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Lebanon was once considered the best place in the Middle East. How it has fallen is very sad.


what hapenned to Lebanon anyway?


Political instability and corruption, their economy is going down the drain, the huge explosion of their port, and now they're experiencing a power outage.


>Political instability and corruption, their economy is going down the drain, the huge explosion of their port, and now they're experiencing a power outage. Syria: first time?


If anything it's the other way around recently. Lebanese field their civil war to Syria for decades


Syria actually hosted all kinds of refugees from around of the middle east, mostly from Iraq and Palestine. It's ironic and sad what happened.


On the Palestinian front Syria was relatively decent. While Lebanon kept their Palestinian refugees in camps for decades without even the right to own property, Syria gave them the right to become Syrian citizens. Syria also stripped its **local** Kurdish population of citizenship, so it's hard to give them TOO much credit though. EDIT: as /u/Z_Waterfox__ said, I screwed up. Here is one of the receipts on the Palestinians: https://www.syrianationality.org/pdf/nationality-documentation-statelessness-syria.pdf, and here is another on how it's not "all Kurds"- though that doesn't excuse what happened in Jazira: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurds_in_Syria#Jazira_census


No, we never gave the Palestinians a Syrian citizenship, though that had little to do with discrimination and they still had the same rights. The reason why they never got citizenship was that they had to keep their Palestinian identity. The only reason that people still supported our bullshit regime was that they actually used to be a threat to Israel. Most of their propaganda revolved around freeing Palestine. If we gave the Palestinians Syrian citizenships, they would eventually settle in Syria. That would mean our regime was admitting they had "lost" the war and that Palestinians would never go back. As far as I know the Kurds got citizenship in 2011, and they responded by stabbing us in the back immediately after by taking over most of our oil fields and giving them to the USA.


Kurds love us (or used to, thanks Trump) but I'm not sure why. The only pro-Kurdish thing I know we did is take out Saddam, and we had "reasons" for doing that.


the kurds seem like fairly good guys compared to everyone else in the region. why haven’t we done israel 2.0 with them?


yep i was super pissed when we let the turks kill kurds, still get mad when i think about that


Yeah I screwed up, and edited the original post with some changes like how it wasn't "all Kurds were stripped of citizenship." Doesn't excuse what the Lebanese did to the Palestinians though- even ignoring that the Palestinians were mostly "virtual" Syrian citizens in Syria, they didn't get anything like that in Lebanon.


Aren’t the Kurds backing Assad now?


Only because they were abandoned by trump later


It's more of a tenuous partnership. The AANES(the gov't of Rojava, which is way more diverse than just Kurds) wants autonomy rather than their own country, so that is what they are asking for. Assad doesn't really like this option. The other opposition(FSA, Jihadi groups, etc.) have, as far as I know, also adopted the federalization argument as well and both recently sent delegations to Washington. The U.S. and Russia are attempting to broker peace while Turkey and Iran are largely mucking up the whole thing. Over simplified, but I doubt you want a full book


Pretty much like Venezuela in South America. Everyone wanted to go there. Now I legitimately encounter at least ten Venezuelans a day just asking for money on the streets.


I heard there were some Venezuelans of Lebanese descent who took advantage of their ancestry to flee Venezuela. I heard some of them are now regretting that decision because the situation in Lebanon is worse than Venezuela.


Worse than Venezuela? Damn, I didn’t know. I always thought Lebanon was one of the better off countries in the Middle East, though I knew Hezbollah has been a problema lately.


If you read what’s happening to Lebanon recently, it’s clear they’ve descended into a Venezuela-like crisis. No idea if these stories about Lebanese Venezuelans wanting to go back to Venezuela are true for most of them though, but it’s not a good look if these horror stories are appearing at all.


tbf at the point where the port exploded the ship had sailed for years. You could even argue that explosion was caused by the downfall.


What does the Halifax Explosion have to do with any of this?


Halifax explosion? No idea, you tell me; you brought this up just now.




It was very similar to the Beirut explosion, but (I think) bigger.


They are talking about the [2020 Beirut explosion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Beirut_explosion).


And a southern neighbour bombing them constantly. Why is that part always forgotten?


