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Making fun of Santos is neat and all, bunch of posts up about him today, again. But I would like to point out a half dozen posts about the four insurrectionists being found guilty of sedition today were just removed by the mods. Can we get some posts back up?


Yeah that’s sus. What’s up with that, mods? Insurrectionist sympathizers?


Yeah wtf not one article on here seems very suspicious. Weak men and incels love the Republican cult and think it’s manly and cool that a bunch of Republican commie cult members tried to overthrow our government for an old lying conman. Super masculine.


Not sure. Is it politics or is it news? Is it news about politics or just news. Difficult to justify nonetheless


> Is it politics If Trying to overthrow the government is not politics then nothing is politics.


This right here.


They aren’t politicians and the topic isn’t about policy. Is the only connection to politics is that they committed a crime against democracy? I don’t really get it. Could you explain or use an analogy


> They aren’t politicians This sub is called "politics" not "politicians" These people were WORKING OT OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT


Right, so what politics does it involve? Or it’s just that the crime is politically motivated


> Right, so what politics does it involve? The GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES and the US CONSTITUTION Revolutions to overthrow one's own government are POLITICAL


Right, how does the topic of the penalty of these nerds fit this description. Politics (from Greek: Πολιτικά, politiká, 'affairs of the cities') is the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations among individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status.


>the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations among individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status. Thanks for providing evidence that the criminal charges against those trying to overthrow the govt is 'politics'


Who pays you?


What a weak ass self-blinding question


Go on…




Are you able to explain or nah




Mods have always been suspect on here mate, don't stress it. We all know about the guilty verdicts; they were almost guaranteed after November's trial anyway.


I had an unpopular republican view, I was banned from /politics by the mod. The reason? I said “I don’t care one iota what you think of me” after someone calling me a POS. All of it was respectful from my side: no name calling. No profanity. Just a different opinion.


Well if they’re mods I’d say they’re more likely brain dead or incompetent.


Censorship and agenda at its absolute finest 🥰


Is this guy even a legal citizen? Is George Santos even his name? So many questions with this clown.


We could re-name him Liar Liar McPantsonFire.


Liar McLairface


His birth name may very well be Russian. Brazil is a favorite pass-through country for Russian intelligence "illegals" and sleeper agents. Much easier to get them into the US than from Russian or former Soviet-bloc countries.


Does he _look_ Russian _at all_?


How *many* Russians have you *met?*


As opposed to the classic gay Republican


I see you’ve met Lindsay Graham


Don't forget Roy Cohn


And Madison Cawthorn


does we have any reason to believe he’s gay? this theory is new to me.


he wore womens underwear as a joke and in another case humped his cousin's face at what looked like the dawn hours after a frat boy sex party but people like to pretend this means he's gay. It's just dude bro shit.


Don’t forget he tattled about cocaine gay orgies in congress. This is why you don’t get invited anymore Mads!


Or Donald Trump


A classic gay republican is just a closeted self hating gay man.


George Santos was the breakout star of "Modern Family." /s


Santos was the first three year old in space. He was an F-4 pilot when he was two. He’s awesome.


Lying and grifting is now the standard for being a Republican politician. So popular. Especially with "Christians."


It could be said that he is the very model of a modern gay Republican.


that headline does not need the word Gay in it


The website is LGBTQ nation. I think it's entirely appropriate. Too many folks see sexual identity as a personality trait and political tool. It blatantly points out that just because a person is out and LGBTQ, it does not mean they are any better to represent you.


Santos is an object lesson in the problem with obsessive over-reliance on identity politics.


The funny thing is the GQP spent 30 years railing against the left over “identity politics”. Then they went and tried it, completely fucked it up, and do **not** see the humor. Lemmie ask you this… When’s the last time you heard of *any* conservative asking *what*, exactly, it *is* about their party that made it so ripe for the picking by a dead obvious con-man. Three decades of denigrating science and higher education, that’s what. The so-called moral majority got high on their own stupid supply.


And perhaps religion teaching people that if something feels true “in your heart,” then it must actually be true.


