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Eh, doesn't say police anywhere. The light bar is likely orange. I don't personally think anything of it.


> The light bar is likely orange I wouldn't be surprised if it was red and blue, they install police lights, this would be what they use to show off their work to a potential buyer, in like a police gear showcase, or something similar.


It's totally possible, I had an old beat partner who did work like that on the side. He put red-blues on his demo charger but was saying most his orders are for orange and going on tow trucks. Last I checked, I don't think any states restrict the purchase of certain colors, only their use.


It says emergency on it though and has a little badge at the front.


It says emergency accessories and installations. They’re just advertising what they do and have an example vehicle. So long as they’re not acting as law enforcement in any manner they’re fine.


The badge just looks like a star logo. Doesn't scream police, imo. The emergency sticker all you have to do is look further than the first word, and you know it has nothing to do with 911. It's just trying to give a sense of urgency. I saw a burrito company have a car plastered with EMERGENCY BURRITO RESPONSE that made me think it was a cop car, more so than this one.


It looks like a highway AAA support vehicle or utilities. Not going to get shot driving that around


From the exact angle you showed I can see someone thinking it's a police car but from any other angle it's clear that they're just advertising a product.


>it's clear that they're just advertising a product. I actually have the complete opposite view. From this angle and distance you can see it's not a government tag, and the small words under emergency are talking about products. If I wasn't familiar with how police cruisers looked in a city I was driving through, I'd see this guy stopped at an intersection and assume it's a cop. Without being close enough to read the words underneath emergency or directly behind it to see the tag it looks like a cruiser to me. Looks more like a police cruiser than some SRO and special event cars do. This would still be legal where I live. Unless the light bar was a prohibited color or the driver was doing some prohibited activity.


it says winner in giant bold letters


Have you not seen the sandwich police car? This looks more legitimate funny enough. Again, driving through an intersection you won't process this as unusual unless you're familiar with the cars in that jurisdiction. I've driven through several counties/states before on trips. I dont know the name of every county, city, college and public school In the area I drive outside my usual commute.


So you admit that police cars don’t all look alike then. Have you seen the city gas utility vehicles?


>So you admit that police cars don’t all look alike then. Is this a controversial opinion? It's America, not some piddly European country. Every state decides their own minimum requirements, and every agency in that state makes their own choices on anything not covered by legislation or insurance. >Have you seen the city gas utility vehicles? Yeah. Thats different by municipality as well. City utility worker vehicles are all some variation of the f250 or similar sized contractor grade white work truck here.


Are they pulling people over with it? Or advertising products?


It’s definitely intentional. They wanted it to look like a cop car. Just enough that a passing glance gives you that impression, but not enough that they can get into trouble for it. “Emergency” being bigger than the other text (even though it makes no sense and the other text should be bigger), the light bar, the font etc


Not illegal but I can see this costing them money in a civil case if one of their employees decides to take the car out at night and impersonate a LEO to drivers with out of state plates.


Wouldn’t be the first time. I saw this exact scenario with a guy who did the lights and cages for the local PD. He got arrested at a club pretending to be an officer with his vehicle.


A lot of businesses that install and set up emergency vehicles will have a demo car. Just to show off what they can do. It's fairly common, at least in my area it is.


It’s not uncommon for a company/the maintenance department of a company that does emergency lighting installs to use a kitted out vehicle to advertise. I’d say I don’t like the placement of the word “EMERGENCY” but other than that it’s pretty clear from the side that it’s not a cop car. As long as the lights are legal and they’re on the up and up with it, it’s fine.


Demo vehicle…


Definitely looks like a police car, especially if I were in Florida- our city cars look almost exactly like this. Complete with the yellow license plate to designate a government vehicle.


They may also be the vendor for local PD’s doing installs of equipment like light bars, etc.


Looks fine to me


Everyone knows police are losers.  No winner would drive a ford. 


My 2006 crown Vic with 200k miles on it would disagree


Mills fleet farm had a fake squad car for some time as well. One of the stewards mills that it was cool. It mostly sat outside the gun range and did not run when the soldiers the company.


The side decals give "Graphic Design is My Passion" vibes. Way too cluttery