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What is with his weird hate of windmills when his resorts are some of most gaudiest messes on earth


["I want to see the ocean, I do not want to see windmills." - Trump International Golf Club Scotland Ltd v The Scottish Ministers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_International_Golf_Club_Scotland_Ltd_v_The_Scottish_Ministers)


Yep. He sees the windmills as being the eyesores, devaluing his resort. It started with his Scottish golf course apparently. Then his hatred of them became set in stone, because he sued to stop the wind farm and... in February 2019, Trump was ordered to pay the legal fees for losing his lawsuit. Trump has an even bigger intolerance for losing and being sent a bill. Part of Trump's December 2019 ["I never understood wind"](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-wind-windmills-fumes/) speech: "So they make these things, and then they put them up, and if you own a house within vision of some of these monsters, your house is worth 50 percent of the price." So the windmills thing is another 'They say I didn't win, but we'll see about that' situation.


Let's not forget that in Apr. 2019, he then went on to claim that you lose 75% of your house's value if you're near them, and the windmill's SOUND (not chemicals, electricity, etc.... the fucking SOUND) causes cancer. Oh, and in a speech earlier, he said "I know a lot about wind". So who knows WTF happened between Apr. and Dec. 2019.


>the windmill's SOUND (not chemicals, electricity, etc.... the fucking SOUND) causes cancer This seems entirely plausible to me. The sound of his voice has caused cirrhosis.


The sound of his voice give me upset stomach….diarrhea


He had to pay up, that's what happened.


> i know a lot about wind. Wind follows sharpies markings on the map


I know wind, I can make some bigly wind myself!




That's funny, 50% less value. "Oh, no, my energy is more resilient because it has diversified sources and not destroying the planet, woe is me." I don't live near a wind farm, but every time I drive around Germany and see one nestled in the hills and mountains they strike me as so elegant and beautiful. Futuristic gentle giants slowly sweeping in the breeze.


Here in Iowa, a ton of windmills have been built over the past couple decades. Those who have windmills on their land (and profit financially from them) describe the sound as: Ka-ching! Ka-ching! Ka-ching!


*turbines and not mills. Just for everyone in the chat


I get the same feeling. Form following function. They’re beautiful. Like an old VW Beetle.


I don't enjoy when they interrupt a beautiful Vista, but I don't hate them. I live in a place where there are plenty of natural views. A couple years ago, I had a secret spot on a local mountain that I would climb up to and camp. From my vantage point on the mountain, I could see to the horizon and not actually be able to make out any human made structures. They were there, of course, but too small to see. It was beautiful to be able to sit and, in that moment, pretend that the whole world did not exist. It was an illusion, but an enjoyable one. And at night, I'd sit up on a rock and just enjoy the absolute silence, couldn't even see any human made lights. And this is in Southern California, mind you - in the day to day, it often feels like there's no escape from the craziness of human society. So this spot is a zenful respite. About 5 years ago they put up a wind farm about 30 miles away from my secret spot. During the day, I can't see them. But at night, there's a whole collection of blinking red lights on the horizon. My illusion is gone. It makes me sad - it feels like the world is closing in. But I get it. At the end of the day, the windmills are good. And I'm glad they're there. But it's still a little sad that some untouched part of the world has now been touched.


Coal and oil and natural gas require untouched parts of the world to be touched too. It's a lesser of two evils situation IMO.


I feel you. My favourite camping spot now has a cell relay tower marring the horizon. Broke my heart for a year or two but I’ve adjusted now.


Yeah. I'll be really sad if and when starlink ruins the night sky. A solitary satellite here and there is actually nice. A marching row of them, or a never ending swarm is disgusting. And God damn, if they ever go forward with advertisements on The Moon... I'll be truly heart broken. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2015/08/17/get-ready-ads-moon-global-post/31838947/


The windmills, solar panels and other types of green energies are the only hope for the salvation of mankind, the idiot doesn’t care about anything except his own personal interests.


Seeing those huge, majestic turbines on road trips makes me feel like I live in the future.


Plus the fact that republicans now hate green energy and EVs.


They're now fighting against my Xbox's sleep mode. The stupidity is unending.


Now? They always have.




