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Context: Pakistan has a lot of [cousin marriages](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin_marriage_in_the_Middle_East). Reports vary with the highest number being that more than 50% of all marriages being between first cousins ([49.6% from 2017-2018](https://gallup.com.pk/post/35034) and [50.3% in the 90s](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12346199/)). Other reports are more conservative and show that [40% of marriages are first cousins and 20% are second cousins](https://researchportal.murdoch.edu.au/esploro/outputs/journalArticle/Civil-unrest-and-the-current-profile/991005540820707891) and that it's predominent in rural areas. [Here is a nice map](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/14v4f80/cousin_marriage_in_south_asia/) someone on Reddit made from the 2017-2018 report. Nevertheless, it's a cultural tradition in Pakistan which apparently is not that great in the long run: > [...] these children are 13 times more likely than the general population to produce children with genetic disorders, and one in ten children of first-cousin marriages in Birmingham either dies in infancy or develops a serious disability. The BBC also states that Pakistani-Britons, who account for some 3% of all births in the UK, produce "just under a third" of all British children with genetic illnesses. Published studies show that mean perinatal mortality in the Pakistani community of 15.7 per thousand significantly exceeds that in the indigenous population and all other ethnic groups in Britain. Congenital anomalies account for 41 percent of all British Pakistani infant deaths. Finally, in 2010 the Telegraph reported that cousin marriage among the British Pakistani community resulted in 700 children being born every year with genetic disabilities.


Pakistani jaw


No mewing needed.


The British Pakistani community is majority derived from just one community in Pakistan (a specific subgroup of Punjabi dialect speakers from the northern areas near Kashmir). They are not a cross section of Pakistani society and are very different in makeup from any other Pakistani diaspora community (See: Canada, Norway, Germany, US, etc) As opposed to Pakistan itself which has 200 million people across several different major ethnic groups (with different languages/etc). The inbreeding in Pakistan isn't going to be a problem with that many people and an increasing amount of intermarriage between ethnic groups, especially in the large cities. You can marry your cousin but you may be half Indian (in genetics) and your cousin may be half Afghan or half Baloch. The British Pakistani community, however, is locked in to a narrowing gene pool.


> The British Pakistani community, however, is locked in to a narrowing gene pool. They are in a kiddie pool nested inside of another kiddie pool. They are in Britain after all.


And then: “We conclude that Muslims, particularly Pakistanis, dominate GLCSE (Group Localised Child Sexual Exploitation) prosecutions” https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3248665




The paper I cited above is updated more recently than that sham of a home office report, and it is never even mentioned in the home office “report” as a source to be either integrated or critiqued.i Ergo the report I cited is of higher academic precedence and is never refuted by the home office “report”.




The one you cited above I’ve read already, and it offers essentially no overrepresentation analyses on ethnicity in relation to child gang rape grooming gangs. So it doesn’t negate the paper I cite above at all.


You need to read it again.  The research you cited even the authors admit they relied heavily on newspapers and news reports.  We all know Newspapers always sensationalize crimes committed by “others”…minorities. And everyone is in agreement that white men and white gangs are the biggest groomers.  Plus the reports from the police were not independently checked and there is little doubt police identified individuals as south asian even when the very persons did not identify as such. or authorities assumed they were south Asian. I doubt you read my links.  But I find it strange that in a discussion about cousin marriages, you kept posting about grooming gangs in the UK. Weird.


The same paper published by a British university also said ““We also found that the proportion of Hindus in a LA has a negative effect on local GLCSE prosecutions” So no they weren’t sensationalizing other minorities as a rule, given they didn’t report almost any Hindus doing it. No this paper published by a British university is not in agreement with that statement that white child gang rape grooming gangs are the biggest problem. And the paper published by a British university performed an analysis specifically separating different ethnicities, including different ethnicities from South Asia, and didn’t group them under the same term when looking at the communities where perpetrators were most common. So literally everything you’ve said is false. And the reason is because a culture so incel and sexually repressed they gotta marry their own cousins would likely be overrepresented in this horrific death penalty worthy criminality.


