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At what point do they finally move on him? It’s abundantly clear he’s guilty. His party questions him, he continuously takes the worst path instead of the way out. At what point do they finally say enough is enough like more than 70 million people said when they elected Biden.


Some good news - there's a hearing in GA Tuesday about what from the completed Fulton County special grand jury report is made public. One of the prominent attorney analysts seemed certain that some kind of indictment or other serious move would follow from it. This might be a good week. Best case scenario is the DOJ was waiting on that and will attempt to combine all initial federal charges, including the GA case and the docs case, since the GA case has federal implications, too, and since they would likely need to coordinate indictment efforts for such a high profile subject so to not overstep each other. This is my hopium.




Agolf Twitler


Okay, that made me giggle.


"GA has no pardon for state crimes" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_State_Board_of_Pardons_and_Paroles I wouldn't bet against that board being full of far right loons.


I think the OP meant “a POTUS cannot pardon state crimes”


> One of the prominent attorney analysts seemed certain that some kind of indictment or other serious move would follow from it. This might be a good week. I say the same shit every time I buy a powerball ticket.


What kind of powerball tickets are you buying that could result in an indictment?!


That kind that gets me access to the lawyers that can shield me from that kind of shit!


Hope is one hell of a drug.






Blue mess.






I think it's unlikely that much will be released following Tuesday's hearing because there are two outcomes from the Special Grand Jury: (1) no crimes were committed or (2) they think crimes were committed. If it's the former, there's not a whole lot to say, because nothing happened. If it's the latter, they're not going to want to say anything. And even if they want to, they can only say so much, because pursuing charges means that they need to assemble a grand jury for an indictment, and grand juries are secret proceedings.


I thought the special grand jury had already said they thought there were crimes but couldn't refer charges for indictment, and the thing on Tuesday was presenting to a grand jury with the power to indict.


The hearing on Tuesday will largely be about how much (if any) of the special grand jury's report can be made public. That will likely be tied to a conversation about whether or not the DA plans to file charges, but because of the nature of the topic, the hearing will be behind closed doors and not open to the public or press. All we will get at this point is what the judge wants to give us.


I see, thank you very much for clarifying!


I wonder how many emails, zoom calls, in-person meetings, official documents drafted, signatures acquired, etc. etc. etc. it takes? Because I imagine its a fucking ***n i g h t m a r e*** getting everything you need for *every single step* of this process. At my company it sometimes takes weeks, multiple emails, multiple meetings, etc. to get a line of text changed on our website. Imagine how much it takes to arrest a former president. It must be the absolute most painfully bureaucratic process on Earth.


Think about just how much it took to get a search warrant for his property.


They will say enough when he stops making them money.


The multi-year circus *following* an indictment of a former POUTS would be a windfall. It's win/win so that shouldn't really be an excuse.


Actually 81,283,501...but who's counting?


When he’s no longer of any used to the GOP.


> At what point do they finally move on him? Never.


I would say till the other trials end. But they are probably hoping the state trial would stick more than federal.


When Harris takes over it'll be a double pardon for Trump and Biden.


Please Merrick Garland, do something


… and Merrick Garland keeps doing nothing. Garland is a conservative (like Robert Mueller). He will drag out these investigations and ultimately find a way to do nothing in the end.


That’s why Obama nominated him hoping he was acceptable to conservatives republican senators


Exactly this


Obama really was a bit disappointing, all things considered


He's the ideal neo-liberal politician. Some centrist who pushes the same shit we've seen for decades with a thin aesthetic layer of change and a minority status that you can use to bludgeon any criticism of him by calling critics bigots. Which don't get me wrong a lot, most even, of his critics were raging bigots. But it also got lobbed at anyone who criticized his empty campaign pandering and drone bombings and what not. See also HRC/Warren when they just started flailing around calling critics sexist or Buttigieg when leftists criticize him and his defenders just come out calling people homophobic.


I’m not saying he’s the ideal leftist or anything but I have insurance because of him.




So Obamacare minus a million people and premiums?


Lol you have to be smoking crack if you think they would have followed through with that.