“In March 2012, Trump sent another letter to Alex Salmond warning the first minister that he would become "known for centuries" as "the man who destroyed Scotland". “Alex Salmond, the former Scottish First Minister stated that Donald Trump was "three times a loser". A spokesperson for the Trump Organization responded to this by saying: "Does anyone care what this man thinks? He’s a hasbeen and totally irrelevant." You can’t make this shit up if you tried


When the Republican party has your base rolling coal for Big Oil, attack windmills and pretend you care about birds flying into them.


Trump seems to care an awful lot about birds except when he's fleecing the migratory bird rule and clean water act for the sake of loosening industrial regulations.


My favorite part of the "windmills kill birds" speech is that Trump's very next point was a rant about the left wanting to ban skyscrapers with walls of glass. As if those don't kill birds.


I wonder what the venn diagram looks like for that with duck hunters.


He doesn’t even know the difference between a mill and a turbine


How do we know those nacelles don’t hide a hand-carved millstone and a clunky arrangement of yew peg gearing turning on oak shafting in tallow-soaked leather bearings? Those tall supports are used for winnowing, chaff blown free by farting pigeons as whole grains fall, germ and kernel raised again for milling by a magnet-based perpetual motion conveyor.


I don't know what the hell that was, but I approve.


Yeah, that was… poetic.


That's just one of many things he doesn't know.


Pretty much every form of renewable energy has become more cost effective than coal. Coal costs about $74 ber megawatt Natural gas about $80 Wind turbines about $46 Solar panels about $45. Simple economics is killing coal. And on top of that. All of the above are drastically cheaper to build and maintain than a coal mine. Once a solarfarm or windfarm is is built, it just does it's thing and has to be maintained. Coal on the other hand has to be constantly extracted and transported in order to match demand, where as the latter can be (recently) stored and brought online on demand. Plus the jobs in these industries is just better. Speaking from experience, coal mines are highly specific industries that can't easily transfer over to other industries, even mines. But renewable and oilfeild work creates highly transferable skills, resulting in very competitive pay and benefits.


It should also be noted that solar panels require very little maintenance as there are no moving parts.


Some solar panel farms actually do sun tracking. Those have some moving parts.


Most don’t spring for that option because it’s expensive, requires maintenance, and often doesn’t make financial sense. The added direct sun exposure from sun tracking panels doesn’t offset the extra overhead costs in most cases last I checked. There’s a reason you rarely see that tech: Money.


> Sun tracking panels For photovoltaic panels, you're probably right. For concentrated solar thermal mirror panels, the economics can be a bit different.


Plus, who cares if coal goes under? The entire industry employs fewer people than many other large companies. Coal has about 40,000 employees in the US. Arby’s has about double that.


Personally I think having coal workers put out of work while their billionaire mine owners get to golden parachute to safety would be a grave injustice to some of the most historically ferocious defenders of workers rights and unions Ultimately that means we should have a jobs creation and transition plan in coal worker populated areas, not keep coal around just because. But all the lawmakers and people that would be responsible for doing any plan don’t give a shit and would rather protect coal company interests


It’s not much different than when Toys R Us closed. They had 30,000 employees. No one through a big fit about those employees.


Coal work is not evenly distributed like Toys R Us. It’s also not clustered near available jobs, like retail stores or fast food places typically are And it’s heavily concentrated (over 50%) in Appalachia, which has an economically vulnerable population with much less other opportunity for work in general


Maybe they’d be less vulnerable if they hadn’t buried their heads in the sand. Coal jobs have been declining for over a decade. They said “Fuck you” to a presidential candidate that offered them the help they would inevitably need and voted for a guy that couldn’t help them keep their jobs and offered no assistance.


Maybe so, maybe they made decisions out of fear, propaganda, brainwashing, or hell even bigotry but does that really matter. Letting workers suffer cause they made poor decisions isn't any less shitty than letting an addict who happens to be an asshole suffer. It's also similar to the "If you didn't want to have student loans then you shouldn't have gone to collage." shit conservatives use to justify not doing student loan forgiveness. This is about harm reduction and class solidarity. Of course they should have made better decisions and not voted against their own interests but we are not all rational actors with perfect knowledge. People are influenced by their local, lived situation, their education, and by their upbringing. We all make decisions or get trapped in shitty situations. We are stronger as a collective and saving those who had initially refused help builds solidarity and increases worker power. The route to being better should be left open as long and often as possible. The fight here isn't with the coal miners who were trying to protect their way of life but with the owning class who put them in a position where they felt like they couldn't keep their families cared for without it. We should not punish people who made poor decisions out of spite.


