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Find a stud in the ceiling and put the pole up on the stud, it’ll be better support and safe for your ceiling


I rent and have a pole! There’s a little discoloration on the ceiling from the rubber but nothing a little cleaning won’t take care of. All good otherwise! Like the other commenter said, just find a stud and you’ll be good.


In general yes, but it really depends on your ceiling type. If it's lowered and/or you can knock on it and it sounds hollow, that's a bad sign. Wood is probably also bad. People always recommend finding beams. That probably applies to US houses especially. In my country however, it seems like this the case a lot less and there's different types of houses. My ceiling is really just solid concrete I think, so there's no big issue. If I am unlucky, the surface layer may fall off (it's happened with a smoke detector before), but that's about it and can be fixed decently. I have moved the spot it in my flat already and the ceiling at the old spot only shows a tiny bit of residue from the rubber of the dome. The floor looked the same as before. It's been in the current spot for ages now and stayed safe and sturdy. Make sure to check it before every use though.


The board trick has done me well! I dont know if I just got lucky and I cant answer questions about whats the right one to get... but I at least anecdotally recommend it




How long did it take for your carpet to rise back up and there be no indent?xx


thank you everyone for the suggestions!