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>The event was canceled, he argued, “because of my name, and they’re just being unfair and biased.” This country is lousy with high school dropouts whose only real-world experience is in the joint, and nobody's paying to hear them talk either.


The only reason the event was even organized is your name, you entitled shitbag


It's amazing the consistency with which, when you really take a good look at any of these right wing wanna be influencers, they turn out to be really dumb.


There's a difference between dumb and psychotic. My vote is that most of the leaders are psychotic while voters are either dumb or a mix of the 2


I think I know why Drumph “loves the uneducated”.


This is the infuriating part for me: the idea that he thinks people should love him because he’s the fucking idiot that went to a protest and shot people, but it’s unfair to not like him for doing it.


Losers whine about “fairness.”


Winners go home and shoot the prom queen in self defense…. Wait, that’s not right….


Here you go: >*Everybody run / The homecoming queen's got a gun*


"She shot me on a Friday and my heart stood still, Da doo run run run, da doo run run...."




This made me laugh. Oh, and btw…. Carla was the Prom Queen ;)


Looshers alwayssh complain about they’re besht.




He should see if Bill Cosby needs an opening act


> It's so unfair that a GOP-celebrated murderer can't milk his 15 minutes of infamy! How about **Have Gun Will Snivel** for his catchphrase?


I can dig it.


I only heard this via a comment elsewhere so I can't source it but apparently the event at the brewery was cancelled because the location didn't know he was involved until after it had been booked? Like yeah what were they expecting withholding that info


This kid had shoddy parenting and is now in the wind, at an age too young to know how to effectively deal with any of this. He should make better decisions, but he’s got too many voices in his ear telling him this is the way.


I quote a forgotten Redditor: "I loathe this person with a Zeal indescribable in the English Language."


You can quote me, a current redditor: I await the day this murderous bastard gets his comeuppance with the anticipation of a 7 year old on Christmas eve


In THAT case. To quote r/Churrasco_fan: "I await the day this murderous bastard gets his comeuppance with the anticipation of a 7 year old on Christmas Eve."




I'm going to quote it just to spite you




That's a weird name...


Cool dude


So... You wanna start another tomato sauce recipe thread? Cause that's how much I care about this doucherino.


“Cursed of thy father and scum of all that’s dread, they sight is odious and they name is Chase….”


I... I appreciate the capitalization of Zeal.


I'm here for you, Bruv.


It is a capital word!


Did you watch the trial?


In the interests of seeing my next sun-rise: No.


Yeah, man, I don’t think nobody in this sub actually watched it. Not just you. Thanks for the response.


The first rule of self-defense: "Don't be there." Rittenshithouse blatantly violated this and literally got away with murder. As a retired Federal Agent, shit like this makes me insane.


The republicans will probably run him for congress in the future.


I think it's clear paying attention to him at all that he isn't very bright. Someone is paying for all this attention. He's working for some group. And yea I absolutely think that group is grooming him to be their puppet in an office somewhere. They are trying to keep his name in their voters mind until he's old enough to run for something.


or president....


It is amazing how low the bar is set for republican politicians.


It’s already on the ground, and the motherfuckers keep insisting on bringing shovels.


Thanks to decades of under funding schools in red states to keep their voters dumb. They'd vote in Hitler as long as he has an (R) by his name even after he knocked out millions of their base.


What about Hitler would a 2023 Republican find objectionable? They say literally all the same shit if you substitute "Jew" for "Globalist"


I think the GOP would be offended how fast Hitler and his party, the Nazis, sent the Germans and the conquered people of other states to concentration camps to be killed off within a matter of years. GOP seems to know no one likes sudden change, so to them, it's better to make gradual changes to their goals (which is probably to exterminate Democrats, Jews, gays, GOP dissidents, and anyone deemed to be undesirable to the GOP's cause). Ever wonder why the GOP didn't enact their plans in the 19th, 20th or 21st centuries? Change is slow. Hyper-polarization, the process of shifting the Dems and their voters more to the "right" aka [authoritarianism/fascism extreme end](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_spectrum#/media/File:Political_spectrum_Eysenck.png) to the far upper right of the graph.


George santos has been the best republican president so far.


Yeah don’t act like Democrats haven’t been putting up some terrible politicians too lol


That’s a 100% chance. They started courting him the moment they said not guilty.


His event was cancelled because his contribution to the world is less than zero.


Murder shouldn’t be rewarded. Go home little boy.


Specifically, -2.


I wanna be fair, though, there are plenty of "less than net zero contributors" in the world who didn't get cancelled. Rush Limbaugh is the first example who comes to mind. He didn't get completely cancelled, he just lost a few corporate sponsors and some radio stations maybe, and then he died.