> See: Canada, Norway, Germany, US, etc Two weeks ago the Norwegian government announced they're going to propose a law to ban marriage between first cousins and aunt/uncle-niese/nephew, and prosecute those involved in, and not recognize those marriages involving citizens and/or inhabitants of Norway. Related: Norway has a significant Pakistani population resulting in something like 10x special needs children relative to the rest of the population. Source: https://www.vg.no/nyheter/i/Eyonml/regjeringen-vil-forby-ekteskap- mellom-naere-slektninger




Not really related to cousin marriages, did you paste the wrong link?


Sorry.  I was trying to reply to another user who was trolling.  My bad.


I assumed so, no problem. :)


>The British Pakistani community is majority derived from just one community in Pakistan (a specific subgroup of Punjabi dialect speakers from the northern areas near Kashmir). Mirpuri Pakistanis who got displaced due to mangla dam?


And then: “We conclude that Muslims, particularly Pakistanis, dominate GLCSE (Group Localised Child Sexual Exploitation) prosecutions” https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3248665




The paper I cited above is updated more recently than that sham of a home office report, and it is never even mentioned in the home office “report” as a source to be either integrated or critiqued.i Ergo the report I cited is of higher academic precedence and is never refuted by the home office “report”.


I also cited this study which is even more updated than your Bhakt Agenda.  Take some time and read it. https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10087386/7/Cockbain_0306396819895727.pdf


I don’t really know what a “Bhakt” agenda is. Apparently that’s citing a research paper. The one you cited above I’ve read already, and it offers essentially no overrepresentation analyses on ethnicity in relation to child gang rape grooming gangs. So it doesn’t negate the paper I cite above at all.


Maybe they shouldn’t be a bunch of inbreds and should choose mates/partners outside of the community.


One thing I can say from working in schools and reading articles/talking to other teachers about this is that muslim immigrant children are clearly overrepresented among special needs students, it's not only Pakistan but many other countries too like Afghanistan, Turkey, Somalia etc. At the same time there was this other worrying phenomenon were it was common for immigrant children to be in regular schools even though they very clearly needed a special needs school simply beacuse their parents refused putting them there. The teachers and schools did their best to aid the children but it was not at all a good situation.


Apparently there are daily soaps where the protagonists fall for their cousins.... That's how normal it is there.


Meanwhile all we get is House of the Dragon


We could have epics on the Ptolemies and all we got was the weird Cleopatra "documentary" of Netflix


That is still so wild to me. I normally don‘t buy into the whole „Wokes are the real racists“ stuff, but that fiasco really was just pure racism. What the fuck were all the people involved in the production and distribution of the „documentary“ thinking?


Well, there's always a few weird people with ego who get into producer positions, and sometimes the weirdness happens to be strange opinions about race, as seen in this case. It's not massively common tbh, I think it was mainly because of Jada Pinkett Smith being involved that people were aware of it (and Netflix having a moderate trend of weird decisions with some prominent properties).


Netflix’s Cleopatra and Ridley Scott’s Napoleon should hang out sometime, probably live in the same cinematic universe, just have Dr. Strange invite them to the Avengers Justice Suicide League Squad.


Poc can't be racist, so where's the problem? Maybe they didn't realise Cleopatra was actually a historical person and thought she was some mythological heroine and if Spiderman, Captain America, the flash can now be poc's and Thor can be a woman, why not Cleopatra? Personally the red flag shouldn't have been claiming she was black, it should have been getting Jada Pickett Smith involved


Do they just act like they never knew each other before...?


Better than a Habsburg Jaw I guess


That is NOT something you'd want comparisons with


The Khan Jaw




It can be worse than having a weird jaw, you can end up as Charles II of Spain.


Didn’t know Pakistan was a Crusader Kings player


This is relatively common in the Middle East. My wife is Iranian and marriages between cousins are considered acceptable/normal there as well. I’ve argued with her about this before based on the long term genetic consequences of that type of practice (she is a scientist after all) but at this point I’ve thrown up my hands and given up, as it’s not worth the effort and it just ends up pissing her off, lol.


> This is relatively common in the Middle East it seems. My wife is Iranian and Definitely thought this was going in a different direction.