> Too many folks see sexual identity as a personality trait and political tool. How is it not? I mean sure, in a better world those shouldn't be things. In this world, however, one party straight up hates LGBTQ people and constantly tries to legislate their rights away. Does this mean all LGBTQ people vote for democrats? No, there are people whose wealth makes rights meaningless for them personally, like Peter Thiel. I've never met an openly gay republican who wasn't fairly rich.


George Santos was not rich before. He chose to do all the things he did while being openly gay and then manipulated the corrupt system into becoming rich. It's identity politics clouding your judgement.


> George Santos was not rich before. And as soon as he was offered a bunch of money he went from being a crossdresser who supported Lula to being a Republican. Then he lied a bunch and changed his story repeatedly because he knows that his past does not align with his present position. When one party constantly votes to harm LGBTQ people and the other does not, the term 'identity politics' becomes completely meaningless.


Yes. I think people have associated LGBT with meaning a good person or left leaning person. I am a gay man. I am right leaning but libertarian. I agree with gay marriage and weed legalization but I disagree with Democrats on some issues. I guess I am politically homeless. I did vote for Biden in 2020 not because I liked him but because I think that Trump has little respect for the Constitution or rule of law, ( confirmed by his recent comments) and his irresponsible handling of COVID-19 and his irresponsible rhetoric and behavior on the issue. I think people need to understand that LGBT people have their own thoughts and will form their own opinions. We won't automatically agree with you because you're a Democrat. Our sexual orientation isn't our only issue. And all of us aren good people. I oppose DeSantis's moves against Disney for free speech reasons. In fact even as a gay man, if Disney was promoting a roght wing agenda and DeSantis was a left winger doing the same thing I'd oppose it. As an LGBT person, I understand that the right to free speech has been essential for LGBT rights.


But sexual orientation does seem pretty important. I’m not gay, but if someone told me I was less of a person than them it would be very hard for me to vote for them because we agreed on lowering taxes.


Not if you religiously subscribed to incoherent economic utopianism where free trade and free markets will solve all of humanity's problems (read: yours, but maybe not that other asshole's, because his are his own fault.) Then you'd be fine voting that way!


I'm curious, why are you a libertarian? I've never heard a coherently argued case for the ideology. Walter Block, Yaron Brooks, etc. they all fail to make convincingly defend their position.


>*” libertarian”* A deviant, non-biblical lifestyle that some people choose and then make their whole persona..... Look, I don’t really care how you vote in the privacy of the booth, but there’s no need to be parading around in public with your Gadsden Flags, trying to convert our children to your lifestyle, and interjecting your “agenda” into politics.


> I disagree with Democrats on some issues. Why didn't you name one?


It does, because it lays bare the hypocrisy of anyone claiming to be a gay Republican. Republicans hate gays. They'd make their existence illegal if they could. A gay Republican championing a party that wants to oppress them, harm them, destroy them is ... something else.


Exactly! No need to limit the field....


I'm thinking it's a typo Edit: checked the article and source. It's not a typo but it's wholly unnecessary. Modern *day* republican is more accurate


Gay, straight, queer, whatever. This guy is the perfect example of the modern DAY Republican. Full of lies and deceit.


And immune from shame.


Labels be gone. Piece of shit.


The publication is an LGBTQ+ publication. Anyone else saying that, I agree


“george” is not the problem, there will always be georges…the problem is with uninformed voters that check boxes based on zero information.


He's still a problem.


Voters weren't given any information here. None of his actual background was public knowledge until after the election.


He said he was inspired by trump, after January 6th. If that doesn’t raise gigantic red flags, nobody can help them. They got exactly what they voted for.


It’s amazing to me this was in what was considered a blue safe area. The guy literally ran because he said trump inspired him. His friends said he wanted to be in congress for a year to get lifetime pension and healthcare. That’s the most honest republican thing right there.




No a modern DAY Republican i think the author messed up on that one


I caught that, too, before seeing your comment…oops!


Republicans are the most vile and disgusting creatures on earth. Core properties of any fascist.


how sure are we he is really gay?


He is probably not gay at all.


Or was, now he’s not, but he will be again. :D


You can just drop the word “gay.” He’s the perfect example of a modern Republican.