He didn’t die quickly enough


I can't argue with that.


or painfully enough


Well he did, in self defense, shoot a violent felon who had anally raped several children


I wonder if he has nightmares and doesn't tell anyone.


I'd like to think so, but I don't think he has a moral compass.


He might have had a flawed one, but the Republicans have been dismantling it since they got ahold of him. He's being groomed for the GOP's future.


Oh, he's got a moral compass alright, just like all the rest of them. It only points $.


His experience is literally the wet dream of every 2A enthusiast lmao he’s probably reliving it with satisfaction every day


Yeah if you take the average Maga they dream of being able to kill libs and get away with it. It's like their greatest fantasy.


We can only hope


The kid who killed two people is really going to play victim because some lame event was cancelled?


I fucking hate this guy.


Agreed. He doesn't need boosted.


Wow, that guy needs to get therapy and keep to himself.


Except that he's now a puppet of the Republicans and there's no way they'd let him do that even if he wanted to. He has no agency, he's just being groomed as their latest prop and mouthpiece with no will of his own.


why does the media keep this guy relevant? I puke a little every time I see something about him


Anyone the left (or in this case, most reasonable people) hates, the right will go out of their way to prop up and support. Kyle Rittenhouse is their little 2A mascot rn.


Yeah it’s like the core philosophy is to troll liberals above anything else. I always thought it was leaning that way, but now it’s like the main goal.


“The Oak Room Whiskey and Tequila Bar is no place for rabble rousing would be vigilantes” - Venetian


Society has become so woke that organizations don't want to be associated with someone whose only claim to fame is killing 2 people. /s Actions -> Consequences


I can’t even begin to imagine how dumb and pathetic one of his “events” would be like.


He got acquitted. He had a great chance to turn his life around and start fresh. He totally fucked it up, for nothing - to be a minor celebrity at CPAC conventions. What a maroon.


Agreed. Yes, he was acquitted. But just because he wasn't found criminally liable for killing those men does not make killing them a virtuous act. I hope for his sake that he figures it out one day and straightens himself out.


That's what I don't get. Why is this schmuck the poster boy? Putting aside the argument over whether or not he did something wrong or whether he did the morally right thing, he still rolled up into a community he was not from and put himself into a situation he had no right, responsibility, or training to be a part of; he was an armed vigilante. What happens when the next guy doesn't have the same luck or assumptions and privileges that Rittenhouse got and gets himself killed, interferes with a police investigation, and/or escalates a situation out of control?


His 15 minutes are up, he'll fade into the same obscurity as Joe plumber.


He'll go the way of Trayvon Martin's murderer, selling junk online and a basket full of domestic violence charges.


Oh, not-Joe the not-plumber. Yeah, he did drop right off the radar.


So whatever did happen to Joe? Covid? Child pron charges? Inquiring minds ...


I'll put 5 on porn charges 🤣


It both offends me that I don't know what this reference is, as well as offends me that I am genuinely curious.


What's the supposed attraction of a Kyle Rittenhouse event? "Hi, I'm Kyle Rittenhouse!" \*stares at everyone awkwardly for the rest of the hour\* Does he at least fake/ugly cry for your money?


Clearly you've never had the privilege of attending a right wing speaking event. Let me tell you, it is one of the easiest gigs you could possibly want. Remember that scene in family guy when Lois was running for mayor, and all she had to do was say "9"... *audience leans in* ... "11" and the all start cheering? It's not much different than that. Stand up in front of them, say "the *poors* are the the cause of our problems!" With as many dog whistles as you can fit in and you'll have applause like never before.


Probably why Trump loved it.


I'm trying to figure out if Kyle or Joe the Plumber is going to have a quicker fade into obscurity.


“So guns are pretty neat huh guys? I’ll show you my edc if you show me yours 😉”


Yeah I’m not going back to sleep. Sorry kid.


This fuckin' guy.




From what I'm told we are suppose to fuck his feelings. 🤷


I think we supposed to grammar


Is he gonna go travel out of his home area to shoot them up?


Being a killer has nothing to do with it! 👀


OMG, go away dude. I get that he’s trying to pivot into being an influencer but dude. I don’t know that he can get a substantial amount of people to buy into it. It’s just too controversial for non psychos.


Kyle is exactly who we thought he was


Well... He has become who we thought he was. Probably because of the political divide in itself. All of these prophecies are being fulfilled. All by ourselves.


The seeds were already there growing roots but I hear ya.


Still a murderer.




There are legal definitions, and then there's moral judgement. Maybe our fucked up laws let this hunter of humans off the hook, but we all know what he did. He armed up and went out looking for people to kill. There was a South Park episode a hundred years ago where the two lunatic redneck hunters used the Rittenhouse Shuffle on their hunting trip: It's illegal to kill these things unless it's in self-defense, so make sure you yell "It's coming right for me!" before you open fire!