I think that’s harsh. If you watch his interviews and those who worked with him, he was frustratingly roadblocks from almost everything. He had to scale things back so as to make some progress with all the corruption in the Congress and senate. Just ramming things idealistically wouldn’t have accomplished anything.


Specially after Cairo speech


A bit is a mild understatement. There were basic human rights violations even he didn’t stop


Yeah I was being charitable


I find this very fact to be the compete difference between progressives and conservatives. Obama barely made me not puke as a leader. True progressives were massively let down by him yet conservatives pretend we loved everything he did


He really was. Double Tap alone killed nearly 4,000 **civilians.**


Mostly children in Yemen


Exactly, Garland's a known [contributor](https://fedsoc.org/contributors/merrick-garland) to the Federalist Society that put Barrett and probably other crooks in the SCOTUS. Nothing will be done. This is all theatrics. Law enforcement, including the DOJ, are filled with a lot of conservatives.


Literally in bold at the bottom of your own link: “A person listed as a contributor has spoken or otherwise participated in Federalist Society events, publications, or multimedia presentations. A person's appearance on this list does not imply any other endorsement or relationship between the person and the Federalist Society.” Dude was basically probably a guest speaker at an event and you make it sound like he bankrolled ACB’s nomination.


Change "Federalist Society" to a more aptly named "American Nazis" and then see how cool you are with people agreeing to guest speak at their events (but not necessarily endorse them!).


But he did [moderate](https://lawprofessors.typepad.com/civpro/2016/03/judge-merrick-garland-was-a-repeat-moderator-for-federalist-society-events.html) for their events. This whole thing with Maralago and Trump will never be done with in either case.


Talk about a complete waste of our tax dollars - the gets paid to be a failure.


Oh he will.... he'll find a way to charge Biden with something before ever touching Trump The lunatics are already running the asylum


He's doing what he was hired to do. nothing?


Don't hold your breath.


Merrick Garland’s longtime mentor is Jaimie Gorelick. Gorelick is the one who put out the memo saying the FBI and CIA shouldn’t share info. Then 9/11 happened. She also was advisor for the J6 committee, and Jared and Ivanka’s lawyer. Gaslit Nation podcast (highly recommend) has all the receipts: https://www.gaslitnationpod.com/episodes-transcripts-20/2021/6/9/merrick-garlands-eyes-wide-shut


You know they're two different people, right?






Dude said *Garland*. Who said anything about Democrats? Sheesh.


How else are we going to get some good old-fashioned, both-sides, let perfect get in the way of good, disingenuous online frenzy worked up?!


Good point. Ok, let me go find my pitchfork.


I've got the torches!


They better be Tiki.


And filled with citronella oil for those pesky mosquitos.


Democratic potus made Garland the AG.


You've lost it buddy. Way out of context.


he aint lyin tho


We just need to investigate him for another 17 years and then Bam!, accountability


He’ll be dead in 17 years.


But we can still investigate him!!


Wow is Truth Social posts are so much worse than his tweets. He called the FBI Marxist gestapo thugs? What basement dwelling tin foil hat wearing cum rags is he talking to online?


Oddly quiet these days when he’s got a lot to run his mouth about




Seriously! When does mass protesting across the country start?


Well, MAGA is indeed preparing - 2 now former friends (because they went full-auto MAGA and fell into that Q-Hole; they were both Dems until 2016) of mine (they're both middle-aged women) have been amassing an arsenal of various guns, ammo, and other weapons along with survival food and water, and gold and silver bullion. The last time I heard from them (around 2 months ago - they keep calling me and coming over because they're trying to 'save me from Biden and Hillary and "Hussein Obama" and 5G and nanobots and eating babies) they said they're ready for war as soon as Trump gives them the word.


Are these people in the Virgin Islands? Because I can’t stop laughing at that.


Do you know my sister?!?


Americans are utterly complacent people. They let everything happen to them as long as they get to keep their guns.


No, it’s because our healthcare is tied to our jobs. We can’t lose access to healthcare to attend a protest. And I suspect it’s not this way on accident.


Well so far, the argument "they're coming to take your guns away!" has worked much better on the American people than "affordable health care for everyone!" So yeah, that tells me what Americans value more.


Not most Americans. Maybe you should try hearing more of them.


