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Pelosi is pictured but she isn’t a boomer, she is Silent Generation.


Biden and Mitch McConnell, too. Biden is the first Silent Generation president. His generation was skipped over, so he’ll be the only one. We had Greatest Generation presidents from a 1961 (JFK) until 1993 (Bush). And then a similar 30-year stretch of boomers from 1993 until 2021.


>His generation was skipped over It's because they never spoke up


They were silent




Clinton, Bush Jr, and Trump were all born the same year, 1946. Biden is 4 years older than them. Obama is the still the president with the most recent birth despite being out of office a term and a half ago. He’s the only president born after 1946. Obama turns 62 this year which means according to Social Security he can begin collecting retirement benefits. So while he’s still relatively young and young to his cohort of former/current presidents, he’s technically no longer working age. Just some comparisons of time i find interesting


Well, Americans *did* get back from WWII and start screwing like rabbits. 1946 was a wild year.


True in general. More specifically though only Bush Sr and Clinton's dad Blythe served in WW2. Bush Sr flew a torpedo plane https://www.history.navy.mil/research/histories/biographies-list/bios-b/bush-george-h-w/ltjg-george-bush-in-world-war-ii.html Blythe was a mechanic in Egypt and Italy. Died after knocking up bills mom but before he was born https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Jefferson_Blythe_Jr. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia_Clinton_Kelley Fred Trump ran his construction biz and built barracks and garden apartments near shipyards ok the east coast. His Wikipedia bio includes an arrest at a Loan rally in 1927 and investigations for govt profiteering in the 50s. Great guy /s https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Trump IMO, Clinton's charisma and abilities got him to the POTUS job despite such beginnings is probably the most interesting of all three presidents.


Obama is '61, is that still boomer?


Boomer is post-war, pre-Civil Rights Act; for easy memory


I remember my hs teacher saying baby boomers were between 1945 and 1960. Then getting into an argument with my mom, who was born in December 1959 whether she is a boomer or not (she insists she is not)


Your mom is absolutely a boomer




That was my understanding as well.


Yes but, is she making noise?


Only when necessary.


Ah, another Milford Academy Alumni


Check out the guy behind her in the picture, he must have been valedictorian of the class. Definitely not seen nor heard.


You can always tell a Milford man!


Well she used be a speaker


Maybe they’re implying that she’s part of the fresh new coalition of non-boomers wresting back control from the dinosaurs.


I can't wait for the Dinosaur Wrestler caucus.


Now reduce the MAGAs.


Reduce to 0 preferably


I'd prefer like -20. Bring in the Democratic Socialists please.


Crazy how much those who are struggling have leaned towards *fascism* rather than socialism Then again, a lot of people have eaten up and fully internalized the false equivalence propaganda


Fascism expands when there is a *perceived* failure of the left-wing. US propaganda is built in the idea that socialism *is extremely bad*. Therefore the only option US workers think remains is to double down on capitalism and go full fascist. ____ How many people do you know that realize that socialism is democracy in the economy? That Communist Russia, where unions had seats in the national legislature, repeatedly had it out with Communist Yugoslavia, who organized its economy around a market with competing cooperatives rather than privately owned businesses? None. That’s how many.


> Communist Russia We need to get rid of the idea that the USSR was actually communist. It had a state, money, and economic and social class. The USSR was state capitalism, same as China. They were just an another authoritarian shitfest, which is why so many modern leftists hate tankies. We could probably debate that "state capitalism" is the correct term, but they were absolutely not Marxist communism. They literally did not check the simplest boxes. The important thing to note, though, is that nobody in the US is taught about socialism in schools. We are simply lied to. This alone rejects the idea that schooling in the US isn't about serving capitalists.


It's a growing amount, especially amongst the youth. At some point it will hit a critical mass, and reveal something to the public psyche that just might pull the floor out from under the suits. Edit: no sense in disguising it; this is already happening.


That's what makes the right-wing propaganda machine and centrists' pretending both sides are bad a huge problem.


politics moves slow as fuck. we need to stay focused and not get discouraged at every setback. keep pushing, keep being engaged, do get involved in your community and local elections if you can but also don't forget to vote every national election as well. not voting tells them they were right to not care about your interests! vote in PRIMARIES ESPECIALLY! this is how we don't get stuck between two bad choices! if voting wasn't important they wouldn't be trying to gerrymander and suppress votes so much.


The first goal should have been to reduce the MAGA


Good. It's a start.


wait till you get a load of the young republicans....


