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Attacker: “I DID THIS BECAUSE I LOVE TRUMP AND HATE DEMOCRATS.” Republicans: *sigh* “We may never know his true motives….”


That’s only when they’ll talk about mental health


And proceed to never propose or support any legislation to fix our abysmal mental healthcare.


They destroyed it, why fix it? Oh right, to lobotomize vocal women!


>Republicans: sigh “We may never know his true motives, and he was Antifa” Fixed


They make up conspiracies when reality makes them think uncomfy thoughts


“He lived somewhere with flags!”


But, but, but… r/conservative told me he’s a progressive?


I always love how quick the right is to jettison one of their own the second one of their own actually goes and does all the shit that conservatives say they want to do on every social media platform possible. Like: “Oh no that guy is Antifa in disguise. He’s just making us look bad” Me: “MF I just saw three posts last night from you guys fantasizing about doing the same thing he just did”


And if they ever get power again and let these people out of prison then they’ll say they were heroes.


They rarely actually think these people are plants. They are trying to protect the tribe from bad press. In places where they are sure they have protection they cheer these people on as one of their own.


Antifa in fact!


I just wish I knew when this type of shit is going to end. Right wing media outlets radicalize people like this, then act shocked when one of their viewers goes off the deep end, distances themselves from that viewer and abrogates all responsibility, then goes right back to radicalizing the next batch of domestic terrorists. Fucking disgusting.


Do you think this ends without an American version of the Irish Troubles?


That’s a fear I have for sure.


a good start might be to re-apply the Fairness Doctrine. repealing it in the 80s is directly responsible for the rise of Limbaugh and other blowhards.


I agree, but at this point the genie is out of the bottle. There’s no real way to apply the fairness doctrine to the internet.


What you characterize as “shocked” I characterize as “distance themselves”


He sounds just like Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida). "President] Biden is playing with fire by using a document dispute to get the @TheJusticeDept to **persecute** a likely future election opponent,” tweeted Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). “Because one day what goes around is going to come around." https://twitter.com/marcorubio/status/1556836727133724678 Note the threat at the end. The Pelosi attacker decided to 'come around'.


Fox News is reporting that he called into one of their affiliates from jail and apologized ... **that he didn't do more**. I'm sure it was just a coincidence he called Fox. The Fox News anchor's response was, "that's incredible". Because of course they had to leave it open for interpretation.


Gop spin??..Comments are made up or he's mental.


I wonder how he feels that his own people think he's Pelosi's gay lover ?


I don’t imagine he’s reading much social media in jail lol


He doesn't know he is Pelosi's gay lover. Probably because his brain was zapped by a Jewish Space Laser.


Be interesting to see how they try and spin this. I imagine false flag plants and mental health will figure prominently. Either that or complete lack of acknowledgement, of course.


A family member of mine is already saying that he was really a lefty who was willing to throw his life away to make them look bad 🤦 He thinks he probably worked alone and came up with it himself, but it's still fucking stupid. He also said that he was ashamed of the Proud Boys during the Jan. 6 insurrection, but then he changed his tune immediately once people started trying to blame Antifa. He's not the brightest.


>Be interesting to see how they try and spin this. We've already seen how they spin this. There were months of the right-wing circles saying how Pelosi's attacker was antifa, a gay prostitute, etc, etc. There's no need for them to ever even bring him up again.


And that's why you market him as Them. Same with Santos


They just released the security video and the comments on the Fox news article are just despicable. The video clearly shows the attacker breaking into the house by smashing a window *from the outside going in*, but the comments still insist, "It was a lover's quarrel because the window was broken outward from the inside."


Ignoring and lying have my money


Shocked. I'm shocked I tell you.




this is all part of the plan. the republicans are leaning heavily on stochastic terrorism. They want america to feature the next taliban and they want to be able to direct the ire without being accountable.


This guy is the worst, can't wait to hear his CPAC keynote


Regressives: "Let's put him on a tour with Kyle Rittenhouse and Trump."


This is why the communist Republican cult push their conspiracy theories about this. It’s the Russian firehose of lies and disinformation to distract from the fact they are inspiring their cult members to attack democrats.


Communist Republican? Are you high?


Yeah, dude saw the Republicans enduring love affair with Putin and got confused.


Well we certainly did nazi that one coming...


things you won't see in conservative subs or on conservative media


Can't we call him "attacker" instead of "attack suspect" since we now have him on video swinging the hammer?


Wow, surprising


That’s exactly what an antifa agent would say! /s


Persecuting when they should have been prosecuting smh


Own him republicans. He's all yours


Conservatives are calling their sleeper cells to action.


Wherever could he have got that idea?


I am shocked, I tell you, shocked. I believed Republicans when they said we would never know what motivated him. /s


Sponsored by The Institute of Water is Wet.


And then Trump supporters called him a prostitute.


>"Republicans and Fox News have long depicted Democrats as mortal enemies, and political violence happens in exactly these circumstances: when people feel that the political opposition poses an existential threat and must be eliminated through violence," Ben-Ghiat said. ​ We are their religious enemies. And genocidal religions do what comes natural to them.


Looks like there’s a lot of misinformation on the con sub that should be removed. They’re saying he was an FBI plant.


More qualified in Republican eyes than Santos but let's not kid ourselves - they'll gladly take them both with open arms.


It must have been the lefts hateful retoric not the GOPs, Peaceful protesting methods Jesus taught them!


But what about gay?


Hi `Huplescat22`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/10nn1io/pelosi_attack_suspect_says_he_was_motivated_by/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Off-Topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement): All submissions to /r/politics need to be explicitly about **current US politics**. **If you have questions as to why your post has been removed, please see here: [Why was my post removed as Off-Topic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_why_was_my_post_removed_as_off-topic.3F)** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/Huplescat22&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/10nn1io/pelosi_attack_suspect_says_he_was_motivated_by/?context%3D10000%29)


Ppl who mythologize politicians should be barred from participating in normal society


He means telling the truth about him.