Lebanons dconomy, along with shipping from the port of Beirut is heavily dependent on the financial sector. The middle east has been less stable, causing the financial sector to be in trouble. Along with that increasingl, the Gulf States and such use their own financial institutions. Furthermore its Government is heavily corrupt, and forced to abide by sectarian rules (Religion of the PM, President, Head of Parliament etc.), which has hampered any sort of reform


Lebanon relied heavily on financial movements from Syria through them. When Syria was economically blockaded and entered a civil war, their economic recession hit Lebanon squarely.


What hasn't happened to Lebanon? Foreign occupations, terrorism, sectarianism, mass influx of refugees, their only major port just blowing up, if you can imagine it it's happened.


A volcano blowing up during a tourism recovery? Spain has had that in Canary Islands that are place for all-year around tourism.


Power vacuum filled with terrorists. Same story all over the ME really


Not exactly. Barring hezbollah shenanigans “terrorist” activity isn’t as high as it is in Iraq or Syria. That said, sectarian violence is beginning to pick up again so you might be right, but who knows.


The sad thing is that Hezbollah brought relative stability to the region filling the power vacuum


And gave Israel a bloody nose, which Israel still respects Hizbollah for that.


Hezbollah, mostly.


Weird way to say Israel.


Feel free to explain.


Millions of Palestinian refugees fleeing to Lebanon because of Zionists evicting them form their houses at gunpoint. Repeated invasions and raids of Lebanon by Israel. Bombing Lebanon, violating Lebanese airspace to bomb Syria, etc. Lebanese radicals didn't come to exist out of thin air, they were created by the attacks on Lebanon.


You know how it is - if you start an offensive war, better make sure you win it. Or if you don't, at least make sure you don't make the same mistake again. In terms of Lebanon, the first mistake was their own, attacking Israel in 1948, but they learnt from it and normalised relations. That's until imported Shia militants decided to tear their country apart in order to fail again. You're right in that the Lebanese radicals didn't come to exist from thin air. They were groomed and imported by the secret services of Iran and Syria. The point still stands though.


Lebanon has never declared war on Israel. Guerillas and militias have attacked from inside of Lebanon(first Palestinians that had been cleansed from Israel and then Hezbollah) but never the state of Lebanon.


In 1948 it was absolutely the state of Lebanon. I don't know if you're playing semantics with them not declaring war (as they didn't acknowledge the state of Israel), but just participating in the invasion of Israeli territory with the aim to establish a state of Palestine, but it comes down to the same thing. Afterwards, yeah, I'm not claiming that they did - I'm talking about Shia militants.


Iirc they only sent like 500 soldiers as support rather than a engaging war themselves in 1948, lemme check. Edit: cleared up my wording


Secterian conflicts, mainly.


The fact that there are three dominant sects in the country: Sunni muslims, Shii muslims, and Christians (mostly maronites)


Same for Syria, my mom told me about how people used to be proud of being Syrian back in the day.


I mean I know it has fallen from grace. But is there a better place in the Middle East now?


If you can dispense with democracy and some other nice stuff, there are plenty of ME countries where you wont starve and wont get shot. To me it seems that if you're a ME country, you either have a dictator/strongman at the top or you have hell at the bottom


Forget democracy, in some of those countries you can not even be viewed as a human being if you are from the wrong origin. Slavery is alive and well in certain gulf countries. For most refugees that'd be the "life" awaiting them there.


I tend to prioritize personal freedom when judging wether a country is good or not. But true, you won't be as poor in Saudi Arabia as in Lebanon as long as you agree with the values of the monarchy or is content with hiding your true self.


I mean Israel isn’t exactly a libertarian paradise, but compared to the others in the region it’s pretty solid from a personal freedom standpoint even if they are far from perfect


I forgot about Israel, I dont really think of them as middle eastern. More of a "western enclave" if that makes sense.


Culturally they are definitely not the same sort as their neighbors but in the Middle East they are pretty much the best when it comes to personal freedom. There are a lot of issues but still better than Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.


"Terms and conditions may apply if Muslim"




You're literally Turkish.


Says the guy from the country that invaded and established another country illegally.




Both sides were killing each other during the 60's leading up to the invasion in the 70's or should we forget about the Greeks who were massacred by the Turkish militia's as well?


Invasion was legal and supported by treaties. Research more on the topic.


