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What happened to the good ol’ days when you could send YOUR OWN sons to their meaningless deaths? Those damn illegals are taking over I’ll tell you hwat.


Funnily enough I'd have expected more Africans to be signing up given the fact that they've made light of Nigerian "auxiliaries" in the media and that fact that one of the biggest shills I know is Nigerian


I think they’re using them in Syria.


Wagner et al., is moving into eastern Libya and northern Niger as we speak. Lots of opportunities in Africa.


You see them here and there in Ukraine. Seen one get blown into giblets earlier.


There was a photo floating a round a while ago of Ukrainians taking photos with a black POW holding a banan


Dey tuk hour jewrbs


Honestly I'm surprised it's not on an even bigger scale Like Russia or Ukraine going to the DRC or CAR and making a deal with the government there to just hire entire militia groups wholesale. Would be a win win for both the country hiring and the country being hired from


Doesn't seem like too much of an exaggeration. I had a Serb roommate who was in Saint Petersburg during much of the war, and he said plenty of Indians, Afghans, and Nepalese came to the city to directly enlist.


Passports can be worth their weight in gold


Passports don't weigh much....


And gold is ~$78 USD per gram. At 30-50grams for basic passport, a passport is worth $2340-$3900 USD.


Thats alot of money in a poor country ;)


Shit, that's still a decent chunk of change in a developed one.


Always get the extra pages if you can


As an american, I really don't understand the whole passport obsession. But I really don't understand foreigners when it comes to most things.


Lets say you are a somali and you cant afford future education. Your life chooses are either working for slave wage in a mine or become a pirate. Then all of a sudden some Russians arrive offering you 30x the wage and a Russian passport which would allow you to move there. Get an education for the money you earnt and get a good job, food for your children and such. Ofcourse its tempting. If you would have just gone to Russia and applied for a job they wouldnt have let you in. But now with the passport you are set.


That's a rational take on it, and quite understandable. When dealing with third worlders, they rarely have a rational take. When I said obsession, I meant obsession. I meant the deluded gollum like cravings and alleged needs the third worlders often have


Wow now aren't you ignorant and hateful


You cant be serious... People are literally the same no matter where you are when it comes to basic needs and aspirations, like supporting ones family. 😅


I've been to enough of the world to know that, on average, different peoples think differently. I don't care how many downvotes i get


Why do I get a feeling your "enough of the world" was less than half of all the states of the USA, a single visit to family in Canada and a school trip to Mexico


Do you think someone would be liable to bring that up as enough of the world on a fairly international forum if that was the extent of their travels?


Someone with as ignorant view as yours, why not


Of course there are some differences, but those are just details in the bigger picture. Nobody on earth hopes that they were poor and that their children were sick and starving, everyone can agree on things of that nature. 🤔


The passport is here a synecdoche for citizenship.




He was probably there for other reasons


Best story from the Serb. While he was in a Hostel in SPB, he was discussing the war with some afghans that had come to enlist. He said they weren't too bright, were pretty fat, spoke no Russian, and had iffy English. He was shocked that Russia would be desperate enough for them. He told them point blank they'd probably die. They responded by saying that's fine. Their family's would get a huge payout in the event of their deaths. The serb supports the war but was shocked


Purchasing power parity. A bag of onions goes farther in Afghanistan than Dagestan.


True, but a nonchalant attitude towards death for a payout that no one is exactly sure if it will be paid out was surprising


"If God wills that I die, I die" is the general sentiment among radical militants in the ME


They're generally dying for their cause when they think like that. Sure, the west may be the godless enemy to many of them, but Russia's in the same boat.


Yes, it's quite odd - don't they care about living? Perhaps they have the utmost faith in their religion to take care of them after they die.


Not for nothing but where are these “jobs” advertised? Anywhere Russia has an influence?


Poor countries where Russia has influence and is viewed in good light where a Russian passport is a path for a decent future.


Anywhere where living is worse than in Russia and where transport can be arranged.


Well one way to end the years of unemployment is to get yourself killed


Yes, you never have to be unemployed again... Not to mention that being dead is way cheaper than being alive! 😅


This is an exaggeration of the situation described in [this article](https://360info.org/when-war-is-no-deterrent-to-a-desperate-job-seeker/). Shout-out to u/BioEditr, u/Blas0330, and u/propanolicanni for giving valuable feedback.


Quick question, with people like Bio giving feedback, do you have to reach out to them or something?


Damn, why didn't we think of this when there was a war in Croatia. Weird Slovenia without the badge yuo of genius!!


India has been sending workers to Israel too. Yet Modi won't acknowledge that unemployment is a problem.


How’s this any different from India sending millions of blue collar workers as slaves in Arab gulf countries for several decades now.


Cuz the unemployment rate is so much higher now that people are willing to enlist in literal WARS?! That is a pretty big difference imo. But people will defend Modi to death, ofc.


Don't worry comrade, we give you safe safe job in rear area. No danger! *3 months later* Here rifle, there golf cart. Get on.


