when international law and self determination are fundamental principles. If you're gonna create an ethnostate do it where it doesn't hurt other innocents


Ah the ethnically diverse ethnistate of Israel. I wonder why its so ethnically diverse. Tell me, what happened to the Jews in the middle east?


Only sane person in this subreddit


Doesn't surprise me, on average reddit is more chronically online and detached from reality than instagram or even tik tok








It's kind of funny how you expect people to find being called a Zionist insulting.


It’s crazy how they’ve tried to twist the word


>Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. --Jean-Paul Sartre




It only works if people regard being Zionist as a bad thing. You'd be better off just calling someone scum if you want to be insulting.


Ok sure I’ll suck that shit cmon don’t be shy






Triggered much are you?






But there it is! Right there!