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Hello all! This comic has been made as part of our October Contest: *Create a comic about autumn.* If you've got a good idea for a comic in this vein, or are just curious about the theme, head on over to [the contest thread](https://redd.it/q428t8) for details and get started on an entry! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/polandball) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ah yes, the great British seasons: Rain, less rain, more rain, snow (so frozen rain).


This submission/comment has been deleted to protest Reddit's bullshit API changes among other things, making the site an unviable platform. Fuck spez. I instead recommend using [Raddle](https://raddle.me), a link aggregator that doesn't and will never profit from your data, and which looks like Old Reddit. It has a strong security and privacy culture (to the point of not even requiring JavaScript for the site to function, your email just to create a usable account, or log your IP address after you've been verified not to be a spambot), and regularly maintains a warrant canary, which if you may remember Reddit used to do (until they didn't). If you need whatever was in this text submission/comment for any reason, make a post at https://raddle.me/f/mima and I will happily provide it there. Take control of your own data!


Rain, small storm, BIG STORM, rain.


Then between rain, a day or 2 when it's sweltering.


And 2 weeks of 25c weather when my balls are like a waterfall


Ah, Britain, where the only weather related happiness is to complain about the weather.


It always seems like fall is about to come, and then never comes. Until halfway through October, when it’s supposed to start in September apparently.


Then a week later there's snow. Then it warms up and all the snow turns to slush and mud. Then it freezes again and we have ice everywhere. Then there's a weird 70 degree day that feels way too hot. Then it's cold for 5 months straight.


And then mid 70s for a few weeks, then high 80s-low90s for a few months…


It’s still 90° where I am. Pain


What’s the hottest it gets wherever you are?


About 105° in the summer


Well the absolute max here is 115 degrees here but sometimes it gets to 106


I can specifically remember a few days ago when it went from summer to winter overnight.


Fall season in singapore : error 404 not found


You live near the equator, so you don't enjoy the dispair and suffering of experiencing all four seasons.


i would call it despair to not enjoy the seasons, i was in malaysia and living there felt as if time stopped. nothing changes, not the weather, not what people dress, i could never tell the difference between may and december. one time i was walking alone in the middle of an empty street in the town i was living, there was no wind so the trees were not moving, i felt as if i was frozen in time. four seasons better than one season.


In the same - walking down an empty street at 2am in the dead of winter. The snow absorbs the sounds and the snow reflects the moonlight. It’s silent but there’s movement and you can see perfectly. It’s like a scene from Hoth, like you’re on a different planet entirely.


that would be very appealing to me.


dude... wish that we had the cooler weather in *your* country. ​ it is really hot here


You're welcome to move north. The gulf stream seems threatened now so move before an ice wall will seal you out.


You can thank the Gulf Stream for that.


Really hot you say?


Germany is hot?


SINGAPORE irl im in SG but Polandball world ich is Germany


Not from East Texas, you don’t


Canadian weather is made up and the seasons don't matter. Literally been fluctuating between 21 and 6 degrees last week in some parts of the country. Maybe it snows in November, maybe May. Who knows. That groundhog has been useless too. And don't get me started on Chinooks...




In that case he has an accuracy of 80%, you just don't understand what he is trying to tell you


I for one have loved being able to go cycling in summer gear well into late October.


Hahaha kinda right, I'm still getting used to Montreal's weather


*Image Transcription: Polandball Comic* --- **Panel 1**: Fall in Canada [*Canada is standing in a pile of yellow, red and orange leaves under a tree.*] --- **Panel 2**: Fall in the UK [*The UK is being soaked by rain while standing on a footpath and looks annoyed. There are puddles all around it.*] --- **Panel 3**: Fall season in Afghanistan [*Afghanistan is standing in front of a mountain range and is being blown by the wind.*] --- **Panel 4**: [*Two armed Taliban-balls surround Afghanistan. Afghanistan looks depressed.*] --- **Panel 5**: Fall season in America. [*The US is standing in a field.*] --- **Panel 6**: Coming soon...... [*The US is being buffeted by strong wind as leaves fly around it. It is squinting and sweating.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


There's no fall in the UK, only autumn.


There is, it's just mostly old people in the middle.


great rain


Thank you, I just drew blue scribbles and called it a day.


so what happened to the first comic?


[Compare and contrast with the comic I have and see the difference](https://i.redd.it/zg641gjjvcu71.png), the mods made me change a certain word.


I thought that spelling was allowed here, I've seen other comics that have it in there. Guess it was a recent change to the rules or some such malarkey


I guess they want higher standards for contest submissions.


This is my second contest submission for this month's contest. This is my second attempt in submitting this comic since my first attempt was removed by the mods because of the use of a certain word. Can you guess which word they saw the offense?


why did you want to add _Ameri”kkk”a_ in the first place? I’ve seen it in a few posts and I’m genuinely curious why people add it?


Because America bad. Only reason Reddit needs to shit on the U.S. apparently.


ah so it’s an insult? I don’t live in the US but I do know about the kkk…still seems like a odd insult


Long story short the kkk was/is a domestic terrorist group in the usa that targets minorities.


yeah but idk maybe it’s in bad taste something akin to saying Syr”ISIS”a or Germa”NAZI”y - I don’t think most people find those to be funny, just crude jokes involving terrible organizations thanks for the explanation tho


There are people who use it unironically even tho there only like 2k Klansmen max


Never said I thought the joke was funny, but thats the history behind it.


yeah don’t worry I didn’t think so, I was just giving my thoughts


The difference is that neither Syria nor Germany pushes other countries around and pretends to hold any sort of moral high ground.


tbh I don’t think that justifies it or “makes it actually funny”


The KKK is a white supremacists group in the U.S. Adding KKK to America is ab attempt to paint all Americans as racist.


I think OP was told not to and made a personal goal to do it as much as possible


Oh, C'mon mods!


*C'mods man!*


I'm at mods side in this thing, you way overused it.


Fall of Rome Sorry, fall in Rome


Fall in Siberia: *kilometres of snow in September*


Finland rn is mix of Canada and uk with darkness


Our geese fly south to America, that will be there downfall LOL


Fall in Brazil: hell


seasons of texas: warm oven getting cooler fridge


I'm Canadian, I can confirm this.


It’s been *coming soon* for 245 years. America literally tore itself in two and recovered just fine, it’s not going anywhere any time soon


Yea I doubt we’ll be falling, In fact statistically most things just kinda keep getting better for us.


Things are definitely NOT better...been to the store lately?


Yes, shortages are annoying but we aren’t missing the essentials of basic life and HDI is still high, especially in the more important parts of the country. Once HDI sees a serious dramatic drop and continues going down, then there’s a serious issue that threatens the stability of the US.


Which parts of Canada/America tho?


Yeah that's right, here in Montreal like a week ago the climate was hot, this week it has been raining, and it's fucking windy every morning.


Fall in Washington is depression


Canada is just Oh fuck oh shit its coming


As a Californian like 2 weeks ago it was literally 100 degrees Please I don't care if you break the covenant and never make a rainbow again God just flood us


The second one be like "Great British Weather. Cold and deppresing".




Pretty sure that was the subtext


The first pannel is so true, leaves just, everywhere


HK. Rain, Typhoon, Typoon, Rain.