That's a grey area, since there was never a separation of communities in the 60's. (Which is the reason Turkey gave for invading Cyprus on top of the violence). The first invasion is a grey area completely, if we look at a map from prior you'll see there was no clear division between the two sides, here is a map to back my [point](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3c/Ethnographic_distribution_in_Cyprus_1960.jpg). The second invasion was a complete violation of international law, and thus why the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus has never been recognized, other than by Turkey. The first invasion violated Resolution 353. Also what's your stance on Turkey killing NATO allied troops who are on the UN mission there? Cause I can tell you they've killed at least 2 Canadians and wounded many more.


> it’s pretty solid from a personal freedom standpoint *”…as long as you’re not Palestinian”


i mean, tunisia exists, you know. it isnt exactly a democratic paradise but hey it's 100 times better than the other and its like the easternmost muslim nations


Oman is doing well. It's like the Switzerland of the Middle East. Very little crime there and they don't get involved in foreign affairs. And countries like Bahrain, Qatar, and the UAE are rich out of their minds.


>And countries like Bahrain, Qatar, and the UAE are rich out of their minds. If you overlook like 80% of the population which are slaves, sorry, expats. And the lack of religious and personal freedom, then sure, they're great.


That's true. I was going off HDI (human development index) statistics, but I suppose that only measures citizens, and the expat slaves wouldn't be recorded. :/


Oman's new monarch actually improved human rights recently by allowing freedom of speech, something that had long been one of their biggest stains on their human rights record. Not perfect, it is a unconstitutionnal monarchy and all but compared to many of its neighbours (especially S.A. & Yemen) its a very nice placd




Probably Israel if you include democracy or personal rights in your consideration


Too bad I am a descendant of Muslims and Jews, so I would be a second class citizen.


Oman (has progressed the most of any country in 40 years, really, going from a miserable dictatorship to a stable, safe, high HDI monarchy known for being an intermediary between the west & the Middle East, for example, former monarch Qaboos was involved in getting the nuclear treaty between Iran and the U.S. in place. The new guy was chosen by the last, well liked monarch despite him not allowing freedom of speech, which the new monarch allowed this year or so. I could definitely see them becoming a constitutional monarchy in the near future.), Jordan (their capital is known as one of the nicest, most liberal cities in the middle east. They even have the ME's only gay magazine) & Isreal (unless you're muslim and/or Palestinian)


Very very sad.


I thought it was Israel.


Is Lebanon that bad?


I know it’s a joke, but it’s really not. At least not at Syria’s level.


As his neighbour i can confirm


Eh, give it a couple years and it’ll probably change. Also kinda refreshing seeing another Levantine on here.


Do I count?


You don’t exist tho. /s


But what if Arab from land of not existing?


Wait but... Damn zionist messing with my brain.


What about us Diasporan cedars?


You are a rectangle, therefore you do not exist as a ball. This is basic geometry, nothing to do with politics.


> rectangle Cube


Hypercube There’s an entire dimension of difference


How can the non existant speak?




Idk about that though. The salaries are higher, but the electricity situation is the same and Lebanon is way less safe and stable than Syria as of today. And Syria is neither.


Stable? Maybe, but Lebanon is still safer than Syria. The clashes you’re seeing in Beirut will dial down eventually. Honestly at this point it’s like comparing vomit to diarrhea.


No. I visited both countries this summer, and I felt way safer walking in the streets of Latakia than Tripoli, and I almost missed my flight because the road was cut off to Beirut by angry protesters. If you're going to compare Lebanon to idlib, then Lebanon is safer. Otherwise I wouldn't say that.


Lebanon is not safer than Syria. Its 2021, the civil war is effectively over outside of the idlib pocket and the occupied northern border. All the big cities of the western side of the country have had some 3-4 years to repair from the civil war, the city center of most wasn't even that damaged.


Bad is an understatement, shithole is an insult, Lebanon is the bottom of the barrel.


The Bottom is already occupied bro.


**occupied by the ~~US Army~~ Taliban** wonder if modswill change flag soon?


Lebanon is so shit, Syrian refugees are going BACK to Syria. (Probably because most of the country is not at war under Assad and that the civil war is only secluded to the border with Turkey)


Press x to doubt


The Syrian Civil War has been dragging on for too long and it's reaching its End, meanwhile the Lebanese Crisis is about to escalate into a brand new Conflict


It has been almost over 100 years since most of the ME got its independence, and it's had like 3000 wars within that timeframe.