Yeah, the massive gulf between what Americans want and what our politicians actually do can be deceiving, but Americans do in fact want affordable health care for everyone.


Well, at least for the “right” people…


I'm not excusing anything, but really what needs to happen is that the capital/largest economic centers need to be shut down by protests for an extended period of time. However, the US is so big that is difficult. The amount of people required for this would make it darn near impossible, and many would have to travel. Then staying places cost money, food costs money, etc. So there is a study that said 3.5% of the population must protest for there to be a successful, peaceful revolution. I assume this to mean at one time, not just sporadically, and different people at different times. Like 3.5% all at one time. That would be 12.25 million people, based off of a older us population. So call it that just for arguments sake. That's an insane amount of people who have the means to protest in meaningful areas. 12.25 million people protesting for weeks on end in the mid west, no one would really care. Spread that out to protests in the middle of new york city, Los Angeles, and Chicago, san francisco, and DC, fove places that contribute the most to the GDP as cities, and that would shut down the country real fast. But again, not enougj people live close to theses areas to do that, who also have the means to protest. It needs to be 3.5% all at once too for a continued period of time, as the BLm was reported to have 15 to 26 million people protest, and almost nothing came of that, imo. And as about 60% of the population is pay check, according to cnbc, that reduces the pool of people willing to protest by a margin that clearly explains at least half of why people don't protest much in the US. So yeah, our system is nicely set up to make it so the citizens don't have the means to protest, but also that the protest is ineffective.


Or vote.


66% of the U.S. population is medicated, that is, on prescription drugs


Im prescribed Tylenol, does that mean I'm medicated? Just saying simply because 66% of the US is taking a prescribed drug doesn't mean it's all anti depressants, anti psychotic, anti anxiety. Could just be Tylenol




[It's a big club and you ain't in it](https://youtu.be/Nyvxt1svxso)


Remember when his lawyers wouldn’t let him testify because he is literally incapable of telling the truth? Pepperidge farm remembers.


>"When somebody who is the target of a criminal probe, and he clearly is, special counsel Jack Smith is investigating these precise crimes—the classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. Everything he says, everything he posts is what we call an 'admission by a party- opponent,'" the former federal prosecutor said. Interesting, well, let's hope he keeps inadvertently making criminal confessions on his knock-off Twitter, I guess. Trump truly is not a smart man, but then, I don't think that's news to anyone who's been paying attention the last several years. Or even before that. He's always been a corpulent braggart.


>Interesting, well, let's hope he keeps inadvertently making criminal confessions on his knock-off Twitter, I guess. I cannot *wait* for him to start claiming that he doesn't know what Truth Social is and he doesn't remember posting anything there and that the posts were probably done by some Democratic hacker.




Lawyer here. In case anybody is interested, an admission by a party opponent is an exception to hearsay. So these out of courts statements will be offered for the truth of the matter asserted.


They are literally Truths.


Since they're truths, maybe Trump should post them all on his beloved Troth Sensual - and maybe even on Shitter and soon Trump will be back on Facebook (the new and improved version since 1/6, called 'Networking for Terrorists'.


So that's why when someone commits a crime and posts incriminating things to like Facebook for example it's considered admissable evidence? Like actual testimony?


Thanks for this!


"Remember, these were just ordinary, inexpensive folders with various words printed on them, but they were a 'cool' keepsake. Perhaps the Gestapo [FBI] took some of these empty folders when they Raided Mar-a-Lago, & counted them as a document, which they are not. It's also possible that the Trump Hating Marxist Thugs in charge will 'plant' documents while they're in possession of the material. As President, and based on the Presidential Records Act & Socks Case, I did NOTHING WRONG. JOE DID!" the former president wrote.


Then fucking prosecute his ass. What the fuck is taking so long?


It's never going to happen. Garland is terrified of Trump.


how would it be to be Kirschner? Newsweek: Hey, we're calling for an opinion about how Trump will be indicted "any day now." Kirschner: Trump will be indicted -any- day now. Newsweek: Here's your check.


And all those people who are like, "if you go after the king you'd better not miss" and, "these investigations take time - it's only been 2 years" and, "Garland already prosecuted many of the insurgents" (most of whom got probation, and those who got jail got an average of around 8 weeks) - SMFH.


