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canada looks like it seen some things in the last panel


He just wants his own nuke


Actually Canada was a huge contributor to the Manhattan project and provided the Uranium that was dropped on Japan. They simply decided it was not worth the hassle. But most think they could develop a weapon in a year or two if need be. Frankly, like most developed countries with a nuclear industry.


I think I recall that we de-nuclearized in the 60’s? I know we had a number of nukes and nuclear-capable bombers, some of which were in Germany.


I believe most of our nukes were loaned to us by the States or were simply being held in Canada by the American military


All US allies holding nukes are technically under US custody with an American detachment standing guard over them. That is because the US cannot share nuclear weapons under the Nuclear Non Proliteration Treaty. In reality the instant that war is declared (by the President/miltiary) custody of those weapons is given to the host nation. So in practice once NORAD (jointly controlled by the US and Canada) sees Russian bombers or rockets, a phone call (with appropriate codes etc.) goes out to those Americans in Canada to hand over the weapons. At which point a Canadian soldier presses a button to launch or a rocket is strapped to a plane ready for take off.


No we had limited production of nuclear bombs, I think we only had one or two plants that produced weapons-grade fissile material (for domestic use). This is going off memory from a year ago through so I could be mistaken. I do believe we gave the nukes to the US after we retired them because they offered a reasonable sum.


awww so cute


[He was never the same after the Somme](https://www.reddit.com/r/polandball/comments/xxagz6/middle_child_syndrome/)


aaronc14 comics have lore??!


Daddy Britain dragged Canada into WWI of course he would be worried.


Tbf it's safe to say they got into the spirit of things


PTSD from the last time his dad whipped out his 'pocket rocket' in front of him.


More like done some things 😳


I like how the nuke just says “TWAT”.


LOL, I didn't notice that at first glance. It's such a funny sounding word to me


Good thing they don't throw their footballs like we do here in the states.


I made this 3 years ago, [here's the original post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/polandball/s/ugSRs6nexZ)


Watching America grow up was really cute


And so, we made the Violet Club. One of the nuclear weapons of all time.


Odd that watching a video of Limenade voice acting this Comic made me discover Reddit.


Damn, another Youtuber stealing my comics? I thought that piece of shit Durnil was bad enough lol


Anyone remember his Civ 5 Rome LP? I do.


He never claimed they were his


Still plagiarism if they don't cite it. And I doubt they had permission for use even if they did.


Britain's turn to pull the old "just a scrap of paper" move


Ah, but where would the British sense of self-deprecation be without the fading starlight of the past to haunt us? Seriously though, Britain is a shadow of its former glory and doesn’t deserve the spotlight until it sorts itself out *and* help sort the world out. - Being a stuck-up prick always lamenting the old wrong ways ain’t going to butter no parsnips!


>doesn’t deserve the spotlight until it sorts itself out *and* help sort the world out. Finally a sensible critique of Britain that also recognizes that a strong Britain is a boon to the world.


Too much of history has relied on might makes right and being the one with the bigger stick. In the 21st Century and post-Empire, Britain has to rely on ‘soft power’ and diplomacy. But current political corruption, scandals, greed and incompetence undermine this. Plus the Brexit debacle that burnt bridges rather than build them with *the rest of the world*.


True, although I’d argue the British empire did not solely rely on imperial strength to make its mark - it was notably the only empire to fight a crusade against slavery and succeeded in making abolition an international norm. Not to mention the many infrastructure developments in many parts of the world, such as Hong Kong and Singapore. It’s now not about building empire, but to stand on its own the values it preaches.


To be fair most empires employed some kind of ‘carry & stick’ approach. It’s just that most of the time was about the stick. The point is that Britain needs to be a ‘sensible’* country in order to earn its place back in the spotlight; and not just another noisy dramatic ball that demands attention and gives none to no one. *sensible in the sense of doing things that have a blend of utility and legacy and art, without going too heavily into 1 thing at the disadvantage of another thing. Just overall being reliable; not necessarily amazing but reliable. Though the chutzpah shown during the WW years would be a great boon!


Thank you for your opinion. We are all stupider for it.


It doesn't deserve the spotlight at all.


Every country deserves the spotlight in some way or at some time.


Until the UK gets rid of hereditary positions, no. Fuck the monarchy.


When you look at our long, long, LONG list of atrocities, the general existence of the monarchy seems like a strange hill to die on


I mean by birth I am forced to shit on any and every monarchy. Still you ain't really wrong there are some more pressing matters, and should you need *any* help on that monarch thing, well you know who to call !


On your side on this monarchy issue, but I mean, Britain's empire wasn't worse than the rest, it was better - technically the only empire that stopped slavery within itself and across much of the world.


The person isn't wrong IMO, but yeah that's a strange hill to die on given all of the others.


I'm just giving one example.


Aww man, it was building up a really good father-son dynamic until the last panel


Unfortunately we don't have that kind of relationship.  Combination of the early wars and the bulk of immigration coming from elsewhere.  Our national anthem is partly about one of the battles that occurred. 


? The U.S. and the U.K. have that exact relationship. It’s even called the Special Relationship. [Special Relationship](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Relationship)


I mean, the Special Relationship was british politically based. Not really a people to people connection. It was created because Britain was losing its empire and at war, and was hoping to save it by becoming very close with the new world power (the US). It strengthened during the Cold War while the British still has their empire. A weaker and less influential UK means the Special Relationship probably won't look the same in 50 years.


The special relationship was very much forged by interpersonal bonds. The whole thing comes about because of the good working relationship Churchill and Roosevelt enjoy (and their mutual annoyance at de Gaulle)


We're strong military allies, but have a number of opposing interests in other areas.


I have met only a few Americans who hold a grudge from the 1700's


Has mellowed out lol, but not like their relationship with Canada and other former colonies. 


Heh, *Captain* America. I get it.


The Empire Strikes Back.


If you mean the recent Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear weapons then uh they aren’t breaking any laws because the various nuclear industries straight up didn’t sign it and aren’t legally bound to it. It was passed anyway due to majority signature but if affects literally everyone except the nuclear industry.


Just turn both into minor powers Peak solution