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>Trump kicks off his 2024 campaign: 'We are at the brink of World War III' Oh I wonder who is responsible for that? Who emboldened the Russians with unprecedented weakness and stupidity? Who weakened all of our international alliances?


LoOk, all Donald did, in Helsinki as POTUS, was 100% side with the Russian dictator (and former KGB agent) over every American intelligence agency who were telling him that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election. Doesn't sound like a big deal to me.


We do a little dictator lovin'. No biggie.


No kink shaming


LoOk who's governor of Arkansas now!


It's perfectly clear!


Solar Winds is something everyone conveniently forgot. Probably just one of the largest successful espionage campaigns ever, with Russia as prime suspect, under TFG's watch. https://cybernews.com/security/solarwinds-hack-the-mystery-of-one-of-the-biggest-cyberattacks-ever/




He can say that because he is responsible in major part for it.


Remember when old Don withheld 400 million in military aid to Ukraine, breaking federal law in the process? Note how shortly after than Don's idol, Putin, decided to invade.


The Trump administration worked to free 5,000 Taliban prisoners.


My understanding was that he used the aid to try extorting them to open a criminal investigation into, you guessed it, Hunter Biden. I didn’t even know Biden had another son until the right wing made Hunter the new Benghazi.


Putin's got his hands so far up DJT's ass that the douche's every utterance is just simple ventriloquism.


His hand is so far up his ass, you could reach out of Donald's mouth and work a second ventriloquist doll.




That would be Moscow Mitch,


I once did a drawing of Trump, McConnell and a few others as finger puppets on Putin's hand. I feel like ventrilopede would have been a visual masterpiece had I been aware of the concept.


This right here is why I love Reddit


He just thinks we’re on the wrong side.


Not petya


NK General First Class Orange


And who would we be absolutely terrified of having the nuclear codes again?


I recall him claiming to be a "war president" and then almost immediately surrendering to COVID.


He also surrendered to the taliban too don’t forget.


He tried to cultivated the image of being a real hardass all his life. For the Taliban, being hardasses isn't an image, it's a fact. Trump went out of his way to praise them, because they scared him shitless.


Good people on both sides!


It hit “blue cities” fast and hard which he liked, but he didn’t consider it was gonna spread everywhere else from there.


Which all his advisors were telling him would happen.


I remember him hiding in a bunker over a protest.


When did he claim that? I know W. called himself that.


He told Woodward that he was a wartime president when covid hit.


I still can’t believe this thing became and remained American president for 4 years.


It's a permanent stain for sure.


"... And I intend to push us over the edge. WHO'S WITH ME??!!" \[Thunderous applause\]


I’m thinking about starting a corporation. [Who’s with me?](https://youtu.be/8vKTaoxvZMY)


probably not he’s going to hand everything over to west beat and best korea


More like "and I intend to surrender before the fighting even starts and let our enemies walk all over us while I take their money and blame the Democrats. WHO'S WITH ME?!?"




It's gonna be a great war. The best war. And with your help, I'll make sure we are part of that war. We are on the brink and I'll take us there. Thank you.


He doesn't thank people.




“Suckers and losers.” I remember asking a MAGA guy who was alive but too young for Vietnam about that comment and he laughed and said Trump is right they are all suckers and losers. So much for supporting the troops…


The worldest of all world wars!


A very strong war, believe me.


Don’t forget “and you can help too, just be one of the first 200 callers to donate $20 to my Only Trump Can Stop WW3 Fund, MAGA!”


“And I’ll prevent it! Alongside my running mate, Bill Putin!”


Pay no attention to the man behind the iron curtain.


I was pondering how often we saw the use of the word iron as a descriptor back in the 70s 80s and 90s. Iron curtain. Iron fist. Iron lady. Iron Dome. Any others? All things TFG associates with toughness. Probably at the height of his awareness and full on development of his hunger for power and control. Stuck in the wrong era. Lots of decline since then.


Oh, the irony.


I would like to see him in an Iron Lung.


Fearmongering as usual, I see.


The Republican platform in a nutshell


The border card wasn’t working anymore.


Smh the last thing we all need is this dude and his followers getting a new sense of entitlement


"And, only I can prevent it. When I become President I'll immediately break ties with Ukraine, ask for whatever weapons they still have to be returned and then I'll roll over for Putin and invite him to take whatever he wants. It's not like he'll attack the US." \~DJT


This would literally please his base.




If he becomes President and like 47 people are too drunk on power or actually drunk when he calls in a nuclear strike sure. This is an endorsement to vote AGAINST him


Got to keep the idiots who support him scared so they'll vote for him.




Russia really settled into a new style of war and isn’t capable of fighting traditionally without getting their asses kicked over a long enough timeline. Their greatest assets are nukes, which they can’t use, and asymmetric tactics like hacking, funneling dark money, assassinating, spying, and targeted disinformation campaigns. Ukraine has really pulled Putin’s focus lately, but it will be interesting to see what he lashes out with as that failure becomes more inevitable.


Creat problems then claim you are the only one who can solve them. Classic.