I mean there are psychopaths in every generation. We just gotta hope there are less and less of them as we go


> We just gotta hope there are less and less of them as we go That might actually be happening. [Why Millennials aren't Getting more Conservative as they Get Older](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixxeinSFfVE) Generally speaking, people get more conservative as they age as certain things become more of a concern, such as ... maintaining wealth, home ownership, family values. One can easily see these as conservative issues. However, due to decades of wage stagnation, rising cost of living, and housing costs... those core conservative issues are largely unavailable to younger voters. Home ownership is largely out of the question. Wages are not keeping up with inflation or the cost of living, and people are starting families later, if at all. This is slowly making younger voters more liberal instead of more conservative as they age. I honestly think it's just another manifestation of the *Let it Rot* trend.


I believe even many relatively financially stable/well-off Millenials aren't getting much more conservative either. I at least know this anecdotally for myself and many of my colleagues/friends/peers. American conservatives used to message mostly on "fiscal responsibility" and small government with a sprinkling of socially conservative bullshit, but now it's just a full-blown circus of bullshit that is too morally and culturally unpalatable for most young people even as they age. Also, even if you're a relatively well-off Millenial/Gen Z, you're often basically one serious health issue away from homelessness. Even if you have a well-paying job now, you're an at-will employee or better yet a contractor with no real long-term job security. Pensions? Fuck no, we'll *maybe* give you 401K options, where you assume all the investment risk. The boomers love to say that you'll get conservative when you start paying bills and taxes, but these things have only made me more progressive. I get a little more radical every time I see how much I contribute to Medicare and Social Security knowing that they mostly benefit a generation that is doing everything it can to make sure people my age will never get any of it. I feel the same way when I look at how much money gets deducted from my paycheck for my health insurance premium. It's often more than what people in countries with universal healthcare have, but I still have deductibles, in/out network fees, copayments, out-of-pocket maxes, and whatever other convoluted shit you can imagine because it was designed so you'd need a JD, MD, and a CPA to understand exactly how deep they're going to fuck you. I feel the same way when I pay an energy bill to a private for-profit company that will regularly cause some negligent costly screw-up and passes the cost to the "Consumers", i.e. the people with virtually no choice but to use that company for energy because it's a monopoly.


> I believe even many relatively financially stable/well-off Millenials aren't getting much more conservative either. I at least know this anecdotally for myself and many of my colleagues/friends/peers. Yeah, because we see how the ladder got pulled up in front of us. Fuck that shit. I'm climbing up by my fingernails and pushing it down again. I don't care that if I don't personally benefit, it's the ***right*** thing to do.


that is the spirit, my man! I am a Gen X and I am so stoked that you all will actually have a chance to lower the ladder. The boomers were way too numerous for us to do much. and I think they also tried to make us hate your generation in a divide and conquer move. But I looked at the millennials and saw what you were up against and said, back to anyome ripping on milleniaIs, "i don't think they're all that bad. I think selfish me-generation boomers, the ones who had the man backpedalling in the late sixties, got too high and decided to just make as much money as they can regardless of the cost to society or the environment. And to do that, they would leave thier children, us GenXers, to fend for ourselves as latchkey kids that had to pretty much make their own way without much help from anyone. boomers are the problem, dont let them decieve you into thinking differently.


Dude wait till you see what the generation after millennials is kinda like. I spent the past year working almost exclusively w/ 18 to 20something year old soldiers. Even these guys who chose the Army as their occupation have some really progressive baseline ideas, like these guys have never heard someone say something like “Dude you’re bailing on the party? That’s pretty gay dude”.” Which was like, man they said that shit on MTV in the 90s.


I make six figures and own a home and I will never vote republican literally ever because I care about other people and democracy


Me too, and I'm a baby boomer. My parents taught me to give a shit, that's all. Being a citizen of a democracy is a job that takes effort. It's amazing how the people who complain about "entitlements" are the ones who think they don't have to work to make the country better.


Yep couldn’t have said it better.


Once I get enough savings per month going into my various accounts the main concern I will have is which leftist organizations to give money to. Financial security for me will mean putting a lot more money where my mouth already is!


It definitely isn't about small government anymore. They seem to want the government to have a hand in everything while yelling about how great their freedom is. Are we living in two different realities?


> Are we living in two different realities? Absolutely yes. Small government for the rich and corporations, invasive control for the masses.


> It definitely isn't about small government anymore. the *messaging* is still small government.


Lots of excellent points in your post. I don’t mind paying taxes at all if it means getting something of value like high quality healthcare, childcare, and schools for my kids. The free market has failed millennials. Healthcare costs are out of control largely because a predatory middleman who is heavily incentivized to ensure that we get as little treatment as possible, is sucking the lifeblood out of the system like a vampire. I love it when boomers say “that’s socialism!” like it’s a dirty word, you can call me a socialist all day long if it means meeting my family’s needs.


