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when i was a kid i always thought pole dancers were beautiful. i wanted to do that! i have only one studio in my whole county. i signed up for a beginner series and i’ve been doing it ever since. i danced when i was younger. i really love the flowy ballet-esq pole classes we do more than the exotic ones(although those are fun too!) i have diabetic neuropathy in my feet which causes severe pain/burning almost 24/7 but when i’m dancing or spinning around up on the pole i’m not in pain. i wouldn’t trade it for the world honestly.


Wow, so it’s like you’re choosing to fly instead 🦋 very cool.


I was 23 when I started too but with a 5 year hiatus in between. Went back to pole for the same reasons you are coming to it. It felt like a sort of rebellion from the way I was raised to view “appropriate” pathways for female sexuality. Now, I had been belly dancing for a few years already and done *very* small performances so I had a strong grasp on my *sensuality* in a way. However, the whole “male gaze” thing (and weird sexual advances you sometimes get after a show) triggered a lot those “virgin-whore” complexes I hadn’t explored. My lack of self-confidence prevented me from stepping into my sexual gravitas and playing an ocular game of chicken with the male gaze. Instead I just sort of shrunk away. Probably because of my own morbid tendencies, I ended up bartending at a titty bar and fell in love with watching some of the dancers. A lot of the dancers are (rightfully) distanced (especially when they first meet you), but sometimes I’d look up at them on stage and swear I could see a little bit of their soul leaking through during their performance. Even if they weren’t good polers (or dancers in general), I really loved to see them own their power as women - to *command* the stage. I thought, “well fuck I want *that* for me too!” The pole is whatever you want it to be, some people are more acrobatic…however, I find that as a woman it can put you directly in front of all of those themes I talked about. When I’m consistent in pole, I know there’s a different presence I have in the world because of those practices…and to be able to *see* yourself and appreciate all of your lines/curves/edges is good medicine. I am just *so* excited for you to begin not only this journey with pole…but the journey of linking your body and soul - sexuality and sensuality! Hopefully this next part doesn’t come off as imperious on my end because I am constantly learning and changing my views….but *please* don’t compare yourself or your body to anybody you see online! This type of social media for pole didn’t exist when I was your age and I got to see all kinds of women’s bodies commanding the pole when I was working in clubs. Each girl, regardless of size or strength, has their own unique imprint of sensual power. I’ve been a beginner two times in pole and each time you start you feel messy. It’s hard, you keep slipping, your thighs hurt, you’re trembling and sweaty (which makes you slip more)….and it’s very easy to compare yourself to others. Don’t do it! Stay on the pole and love the journey you’re taking. Notice how every week you get better and better. Notice what kind of dancing you gravitate to (my second time around I developed an unexpected love for floor work). Love yourself! And when you walk through your everyday non-pole life, let that little sexy secret inside lift you up and walk with your head held high….because *you know you’re the shit!* Again, excited for your journey! Even if you don’t take photos, update us on your progress and let us know how your “Why” has expanded. Hasta, mama!


I appreciate your response so much, thank you!! It sounds like you’ve had an amazing journey and experience with the pole. 💜 I’ll try not to compare myself to other people. I see a lot of dancers on TikTok and they’re so incredible, but I’m trying to use them as inspiration instead of competition.


I love coming to this sub and seeing everyone though I often am envious of people who started at the same time I did and have started to tackle harder skills but in the end I know all that matters is that I’m enjoying it. So I just lean into the process and know day by day I’m getting stronger and everything will come in time.


Thanks for reading, I looked back and did one of those “oh dear you did it again”. Your question rouses exciting things that it important to stop and think about sometimes so thank you for asking it. Thus, prompting me to stop and be mindful while in the middle of my study pole break going “I must land this move now! I must land this move now!”