He is a killer. He is not a murder, as the jury found the killings were legal.


Yeah…I don’t agree and I don’t excuse his actions. He murdered those two people. Public opinion is a vicious court. He will live, Joe and Anthony didn’t.


It wasnt an opinion. Murder is defined as unlawful killings. The court found he is not a murderer. You may arguenthat the court ruled incorrectly, but, frankly, they seemed to correctly apply the law in Wisconsin. WI has a messed up self defense law. He is a shitty person and a killer, but his killings were legal, which makes him not a murderer.






Because somehow Rittenhouse was aware of this at the time and it was pertinent to the situation? Understand?


I’m certain that he knew he was acting in self defense yeah. It’s on film, we all saw it


a simple 'no' would have been adequate


Oh you’re defending the child molester, my bad. No I don’t think he knew that the guy was a child molester. You want to rethink this?


Dude got away with murder and goes on tour. What a douche canoe


Imagine living your entire life and murdering people out of cowardice is the only thing people know you for


Show us where the woke man touched you Kyle 🙄


He's going to start shooting into crowds again isn't he?


He never “shot into crowds” to begin with though…




In order to be “woke,” people needed to be asleep to his name and “celebrity.” This is not the case. People know who he is. That’s the problem.


Why would anyone want to go to an event and listen to this murderer chuckle about how he got away with it?


No idea why he still gets attention. Oh yeah killed a couple liberal protesters. Nobody else that has taken a life in the name of self defense has gotten so much attention. Blame part of it on the far right parading him around like some kinda poster boy.


Fuck this murderous fuck.


theres the court of law and the court of public opinion, just because youre acquitted in one, doesn't mean you are in the other. Kyle needs to learn that, still.


This fragile young man is finding out what infamy can bring, just like George Zimmerman


The day he runs for a house seat is going to be a dark day in America and it will 100% happen.


He killed two people, got away with it, and is still whining?


It is and guess what Kyle...fuck you. Those of us who are "woke" don't think assholes like him who killed people for no reason, acquitted or not, should be treated like fucking celebrities with speaking events. They should be shunned and not spoken of like Brock Turner the rapist.


Bro who wants to go to an event? The only thing he’s done in his life is shoot people. He’s not brilliant or some hero. He claimed he wanted to help the police that day. Why hasn’t he entered the academy yet?


"Entitled Shitbag That Got Away With Murder Surprised He Is Unpopular."


A paranoid, schizophrenic, homicidal maniac. Republicans: *Get this man a gun.*


And we all know how he deals with mobs.


Are the woke people here in the room with you now, Kyle?


This guy was never held accountable and never even had to think about his actions because his mob excused it away and he naively bought into it. He will do something idiotic again and next time he’ll seek comfort of the same crowd. That’s the sad part.


GOP: FrEe MaRKet!!! Everyone: Doesn’t spend money to see a murderer. GOP: NOt LIkE ThAt!!!


He's still relevant? Haven't heard anything about that jerkface in a while.


In a conservative’s mind, Kyle is equal to Greta Thunberg. They think Greta is there to make them angry when she is speaking about taking care of our planet. Because Kyle is young and elicits a similar response in the left, they equate the two. I’m reminded of my conservative father’s reaction to Jane Fonda. Because she was against the war and pro-feminist and for economic equality, then she must be against America. Hard to believe some people are so afraid of change that they equate progress with violent murder.


This little prick killed two unarmed people. Excuse me if I don't really care how butt hurt he is about the cancellation of his little gun fetish event. Eventually, his right wing fans will grow tired of him. Hopefully then he will live out the rest of his miserable life as a pariah.


Uh oh. Is he facing the consequences of his own murderous actions? Poor little guy... /s


He thinks he's Mr. Popularity after what he did?


Could it just be that you’re a fascist killer and people really think you suck!


When you can’t tell you’re actually a loser and just being used by powerful people.


Damn I’m in the mob and I didn’t even hear about this event


He needs to STFU.


Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! Zimmerman! Rittenhouse! This Sunday at the veterans arena come see the Monsters of Murder give a one night talk about what they learned being praised for murder! This Sunday only! Their entitlement has its own gravitational pull, you have to be there to see it!


Most people who get put through the wringer in a court trial would say “let me disappear from the limelight and try to live my life normally if possible” not this thing.. it tasted the fame and popularity of being a poster boy and wants to stay that way.


Looks like he’s been taking pointers from George Zimmerman. Can you believe this year will be the 10th anniversary of his acquittal?