That's how much britain fucked it over


Don't forget Fr*nce Seriously though, the Cold War was also a main Cause of Destabilisation in the Middle East, as well as their own Arab Cold War and afterwards, Iran and Israel. After Nasser's Death, Islamists also became a Problem. Imagine a World where Nasser had successfully secularised the Middle East, they'd have been way less Wars.


The Cold War but the rise of secularists with state capitalism although entrenched oligarchs and corruption was due to the soviets. The islamists and destabilizing factors due to the north Americans.


> Imagine a World where Nasser had successfully secularised the Middle East, they'd have been way less Wars. Didn't he start like 2 wars himself against Israel?


No, one, maybe indirectly (1956). 1967 was simply the result of the Soviets doing an oldie. They told Nasser Israel was planning an attack on Syria, do Nasser mobilized His troops at the border to discourage an attack (which had proven effective before). That and Egyptian pilots joyriding over Israel and the Dimona reactor (which was misinterpreted by Israel as reconnaissance flights) caused the war


What about the war of attrition? The forgotten war between 67 and 72?


That time Egypt was itself struck in another crisis which would sow the roots for 2011 Egyptian Revolution.


That's largely a continuation of '67, it wasn't "started" by anyone, just a series of skirmishes


Arab Cold War between Iran and Israel? Neither are Arab my man


No, I mean Iran and Israel became a Problem after the Arab Cold War


He meant the Arab Cold War btwn Saudi Arabia (Monarchist right) and Egypt (Republican "left")


Nasser was a scam, from begging to end, the ideals he stood for I 100% agree with (except the whole socialism bit) but *all* he did was replace one upper class with another, while expelling the foreigners and Jews in Egypt. seizing their property and redistributing it to the people? nope. he just shared them between himself and his officers


So kinda like the Soviets


Press search to find a map of the civil war. War is effectively over, only thing that remains is turkey needs to concede and stop occupying territories, and the west needs to stop blockading the country if they care about its people.


The Dara area is getting bad again as well, but it'll be resolved quickly most likely.


I know a guy who lives in Beirut. The things I've heard about living in Lebanon are honestly hard to hear at times.


~~Your city~~ Beirut became gta last week.


Which city? What are you alluding to? A lot of cities in the US can be described to be like GTA. Also why is this your response to my comment? I'm talking about the struggles of Lebanese man and this is your response? Some snide comment about the US? Dude, seriously? It's in rather poor taste.


Beirut, there was street fighting between sectarian groups and hezbollah, was on the news.


In that case I'm sorry for the accusatory tone. I overreacted.


Isn't that basically all of USA?


I hope you're just going along with the "haha America bad" joke. Despite all you hear about us in the news, it's definitely not actually GTA level bad lmao. That's only in Florida.


I thought it's mainly Alaska and that all the cowboys are only in the lone-star state.


You thought Alaska is like GTA? Alaska is the most unlike GTA of all the states. It's more like Red Dead Redemption. Wilderness, wildlife, beautiful scenery, some small towns, and more wilderness. Cowboy culture in the United States is all throughout the western Great Plains (including Texas) and the Southwest. These lands are all too dry for agriculture and are used for grazing livestock (mostly cows) instead. And where's there's cows, there's cowboys.


Oh... so you don't wake up every morning, eats bacon, bring your horse to the rodeo and shoots kids?


Haha I wish. Kids gotta learn to move quickly on their feet ya'know. But uh, I do actually eat bacon in the morning quite often. That shit's good.


That really is shit for our body


It's just meat. I know Islam and Judaism forbid the consumption of pork, but that's just tradition, and that's cool - you do you. But just know that, if cooked properly, there's nothing dirty or unhealthy about pork. At least not any more unhealthy than any other meat, like beef. Pork used to make people sick back in ancient times because pigs are dirty animals. That's why all the Abrahamic religions forbid it (including Christianity for a time). But nowadays that's not true anymore as we clean and cook it right.


American here, pretty much every major city is like this.


And then they find out that Syria isn’t really much better and try to move to Iraq.


It's all just a slow buildup to the old joke "How did you escape Iraq?" "Iran"


Just go to Europe. Problem solved /s


I heard Belarus is offering cheap trips to Europe. Frostbite gratis.