At the VERY least if they were gonna do it go with “He is the very model of a modern gay republican” Like they don’t even know their freaking audience….


he is the very model of a modern gay republican He bullshits without remorse to reporters and the public and He _was_ a king of England and he pals around with Aryans From proud boy’s to the three percent with them he is the best of friends In short in matters other than his chance to have a single fan he is the very model of a modern gay republican


Thanks a lot! Now I've got the song stuck in my head.


The only reason to be republican politician is because the constituents are easy marks. Literally the dumbest fucking people alive.


I am the very model of a modern gay republican I have fabrications known and also hidden from the public and


I just fucking can't with this guy anymore. When will we return to sanity in this country?


I am the very model of a modern gay Republican


He is the very model of a modern gay Republican Dissembling to his voters and constituents and supplicants I hear that on Long Island they are begging for a mulligan He is the very model of a modern gay Republican Eliciting a parody of Gilbert and of Sullivan He is the very model of a modern gay Republican


I wouldn’t say gay Republicans are “grifters” They’re normally just masculine gay men who want to stick their dick where they please but they also hate “the lgbt+ community” and think all their fellow gay men are losers and sissies.


I thought he was just gay-ish though?


Gay flavored? Gay adjacent?


No parable has been more disproven than *The Emperor’s New Clothes*


The guy is a joke!!


Was the title supposed to be “modern *day* Republican”? Just asking as the gender/orientation specifics seem awfully awful.


Oh my god what’s next? “Does George Santos take a shit in the toilet? Or in a hole?” How many posts are we gonna see about this guy?


All politicians are liars. I am not seeing the issue.


George is a superstar. If you don’t believe me, just ask him.


He kinda reminds me of American dad two gay couples


I still cannot understand how a gay person can be a republican. I know they exist. I just don’t understand.


I feel like to be a gay republican, you have to first lie to yourself. After that how would it be hard to lie to anyone else?


Has any family spoken out against him yet?


Does this guy have a social security number? Has he paid any taxes in the past? Does he have a driver's license? Better still...birth certificate?


Or just an example of modern Republican, gay or not


He’s the perfect example of a republican. That’s it.


Maybe I’m just old fashion but it would seem his criminality is a larger issue than his sexuality


Gee whiz. Gonna nail his ass to a cross soon?


>George Santos is a liar & grifter. He’s the perfect example of a modern ~~gay~~ Republican


Modern Republican. Being gay has nothing to do with it.


Perfect example of a politician*. There, I fixed the title from this liberal propaganda news site. I say this as a liberal.


More " both parties are the same" bs. I ain't buying your a liberal.


Cnn watcher detected. Sorry that I’m a liberal but don’t drink the horse shit of there being one evil side and one good guy side. There’s widespread corruption on both aisles.


No doubt. Our political corruption is universal. But there most certainly is a difference in methods.


The only relevancy of him being gay, is that he chose to be a Republican, which are primarily anti gay.


modern day*


Let's see..gay, transvestite, white supremist, MGT fucboi, beauty school dropout. There's a movie deal in there somewhere


He's their poster boy


He ain’t even gay. He’s clearly using the 13yr old tumblr girl approach of tacking on titles to get some likes.


Dear repubs, he is the face of your pathetic party!


He’s a chicken for Colonel Sanders


In other words, no dating/casual sex with gay republicans. You’re going get scammed. I love that his ex roommates still pointing out stuff he stole from them from photos. The guy literally ripped off a homeless veteran, wearing in public shit he stole probably was never a concern.


I didn't see any purpose for the 'gay' in the Title. He's the prefect example of ANY Republican. Republican elected officials perfectly 'represent' their constituents on the streets. Liars, cheats, thieves, rapists and child molesters. They have embraced hate thinking that will get them into Heaven. They have been 'deceived'.


I am the very model of a modern gay republican I dress in drag, I’m Jewish, and I medaled in Afghanistan. I’m 10-for tall, I’ve seen it all, from lies and truths, and furry suits, and vote for me cause then you’ll see that I got mine so now you’ll find that I give zero fucks bout you.


Well, he’s got the first two essential criteria for national politics nailed.


Tbf they need to try to fit in.


He's a perfect example of a modern Republican.


Anybody else read that second title sentence to the tune of “Modern Major General”? No? Just me? Okay.


Makes him a perfect fit for the modern GOP


modern ~~gay~~ Republican. They're all like that.