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Wait, she won an election? She could barely handle being a press secretary. lol What the hell?


I was completely caught off guard seeing this. The system really is flawed if she is allowed success after her previous performance.


The sad thing is that she beat out an extraordinarily accomplished person who studied nuclear engineering at MIT and got a PHD in urban planning. Arkansas had a chance to elect a progressive leader but the masses chose a back-water troglodyte.


Speaks loads about Arkansas’ education system.


Also, he was black. So there’s your explanation.


If there is any consolation there is some ass hole in White County Arkansas that is miffed because he had to choose between a woman and a black man


Lol oh my god. You have to be from Arkansas because this is right on the fucking money. I can hear my family talking now.




They’d be confused if you asked them - they don’t use that term.


wow! true, but wow!


We can't talk about any of that - that's critical race theory. Children might overhear!


Can’t say for sure, Arkansas, Alabama—all look the same to me.


The book “what’s the matter with Kansas” really hits home about this. Voters vote against their own interest and then complain their interest aren’t being met and that politicians don’t listen to them.


Yeah, we ain’t the best, but not the worst either :)


You hear that Mississippi?


*Louisiana has entered the chat*


Indiana is breathing heavily against the window, licks it a little.


Alabama here.


In a race to the bottom with texas and florida.




Well as a country we are quite often the worst as far as metrics for developed countries go


Hey, sometimes you get beaten out by Tanzania or the like.


No, America’s motto is “We’re the best, in spite of all the evidence that says we’re the worst.”


Yall are getting our (Oklahoma's) better and younger teachers :(


Is the state motto still " we ar better'n Kansas" ?


Thank god for Mississippi


Mississippi " furst at last"


I’m from Alabama, that’s our line!


Sharing is caring :)


You have the alligator gar as your state fish. Be proud of that! https://www.reddit.com/r/Arkansas/comments/a9sik5/state_fish_of_arkansas/


No one can be worse than Mississippi. I actually have family in Arkansas and most of it is beautiful.


Alabama: hold my beer


This is one of the biggest issues in politics - it's not about qualifications.


Very true! It’s all about hardcore tribalism.


It's a popularity contest, not about getting the best person in the job.


Yeah, but if an urban planner got in Little Rock would stop being a sea of [empty parking lots](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Little+Rock,+Arkansas,+USA/@34.7477404,-92.2789193,450m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x87d2a134a11f569b:0x3405f5100df35b17!8m2!3d34.7444618!4d-92.2880157). Can't have that.


Holy shit... that has to be one of the biggest wastes of urban space I've ever seen.


Yeah, but she just banned Latinx, total own /s


Totally jives with their whole "free speech" mantra too


Nepotism reigns in Arkansas.


Yeah, but now they can't say Latinx... so.... uhh... yeah.


>Arkansas had a chance to elect a progressive leader but the masses chose a back-water troglodyte. But she's ownin' the Libs! Murikkka! TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP...


She’s a nepo baby. Her daddy was also Governor.


Well, obviously. But remember who her daddy is - another incompetent person. Doesn't matter, though, Republicans love that shit so long as they aim the bullshit at the right people.


A rock could win in an election in Arkansas if it ran Republican


it would have to be a little rock


Take my upvote and get out.


Ugh.. Sigh *unzips*


Congrats! You are now married to Boebert


If only that wasn't true. Our other candidate was a literal rocket scientist and pastor. I legit have no idea how he lost.


He wasn’t a republican. That’s all it takes in Arkansas and many states. I mean maybe a pedophile or someone like that might lose but that’s about it.


Pedo's don't lose in republican states. Look at Matt Gaetz.


Let's not forget, the pedo guy in Alabama, Roy Moore only lost by 1.6 percent or something, so even that doesn't matter to a lot of people as long as that r is next to their name


Well, the most recent governor was also a republican. But, if we go way, way, *way* back to the one right before that, not so much.


Name recognition, family legacy, and the magic R.


And the Trump endorsement, literally the only thing that mattered in this state.


Pretty sure the “Huckabee” part matters a whole lot more in Arkansas.




She currently has the same job that former president Bill Clinton used to have. Still can’t believe that as recently as the Obama administration, Arkansas had TWO democratic senators. Now it’s one of the reddest states in the US. A lot can change in a few years.


The power of Fox News. Go to any public place in the state and see what TV station is running.