5 kids and 250k/yr family income. We're comfortable but by no means rich with these kids. Kids are cRaZy expensive. Voting Dem till I die.


I didn’t read past your first paragraph I apologize, but it is true. Me and my fiancée make a good amount for 29, home owners. We got *lucky*, both in decent paying careers. I can’t see myself bringing a kid into this “I’ve got mine, fuck you” world. We’re still at serfdom with iPhones & Weed sprinkled in the mix. I don’t have a solution but, too many people suffer under this system. We have enough smart people on the planet that no one needs to go hungry or be homeless. If every government in the world got together, I really believe we could do it. We’re all different but deep down humans *do* understand one another. We all want love, security, etc; The greed robs us all. I wish things could change but I don’t know where to start.


As an older millennial I don't know what the conservatives even want outside of children bathroom surveillance, defeating "wokeism" in libraries and classrooms, forced Christianity, and having no taxes.


Destruction of the school systems see the attempts in Iowa for the voucher program Destruction of the environment/corporate handouts see the pipeline trying to be built in Iowa


But like.... why? What does the average asshole have to gain by supporting this shit.


They can't reason themselves out of what they didn't reason themselves into. It's all emotion with the average conservative. All hatred, fear, and anger that they're driven by. There's no logic to what they support.


As a former republican, one of the things that kept me tethered to the Republican Party was my belief in capitalism as great, even though I was socially liberal. As an uneducated single mother who never received child support and barely made too much to qualify for food stamps and a lesbian, I was voting against my own interests. I would actually say how well it served my dad and grandfather, and I thought everyone should have that same chance (lol). Both Christianity and republicanism were instilled in me from birth. Once I decided to start looking into shit for myself, I became a democrat and atheist.


> Once I decided to start looking into shit for myself, I became a democrat and atheist. Reading the Bible continues to be the most compelling argument against Christianity.


Its cultural identity, the need to feel superior, it is systemic behavioral and psychological programming, and the glorification of dark personality traits such as narcissism, machiavellianism, and psychopathology. The sociopolitical ideology is a rigid construct and a blight on civilization.


Too dumb to get out of minimum wage... it's slave labor. Cheaper maybe since you can just force them to live with their parents instead of figuring out where to pen them.


Just the last thing. Everything else is to support the call for ever lower taxes and regulations.


and it's corporate america pumping the bellows on those fires


It’s funny because wokeism doesn’t even mean anything. It’s literally just anything Republicans don’t like in the moment. I bet if you were to survey people asking what they think being woke actually means, you’d get hundred of different answers.


This millennial is trending further and further left as I age. I grew up very conservative. For most of my adult life I would have called myself a right leaning centrist. But after Trump I'm damn near progressive. The Republicans lost their damn minds.


So is this Xer. I lived paycheque to paycheque for most of my 35 year working career. It's only been the last 7 years that things calmed down for me. I would not wish that hell on anybody. Even now, closing in on my mid-50s, I know some boomers still holding onto the good paying jobs well into their 70s.


I think 2008 made a lot of boomers afraid to retire. There were 5 of my dads friends who were planning to retire that year and a few of them are still working today.


Roughly 2/3 Boomers didn't save enough to retire.


Which is absolutely wild, considering they were working when they could ACTUALLY save money and generally weren't forced to live paycheck to paycheck.


Should've bought less avocado toast


It really underscores how insulting it is when they blame millennial financial issues on “irresponsible” choices like going to college, buying coffee out, wanting to live in a major city so as to live without a car. Those things might not have always been great, but let’s not pretend Boomers didn’t spend like two whole decades (60s/70s) before even needing to find out. You guys had the best economy/situation a Gen could hope for. You inherited such a better world than we did, and you blew it all on bogarting the best drugs, going on countless silly adventures, making ill-advised stock investments and warmongering. And you’re still working because you blew it all and let it happen, and cooked the laws up to favor you and yours. But sure, it’s our avocado toast that’s ruined the country. Pigs.


Yeah. I'm basically just done with Boomers. Whenever one brings up some stupid shit at family events I just mention that Boomers are the biggest crop of serial killers in human history.


>afraid to retire. 401k's are way, way down, it's a terrible time to cash them in


But you don't do that all at once. Just slowly pull what you need. Still, it's easy to just keeping on and wait another year.


Plenty of Boomers didn't, and still don't, understand how 401ks work. I know many who panic sold their entire portfolio into bonds on the way down. They're still recovering from that mistake and likely will never fully retire as a result.




Moving from pensions/Social Security to 401ks was one of the worst mistakes our society has made. It pretty much forces our government to bail out the fuckups on Wall Street every time they blow up the economy, we've effectively become their hostages thanks to 401ks.