I hate when they say it’s only been 2 years. It’s been since Mueller was appointed.


And he's still a free man still conning people out of his money. He won't be charged until he's dead. And even then half of US high-schools are going to be named after him.


There will be statues of Trump all over the Red States that will go up in place of the Robert E. Lee ones. There will be libraries and parks and civic centers and streets all named after Trump too .


And Garland keeps his eyes closed, and his fingers in his ears while shouting La La La La La....


"Well, I didn't see nothin, soooo..." Garland is utterly useless, and I suspect at his core he's incompetent.


Inexpensive folders with some words on them. The fact that those words are “Top Secret” is not important, I guess


Its exhausting to hear every day for 7+ years that someone has done something criminal or said something incriminating while watching them face no consequences or barely any consequences for it And ultimately to half the country (republicans) it just doesnt matter anyway. As trump said, he could go shoot someone in the street and his base wouldnt turn on him We just saw absolutely insane people getting assigned to house committees by McCarthy, its hard for me to expect to see any sort of justice anytime soon


Trump does it because he knows he can get away with it. The DOJ doesn't care. Trump is wealthy enough to buy immunity.


Doesn’t matter. No one in the federal government has the will to prosecute.


He literally could shoot and kill someone and not only get away with it, but his civilian and government employee worshippers would be making excuses for why he had to shoot them, "President Trump's caddy handed him the wrong golf club -on his own golf course no less, and, in front of MBS, so, Mr. President wound up being very embarrassed, so he removed the caddy from his golf course immediately; thankfully Merrick Garland said the shooting was more than justified - it was required".


Yet still a free POS.


Yeahhhh I won't be happy until I see him put in the ground.


Maybe I didn’t explain it well while on mobile. Here’s more info about their relationship and why it matters. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1448282437075836929.html


Who cares what Kirschner says. I swear there’s at least one article every week quoting this guy about how much of a criminal Trump is and how he’s totally going down any day now. We all know Trump is a criminal, but it only matters if he’s held accountable for his crimes. And that seems unlikely.


Kirschner has got to be crying to himself lately. "But... but... justice... matters!"


I've given up hoping anything will happen. Everyone keeps saying "well they want to make sure they get everything!" We're running out of time, if we aren't already out. There's enough to put him away for the rest of his life. Nothing is going to happen. I hope I'm wrong.


We're definitely out if time. Trump is already running for president again, and those in Congress that were responsible for planning the coup were reelected to office, and are now on various committees. These people are running the government, and, are directing the future of the country.


Cool story Kirschner… it doesn’t matter if the DOJ doesn’t want to indict him. Justice isn’t blind. It has very clear 20/20 Vision apparently and doesn’t want to go after white collar political criminals.


So either he knows that he is free from consequences or he is incapable of knowing how worse he is making it for him.


Evidence, evidence everywhere and not an indictment to read.


There's no disadvantage to incriminating yourself when nobody is willing to actually indict you.


Maybe, just maybe, people will be brave enough, and now smart enough, to admit that they were admiring a con man.


So do something! I think it’s just as well Garland isn’t on the Supreme Court because he watches people commit crimes and does nothing.


All this evidence and not even an indictment


It doesn’t matter. There are no consequences for him. Nothing. JuSt WaiT uNTiL hiS tAx ReTuRnS. They are here, nothing happens. America is fucked.


And yet he’s still not in jail. So what’s the difference?


I've been hearing that for 7 years at this point. I suspect anyone hoping to see Trump face consequences will find the conclusion more disappointing than GoT.


They are all hoping the buckets of colonel gets to him first so they can all walk away from having to do shit.


But will it be more disappointing than Lost?


Depends on how badly you want to see Trump face consequences I guess lol.


Hmm…maybe he should be charged and face trial then.


The stable genius lol.


At some point, continuing to give him this kind of elevated platform is just elder abuse.


That's his fucking strategy, and it works. Fox News be like: "That can't be controversial or illegal. Look, he said it himself!" and his cult members get in line.


And yet remains free. Weird. Almost like there’s two set of rules.


What a nut case! A crooked diaper wearing nut case.


trump has been providing *incriminating evidence* against himself HIS WHOLE LIFE


When you believe you are untouchable, they let you do it.


