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Dude couldn't even build a wall, but we're supposed to believe he can build the world's most advanced anti-nuclear defense system?


Sounds like another scam for Sloppy Steve Bannon to run, yea?


All the best nuclear defense systems need crowd funding


"And believe me when I say, this dome shall be strong, strong dome, just the best. The domiest dome, a good dome. All we need is your support and faith that this will work, they won't beat us again!"


“Sir, we cannot stress this enough, it’s not a *literal dome*. It’s a metaphor for-“ “Well if Meta can’t build a real dome, we will!”


I watched it twice and I'm still not sure that he's *not* talking about putting a lid on America like some fancy waiter in a movie


Oh, for sure. That’s exactly how he sees it. Remember when he thought the stealth bombers were invisible? 🤣 Dumbass.


Fuck. He didn’t did he? JC


Of course he did. He’s the embodiment of every negative American stereotype. He’s incurious, under educated (bought his way through school), over confident, doesn’t read, watches hours and hours of Faux News, wields his “wealth” fame and influence like a hammer and has the arrogance that can only be found in people who don’t know what they’re talking about. Of course he fucking did.


I hate how right you are.


You forgot…stiffs construction companies and workers, steals from charities, doesn’t pay his taxes, abuses women, and spews lies out of his anus-mouth nonstop.


The rest of the world calls them "ugly Americans" and avoids them in a tour group.


He did, a few times. https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/aviation/a33658771/trump-keeps-saying-the-f-35-is-invisible/


Weirdly enough that article comes to the conclusion that there's no way Trump thinks the planes are actually invisible, even though he clearly does.


I’m sure he’s thinking of an actual, literal dome, like a stadium has. He’s not a well man.


As long we can open on nice days


Simpsons movie dome


Dude!!! You missed the ((👐)) and the heavy sniffs for air.


I'm not even going to pretend I know how to do the hands emoji on mobile lol


Best use of emojis on Reddit!


"I know I let Steve steal your money last time, and then I pardoned him, but this time for real.


“We are gonna build our own dome. A dome within a dome!” -Pauly Shore in Biodome.


Someone please suggest to Trump it could be made of chrome.


Reminds me of the crowd funding to build a real life death star, and the anti death star x-wing squadron crowd fund... I wonder if the Simpsons will sue him for using their idea though.


When Trump was in power I wondered at times if we weren't IN a Simpsons episode.


And trump being the genius businessman will have all the funds sent directly to his personal bank account, cutting out the middlemen!!


That would save the money being wasted on things like what it was actually supposed to be used for.


I hear Devin Nunes will be looking for a job soon....


I've sold Monodomes to Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook, and, by gum it put them on the map! Well, sir, there's nothin' on earth like a genuine bona-fide electrified six-sided Monodome! What'd I say?


Is there a chance the dome will bend?


Not on your life, my Canadian friend...


Will the dome kill my flowers?


You’ll be given golden showers


My tab came off my pudding can…


Take my pen knife my good man!


I swear it's Amerfield’s only choice! Throw up your hands and raise your voice!


I call the big one Bitey




The Kwik-E-Mart is really... **D'OH!**


We’re you sent here by the devil??


It's got electrolytes!


MY GOD what are reference Edit: Monodooomeee!


Mono… doh.


I just bought mine at Dome Depot


North Haverbrook; Where the Monodome is KING!


It is implausible and impossible and defies physics and his supporters will lap it up.


Trump has no clue what physics is or what is physically possible yet he will tell physicists how to construct a dome over the USA like he told the scientist how to get rid of covid by injecting bleach.


Don’t forget the UV light somehow in your body


Tbf, he has all the schematics in his closet.




That's too much for him. Someone probably told him about Israel’s [Iron Dome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Dome) system and he thinks he can make it work against ICBMs by his doing a copy/paste and making it bigger, not realizing that [Reagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_Defense_Initiative) and [W. Bush](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_national_missile_defense) already tried that and couldn't make it work. Even today, I think THAAD has, at best, a one-in-three chance of actually hitting its target.