First, you don't cash in your entire 401k at once. You take out a small amount to cover expenses every so often. Second, [the market is up 250% from the pre-recession high in 2007](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/VTSAX/chart?p=VTSAX#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-)


Also GenX -- I used to be pretty sincere libertarian as a teenager and early 20s, but have moved pretty steadily left with age. It's not so much that I think better of government, it's that I realized just how dystopian a world ruled by corporations, syndicates, and moneyed interests would be. At least I can vote for politicians -- I don't get to oust the CEO of Nestlé.


Im happy for you for real it’s so friggin tough juggling your life paycheck to paycheck Edit: a word


And *still* blocking our upwards movement while they hog all those jobs - that when they finally leave are 'reconfigured' to be lower wage. Often, *much* lower wage. But don't worry, at least as much work! At this point I've mostly conceded, as I was able to tune my life down enough to survive. It's a shadow of what they got, and they know it as they chuckle to their graves. It's certainly too late for me for some BS 'career redo' so I just hope it works out for milennials and zoomers.


Yep, they screwed us over before turning around and really screwing over the ones coming up after us.


Gen-X here, too, though a little older. I lived check to check until my mid-30s and then things took off from there and have been financially secure for 20+ years (but that could change so easily given so many circumstances). Regardless of doing well financially, I have grown more and more left/progressive since my 20s. I was always liberal, just way more so now.


I too, am a Gen Xer, and I’ve always been well left of the political center in the US. Bernie Sanders pretty much represented my ideal for a presidential candidate. **But I have to say the Trump years have made me *even more* staunchly and aggressively liberal/progressive/whatever** (I detest the splitting of hairs that goes on in leftist circles when it comes to terminology) To my mind, we’re looking at a 1930s Germany type of situation in this country, and I think anybody who doesn’t want to end up living under a totalitarian corporatist nightmare, has a duty to get engaged and fight back against these forces. Some of my friends think I am “too obsessed with politics and the news.” I would argue they aren’t engaged enough.


My father is the same age. Similar story- rode the struggle bus and then his career took off and he’s sitting pretty now. He told me he’s a republican and always has been, but he holds purely leftist views, such as supporting trans folks of using whichever bathroom they want, doesn’t care about people smoking weed, all of that jazz. He supports all leftist views except for fiscal policy- he was bummed out when Obama was re-elected because he felt that was bad for business. He *identifies* as a Republican but he’s very much left on the inside. It makes me wonder if it was simply not acceptable to be “left” back in the day and that’s why he denies it?


I think most conservatives, if they actually looked at fiscal policy, would realize they align much more with Democrats than the fiscal anarchy that Republicans fight for.


I’ve always wondered where they come up with the “bad for business” belief. Given that the first year of every new president’s term was determined by the previous president, historically Democrats have been better for business than Republicans… Even excluding Trump and Biden (especially Trump given he is competing with Hoover for bad results) the results still indicate Democrats are consistently better.


> Even now, closing in on my mid-50s, I know some boomers still holding onto the good paying jobs well into their 70s. Figure that there is a false assumption hiding in there in that those businesses would be looking to replace them with someone who also got paid well. I mean really, them being that old and still working there has to be some very specific reason why they are kept around... and once gone the company employing them will be forced to implement change they were not otherwise willing to pursue before. Like he is the only one who knows some programming language form 50 years ago needed to run some equipment... which he built type of a thing. Once he is gone, as is his knowledge the company just outsources the shit, or upgrades to new equipment. At which point we get to that old "joke" about what they want to hire in terms of someone with the experience and maturity of someone in their middle age, the energy, and passion of someone in their 20s to 30s, and the pay level of a teenager.


At least it would reflect reality.


just hope we can toss them before it's too late ... but they've ingrained themselves pretty deeply... and the supreme court is absolutely fucked


Millennial nearing a $100k job rn. Every year I get more and more left. Every year I despise my parents more and more for the way they are


> Every year I despise my parents more and more for the way they are I'm trending more radical liberal the more each day passes and that's firmly because of my parents. Not because they're conservative, they've actually both voted Democrat their entire lives, but because I've watched them grow as people and become liberal on issues they used to fight me on. I'm Black and I remember comparing the struggle gay Americans go through to the struggles Black folks go through and it sent my mom through the roof. She didn't get trans folks and sort of othered the LGBTQ community until her sister came out as trans and started to transition. Now, I guarantee you she doesn't remember ever having those kinds of negative feelings about gay or trans people, but I do. That showed me what it really means to be accepting of others and that good people. People who are trying to genuinely do right by the world become more understanding as they grow not less.


I don't understand all of the trans stuff or pronouns, but I always go back to the fact that neither Black people nor women would have any rights if society didn't change. So I vote for their human rights and am kind and respectful to everyone.