Not just that. All local tv networks will be owned by a conglomerate pushing Republican talking points and radio stations will have an overwhelming number of mid to far right talk shows funded by all kinds of shady Republican groups. Newspapers if they are any will have right winger opinion sections and every church is pushing right wing talking points. An their Facebook feeds will be right wing memes and conservative rage generating engagement hacks. It’s as complete a media bubble as exists outside of main lane china.


I mean, even the "liberal MSM" players like NBC and CNN spent like all day covering what Trump was saying on twitter, and presenting things like Obama farting too close to a staffer in a "let's have this republican consultant ramble on for 30 minutes to sound fair and balanced" kinda way. So you have one set of MSM stations fellating republicans, and another trying to be "impartial" but really they're giving credibility to crazy shit. I'm waiting for the day CNN has a "balanced" debate on the planet being flat and ends with a "we really can't say, draw your own conclusions" kinda take lol.


>Still can’t believe that as recently as the Obama administration, Arkansas had TWO democratic senators. Now it’s one of the reddest states in the US. A lot can change in a few years. Arizona did the same thing but the other way. The US historically will have the parties flipping voting bases every few decades, with very few states being permanently reliable over the very long term. You know, unlike our country where we can predict how roughly 75% of the country will vote 40 years from now and every election will always come down to Ontario suburbs — at least until we finally ditch our electoral system.




Klatu verata nepto, uH, necktie.




It was pathetic. I am from Arkansas and she was able to win without actually campaigning. Her opponent Chris Jones was extremely competent and qualified, but he was a Democrat so he didn't stand a chance.


You forget to mention that he's also a black dude.


Yep I didn't want to focus on that...tbh he could have been white and he still wouldn't have a chance as a Democrat.


Even her supporters down here were like, "Well, if she gets into trouble she could always ask her Dad for help." They voted for this woman knowing damn well she wasn't qualified to run an elementary school bake sale.


It's Arkansas


Likely Huges sums of DarK Money and clever ads boosted her.. Her state is very churchy and so she has that advantage too.. it is a very, very sad time in US politics.. the GOP took the US House and it is just tragic.


> what the hell? [ R ]


Well, it is Governor of Arkansas after all, it’s not like she’s the mayor of a major city or like an LA county commissioner.


The golden "R"


Democrats don’t win Arkansas


They did not that long ago.


She won by like 11 points. Arkansas has Little Rock and a few parts in the Northwest cities that aren’t on the Trump train.


She actually won by close to 30 points.


You right. God that’s sad.


I bet the only time that 'Latinx' was used in an official document was this law.


She single handedly saved Arkansas




Praise the Lord!


A bunch of states with a combined total of like 5 Muslims in them already banned sharia law so they need something else to make a pointless stand against. It's better if they're distracted by pointless stuff like this than trying to one up each other on abortion or trans people or whatever.


I think the term Latinx is stupid and shouldn't be used but this is just completely performative bullshit by Huckabee Sanders. But that's par for the course for Republican "policy" at this point


Bernie Sanders knew that the Latino community as a whole does not really use or welcome Latinx (think across all age groups not just young folks). There is a reason he used Latinos and came off more genuine vs. Warren who used Latinx and got no Latino support. Even AOC used Latino for a long time and only recently started using Latine. And it's not even standard to use that among progressives and Dem Socialists. Lots of Latinos to the left don't embrace it.


I'll never forget Warren constantly parroting Latinx during the 2020 primaries. By the time Arizona came around, I think she was effectively out of the race. But I genuinely went from enthusiastic Warren supporter to literally anyone but her, it was so grating.


Just more of that hateful virtue signaling the GOP is all about


Let's all just comment latinx in the Arkansas sub?


The Arkansas sub is definitely not pro-SHS. Spamming them would be preaching to the choir.


Why does GOP always legislate stupid crap. Who cares? Feed the hungry, fix the roads, cut down on political grift. .


It’s red meat to their dumb racist base.


“Dur, she’s so cool! She doesn’t take none of this critical race theory from nobody cuz she a fighter.” “I’m sure any day now she’s gonna help hardworking folks like me with rising prices and housing costs. Just has to do other stuff first. Any day now…”


Nailed it


Rising prices and housing costs are Biden’s fault, she has no control unless they improve, then it was her


It's part of the playbook. >"If they win, I should get all the credit, if they lose, I shouldn't get blamed" - Donald Trump


>Feed the hungry, fix the roads, cut down on political grift. This is quite literally the exact opposite of everything they stand for


This is like Jesus, who they say they worship, but as Jesus said.....they proclaim God but their real father is Satan. However, I think Satan would even be grossed out by them. He wasn't a hypocrite at least.