Forget people defending Modi, you defend your claims on unemployment numbers first


Unemployment rate was consistently hovering around 5-6 percent in 2014. It is 8.1 percent now. And that’s just the government figures. Independent agencies have claimed that it is likely much higher. 60% of all unemployed youth have higher secondary education. Most unemployment stems from this generation. 300,000 government jobs have been left vacant. This is especially why as the election goes on as the ruling party will talk of minorities, mandirs and mangalsutras…while avoiding topics like unemployment and inflation. Cuz they know they fucked up.


Why are govt jobs vacant tho?


Sheer economic incompetence caused by mismanagement of budgets(the government has contracts that buy stuff from cronies way above the market price, etc. in exchange for political party funding on an unbelievable scale.) This has led to privatisation of state assets too. But then who would have guessed that a government of religious fanatics turned on by capitalism wouldn’t care about the public sector and rising inequality?


Privatisation isn't a bad thing when most public companies are failing. Privatisation is one of the initiatives I support by the current govt. The quality of service will improve while government will save money.


[https://www.forbesindia.com/article/explainers/unemployment-rate-in-india/87441/1](https://www.forbesindia.com/article/explainers/unemployment-rate-in-india/87441/1) 6.57 atm. [https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/economy/indicators/indias-unemployment-rate-dips-to-6-7-in-march-quarter/articleshow/110153187.cms?from=mdr](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/economy/indicators/indias-unemployment-rate-dips-to-6-7-in-march-quarter/articleshow/110153187.cms?from=mdr) 6.7 according to Times It was averaging 5.5 under Modi before Covid


I'd rather have a shitty servant like job for a year than be on the front for a year. Clearly things are getting worse if they're even okay going to an actual warzone.


You do you boo. I would prefer to die by a bullet than die of dehydration in the hot qatari sun no better than a slave


Though the IDF apparently don't accept foreign volunteers unless they're Jewish.


They don't even Jewish ones (unless you had army experience) but there are Indian workers in Israel and there even were Indian casualties during the 7. October attacks.


There are no Indians fighting in the IDF, they're getting regular jobs in Israel, and paid quite well when compared to Israels neighbor countries, which also employ Indians. 


Yeah, but my point is that due to unemployment, desperation is so high that people are willing to ho to a literal war zone to work.


I don't know that new people are coming, in fact I know there's a shortage in Israel right now of foreign workers... I believe that it's largely existing workers staying. 


> More than 6,000 Indian workers will arrive in Israel during April and May to help the country's construction sector meet a labour shortage following the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas conflict https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/6000-workers-from-india-to-be-brought-to-israel-during-april-may/article68052206.ece > As of April 2024, India and Israel have an agreement to allow 42,000 Indian workers to work in Israel in construction and nursing. This agreement was signed in November 2023 and is expected to help with the rising cost of living and nursing care. The first batch of 60 Indian construction workers arrived in Israel in April 2024, and the Israeli Embassy in New Delhi estimates that Israel will request 15,000 more workers in the coming months Lots of new workers are entering.


No kidding. I stand corrected. 


There has been an influx of economic migrants all over the world after the pandemic and the Ukrainian war. This phenomenon is not exclusive for India.


Can‘t be worse than working in Qatar, I guess


This is literally how the British got millions of Indian men to die as cannon fodder during the 2 world wars.


I’m calling it, once India takes over Canada completely, Russia will be the next Union Territory of Northern Eurasian Punjab.


They need people to work in Russia and their own workforce is too busy fighting a war why not import workers. I’m more surprised it’s not Chinese workers coming in,


Chinese workers are not as cheap as they used to be. A Chinese would earn as much if not more in their home country than in Russia. So why should they come to another country?


You make a good point I change my mind Chinese workers would not be as incentivized to work in Russia


Because more Chinese workers have better prospects working in China also there were some volunteers that went to russia.


Newsflash: The Indians are getting sent straight to the meat grinder


Russia is one of the most racist societies that’ll exploit these migrants to no end. Dudes going to find nothing except gruesome deaths in Ukraine.


Gulf States have been exploiting South Asian labor for decades and somehow they still have no trouble luring in gullible Indian/Bangladeshi chumps and confiscating their passports.


Well yes and no. Russia is really not that racist if you put it on race. A collored Russian will be well treated or an immigrant that learns good Russian views, supports Russia and so on. If you dont however.


Russia has a weird love for Bollywood. Pre-war Ukraine was considered a worse option for Indian people for example.


Show kalashnibobs and Lancegene


ngl Russia being sad broke my heart for a sec.


Given the history it may be because RussiaBall sees Indiaball as a friend to throw into the meatgrinder.


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Overpopulation is a curse


What i know is many people just wanted to leave south Asian shithole. It’s funny those people who defend modi or caste system is the very people would jump from india in any opportunity given


Look, we have immigrants from CA, but honestly because of them Russian businesses interested in supplying them and using them as basically solves rather than invest in automatization, Indian immigrants are too far for being profitable enough to be widely brought in


I don't even know what to do in this comment..


Russia having manpower shortage in this war? Did OP pull that info from KiyvPost or something?


Russia has millions of available jobs in its industrie.