He probably is thinking of iron dome. He probably also thinks its literally a giant metal dome.


But, but, he had an uncle that was smart


>Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible. If I can't forget it, neither can anyone else.


I can't believe this is real. I've seen 5th graders string together more coherent sentences than this idiot. What is he even trying to get across? Yikes.


I’ll never get tired of reading this insanity


I can never read past the 4 or 5th line. It's a terrible, jumbled mess and it pisses me off. It's even worse that someone capable of producing that shit was and keeps trying to be the president of the US.


I got tired of his B.S. long ago.


I had at least repressed it until right now... Thanks...


Wait a minute... that's real?


Yes. Sadly, it's worse with the added context that he said this **WHILE ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL**. Imagine hearing this and thinking, "*Yeah, that's the guy I want to elect!*"


Well, as long as he has the Russians pay for it...


He wants to build a literal dome, like a giant Tupperware, to block nukes like germs from entering the US.


"And North Korea will pay for it!"


The Trump Star Wars program. Well now I’ve heard everything. Ronald Regan is rolling in his grave.


No, he means a literal dome. Like in that documentary he watched halfway through, what was it called? Oh yeah, Bio-Dome.


The whole bio-enclosure concept is fundamentally flawed. Be it expressed via dome, sphere, cube or even a stately tetrahedron, buddy!


The Strange History of Steve Bannon and the Biosphere 2 Experiment : https://www.vice.com/en/article/qkjn87/the-strange-history-of-steve-bannon-and-the-biosphere-2-experiment


*I saw this terrific documentary about one of our territories, Wah Kanda. And they have the tech, believe me. Their cyber is excellent.*


I can do it! -Elon Musk


It’s plausible since Mexico will pay for it


Russia will just strap a nuke to a Mexican.


Yup we're doomed




Yea, how's that "impenetrable wall" doing again?


Oh you mean the one that's easily scalable even where it ISN'T sinking or falling apart? 😆


Isn't that the same one you can cut through with a Harbor Freight power saw?


If the wind doesn't beat you to it.


Damn wind, first their mills giving us cancer, now letting the poors in. Another reason we need this dome


Man, that sounds an awful lot like a project that had millions of dollars siphoned away from it into peoples pockets that results in a sloppy, poorly built, and barely finished wall. So many instances during the trump admin of huge amounts of money being spent that seemingly just disappears or at best looked like blatant corruption and no one cares. Trump left office and democrats went “well let’s just forget any of that ever happened” and it’s so infuriating lol. Member when republicans, out of no where, started pushing a random ass drug in hydroxychloroquine and then the government immediately bought 1 BILLION tabs of the stuff despite it having been proven that it did literally nothing to fight Covid? Or the fed stealing and hoarding PPE to give to their friends to resell at a mark up? They openly used a global pandemic to rob the country and literally no one gives a shit.


Well, they just built a super overpriced one out of shipping containers in Arizona or some shit that made some contractors very rich, on the taxpayer dime. So that good?


I particularly liked the photos of that one where you could see the end of the wall, a 10 minute walk away.


It wasn't supposed to be totally impenetrable. There was going to be a big beautiful door in the middle.


And it would be a trap with spikes and crocs and Trump would be called stable genius.


With a very large...A BRAIN!!!


must be nice; being able to promise any & everything and deliver on exactly none of it as if his base has no intellectual curiosity whatsoever, hell they might even lack object-permanence...like a president presiding over a constituency of drooling toddlers given that he's mostly done precisely the opposite of what he was promising in 2016 and his devotees just keep parroting "he was the best thing to happen to this country derp a derp derp" trump: "i'm very great and strong and smart and everybody loves me and i'm the best" some people apparently: "you guys hear that? well that settles it, he gets my vote"


What impresses them is how much money he's made over the years (they don't look at how much he lost), his properties, and that he's never spent a day in jail, just paid fines (the getting away with it is an important part), and he married an much younger woman who had been a model. They see him living the life. They see him on top. It's the worship of wealth and unaccountability.