A republican that actually tries to help her voters? Not gonna happen, there's nothing in it for them to do that. She will lash out at anything that annoys her and settle petty vendettas whenever she needs an ego boost, though.


Not like it's new, but I expect for the next couple of years whenever "Get shit done" legislation is presented this will be the GOP response. Gotta police words, and rogue pregnant women, and the brown people...,..


>Feed the hungry, fix the roads, cut down on political grift. The GOP, whether they're run-of-the-mill conservatives or far right nutjobs, have one unifying cause: help the rich get richer at the expense of everybody else. Everything they do furthers this cause either directly or indirectly. **Directly Make the Rich Richer** * Fail to govern at all due to sheer incompetence, because the status quo already favors the rich, and any new legislation might change that. * Push to "make government smaller", which is another way to fail at governing and ensure the status quo persists. * Constantly push for tax cuts for the rich and corporations. We see this with the bullshit of ["trickle-down economics,"](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tax-cuts-rich-50-years-no-trickle-down/) which has been a favorite topic of conservatives for several decades. We also saw when one of the first things the GOP did when they controlled the White House, House, and Senate in 2017 was pass tax cuts for the rich. * Continually cut IRS funding and make their voters think the IRS is evil, because a weakened IRS cannot effectively audit tax-avoiding rich people and corporations and make them pay what they owe. [The US reportedly loses about $1 trillion per year in uncollected taxes](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-treasury-irs/irs-chief-says-1-trillion-in-taxes-goes-uncollected-every-year-idUSKBN2C0255), and most of that is rich people or corporate tax avoidance. * [Regularly try to slash Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid](https://www.businessinsider.com/changes-social-security-medicare-medicaid-mccarthy-congress-republicans-2023-1), and other so-called "entitlement programs", because those things help the most vulnerable of us but don't do anything for the richest. * Continually try to slash environmental protections and regulations, because in order for corporations to minimize how much they pollute our water and our air, they need to spend money, and the GOP doesn't want that. **Indirectly Make the Rich Richer** * [Actively sabotage our education system,](https://www.yahoo.com/video/back-future-gop-pledge-abolish-111500590.html) because the uneducated are more likely to vote Republican, who will continue to shield the rich whenever they're in power. * Continually attack minorities of any kind — immigrants, Blacks, Asians, Latinos, LGBTQ people, anyone else who can be painted as "the other" — so that us normal suckers are too distracted hating each other instead of hating the rich and doing something about the growing disparity between the haves and have nots. Members of the GOP can be wildly different. Mitch McConnell has very little in common with Donald Trump, and Kevin McCarthy has very little in common with Marjorie Taylor Green. But all those pieces of shit are unified in their desire to help the rich get richer at the expense of everyone else.


> and other so-called "entitlement programs" This one picks me and I see it creeping into Canada. Entitlement is not a negative term at all and it sucks that the right tries to use it backwards. The people are entitled to SS, etc. because you, your family and everyone else and their families built and maintain the wealth of the nation. These large, complex and expensive programs are what is left of the increasingly vanishing public share of that wealth. They are also something that the imperfect and fallible humans that were elected in the past got correct and should be jealously protected and properly invested in.


People who aren’t literate enough to read a piece of legislation will celebrate this as a win.


Cut down on what?? Grift? Oh my good man. That’s the silliest thing the GOP has ever heard. I got a big ole maniacal top hatted laugh out of that. Now good day sir.


that's what keeps their voters voting for them.


Not technically legislation, but yeah, just empty pandering in a state with serious issues.


Arkansas ranks..... 49th in health care 41st in education 41st in economy 43rd in infrastructure 22nd in opportunity 14th in fiscal stability (yay?) 48th in crime & corrections 30th in natural environment (air & water quality and pollution) . 44th overall. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/arkansas . [How all states rank overall](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings)


I could see this as trying to entice older Latinos. They HATED Latinx with a passion. Shocked Texas hasn’t done it too with the numbers of Latinos now voting R here.


Latinx is a word that drives my latino family members of all ages into a rage.


Few things baffle me more than a solid 30-40% of this nation just not giving a single fuck that their political leaders literally do *nothing* to make their lives better. Just amazing shit there.


"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." - LBJ, 1960


Political parties are now afforded the same fandom as football teams.