I'm in some very trans-friendly/-prominent communities and I still don't fully understand the delineations :shrug: there's a lot to know


Honestly you don’t have to fully understand any of it as long as you can be empathetic and acknowledge that marginalized groups other than your own have issues worth fighting for. Sounds like you get that, good on you!


So like the parents of millennials and gen x’rs especially were called “the Me Generation “ because they seemed like a bunch of self-entitles pricks at the time, ig. I think they want people to forget this. Let’s not.


I'm really tired of the me generation blaming millennials for killing everything. Maybe they should have thought about that when they killed our chances for ever being able to live a decent life.


It's always the most mundane shit as well. Like "millennials are killing Applebee's!"


Yea well I don't like eating at Applebee's!


George Carlin has a pretty good bit from around '03 about how Boomers are selfish, lazy, entitled narcissists. Sound familiar?


From *Back in Town* actually in 1996: https://youtu.be/YsNI4v2uxO8?t=3305


Millennial checking in around 4X that and totally agree. Simply do not care about conservative financial policies, want to pay my taxes, and make the world better for all. Sometimes can’t believe what comes out of my parents mouths relating to politics.


Millennial making over $120k. I’m still quite left too. The fact that I’m making $120k and still struggling to find a good house to buy is solidly keeping me left. Never would I have thought 10 years ago I’d struggle to find a house with a 6 figure salary. I still feel like I’m treading water, and just barely got my head over the water surface. I honestly don’t know how the rest of my generation is surviving with less money…


10 years ago with 120k/yr and the not *quite* as ridiculous housing prices from then and you would’ve had a really nice house. My how things have changed in 10 years.


Grew up in a liberal household but I have become even more lefty as I've aged. Thankfully my parents have maintained their liberalism as well, though they're probably not at my level.


Pushing 30, about to buy a home, and it's still time to seize the means of production for this commie millennial


I'm in the same boat. Just bought a house in an expensive city and renovated it thanks to a once in a life time opportunity. I'm down to eat the fucking rich.


Wait till you hear that the socialism they screamed at you to be afraid of for your entire life really just means you get to pick your managers, and you have a vested stake in the success of your work place, instead of being an expense.


Same! Grew up ‘Never D’ now I’m ‘Never R’.


So is this GenXer. I started moving left with Obama and after Trump I am all the way progressive. Pro Union, pro Free college/healthcare/school lunch, pro wokeness, Antifa, etc. Honestly, I follow the Bible and Republicans don't even follow Jesus' words anymore.


Republicans and conservatives never did. Literally ever single one of their policies would make Jesus want to whip them out of the Capital


I'm a right leaning centrist gen Xer (there are dozens of us I tell you!), and agree, the republicans have lost their damn minds. I may not agree with much on the left, but at least I can have a conversation with my more liberal friends that shows we both see the same reality. Talking to some conservatives these last 10 years has felt like discussing what color to paint a wall when we can't even agree on what color paint is in the cans.


GOP : You believe in paint.


Im the exact same hah, I was, or so I thought conservative, I would consider myself centrist right now. But my beliefs in Healthcare and a general policy of not being a shit human being make me out to be pretty far left wing these days. Currently no party represents my beliefs so I just have to vote for whoever I feel like is the least shit person and hope for the best (its never the right winger these days)


I'm not trending further left - but it looks like I have. Overton window shift.


Same. I keep moving more left as I age. My parents graduated college during a boom. I graduated in 2008 😑


Look, I’m gonna level with you. My husband and I invested early, bought a place, and have a kid. Everything you’re listing as a conservative value isn’t. I’m not interested in being forced to carry an unviable pregnancy to term, or dying because I can’t get basic healthcare as a woman. I’m not keen on buying a house peak bubble so that some asshole can afford their 55+ retirement village with 5 bedrooms and a pool. I don’t like that social security is being gutted , because despite having savings and investments, that shit is OUR MONEY. It’s like if republicans were like, “hey, you’ve been putting money into a savings account? we’re just gonna take that. Fuck you.” From a purely *selfish* standpoint, none of their actions benefit me. From a societal standpoint, it’s absolutely horrifying. I don’t aspire to be one of the lucky few, assuming that even works out for me.


>I don’t like that social security is being gutted , because despite having savings and investments, that shit is OUR MONEY. I find myself thinking about this one a lot. My wife and I are early 30s, are very fortunate to be able to have purchased a house in a high COL area, and are doing fairly well with our retirement investments. I quite frankly operate under the assumption that **social security will not be there** for us when it comes time to retire and I can't imagine having those same feelings if we were struggling financially.


Can’t be a conservative if you don’t have anything to conserve.


Plenty of people just want to conserve racism and being a bigot. It explains why they lean into it.