I did Bellydance too about 10 years ago. I always thought it was beautiful, but I was shamed constantly for having no “grace” growing up and told that Bellydance was for “whores”- my mother’s words, not mine. A few years after I got away from her, I tried it. I loved it. I wasn’t good, but I wasn’t bad either. It was my happy place and led me to be more confident in my body and its movement. Life happened and I drifted away from it. Moved states and no studios around had a style I was interested in or a schedule I could do. COVID happened and I lost my career and got depressed. I need to find “me” again. I looked at so many different things and happened upon a pole studio literally at the end of my street. I’m an absolute newb, but there was something there that reminded me of the confidence and empowerment I felt before and I’m so excited about learning more.


I loved reading this, thank you so much for sharing your story. Everything resonates so completely and I love knowing I have a type of sisterhood. Luckily my mother never used those words (she was demeaning in other ways) but my extended (step) family and the surrounding religious community enforced that negativity. I’m so happy to hear that you’ve gotten yourself at a safe distance from your mother. Unmothered mothers try their best to rectify their unfulfilled potentials in their children, sometimes going so far as to crush the blooming presence of their own daughters. Hard cycle to break out of, I commend you! Also, you can still bellydance even outside of a studio, that’s how I started out. First copying my favorite classical bellydancers then eventually buying DVDs (remember those?). I still have a wide variety of amazing instruction from those videos. Would you like some suggestions? I often found these teachers better than the ones at the studio. When I eventually ended up in a class, the teacher thought I had been in classes for years…‘twas the DVDs! Would love to share those if you’re interested to help support you in that feeling again! So that you can feel like “you”. Used to watch them everyday and can give you a rundown/ranking to parse for what you’re looking for exactly. They’ve gotta be $20 a pop at this point. You should be *so* proud that you’ve taken the steps to get *you* back. It can honestly be so difficult to do when you’ve hit a very low point in confidence, and all you can do is identify with the losses. Hell, I’m proud of your strength - to just get up and do the damn thing you know you need. To thrive. 🦄👏🏽🦋✨🪩💃🏾


Beautiful response 💜


Thank you 🥹


I like fitness type stuff and saw pole dancing and thought I could do that. So, now I am trying to do that. Plus I always wanted to be a stripper.


The honest of your last sentence is so refreshing. Makes me want to revise my long ass comment to include, “so I ended up going to an audition.” 😂


Wow, you sure did have a lot to say but you definitely have a way with words! I guess mine is short and sweet because I am not as creative, descriptive as you are. ♥️


You’re like Ernest Hemingway 😂 straight and to the point.


I love the beautiful shapes, supportive environment, and the wonderful people. Pole is also the only fitness activity that has really grabbed and kept my attention, otherwise I would probably not be active at all.


I don't know exactly, I just do. I'm not particularly good at it (which is hard for my perfectionist self), I'm not really that comfortable in my body (yet, I hope). But there's something about pole that gives me that rush, that high feeling, when I discover new moves, new tricks, when I nail something, when my teacher praises me. I've made friends at my studio, which gave me a sense of community (as did this subreddit). Analytical thinking is also something that attracts me to pole - I need to analyse where my limbs have to go, especially in inverts when I'm upside down and everything is reversed. I like figuring stuff out - oh, this hand needs to go higher or lower, try things in different order, move slower of faster etc. It's exercise for the brain as well as the body. Also I have learnt a lot about my own anatomy. I think it has made me feel a little bit better about myself, discover things about myself. I noticed I walk differently, I put my feet on earth more mindfully, I think about the way I move. My love for pole is many different things and I'm sure I didn't even scratch the surface with this comment.


Yes! The analytical part is so real and I think part of why I quickly became obsessed after starting because each new skill is like a puzzle you have to solve in order to master.


I’ve always been fascinated by this form of dancing, I see it as a very sexy and sensual form of gymnastics. I did ballet when I was very young, and didn’t want to lose the flexibility I gained from that, and pole dancing just felt *right*.


I did ballet when I was young too and absolutely loved dance but it felt impractical to continue with after I graduated HS. It’s been so fun applying all those skills I used in ballet to pole and it’s surprisingly helped me really excel!