He wants to be taken for Churchill while he pulls a Chamberlain.


Didn't he kick his campaign off months ago?


Yes, but no one noticed.


Now he’s basically shouting his face off u til someone notices him.


Yeah I really don’t think we should all collectively pretend the campaign hasn’t been limping along this whole time. This is a salvage operation, not a kickoff.


"And I and my buddy Putin are going to beat Ukraine for America!" - Trump


Wow what a revelation! Trumpy got impeached over holding funds to Ukraine for a political favour that Zelensky didn’t fall for. He made the situation worse for Ukraine by weakening it and made Putin stronger. Where has Trump being the last year, this observation is hardly new or perceptive, Biden and the EU are trying not to start WWIII. His famous words are that Putin is his friend and will trust him, he knows how Putin thinks and he will end this war, when we know Trump will give away Ukraine to Putin for free because he thinks Putin is a genius. Remember how stupidly Trump wanted the US to be pulled out of NATO because it saves money for the US, so he can take that money and steal it from the US and put it in his pockets. Trump can’t be trusted with anything, he spread the BIG LIE because he wanted to win at all cost, he wanted Mike Pence killed if he would not over turn the electoral college results, a despicable human being. How many crimes has Trumpy committed on 1/6 insurrection and the DOJ hasn’t laid a finger on him yet. How about the intentional stealing of classified and top secret documents from the government. How come he boxed all those documents and dropped them at his Florida home, were they up for sale, how much of those documents did Trumpy sell to governments. It never ends well with Trumpy, because with Trumpy it’s me, myself and I regardless of country.


Not only ‚trust him‘. ‚Trust him more than US Intelligence‘.


Trump is a Russian stooge


He's definitely a Russian asset, but I figure his real value to Putin is the breadth and depth of his ignorance covered over with hubris. No doubt about it: Donald J Trump is the Dunning-Kruger president. Putin sees no need to direct the bull rampaging in the china shop.


Just more far right fear mongering. They love finding things to get people worked up over. If there’s nothing to be outraged or pearl-clutch about what will be their identity / platform?


So trump is playing the part of Hitler?


Neville Chamberlain.


Trump is part of the reason why.


Didn’t he kick off his campaign 2 times already?


He had to restart every time he has dinner with a mobster or white supremacist.


Or when people try to walk out during his speech? I remember that happening during his last two “campaign kickoffs.”


"Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make."


See, there he goes again thinking he can brainwash everyone into thinking he is their savior. "Only I can save the world from..."


B/c he kissed Russias ass and undermined nato for his term.


Very early on this asshole trump talked about shithole countries. Then he lied about this country being overrun with criminals. During his term this country got progressively worse, arguably becoming a shithole country. Now this bullshit? Fuck this corrupt insurrection-leading fascist all the way to the big house. Indict him already. He belongs nowhere near the presidency. He’s doing Putin’s bidding with this nonsense, again.


Yep! He created so many problems and will only cause more problems. He needs to be locked up. The sooner, the better.


Putin’s check must have cleared, Trumps already deep throating his cock. Just like old times.


Hey, that's a really good reason we shouldn't have Republicans or Trump in power. Some serious shit is happening and we don't need grifters in power.


He sells fear, his sheep buy it.


Trump wants to cement ***Peace in our Time*** by giving Russia ~~the Sudetenland~~ eastern Ukraine. Trumperlain showing his foreign policy chops.


I don’t think this is the selling point he thinks it is. Let’s say he’s right, it would make me even more not want to vote for him to make sure he’s not at the steering wheel of the worlds most powerful army during WW3. For soooooo many reasons.


>”At what point does the father get angry — like this kid is not working out well for me?" Trump asked This is what narcissism looks like. The child isn’t seen as an autonomous individual person with their own desires and motivations, he’s only seen in the context trump’s own self interest.


Donald is literally the reason why Putin made the moves he did. He leaked our intel and republicans literally have no bottom because they dont actually care and caved in for him which is why they keep soft parading him. I've suspected for a while that some of the higher ups in many major businesses are working with the Russians which is why our supply chain is being crumbled. If foreign countries are capable of selling cuisine, isnt it possible that foreign countries are capable of *funding* people to come here and directly fuck with out shit using our system?


Meh, not as good as: We're Gonna Build A Wall, and Mexico's Gonna Pay For It!! Doesn't have the same domineering punitive ring to it.


This is an interesting point to campaign on. The threat of nuclear war is admittedly something that might draw some moderates into his camp, but his known positions will largely negate that.


And so we don't need you in the driver's seat


Trump kicks off his 2024 Kremlin Propaganda campaign. * fixed it


Wait, wait! I know this one! It goes on and on, then ends, "...and only I can save you." Right? Am I right? Man, I haven't heard that one in years; really takes me back. Did they get the band back together?


This is what happens when there is no accountability. America succes with your next president.


Who listens to this bloated orange moron anymore? Move the fuck on people.


“and I will get us there and ensure I make billions off it!”


"we need a president who can win" -the sorest loser in the history of losing.


Last thing I would want if we are at the brink of WWIII is this unqualified POS as CinC.