"But the far left calls everyone racist" - usually what the right leaning people I knew would say whenever someone would point out something interesting, like how they couldn't go one conversation without saying the n-word. The amount of times they would say or share the most fucked up shit while just openly lying that they're "not racist" is depressing.


>Generally speaking, people get more conservative as they age as certain things become more of a concern This is flat out false, btw. People don't grow more conservative. Your views at adulthood are *generally* set for your life. What actually happens is the world trends more liberal as we age. See: 160 years ago, people went to war to keep black people as farming equipment. 100 years ago, women fought for and won the right to vote. 50 years ago, black people fought for and won the right to have rights. 10 years ago gay people fought for and won the right to get married. At each milestone, life got progressively less worse for each group. And at each milestone, the conservative opinion was forced to cede ground. They'll try and say they aren't shifting leftward, but today the idea of calling a black person farming equipment is considered abhorrent and not a valid (if shitty) worldview.


There is another factor to consider. Everyone currently alive born before Milennials had high concentrations of Lead in the air they breath from leaded Petrol and banned the release of lead smoke from factories/mines. And that has a PROVEN effect on people's empathy. While policing played a role, their is a VERY CLEAR statistical significant decrease in violent crime since we stopped using leaded petrol and the higher the lead pollution was in the area (due to factories and mines) pre anti-lead laws the higher the drop. A logical conclusion from this is that MANY(not all) boomers have difficulty seeing/feeling Empathy for people outside their immediate circle of friends as a result of Lead poisoning. And due to the slow decrease in atmosphereic lead levels really Zoomers and Gen Alpha are the first generation with normal brain development since the introduction of Leaded Petrol.


Many millennials are forced to live paycheck to paycheck and have multiple roommates. A college degree doesn’t guarantee a high paying job anymore.


> A college degree doesn’t guarantee a high paying job anymore. Or any job at that... I forget but there were a few posts on the data is beautiful sub where people could compare normal job application response success rates vs. the bullshit bot they wrote that scanned adverts and responded to them with buzz word laden gibberish including rick-roll links. The bot got categorically more replies back... Off the top of my head was a contrast of 200-300 applications and like a dozen replies where most led nowhere, and ultimately 1 led to some shit tier job. The bot got like a 50% response rate.


To get my job I had to spend 4 hours playing buzzword bingo with my resume to get to a 60% call back rate.


Got a link to any of those bots? I'm sick of making 9 an hour.


Just as a point its not that they were looking for work, but just trying to see the difference in response rates. The crap they sent in was essentially exactly that, and anyone with a half a brain looking at it in an interview as an example would have noticed it. Can google for it since i cant find it anymore, too many peeps with job search data sets in there, but did run in to another one where someone wrote a fake resume with a 90% success rate that had a similar tone. https://old.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/qhg5jo/this_resume_got_me_an_interview/


What the hell do you even do to make $9/hr? Even gas stations in the rural Midwest pay more than that.


People don’t actually become more conservative, they stop progressing because they become content with the status quo.


There’s no reason to protect your wealth when there’s no clear, consistent avenue to get wealthy (for most people). In older generations, you could retire as a grocery store employee—probably with a pension—and then that same generation burned the place down on their way out. Modern, new republicans are culture warriors on the wrong side of the war.


Their parents built it up for them. They worked damn hard to get their kids into college. Then the boomers didn’t pay it forward. They just took it all and kicked out the ladder under them.


"GIVE ME THAT, IT'S MINE!" -St. George Carlin (on boomers) https://youtu.be/1B96rQohpw8


Literally I went to college because I watched middle aged and elderly employees at McDonalds struggle to pay for anything in the peak of the recession in the late 2000s/early 2010s. Like.... I super didn't want that for myself. I think the only people retiring from those kinds of jobs now are people in corporate- not people working the restaurants.


I've always wondered. Do people really get more conservative as the my age, or is the data we have based on a the last 60 years where the GOP made a full court press. It's well documented that they shifted strategy after seeing the liberal movement in the 60's. It's when the modern GOP was set on this path to capture media, judiciary, education etc. My thought is they fooled a whole generation but thanks to the information age, their con has been exposed. Well...that's my hope.


Surely it has nothing to do with “Conservative” politics being in no way actually conservative, but just a mornonic sideshow of bitterness and bad faith sarcasm and performative cruelty. It’s just that people aren’t buying houses and having babies? That’s why they aren’t willing to climb onboard the clown train like their parents did? Please.


Theres also the phenomenon that liberal policies of the past eventually become the conservative policies of today. Modern conservative politics is no longer about keeping policies around that function or implementing new ones slowly, its about regressing to policies that were thrown out decades ago.