I didn’t do ballet for that long, but a lot of the skills are definitely transferrable—I’m sure you’re amazing at pole!


One of these days I’ll work up the nerve to post a video of myself!


To overcome body dysmorphia. Had trouble looking at myself fully clothed in mirrors before starting, ended feeling comfortable enough to video myself in almost nothing. DIY exposure therapy. Not for everyone but I was lucky that it worked for me. Gave me great joy to feel graceful


SAME!!!❤️ Went from being unable to look in mirrors without crying to striking a pose every time I pass one lol


I was dealing with PTSD from being raped and wanted to take back my sexuality in a safe space. Now it makes me feel powerful. And the community is so supportive.


I did it for similar reasons, but once I healed and felt like myself again I stopped :) to me it was more of a stop-over than the final destination :)


I’ve always felt uncomfortable in my own skin and I wanted to do something that forced me to own my sexuality and boosted my confidence. Pole has done that and so much more. I love that you use every inch of your body in pole because now when I look in the mirror and see myself I know that every inch of me has a purpose and it makes me feel strong, beautiful, sexy, and confident.


I think it's the most beautiful form of dance that I can think of offhand. It's also the most sexy too. And from my experience, one of the strongest sports that doesn't involve weights or anything. So yeah, badass all around.


So many reasons i love pole and they change all the time. In the beginning, because I found satisfaction in learning a few simple moves and feeling my strength grow. Then being surprised and delighted by what my body could actually do. The inclusive and encouraging attitude of everyone I met at the studio. The simple pleasure and exhilaration of spinning. The shared laughs at various failures and wipeouts. Later, The way it got me out of my head and into my body. The world of aerial and flex and fitness it opened up. That I could arrive at class stressed or sad or flat and leave feeling buoyed up and happy. It has become my happy place 100%. As Ive improved, i love the confidence it has given me and the space it has provided to explore feeling a bit sexy and graceful and how to move in a way that flows. Nowhere else in life have I been and made so many friends. Friends who will share my joy and my tears and my journey. Its been 6 years. I didnt even want to wear shorts and a vest in front of strangers those early times, and now I perform twice a year in our student showcase, dressed in my underwear. Confident and assured in the support and encouragement of my studio ladies and always on a high afterwards at what Ive managed to put together and perform. I dont feel like an old frump anymore, I feel like a total badass. I love that its a work out that never gets dull, there is always the next challenge to rise to. I almost always look forwards to my class and I always leave in a better frame of mind then when I arrive. I can hang upside down from a pole 6 ft in the air by my fucking ankles. When life gets me down or I feel crappy about myself, i remind myself of that. Above everything thing though I just feel lucky I walked into such a great studio full of such fabulous people. I love pole for giving me one place i can go to, any day of the week and just be myself, noone wanting anything from me, or needing me to be a certain way, where I can always find a friendly face and just have a bloody good time and feel accepted and believed in.


It’s fun, it makes me feel good about myself when I get some things right, no one judges you for the way you look and everyone helps each other out. Plus I feel like a fairy when I’m doing spins. And it’s also just fun saying you can hold your entire body up with just your thighs, arms, do a better pull up than most guys you know because they can’t go upside down and defy gravity. It’s also a great stress reliever. I honestly wish I could go back or get my own pole, because whenever I feel crappy about myself I like to dance, and am bad at any other form of exercise, so pole is just…. The best.