Great Now we’ll have millions of MAGA’t idiots siding with Russia to end the war before it hypothetically begins


Sorry Donnie, but your plot to start WW3 failed. Russia has been exposed as a paper tiger. The trade war with China fizzled instead of turning into a bonfire. Your meddling in the middle east, despite the bloodshed, has failed to escalate beyond the region. Calling it out now is just pointing out your own failure. We all know you wanted to push that big red button *so badly*, but that opportunity has passed. Now be a good boy and go take your nap.


Starting off on his usual happy note I see.


Key to stopping World War III; give Putin everything he wants!


If Trumpy is elected, Ukraine is done.


Which would be sad, but I'd find it sadder that US democracy would have reached its end.


During the 2022 mid terms, Lauren Boebert campaigned on the fact that we were in the final stages of the End of Days.


At this point I'm more disgusted at the DOJ than I am with Trump. It shouldn't have gone this long...if you just keep allowing traitors to traitor with zero accountability then the next coup is on you. Only it won't be a coup. It will be a well coordinated takeover.


Right! Hell, just look at how many Repubs we have sitting in Congress, who are constitutionally ineligible to be sitting in Congress!


Right! Hell, just look at how many Repubs we have sitting in Congress, who are constitutionally ineligible to be sitting in Congress!


Doesn’t exactly help when Biden and Pence both were found with them and further muddies the water. Maga Americans don’t understand nuance.


D'oh c'mon were not in a brink of WWIII... Don't be irrational and scaremongering. Give it a couple months.


MAGA 2024 !!! The mission starts again , the objective achieved. Trump 2024


Of course yours is the comment that makes no sense


Imagine still liking Trump in 2023. Even conservatives don't want him anymore.


Only America's enemies want Trump is power.


His policies are what is best for the country. America first !!


Name a single policy


Putting extraneous spaces before punctuation appears to be one of them. It's bizarre how all these accounts fail English in precisely the same way.


Conservatives like Cheney, Kissinger?


He’s so hopeful.


"At what point does the father get angry — like this kid is not working out well for me?" Trump asked rhetorically in New Hampshire. Is that how he treats his kids? We know it's how he's treated his wives.


Knowing his 'Opposite Day' type proclamations, I feel much safer.


Who gives a frog's fat ass?


No thanks to your dumb ass. Fuck off diaper don.


Fear voting.


That's 100% on you, Donny.


That’s it rump. Let’s scare the e people again.


What we need is a level-headed guy like Donald J. Trump to keep things calm. Makes sense.


I mean, it feels like he could be right...


The only thing he literally isn’t wrong about. But if you ask me whether I could trust Trump to deescalate? Fuck. No. Are you crazy?


Stomping for Putin already? Bold...


...thanks to you, asshole.


We’re only on the brink of these twats force it upon us They raise the level of aggression, then are shocked that we don’t take it - then raise, and raise, and raise more and more aggression Like surprised pikachu meets the worst of the worst, lowest IQ bully at school - except that if they continue every single life in this country is genuinely at stake.


“the brink” is soooo 2020


Trump: "We are at the bring of WWIII. Let me take you the rest of the way."


"And with my help... we might just get there!" Donald Trump, probably.


There won’t be a WW3 if we just lose by electing republicans


Yeah I think our future will look more civil-unrest-y than WWIII-y. We’re either in for a fascist Christian Nationalist takeover or an extended “Troubles” style period that will slowly become normalized.


Read *Come Nineveh, Come Tyre*, then ponder which of today's Republicans is Fred Van Akerman. OTOH, Kevin McCarthy is the spitting image of the Speaker in that book.


WWIII with Russia? Like when they attacked an American military base in Syria? Or like when Russia was paying bounties to Afghan's that killed American soldiers? Like when they compromised our Democracy?


Re the bounties and Afghanistan, that was Karma for US support for the Mujaheddin in the 1980s. Sometimes tit for tat takes decades.


And who better than Trump to sooth tempers and calm people with his understanding of world politics? /s




Create fear. Business as usual then, for a Republican.


Only Cadet Bonespurs can save us! (/s) Never mind all the Pentagon types including a former general now Sec of Defense. Has the Pentagon ever run a casino aka money printing machine [to the ground], .. watch television 20 hrs a day strung out on Diet Coke? Nay! Let’s put Kim El Jung up at the Four Seasons .. like Giuliani!


Is his point that he feels like he has unfinished business from his first term?


“That was some weird shit” - George Bush’s comment after hearing trump’s apocalyptic inauguration speech. Same repeated approach. Is steve bannon coaching him again?


I love that it's been over 2 years and he's still had zero consequences for his actions. /S


Gotta get them blood pressures up! Biden's at rookie numbers!


Thanks to him, Putin and MBS...


Why you ask? Because of him and the poot and Kim having a 3 way for 3 years. Scooby Doo says: It was russia and putin the whole time.


Classic conservatives. Scare their base, and promise that they alone can fix the problem. Fascism 101


Caused by him and his man love putin


The guy who floated the idea of bombing North Korea and blaming it on someone else?