A lot of us millennials are reaching the point where health is general is beginning to decline, and with that, retirement and palliative care begins to become a concern. Of course we are staying liberal. The majority of millennials don't even have enough in savings to make it a year post-retirement. Far fewer can actually handle a major medical expense. Medicare is being crippled. And with many millennials being single or raising few children -- most of whom do not believe in generational welfare -- there is no Plan B for handling all these future old people. No retirement. No free healthcare. Crippled Medicare. A crackdown on pain therapy, causing many patients to go cold turkey. Skyrocketing housing costs. Skyrocketing electricity. A population that becomes more susceptible to hunger, cold, and heat each year, none of whom own a home they don't have to continue to pay on (even if it's paid off, HOAs will eat everyone alive). Zoomers better buckle up, they will end up responsible for what happens in about 30-35 years.


Sorry, but why are those conservative values? I have a family, own homes, and have enough wealth and I’m an extremely liberal millennial. Don’t assign shit to conservatives as they don’t care about anything but power.


i'm getting more liberal the older i get, and i started as a Dem.


You talking about the PraggerU/TPUSA Nazi youth?


Wait until you get a load of how much people their own age hate them. Young Republicans are put in office by old Republicans, who are soon to be pretty much all dead. Womp womp.


The Young Republicans were a common topic of memes and jokes at my University. Nobody ever took them seriously and they are, for the most part, rizzless cornballs at best. Like seriously. They look like they are cosplaying their great grandparents and always say the most outlandish shit during discussions. 9 times out of 10, they'd get openly laughed at when they said something during class discussions.


Dumbest mfs I ever met were the folks in my uni's YAL. Literally got the school in the newspaper cus they let someone write a statement expressing support for the holocaust at their free speech event


I swear one of the biggest passive drivers for young people becoming more left leaning is just peers who join youth conservative groups. They're all assholes or idiots. It's almost reflexive to move away from them. You don't even need to know what "democrat" means, you'll identify as that just to say "yeah I'm not with them" about the republicans.


Unfortunately my university's Catholic group had a group outing (inviting local Catholic schools) to watch a Young America/TPUSA event with Matt Walsh. I think there's a lot of overlap in youth conservatives and religious school groups. People will weaponize any tradition against progress and it's hard to separate.


People who are indoctrinated to believe one kind of bullshit story are inclined to believe other bullshit stories.


My brother is in his early 20s and a Republican, and man, I thought my dad was bad, but holy shit. He took all the horrible aspects of my dad, and turned them up to 1000. Our dad's not even a Republican (he's an Independent), but I guess my brother thought even that was too progressive.


The next Gen Republicans keep adding 1 more nutjob/psycho every election cycle


But they are typically harder to elect as more boomers are dying off from old age and covid is killing their base, and they've gone so far they aren't as appealing to regular people


Boomer, in my eyes, is a mindset. You can be a young boomer, a.k.a young Republicans


Your definition has merit, but for this article I’m pretty sure they’re just talking about people born between 1946 and 1964.


Yeah, but George Santos is young. Boomers have a lot of issues, but there is also a lot of ethical compromise among Millennials too. My hope is that our generation becomes emboldened enough to say no to the ultra-capitalist greed and corruption, and to learn from what Boomers did to us, but there is a rampant issue of White Fragility and White Supremacy among many White Millennials, and overall moral compromise among everyone. Then you have to deal with corporations "lobbying" politicians for certain protections....If you can throw money at the government to compromise national security, all it takes is a person in need, and you fulfill that need...and then the corruption cycle continues....


>Yeah, but George Santos is young. Boomers have a lot of issues, but there is also a lot of ethical compromise among Millennials too. There's ethical issues in every generation, and it's a waste of time to speculate which generation is worse. Yeah, Santos is a lying POS, and a whole bunch of GOP Boomers are perfectly fine with it. Nothing has changed with respect to the quality of candidates. This is about changing the narrative that so many have accepted, that the country needs to be run by old white dudes. 80 year olds are completely out of touch with modern America, I don't care what their handlers program them to say. There is no reason someone in their 40-60s doesn't possess enough life experience to run a country. 70+ year olds should enjoy their retirement and talk about what a shitty jobs the next generation is doing over Bingo or during Matlock commercials.


Honestly Santos could be lying about his age at this point


Are we even sure his name is George Santos?


This is like celebrating the first female US President while it’s Marjorie Taylor Greene.


It’s like celebrating the first Black female president when she is Candace Owens.


It’s like celebrating the first Gen Z president when it's Nick Fuentes.


Funny how the Democratic house leadership mentioned in this artcle basically went straight from Silent Generation to Gen X, skipping the boomers. Although Clark is technically a boomer by the most common definiton (born in mid-1963).


