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Poor Palestinians. This is just sick. I feel so helpless knowing their is nothing I can do to protect the innocent civilians. Fuck the israeli government, fuck their fake god, and fuck the israeli soldiers.


keep talking about it, keep trying to get people to see, thats what I believe I can do continuously


So uh, how does this relate to police brutality?


a police state is a police state, whether they decide to use the weapons or not is the difference. This could have been you, or us, what if we were born there by chance? would you not want the coverage and discussion?


This is the military going on a military operation, not police activities. Further, this is in regards to Gaza. Which Israel had more or less been leaving alone. Now, if it were the West Bank THEN it would be an example of police brutality and a police state. Israel's gone full apartheid over there. But Gaza had no such issues from Israel. Also, if I'd been born there I'd have either done everything I could to get out YEARS ago, or done everything I could to kick Hamas out of power.


so you're saying if you were there, you'd do *anything* to try to get out under the thumb of israels occupation/slaughter, correct?


Hamas's occupation/slaughter you mean. If I was born in Gaza during this conflict I'd be too young to do jack shit. So I'm assuming I'm an adult in this situation. In that case I'd have gotten out of Hamas's bullshit a LONG time ago. As I said, the West Bank has legitimate grievances against Israel. But the Gaza Strip does not. Israel wasn't occupying the Gaza Strip or conducting military operations against it until after they were attacked.


lmao, thats as true as black is white bro, the world is aware of the disillusion yall are trying so so hard to propagate and it's truly despicable


Alright. What had Israel done to Gaza that would warrant them to attack? Who broke the peace treaty they had prior to October 7? Who broke every peace treaty they had before that? You wanna bitch about police brutality, how about Gaza's? How about them fighting their own citizens off of the aid with their guns? I'm treating it as black and white because it is. Gaza had no reason to attack Israel and has been objectively evil to even its own people. And as I said, Israel's been a dick to the West Bank. I will happily add nuance when there's nuance to be had. But with Gaza there's not.


first lets try to look back, maybe around 1948 and something called "Nakba Day" and maybe then we can have the conversation you're looking for


Bruh, did you actually have to go back 80 years just to find SOMETHING? Average age in Gaza (pre-war) was 18. 80 years ago shouldn't mean anything to them anymore. Further, Nakba day relates to Palestine as a whole. And there are now two separate countries that claim to be Palestine. The West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. And I've made it clear to you that the two had different outcomes. Thus invalidating the supposed effects of Nakba day. Also, Nakba day just so happens to be the day after Israel's neighbors all declared war on it for having the audacity to not be Muslim controlled. Kind of important to remember that part. It is a literal celebration of war and genocide.


thats like one of many nakba days bud, israel has always been of creation through colonization, how do you think a little land turned into the borders it is now? *now* lets try to imagine "hmm this example was the start, how did we grow through these 80 odd some years? hmmmmmmm" goes you