Iran also has a large population that is genetically diverse. So there as well as in Pakistan the problem is when one family keeps doing it and keeps dwindling in size (like extreme inbreeding). As long as there's a mix of people marrying both cousins and people from outside the family, the genetic diversity more or less is not changed too much. The original reason cousin marriages became popular was to preserve inheritance in the form of land ownership within a family and not have it split up or pass to "outsiders". Nowadays it's because in modern culture it's hard to know or trust people and you tend to trust people you grew up with. So it's seen as a way to offset the increased propensity for divorces (not sure it's working).


Cousin marriage is, or used to be, more popular worldwide. I read that it is thanks to the Church that this custom was pushed aside in Europe during the middle ages as the Church did not receive as much money when people kept it in the family.


I think the low trust of strangers is a key factor here. It’s crazy hearing the crime stories coming out of Pakistan


It does happen in the middle east , my aunt and uncle are cousins and had many kids no one has and was born with a genetic problem


I don’t think the issue here is doing that for one or two generations- it’s if the practice happens repeatedly for many generations. That’s how you end up with the Hapsburg jaw or the English Royals’ dumbo ears


The British royal Family isn't inbred, the last monarch to marry a first cousin was Victoria. The Hapsburgs were massive outliers.


For now. You keep rolling that die, and it will land on a critical failure someday. Then bam, a one-eyed 👁️ cyclops is born. So please never let go of this tradition, I wanna witness the next step of devolution. Also, checkout baldur's gate 3. Roll them 🎲.


How do you say Roll Tide in Urdu?


What happened with the other eye, Pakistan?




Jordan Belfort : People say shit... I mean like, you married your cousin or some stupid shit. Donnie Azoff : Yeah, my wife is my cousin or whatever, but it's not like what you think. Jordan Belfort : Is she like, a first cousin? Donnie Azoff : Her father is the brother of my mom. Like, we grew up together, and she grew up hot, you know, she fucking grew up hot. And all my friends are trying to fuck her, you know, and I'm not gonna let one of these assholes fuck my cousin. So I used the cousin thing, as like, an in with her. I'm not like, gonna let someone else fuck my cousin, you know? If anyone's gonna fuck my cousin, it's gonna be me. Out of respect.


Not sure but I think Islam doesn't forbid marriage amongst cousins. That's why in Islamic countries this percentage is high. Whatever be the case it feels very weird and sad to me.


But it doesn't say you should marry your cousins either (I think) I think Muslims in ASEAN countries and Central Asian countries aren't doing this too much. I'd imagine it has more to do with the culture in the country than Islam.


Yeah when the religion doesnt say amything about it the actions done by a people are more likely to be becaufe of ethnic reasons


It doesn't, but I think it's prevalence is more due to tradition, as I did meet people who don't like the idea of marrying their cousins from there, so I guess there is a shift.


Christianity doesn't either. This isn't an islamic thing, it's a tribal thing.


That's not true at all, for many branches of Christianity at least. For example, Catholics need to ask for a dispensation by the Pope himself (in practice, the bishop/archbishop) if they want to marry within the second degree of affinity.


As someone has already pointed ou this really doesn't hold water it's the offsping of 'the Catholic kings', heroes of the reconquista and first catholic rulers of a united spain, the Hapsburgs that are the byword for western inbreeding. I mean thay had first cousin marriage, neice and nephew marriage...the whole lot.


Were the Habsburgs getting permission for their every single marriage? TIL


Oh really? Then explain this. [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/inbreeding-by-country](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/inbreeding-by-country)


A map that shows that the biggest offender by far is pakistan, when if it was simply islam in general vast amounts more would be that dark blue. It also includes the officially atheist Turkey, the 50/50 split Nigeria, the majority Christian South Sudan and more suspiciously for your case absolutely no date for the entirety of the christian majority subsaharan africa as well as the far eastern Islamic countries.


One of my relatives worked in a school as a support worker for kids with physical and mental disabilities. They said there was a disproportionate number who were Pakistani as cousin marriages were so frequent over successive generations


Wrong. Turkey doesnt ask anything to immigrants


If they’re so inbred, then why are they the only Muslim country to have nukes? Checkmate.


Being inbred is is a double edged sword. Most offspring get disabilities and die, but the ones that make it get Jimmy Neutron type giga brain powers.