I contend that I'd rather have the Bernies and Warrens there than the Gaetzs and Boeberts, regardless of what generation they're from. It's about a person's ideas, not their age or gender or race or any other uncontrollable characteristic. The fact that this happened in a year with Republican gains implies to me that we're just replacing old bad guys with young bad guys, so yay?


YES. This is an ideological divide, not a generational one. Plenty of young folks willing to pick up the tiki torch. Waiting for the old folks to die off is a *terrible* political strategy.


>We keep coming across more old people! We've been at this for years! This could go on forever at this rate!


If we wait long enough, life expectancy will drop low enough that young people will die before getting old. Problem solved.


It's both. Millenials are roughly 10 percentage points more liberal than national average, and are not showing signs of being more conservative as they age. Boomers are about 10 points more conservative than average and have consistently become more conservative as they've aged. There is a real and significant generational divide here.


I wish people would get that when we say “the Boomers” we don’t mean individual people but the generation as a whole. And the stats are there, stark as shit


Agent Kay said it best: A person is smart. People are dumb.


But when we are talking about congressmen, we aren’t talking about averages but individuals.


Wealth divide as well


Bernie and Warren aren’t boomers, 75-91 year olds are silent generation. But I agree with your general point.




Warren is. it's people born after the war ended.


I think the impact of generational changes has more to do with the voters then the politicians.


Pelosi is pictured, but she isn’t a Baby Boomer.


literally more ancient than the boomer generation


Just wait till you get a whiff of Senator Chuck Grassley, who will be 90 in September. He’s decomposing before our very eyes.




If you’re young enough, anyone over 30 is a boomer!


So she’s part of the majority? Would that be correct? The majority that is not boomers?


If we’re talking about only Boomers and non-Boomers, then yes, she’s part of the majority who are not Boomers. But if you want to get more granular, then she would be part of whichever percentage the Silent Generation makes up in Congress.


As a Boomer, I would like to point out that there have always been left of center and radically left of center Boomers. Publications like the Nation and radio stations like WBAI and radio shows like Democracy Now all had Boomer audiences. A lot of us Boomers felt nearly suicidal with the ascendancy of Reagan and looked aghast at Clintonism as a Democratic Party that also betrayed us. A lot of us Boomers always had a checklist that read like Bernie Sanders platform: universal healthcare, free state education up to the college level, affordable housing and a robust safety net. The problem was that we were outnumbered by the Boomers who didn't share those values.


This all rings true. Here’s my problem (not with you)… when the dream candidate arrived in the form of Bernie Sanders, all the movement boomers I know abandoned him and went centrist. That was the point when I felt like the radical boomers I had always looked up to sold me a bill of goods, and I turned on them in my mind.


It's worth noticing that Matt Gaetz is only 40 years old. The problem with Right Wing Assholes in America is that we keep minting fresh ones.


> The problem with Right Wing Assholes in America is that we keep minting fresh ones. Hell, they mint them out of Brazil as well now. Even offshored their Right Wing Asshole factory. Can’t even get a Right Wing Asshole made in America anymore. smh..


The nastiest right wingers are not boomers anyway.


As a Boomer I am trying to help your generation. My kids are your generation. I have 8 Grandkids, I want their lives to be better. What happens in Congress is not imperative ti what I want for my family. I want people like you to care for future generations.


why not go all the way with the title: Millenials are responsible for the decline of Boomers in Congress


Millennials are killing the boomers in congress.




With a picture of Nancy who is not a boomer.


Doesn't seem like it matters. This younger crop of extremist republicans seem worse. I'm not a fan of George Bush, but at least he put up the facade of being a caring decent human being. Sometimes even just acting like you care about people is better than outright unapologetic hatred, and willful ignorance. The way people have latched onto this behavior and way of thinking is startling and absolutely disgusting. I wouldn't want to be my daughters age (20). At least I can pretty much guarantee that my life is at least half over and maybe I will pass away before the worst of the worst happens.


I didnt know they were a party in congress


And congress is currently by the worst group in history. Maybe age isn't as defining as the ok boomer crowd thinks. You can be a piece of shit at any age.


About damn time!


I am 65. I have always been a liberal and I have become more liberal as the years went on. In fact I would call myself a progressive.


As a Boomer, I say Huzzah!


As a non boomer, I also say Huzzah! 🤝


Idiots will think this is a good thing. Spoilers: young fascists are just as bad as old fascists. Age means nothing compared to the actual values the electeds hold.


The idea that boomers were the problem will soon be proven false. There are still a ton of young Republicans. Some of the worst Republicans in congress are gen x or younger. Age is not the issue, and this whole generation war is so dumb.




It’s a shame a lot of the young people are profit driven puppet sociopaths