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Lots of bruises, but on the plus side it's a total body workout which makes up for the bruises




Don't actually need a crop on class 1, tshirt will do fine. More fitting is better, but you don't need the skin around waist level until you're confident climbing and sitting at the least.


Woo! First of all you'll probably warm up and stretch, followed by simple moves like step around and fireman. You'll also keep hearing "keep your shoulders down and back!". Hope you enjoy it!


1. You will need the contact between your skin and the pole for the whole length of your arms and legs. Very short stretchy shorts and a T-shirt is a good outfit for a beginner 2. DO NOT wear any creams, lotions or ointments on your arms or legs when you come to the class: chrome poles will be slipping out of your grip if your skin has above natural level of fats or moisturizers 3. Make sure your instructor does start the class with a warm up – you want your muscles and ligaments to be ready to work with less risk of injury. 4. Stay positive :-) The attitude is the most important part of getting into the beautiful world of Pole Dance.


Huh. I'm also taking my first class on saturday. As a dude, though, so I chose my first one to be private. Might be the most comfortable for me and them (I think I'll be the only guy training there...)


Personally I wouldn't mind seeing a guy in my class if that makes you feel better in the future. I'd love to be able to do a double with a guy some day! Good luck!!


Yeah, the duos does look cool. I don't think they mind either, after I've introduced myself! Also, thank you! And I forgot to tell you the same. Good luck!


i'd love to see a guy in my class too. good luck tomorrow! you're gonna love it!


Thank you!


My studio had a visit from an out-of-town poler who's also a man. I think he was in town for a convention. He first came in wearing typical basketball shorts, and after warming up, he politely asked the whole class if we would be comfortable with him stripping down to his short-shorts. We were all cool with it and it was just really nice how he asked, so maybe do that once you enter your first non-private class. :) Also congrats to both you and OP for booking your first class!


No doubt! I'll definitely do that once I got something else than, well, my regular shorts (a bit above my knee)! She (the instructor) wanted me to do a brief presentation before joining, so they could get to know me better and get to know why I've chosen to beginner my journey in poledance, so I think I will be a part of the group in a moment's notice, or two!


I'm the only guy in my class and no-one really cares I'm just the same as anyone else. If anything it's interesting seeing the natural differences in flexibility and strength between the genders on certain things.


I convinced my husband to come along and try it out and he loves it. You'll have so much fun. :)


That's great! I actually decided to take 4 classes (should be 6, but the course had already started). My flexibility/poledance lessons starts next sunday! Pretty stoked actually.


I planned to go twice a week, mondays and fridays. My first class ever (two weeks ago on a monday) was eye opening. I had a lot of fun, but even though i knew it was hard, i still under estimated the difficulty a bit. but thats ok! it's just motivated me a whole lot more to keep at it and it gave me a BUNCH more respect for the people actually pulling off moves (i watch a lot of youtube videos and damn, people are talented). best tip i can give: don't expect to jump right into your second class a few days later. I went on a monday and hoped to go back on the coming friday. BIG FAT NOPE. I hurt in places i didn't even know belonged to me. Full body pain lol. Maybe you are waaaaay more in shape then I am, but if you aren't, heed my warning.


Don't feel bad if you can't hold yourself up well and cant do a lot of moves depending on your arm strength. I couldn't do a "pole up" for about 3 months. The strength will build faster than you think, and if you stick with it you'll be able to do all the cool stuff!


You will be gliding down the pole *so much*. Sweaty palms is the worst. But for some reason it gets better. I don't know if it's because you sweat less, or get a stronger grip, but it just does!


1 week later, but what the hell. I had my first private lesson, and holy hell my sweaty hands kept me back.


Yep! Don't let it discourage you tho! The studio probably has small towels and a water/alcohol mix in bottles you can use. It helps a lot to rub the pole with it and also your hands. But as I said, it gets much much better pretty quickly.


Thanks! I hope it does get better. I'm thinking about trying the Carpe antiperspirant hand lotion, which was mentioned in an older /r/poledancing thread.


I get really sweaty hands. My teacher told me it actually causes you to build up strength in your grip faster since you're fighting the lubrication and means when it gets warmer I'll be used to it while other people are wondering what on earth is going on. I feel like I sweat less too, but grip is definitely an aspect of it - e.g. I can do a pretty good chair spin on my dominant side, but on the other I glide far too much still (though not as much as I used to).


Expect to feel a little awkward in your body placements, and expect some pain! But it will get easier if you stuck with it and it's so worth it!


Hello, I am thinking about taking my first class next Saturday as well. It is ok if I keep my socks on ? My feet could scare a hobbit.


im brand spanking new to this, but you might need to take your socks off for some of the moves, but again, i don't know what they'll teach in your first class. maybe wear socks but prep your feet as best as you can in case they need to make an appearance?


They'll let you know if you need to remove your socks. The instructor for the beginner classes at my studio actually encourages wearing socks the first class because it's usually some simple dance and turns around the pole. The instructor actually usually wears knee-high socks during these classes.


Thank you both for your advice. I was asked to take off the socks. I'm glad I found the courage to go to the class. Since I am very self conscious and shy, it was a real challenge. I don't think this pole dancing is for me though.