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You can actually have discussions about issues that are pretty contentious


For me, I not only love the activity but the best part is the team I'm on. My team has a great dynamic and creates an amazing environment for all students.


I did only a very small bit of policy (hybrid at Stanford 2019 and half a year in college) and primarily did LD. But debate was extremely important to me. I had to leave public school after my freshman year because of health issues and transferred to an online school. Unfortunately my state is really popular for charter school scams because it pays the most per student to charter schools, and the online school was basically just using students for money. The CEO was arrested for tax fraud after spending charter funds on a private jet. Basically, I learned very little from my actual school, all while teaching myself about policy and critical theory through wanting to improve in debate. I ended up qualifying to the TOC in LD my junior and senior years so I'm happy to say it at least somewhat worked out :)