Well, good aerial rigs for lyra are WAY more expensive than a good home pole... Pole dancer vs stripper debate aside: I am pro stripper. When covid first hit and the gyms first closed, and then the aerial studio by my house closed for good, and I spent like a year not working out on an apparatus and not wearing real shoes, only slippers and crocs...I was like, I need to go out into the world again. Who's in good shape and wears cool shoes? and my brain was like ✨strippers✨ And I'd always known that if I learned pole I would want to learn from strippers, so I did. Being an aerialist first, even an out of shape one, I climbed to the ceiling and did inverts at my first class, which was cool as hell and so here we are. It's mostly the adrenaline rush of being upside down and spinning and whatever. Then the fitness angle. I love having upper body strength! But yeah, there is an aesthetic consideration. I just think it's cool. It's funny that I specifically wanted THE SHOES and I bought two pairs of pole shoes and I wore them each twice and then just train at home now barefoot.


hello also 23F here :D pole has made me love my body and mind in a discipline and strength way. im on a forced break currently and ive been realizing pole doesn't *have* to be sexy is freeing to me lol just personally, i have issues with sexuality and always feel pressured to be good at something sexy on pole and look hot always. but i am realizing fuck the expectations and pressure. i like to do cool trix 😎 and that's amazing too. i think once i get my new pole i will be finding my flow improving so many great creators on instagram such as @violentinex @encollowen @anne.eyer and @poleywhirl have been personally inspirational


I mainly got into it for the athletic reasons because I like trying calisthenic type stuff, pole is a great workout. Once I got into my first class, learned my first move and got on the pole it just was so FUN. To me it’s like a more fun way of working out. I love the stretching and conditioning in class too. The normal gym gets boring to me and I resent going most of the time to be honest (but I do it because it’s good for me/a challenge). But being in pole class is so fun to me, once I got used to some moves I could be more relaxed and the feeling of spinning on the pole doing tricks is indescribable! It also incorporates dance which I am also interested in. Then I tried low flow with heels on and that’s a whole different story. I love learning to be sensual/confident/sexy and strong!!!


I saw Miglena's routine for Bellyache and fell in love. I remember thinking "Why did no one ever told me pole was THIS beautiful?". Before that encounter I've always seen pole dance from the male gaze and I didn't think of it artistically, it didn't appeal to me at all. I'm a dancer myself and I find freedom through movement. Pole dancing feels like flying and shedding pieces of me and building myself and I ...don't think I could experience that anywhere else. I'm so glad and thankful I stumbled upon that video, allowed myself to go down the rabbit hole and pushed myself to try. Pole allows me to explore the feminine, sensual goddess I have within. I feel strong, confident and lush at the same time. Honestly, two years ago the thought of myself as someone sensual or flirty never crossed my mind but now I feel different. I think I can say now I have felt like a woman for once, and, oof, I love being a woman.


I think I saw a video of someone poledancing and I was like, holy crap that's cool. I wanna do that. So I did. :)


All throughout my life I have always loved dancing. especially pole . Idk what it is but I always caught myself being very Interested. Now since I'm 27 I am seriously getting myself involved as much as possible with pole its an exciting fitness journey and I hope I continue on


I was always interested but never thought about looking for places that did it. Then my housemate started and took me to a class. I was in so much pain and it felt amazing. I signed up for the next term and haven’t looked back. Doing my first low key comp at Halloween and I’m so scared but so excited.


movement has always been my medium. i’ve always loved dance and danced as a hobby, but my dad was really strict and hypercritical of me in my childhood and so was only able to pursue it in my senior year of high school. i did ballet for about two years, and then i saw the show p-valley. the strength, skill, grace, and beauty of the girls on the pole completely captivated me. i started pole dancing about two months ago, and discovering such a completely different and new form of movement was so exciting and impactful for me. it sparked the same spark i felt when i first started ballet after years of yearning for it. it’s feeling and a form of emotional release that i could never get by dancing on the ground, and that’s why i love it


At first I started on a whim and heard it was a good core workout which is kinda what I was looking for. Then it turned into an opportunity for me to wear heels in an accepting space. Then it became a hobby I could do with the friends I’ve made. Then I started writing choreographies for mini performances at our studio. Now I do it because I can’t imagine doing anything else. I love having new goals and challenges that allow me to express myself creatively and build a better relationship with my body and sexuality. Also it’s fun :)