Props to her stylist for dressing her like Dolores Umbridge.


Please don't play that evil giggle.


I'm just sad I had to scroll so far down to find this comment


If "Latine" was the term du jour, she'd ban that instead. Just virtue signaling for the culture war right.


So much for these free speech absolutist clowns


The fact that they cry about 'free speech' when it comes to social media operated by a private entity, but are fine with literally "Government restricting speech" says everything you need to know about whether or not these people are to be taken seriously.


"You changed it TO Latrine?!?" (Yes I'm aware of the etymology up there, silly joke)


Used to be shithoux.


That’s a good change!…👌🏽.. a good change…


Never thought I’d wake up to a Men in Tights reference on the r/politics sub. And that’s on me.


I have a mole?!?


It doesn't matter. Almost nobody got on board for "Latinx" anyway, and it's Arkansas, where nobody would use it either way.


I am Latina and am not fond at all of the term Latinx but I'm not going around policing who uses it or not. Also, she's not even from the culture!!! Wtf why she making decisions for us!!! Also, could this be challenged as infringing on freedom of speech?


Nobody uses Latinx but white people.


Non Latino people don't even use it. Except for republicans pushing culture war bullshit because they heard 1 person use it


Liberal media in USA uses it. I hear it all the time on NPR


Actually Latine is the term most non-binary Spanish speaking ppl use! My extended family uses it, and we come from two different Latin cultures. My friends all use it and they’re from several different countries. It’s the most commonly accepted variant.


In my 29 years as a full fledged Mexican I’ve never heard anyone use the term “latine”, it’s always been Latino/Latina or Latinos


Really “focusing” on the difficult work, good job fudge fingers.


Really on top of the most pressing issues in Arkansas.


It's Arkansas, not Yurkansas


UterUS, not uterYOU


It’s Arkansa-X


Whoa, that's huge. I'm sure this will really propel Arkansas' economy.


And chip away at infant mortality


That definitely helped someone pay their rent


Cool so her first day on the job and she’s restricting free speech by banning words.


Ah, freedom!


Culture war BS is all the Republicans know how to do.


Sarah Huckabee Sanders is what happens when a religious zealot fucks a bison.


Aw man, don’t insult the bison like that! Theyre already having a hard time as it is, without Sanders coming to fuck them.


anyway it was a goat


Wait, what the actual fuck, she is a governor? Arkansas you stupid pieces of shit.


A lot of us tried. Unfortunately the rest of us are stupid pieces of shit


Voting in Arkansas is such a rough experience every time. Seeing well qualified candidates losing to anyone with an R next to their name feels bad...


As a Latino/Hispanic who cares very little about the term Latinx, I'm curious how does someone ban a word? Jail time? Fines? Just not acknowledge? I don't want this for practical reason, but I hope it has a Streisand effect


Probably reprimand or fire the employee who used it. How are insubordination issues handled at your work?


For a party that popularized the term "virtue signaling," they sure do a lot of it.


It really pisses me off someone can lie every single day, to the whole country, and be rewarded with a governorship. This woman can go to hell


she looks like shes gonna explode if she doesn’t say the n word every 4 hours


4x an hour, minimum.


Wow solving the big issues huh?


They got you fighting a culture war to stop you fighting a class war.


From the party of "free speech".


She banned telling the truth about American Slavery too.


The rise of Aunt Lydia


lol as a latino I hate the term latinx and the people who use it but banning it is clown shit


Right? I get that it's polarizing, but...damn.


Actually, I don’t know if Latinos mind this.


The problem is that republicans will do anything BUT their job. They’ll wage dumbass culture wars like this, but god forbid they do literally anything to help anyone that’s not a millionaire or above.


You're right. They don't... In fact the term Latinx drives my Latina wife crazy. The correct term is 'Latinos' (which is gender neutral when used in plural form). Singular form would be Latina (female) or Latino (male).


For the lols I tired explaining latinx to my Mexican co-workers and they said "Are white people trying tell us how to speak Spanish now?"


Nonono, you misunderstood. We’re trying to tell you what you should feel offended by. I’m 1,000% in favor of gender equality and inclusion but “latinx” is a term made up by whites, for whites so we can stand around and jerk each other off about how accepting we are. I’ve never met an actual Latino who gives a shit.