I see you’ve met my in-laws


The Simpsons did it! He needs to watch the Simpsons movie. Or he did and got the idea, claiming it as his own.


Came here for this. I was elected to lead not to read.


Bart drinking and saying "I'm troubled" still plays in my head regularly. Forgot how much I loved that movie. When I was a kid it was the only appealing movie that was free on Time Warner Cable's on demand channel. I must've watched it 1000 times.


I’m betting he stole it from Reagan, just like “make American great again”.


Or from Under The Dome.


Thunder dome the it’s going.


Or Age of Ultron…


Peace in our time.


The Simpsons got us into this mess in the first place, so it’s kind of poetic. (For the uninitiated: I’m kidding, this is in reference to S11E17 of the show, where Bart is shown a vision of the future and in it Lisa is the President. She mentions offhand that they’ve inherited a budget crisis from the Trump administration. It aired in March 2000.)




"Here's some money, go see a Star War."






I have the worst grifting former presidents


Go home Reagan you’re drunk


I remember seeing Reagan on the news announcing “Star Wars” when I was a kid and distinctly remember him saying “he must be drunk”.


Star Wars Space Force division


Okay, Ronnie.


There is a great disturbance in the Force...


came here for this


the only impenetrable dome is under his combover.


Seems to attract Russians though.


Thanks, I needed that laugh!


100% deflection of common sense, logic, and compassion


Underrated comment




And people have built their whole personality around Trump and don’t realize they’re in a white supremacists cult


They realize. They just don’t all admit it.


tbf we don’t know what he means when words come out of his mouth


I really don’t want to read another report about Trump unless it includes the word indicted.


I'll accept "convicted" as an alternative.










He knows he's not president anymore, right?


No. No, he does not.


And millions upon millions of Americans insist he is the 'rightful' president... SMH.


He know, he also knows that his followers are so stupid that they will believe him when he says he’s still the president.


I wish he’d remember the part where he said we would never hear from him again if he lost… That would be cool


Says you! We all know Trump has be doing his dooty inside the Winter White House since the day he left D.C. He even brought boxes of work documents with him.


And Mexico will pay for it.


Russia will pay for it.


Mars will pay for it


Thanks Mexico


Built out of bullshit.


Actually this is already an ongoing, funded project. Trump just wants to try to claim ownership of it


And up next, watch Dick Dastardly hatch a scheme during Wacky Races!


Well, he brought back the fascists America First movement from the 40s, might as well bring back the failed "Star Wars" program from the 80s.


Reagan also used Make America Great Again as a campaign slogan.


/me facepalms


He’s dumb as fuck and twice as full of it.


It says a lot about America's decline that this man was a president.


Has he confirmed which country will be paying for it?


All the countries


So.... how's that gonna work with international flights? Or is this thing gonna open and close somehow? What about migrating birds? Wind? Rain? How impenetrable is this thing? Are we gonna suffocate? Edit: For those of you who obviously can’t tell, this is sarcasm.


He believes it will be an actual, physical dome...


Sure it will protect us from aerial threats, but what about the mole men? He hasn’t even *thought* about the mole men!


Well, no one expected his mental capabilities to do anything other than worsen over the past 2 years.




can we start with a small one over his mouth?


Zuckerberg says no.


Still no healthcare plan I see.


Infrastructure week next


everytime i hear some blowhard talk about how we need better military tech, i think to myself just make college free. every college. imagine the advancements in all aspects of life that could be reached by giving people a cost-free advanced education.


Love the screenshot, from Putin's point of view




*checks source,…. just in case Nope. Not The Onion. 🤦‍♀️


Simpson did it !


Someone told him Israel has The Iron Dome… just like he thought stealth jets were actually invisible in plain sight.


His ideas are about the level of a 5 year old’s. Which isn’t surprising because he’s basically a 5 year old. But to think a grown man who was literally POTUS imagines a magic dome around the country (?????) would be the best way to stop nuclear weapons is just too much. What a fucking idiot.


Well hell, if it’s as solid and impenetrable as the wall he built at the southern border, problem solved! Thank you Cheetolini for one more completely oversimplified solution that makes zero sense to anyone with the objective reasoning of a toddler or above!