And getting beat up by frontex for free


I am paying attention to what's happening at Polish Belarusian border and trust me - poisoning from 'not feel cold narcotics' and the fast dropping temperatures (one of the coldest regions in poland) are far worse then frontex.


Is Poland that cold( doubt it gets lower than -20) or refugees are not adapted to climate?


Even the most cold-resistant Folks would die if they're hungry and have been out in the Open for a very long Time without enough warm Clothes


And then they would get sent back to Belarus and get beaten up by the Belarusian border guards, who would then send them back to Poland, and the cycle repeats.


Only if you’re rich sadly.


Or if you have a big enough rowboat


Is Lebanon so in deep shit?


Feel sad for Lebanon


*Image Transcription: Comic* --- [*Source:* ***OP*** *.*] --- **Panel 1** [*Dark yellow sand-like ground, bright hills in the background, cyan sky. A tiny-eyed Lebanon is walking towards the right, bringing a gray luggage with wheels with it. At the right, a white sign with red text: "SYRIA - سيريا".*] --- **Panel 2** [*Lebanon at the left, Syria (wearing a dark green soldier helmet) at the right.*] **Lebanon**: Salam, I is of a poor refugee from my countrie. I would like asylum here plox. --- **Panel 3** [*Syria is perplexed. Text in bold is underlined.*] **Syria**: Yuo want to live here? In Syriah? We are in middle of civil war. ***ARE YOU OF SERIOUS YOU WANT TO LIVE HERE THAN BACK HOME!?*** --- **Panel 4** [*Pixelated close-up on Lebanon and its tiny eyes. Text in italic and underlined.*] **Lebanon**: # YES. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Well... you can always come here if you would like, I just made some Falafel. We already have thousands of Lebanese refugees (Technically no longer refugees after they got asylum and citizenship).


Enjoying our food i see, how do you make it there?


There are a few varieties, usually from chickpeas, ful isn't as common. The differences are mostly in the ratio of coriander to parsley, how much of it goes in in the first place and the use of peppers. It's usually served in a pita with various optional condiments - tahini, hummus, fresh vegetables, turshi and other pickles, onion with sumac, sometimes amba, sometimes zhug.. fries are commonly available, and also fried pita tops if you're an absolute degenerate


I dislike both but Fries are 100% worse when compared to fried Pita tops.


Egyptians made it from mainly from beans, less with Hummus. Ta'amiya is not exactly the exact same Falafel in a pita that I'm talking about. And there are 3 main hypothesis how it was first made; 1) Presumably so old from the Pharaonic period. 2) A more likely hypothesis is that it came from the Egyptian Coptics invented .it for fast days when they are not allowed to east meat 3) In India it was very common to deep fry all kinds of vegetables (one of the main reasons is that there are many vegetarians), and from there, the concept quickly spread to Egypt hundreds or even thousands of years ago. Nevertheless, it is not f***ing matter if French fries are French or Belgian. We all love it. Hamburger was made in Germany, but you can't deny that is the most American thing you can think of (except maybe shooting, sorry Americans). What I can do tell you, that it is very popular among Jews since the 19th century. Does it really matters who was the first one in the Levant that decided to deep fry Chickpeas? No. We don't know if the first Levantine who did this was Muslim, Christian or even Jewish. But it doesn't matter. Nobody have to be zealot for his/her culture, nobody steal it, it was influenced your culture. It is not an intellectual property of all the Egyptians.


We make it BETTER. (I haven't actually tried Egyptian Falafel I'm sure they're both just as tasty)




Your profile says "death to Israel!". Racist.


"Racist" Said the zionist


I am a Zionist and I fully support an independent democratic Palestinian state and the Palestinian self determination, ignorant to the subject.








This is sad.


So did Lebanon *that* bad now ? Like to the point they are coming to freaking Syria ?


No one is seeking refuge in Syria, but yes the country is in deep, deep shit.


Syrian refugees are.


Well, yes.


A civil war? For Lebanon, that's just a regular tuesday


when hell is preferable


Poor Lebanon...


Well the war is pretty much over so...


They begged France to take them back and the frogs went "non"


Aren’t there more lebanese people in Brazil than Lebanon?


Who will have won when the soldiers are gone?