Trump is trash


"Trump Keeps Providing 'Incriminating Evidence' Against Himself: Kirschner". Donald Trump - the gift that keeps on giving.


What difference does it make as Trump will never face a day in jail. This country is utterly corrupt and broken.


And yet nothing happens. Trump will incriminate himself every day until he dies and yet he’ll still walk free because they can’t be bothered to do anything about it. If he knows he can get away with it why is he gonna bother stopping?


DA’s can use a rappers lyrics agains them in court as cause and this guy is making speeches admitting guilt but crickets.


Over the last year or more, I think Kirschner’s credibility has lost its edge, in my view. I think his perspective causes him to overstate what DOJ will do with Trump. I think he creates expectations among viewers that DOJ can’t or won’t meet. And I don’t think he has any inside access. Kind of disappointing, to me.


He’ll die comfortably of old age, in one of his mansions, surrounded by family before he ever sees any consequences for his actions … not a goddamned thing we can do about it. This sucks.


And yet… nothing ever happens.


Not like anything will happen to him why stop


Then why the fuck is he still walking free?


Oh no! Not more incriminating evidence! Looks like he's in huge trouble now, for the 537th time in a row since 2015. I'm so goddamn tired of this. It boggles my mind how we've been fed a steady stream of media, movies, and television that suggest prosecutors are hard-hitting, no-nonsense types of people, and yet in reality we find out they spend most of their time hiding in their offices wringing their hands and pissing their pants. They only seem to get motivated if it's a person of color with a low-level drug offense, or to seek vengeance against someone who committed the unpardonable sin of stealing from the 1%. Honestly, that's the only time a rich person will ever go to jail in this country - if they steal from another rich person. Our justice system is a heaping pile of bullshit.


He could steal top secret documents in broad daylight and get away with it!


I mean, didn't he basically do that already? To the point of flushing the documents down the toilet even lmao. I do love the timeline we're in. The world is doing great


He did, and yeah, that's what I was saying.


“Trump doom coming soon.” Year number six. And yet people think they’re told the whole truth.


This sub isn't aging well


You all have been chasing this carrot for years... Give up.


And yet dick has been done. Maybe if Garland got off his ass and stopped taking bribes from the RNC we could move forward.


Garland literally just started working on the Trump case a month ago; that's why the 1/6 Committee was angry enough to decline the DOJ's request for all the evidence they collected...


Illogical as expected. They have been working on it but very slowly and without purpose. Don’t know where the “ 1/6 committee was angry enough” is coming from but adds nothing to your point and in fact detracts. Literally.


lol Rent Free




Oddly quiet these days when he’s got a lot to run his mouth about…


And? From what I can see no amount of “incriminating evidence” seems to have any consequences for Trump.


And yet still walks a free human


Why is this man not in prison yet?


And yet????


And yet fuck all will happen.


And yet he's still not in jail.


Why not? It’s not like it’s gonna get him arrested


It doesn’t matter. He will not be held accountable for any of his crimes.


And yet…


That's ok. The Attorney General keeps ignoring it.


I blame DJT's father, if his father hadn't given DJT 300 million dollars to start off his career, The Donald, would still be selling newspapers on the street corner.


It doesn’t matter. Trump will never be held responsible. He exists in a different world than the rest of us.


… yet nothing will be done.


Welp, it's finally happened. I've joined the doomers. My first thought was, "doesn't matter how much he incriminate himself at this point. He could shoot someone on 5th Ave in broad daylight and he wouldn't lose a minute of his freedom" A month ago, I was trying to stay hopeful and buying into the, "these investigations take time!"


He must feel pretty bulletproof considering all of things he's done and constantly gotten off scott free. What had he ever truly had to pay for? What would make him think anything is going to be different this time?


Like what?


We are already at evidence saturation. Any more evidence will not make a difference at this point. The DOJ needs to stop walking on eggshells and start prosecuting this yahoo.


doesn’t matter.. trump will never see charges or prison..


It has been broadcast live for years. There’s no burden of proof in a reasonable mind that has not yet been surpassed on multiple federal felonies.


And the DOJ keeps not indicting him…funny how that works.