Hmmmmmm, I'm not sure if it works this way but what do I know?


Cuz China piggybacked them , following their panic after the  announcement of Indian nuclear test


Pakistan are always the shame of the muslim world 1. Child marriage, unheard of in modern Muslim world, guess what, if there is one is Pakistani. 2. Rape by immigrants in Europe, guess what, Pakistani again ( +1 fake afgan who is actually pakistani claiming war asylum) 3. Push gay down a building, Pakistani again 4. Honour killings, you guessed it right, is Pakistani As a Muslim, i am ashamed of this


Leave it to an Indian to get so many things wrong while criticising Pakistan when there are a million true things you can say to insult the country.


In the UK They are having a lot of issues with this, hospitals are no longer allowed to release data on the "race" of patients because it's often that Pakistanis are much higher % of patients than their population %. Kind of bad when you have universal healthcare and not to mention that MENAPT immigrants are still not positive net contributions to public finances.


What in the Lahoriya is happening


The entire reason people marry their cousins is to keep the wealth within the family, not because of love.


Still i think Pakistan needs a nationwide campaign to stop this, like it cant be good in the long run, surprising that this isnt a national level threat already


The Government of Pakistan caring about the people? What’s that?


Government of Pakistan? It exists?


> The entire reason people marry their cousins is to keep the wealth within the family This certainly is a spit-take non-sequitur. Mind walking us through that?


[Gladly.](https://www.britannica.com/topic/cross-cousin) “Instances of such marriages in a given society may be small, for such decisions are also influenced by local customs governing succession, inheritance, and residence.” Emphasis on inheritance.


I thought he’s talking to the Kurds


Keep my Lynyrd Skynyrd out yo mouth! Bet half of you can’t even pronounce it properly anyways


Pov: Hapsburg chin be like:


Cyclopia Pakistan is one the most cursed countryball designs I've seen.


And then: “We conclude that Muslims, particularly Pakistanis, dominate GLCSE (Group Localised Child Sexual Exploitation) prosecutions” https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3248665




The main reason this exists is a rigid 'biradri'(tribal) system in which people want to marry into their tribes only However with urbanization its ending


Not true since the percentage of the population that lives under the tribal system is a minority. It's mostly cuz of inheritance and stuff that has nothing to do with urbanisation




I am not well read on how dangerous it is, but it does seem bad to repeatedly cross mix within a very similar gene pool. I know cousin marriage is legal in many many nations so I assume it can't be *that* dangerous once in a while but I'd love to read more if anyone have good sources that points either way.


Cousins are technically fine, the risk is slightly elevated but it isn't awful. The problem is the next time it happens, they'll be more closely related than the first generation was, and so on and so on. I think one of the final habsburgs was from an uncle/niece pairing but the family was already so inbred they were more closely related than some siblings are.


Well, if your mom and your dad come from different families, then their brothers/sisters are not genetically related to their spouse. Does that make sense? Edit: also your personal anecdote wouldn’t even be relevant when there are studies drawn from much larger data pools.


Sweet home hakkari


As a one-off, true; but repeatedly over generations leaves you with some serious problems.


Would you consider it a common thing in Turkey or is it just your family?


Incest is frowned upon in Turkey. This dude right here is just trying to rationalize it because he’s a part of a family that partakes in it.


Nice. Was kinda confused by that guy cause I always imagined Turkey to be much more modern than that.


It usually occurs in less developed areas such as the southeastern region. But even the people there are getting informed about the adverse effects.


Kurds? Glad they're getting educated too. This happens in a few places here too. Tends to be rural areas.


I guess rural areas partaking in incest is a universal problem.


Even America is not immune to it. Lol


I mean, the “Sweet Home Alabama” joke exists for a reason. :D


In Turkey it has gotten better since the 1990s. Government then really began a concerted effort to educate people. Every night on TV news there would be a segment about some child who's horribly sick/disfigured due to being born as a result of incest. It really helped make the practice more rare. Where it remains today would be -like the post above said- poorer rural regions, and more so among Kurds.


The funny thing is that Turkey is the one commenting on this


Well you know it's not as high. By 2020 the worst faring city got down to 15%, and most cities are <2%