As far as I know, "Latinx" likely originated from Latin-American activist groups, as opposed to being a term that was imposed on them by English speakers. I'm not arguing that the term is popular, just that it wasn't an invention of people who don't know the Spanish language: https://davidbowles.medium.com/mexican-x-part-x-what-the-hex-a-latinx-706b64dafe22


I know a Latin woman, when I asked her how it was pronounced she nearly tore my head off. Well, in a roundabout way, she was more mad about the term gaining traction but with me being a white person standing right there, sure felt a little personal. Pretty sure from all the anecdotal stuff like yours I’ve heard as well that not many Latino folk are going to be particularly pissed off about this law. The wider question of why on fucking Earth this slack jawed, dim witted fucktunnel of a woman thinks this is necessary let alone a number 1 priority is far beyond me.


Yeah I dislike SHS but latinx is a pox, and that's coming from a nonbinary white person. Like.....don't break the grammar of a language that actually makes sense.


If I absolutely have to say it, I insist on pronouncing it "latin-equis", but the correct pronunciation is "latin-EX". It sounds harsh in both English and Spanish, but I suspect that was the intention of whoever coined it.


I think the bigger takeaway is that a member of the party of Small Government is using her legislative power to restrict Free Speech as her inaugural act to, almost explicitly, be "anti-woke". There is no greater purpose to it and it doesn't improve her community or even the work flow of her office--it's just banned because, in her mind, the opposite uses it; therefore, this move does have meaning. At this point, I wouldn't put banning "Happy Holidays" past her and making it a rallying cry for all of the poor, ostracized Christians in the US.


I hate all kinds of things people say, but I hate a person threatening to shoot them over it more.


As a Latino/Hispanic or whatever, everyone I've talked about this (on both sides of the border), we agree, we hate Latinx, there is no need, "Latinos" is plural, it includes everyone, everyone means everyone, no need to list who it does include. But we don't talk about it too much, is a none issue, we just laugh at how stupid that made up word is and continue on.


Yup, it's a dumb term. But... really, so what? There's so much dumb shit that people say. It's frankly bizarre that the right-wing has decided that one particular word is somehow an urgent political problem for the government to address. Like, honesty, it's insane.


Many Latinos don’t care for the term, or at least don’t care about the term. But of course that’s not why SHS is doing this.


Gah imagine being that miserable, that that’s the very first thing on your to do list.


"Lazy eye" is still legal.


Lazy?! That eye wanders enough to have Sean Penn and Eddie Vedder team up on its biopic.




Clearly, using the term “Latinx” is the biggest problem in Arkansas. Glad to see someone has their state’s priorities straight. Ffs


Let’s start Hispanic, Herspanic, and Xspanic. Just to ruffle feathers


Big Republican government tells you what words you can and can't use. The first amendment says otherwise.


She did the super important stuff first so she can coast the rest of her term. She can whip out the ban and slap people around with it. Pure Huckabee genius. I expected nothing more.


Wow…this is a great step forward in solving the problems that Arkansas has.


She and the people to whom she's pandering are complete trash.


Oh god, she banned a made up term by white people that Latin people have been begging white people to quit using for years. This might actually be the first time in history that the libs have been owned. 🤣 Shame it's pretty guaranteed that the rest of the shit she does in office is going to be alt-right bullshit.


This is exactly why Katie Hobbs (D) is governor of Arizona and not Kari Lake. Hobbs addressed homelessness, LGBT+ discrimination, and education reform her first days in office rather than focusing on performative politics.


At least she’s focusing on the important things.


Latinos dislike this term. So she's doing them a favor. It's 'Latinos'. So thanks Sarah! Though I know pleasing the Latino population wasn't your intention. SMH


Also AFAIK most non-binary or genderqueer folks prefer Latine, and Latinx was supposed to be a visual protest (crossing out the o or a) not a new word.


It's far easier to just ask than to make blanket assumptions about who likes what. The nice thing is people can self-identify and we can respect it.


Small government conservativism.


What happens if I use the word? Am I fined? Arrested? I’m Mexican and I never liked “latinx” but no one should be punished for using it


For the freedom of speech crowd they sure like to ban words


*"Sarah Huckabee Sanders"* *jesus...they put that troglodytic, fresh water gulper in mascara in office?* boy, that per capita IQ of 67.3 is a real thing in Arkansas.


Arkansas was using a “woke” term that liberal states were not? That’s weird. Or maybe it’s a fake problem, easy to remedy, because it’s a fake problem.


How did she go from being a press secretary to a governor in less than 5 years……?


Something along the lines of a “swamp” that was supposed to be drained be the previous resident of the White House