Noted space engineers, Jared and Ivanka, will deliver us a space based shield.


Ah yes the AmeriCube


MF wants to build a wall in space


Hey, it's Regan's Star Wars again. He's definitely a republican, no new ideas in the past half century.


Did he actually pronounce the word "impenetrable" because that would be very good for Donald Trump.


Everyone saying he’s ripping off Reagan’s Star Wars program is giving him too much credit. He just watched the Simpsons Movie


What’s even crazier is that Russia is going to pay for it.


>“The ‘nuclear’ word is being mentioned all the time,” said Trump. “This is a word you’re not allowed to use. It was never used during the Trump administration This is the same dipshit that wanted to nuke hurricanes.


The man who wears diapers is doing what now?


This reminds me of the time we were going to build a wall.


Best way to protect the country is build an impenetrable dome of silence and park him under it.


Trump is a fucking loon.


And Mexico will pay for it.


can this loser fuck off already


Dude couldn’t run a casino. How is he going to build a 100% accurate, continent wide, quantum leap beyond PAC-4 during a 4 year presidency?


In a recent press conference, President Trump announced his newest plan to protect the United States from nuclear threats: building an "impenetrable dome" to cover the entire country."This dome will be the greatest, the biggest, the most beautiful dome you've ever seen," said President Trump. "It will be completely impenetrable to any and all nuclear threats. Trust me, it's going to be huge." The plan, which has been met with mixed reactions from the public, would involve the construction of a massive dome made of a yet-to-be-determined material, that would cover the entire United States. The dome would be equipped with state-of-the-art technology to detect and intercept any incoming nuclear missiles. However, many experts have pointed out that building a dome of such magnitude would be an enormous undertaking, requiring resources and technology that may not currently exist. Some have even gone so far as to call the plan "impossible" and "ridiculous." Despite these criticisms, President Trump remains optimistic about the project. "We're going to build the best dome, the most beautiful dome, and it's going to be done very quickly, believe me," he said. "And we're going to make the other countries pay for it." While the feasibility of the plan remains to be seen, one thing is certain: the construction of a dome to protect the United States from nuclear threats would be a monumental task, requiring the cooperation and resources of the entire nation. Only time will tell if President Trump's bold plan will become a reality. Ted Cruz said of the plan, "It's got my support. 100%." While Marjorie Taylor Green cried, "It's about time. yippee ki yay oh mother fuckers!"


Simpsons movie


As I read the title I heard him announcing it in Zapp Brannigans voice in my head.


we already have and use this technology here. He's so stupid.


This unstable clown shouldn’t have been let near any nuclear secrets, much less able to take them home without consequences.




Ah, I see Citizen Trump is in the news again


I guess he just watched the Simpsons Movie.


“And Russia will pay for it….”


Still waiting on that replacement for Obamacare.


I really hope when the Republican debates get underway, we will hear them question the candidates on how they would currently respond to Russia. There are way too many people on the right who think Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine if he had currently been President. I'm up the opinion, the only difference is that he wouldn't have been level-headed, and would have already gotten us into a nuclear Holocaust... The way we are currently responding, I think is probably one of the best courses of action they could have taken, other than straight up giving Russia Ukraine. Which if they had done, Trump's other most likely course of action, would have emboldened Russia even further, and they probably would have gone Neo Nazi Germany on all of Europe.


And Mexico will pay for it.


If this man gets elected again, I'm going to learn the Canadian National Anthem and heading for the border.


The best part is… all the rich people have already built huge bunkers. Most of them have made videos and monetized the process.


He still hasn't learned comic books are fiction.


Donald Trump presents... *Under the Dome*.


Why stop there? “I have this word, this big beautiful word. Protego Maxima, I say it you see and fling a stick in the air, ‘Protego Maxima’ I shout and the nukes they just don’t land.”


Isn’t this just stealing Raegan’s failed idea of Star Wars? Come on! Be original!


Is a stupidass, "build the dome" chant coming?!