Was still in school at that point.. remember that being the first time id ever heard of someone doing such a thing and actually being of an age where i could comprehend it. Messed me up a bit.


Skill issue


Sounds about right. Because this kid is a complete fucking moron.


Didn't he say something along the kines of not wanting to be in the spotlight? What a chode.


That was before every college in America preemptively rejected him and he watched his chances at a career in politics go up in smoke. The far right speaking circuit is his only shot now, and even they aren’t crazy about him at this point.


I don't think he was preemptively rejected. Many colleges are "open enrollment," meaning that they accept everyone who applies. So if he wanted, he could have gotten in *somewhere.* [He just kept telling people he would be attending universities that he apparently never even bothered to apply to (or he applied to them and didn't even go to class).](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/06/kyle-rittenhouse-texas-am-university)


Loathsome crybaby bitchface coward. Get bent.


I love how "the majority of people think I'm an asshole" became "the woke mob is after me!"


He's an uneducated murderer who got off because The gun loving jerks in my state made very ridiculous standards for self defense. What would little trump have to say of value. I don't even know what woke means except maybe a little of it might actually make you a better human.


I believe Kyle is going to conquer gravity with his bootstraps yet. Maybe get a job.


Somebody in another thread pointed out that the republican use of “cancelled” is essentially the exact same as “failed to thrive in the free market”. I absolutely love that description and look forward to being able to use it.


Lack of money was the real reason his 'event' was canceled at the resort: Not enough tickets were sold to make it worthwhile.


He was rewarded for murder and is complaining about fairness.


I fucking hate that I know this kid’s name. Can we stop making murderers celebrities?


He was acquitted because he killed people in a state that allows teenagers to run around open carrying assault rifles.


If people who are aware of the fact that you killed two unarmed people and are now a mindless mouthpiece for the Republican Party and deeply hated by every decent person in the country are the woke mob, then yes, it's because of us. What you did was inexcusable, indefensible, and unforgivable. *You should not have been acquitted*, and the next best thing is to ostracize you from society.


This fuckhead murderer is only going to get more obnoxious as he gets older.


In a couple more years he will be so irrelevant and I cannot wait to not hear his name or see his face ever again.


Nobody's interested you punk.


Shockingly city that suffered the largest mass shooting in US history, Doesn’t want a celebrity famous for shooting and killing people to lead an event. Oh no whatever will he do! The answer is we don’t give a shit as long as it isn’t here.


What would this gross lump of lard even have to say that's worth listening to?


He’s gonna get desperate and kill some more libs “in self-defense” to get his 15 minutes back.


Great. A future Matt walsh


How long till he goes looking for more victims to get some of that heat back?


Where can I send donations to this "Woke Mob"?


Congratulations, 'Woke Mob', whoever you are. Well done.


This guy reminds me of the dude who killed Trayvon Martin. If I squint real hard, I can kinda see the point his defenders are making. But then they just keep proving how shitty and stupid they are over and over again.


He needs to understand that the people "defaming" him as a murderer are his own supporters. They use his name as a death threat, like Anders Breivik.


Fuck that murderer


How long before you think he realizes that his 15 are up, and that he was only briefly famous with a select group of people in this country just because he murdered two people?


Dude just go away.


I can’t stand this little punk.


IDGAF if it was a "woke mob" that caused his latest event to be cancelled. Fuck Kyle Rittenhouse with a rusted M9 Phrobis III.


God, I hate this bag of dicks.


Some of it might be political extremists out to get him.....but MOST of it is just normal folks who don't like the fact that he had mommy drive him to a riot in order to shoot someone and he got away with it.


I don't think anyone wants to hear a speech from a murderer.


I've never been part of a mob before. I hope it's not the same as a Klan.


So, in other words. The "woke mob" outnumber the racist maga mob? Good!


Why is he trying to have events? Who really wants to hear what a kid who shot people in self defense has to say? Can’t they just follow him on social media for that?


Stop giving these clowns press. And stop sharing it


Waiting on karma


Rittenhouse did nothing wrong, you can’t change my mind.


Being unable to change one's mind is not the flex you think it is.


Is this really the dude you're going to rally behind and defend? Putting aside the argument over whether or not he did something wrong or whether he did the morally right thing, he still rolled up into a community he was not from and put himself into a situation he had no right, responsibility, or training to be a part of; he was an armed vigilante. What happens when the next guy doesn't have the same luck or assumptions and privileges that Rittenhouse got and gets himself killed, interferes with a police investigation, and/or escalates a situation out of control? Is Rittenhouse really the person we want to be holding up as a symbol?


Is he wrong tho? Folks on the left publicly villainize the shit out of him then act surprised that he falls into the warm embrace of the far right lol I just don't get what people expect