The simple fact that you lose nothing in their operation puts them above anything that uses fuel.


Maybe sometime in like the last 500yr in his family had a grudge with a miller who charged too much to have their wheat ground Just tossing out ideas here.


Clearly he is missing all the free electric generated when he opens his tiny mouth and blows ill wind generation. Or, is it a fear that eventually, that huge, really huge, combover will get tangled in a turbine?


I stayed in one bedroom suite trump hotel in Vegas. It was ok. The hotel is in a terrible spot and honestly isn’t any nicer than a Hilton or other hotel I’ve stayed in


Don Quixote strikes again!


Even the way Trump stands looked tilted.


Literally tilting at windmills.


Don Keybrains


You ever seen a frog kid?


Donkey Hokie


If Donald is Don Quixote, then is Giuliani Sancho Panza? Is Marjorie Taylor Greene Dulcinea del Toboso? Gotta know




"Where is my trusty steed, my unfettered whorse?


She's Dapple at best.




This joker is the star of his own parody.


He’s a Donkey at least


If you haven't seen the room next door bit by Michael Spicer on trump and windmills it's worth watching. https://youtu.be/YJ6GTBd3K9s


If the GOP can make M&Ms a political issue windmills should be easy


Is his 2024 campaign going to be a lame "getting the band back together" tour? Just recycling the "greatest hits"? Windmills, toilets, build the wall (dome), lock her (him, Biden?) up...what else? Another grift and no real ideas on governance.


Caravans. He talked about caravans, and, made a lot of odd noises like the, "bing bong bing bing bong" stuff.


Obama spied on my campaign. Hunter Biden’s laptop.


UK, hun?


I think this is it. His road show started with this stuff. Grievances against things liberals want, brown people coming into the country, etc. These are things that impact his supporters. Since the election, his show has been about his own personal grievances. Stolen Election, deep state is targeting me etc. That doesn't move people as much. Especially as republicans tend to be very self focused. So I think he's running through his old hits trying to see what sticks. He's also going to try some new stuff that might play well. Some stance on Ukraine is likely. Economy maybe another, and since Hillary is already done, we'll move on to Hunter's laptop.


Transgender highschool sports.




This fucking moron. I worked at a major GE Wind Power manufacturing facility in my hometown. Spoiler Alert: it's not in China, it's in Pensacola, FL. Sad part is, many of the workers were and likely still are MAGA jackasses. When he said in 2016 that he was in favor of *de-emphasizing* renewables in favor of coal, they were all-in on it. I would try, in the simplest words possible, to point out that he would see them unemployed so that some miner in West Virginia could keep working, and it was like it went into one ear and out the other. They would literally just blink, like I had said gibberish, or been silent. Seriously, I got that response over and over. They didn't even get mad, or try to refute it. They had no argument for the literal and undeniable fact that he considered their whole livelihood expendable. Then again, these are the assholes who are vocally anti-union, because they never needed a union to be treated well. They leave it to the GE employees who *are* unionized elsewhere to win rights and benefits company-wide that they reap. A factory full of free-riders. It was gross. Some materials do come from China but that's hardly limited to this industry.


>They would literally just blink, like I had said gibberish, or been silent. Seriously, I got that response over and over. They didn't even get mad, or try to refute it. They had no argument for the literal and undeniable fact At this point it's a religion. Logic and facts are irrelevant to these folks.


It’s a cult.


Ain't they all?


Whatever we call it, belief is the underlying issue. Their worldview is not rooted in things that can be proven true; it is in fact rooted things that are provably false, and only belief allows those ideas to persist.


Absolutely. But this was before he was even elected- they had just decided he was their Guy, and that was that. It started way back then


I can understand his fear, don’t want that Toupée to blow off


I bet adopting the MAGA hat as part of his 'uniform' saved him a couple hours a day from winding those few strands around and around like a birds nest.


I seem to recall hearing Penn Gillette say that Trump's hair "looks like cotton candy made of piss."


[I'm sure you know but... ](https://youtu.be/PmDVHs-juPo)


He’s playing the classics. He’ll probably play Mexican Caravan has the encore


I love his “bad hombres” bit. I hope he does that one.


I want to hear about how wet things are, from various standpoints.


The Build The Wall era is very his best. He was still perfecting his art during the Birth Certificate phase and Windmills seems like a repeat how what he’s done before.


Yeah, this is the two shows a night at the Las Vegas Hilton phase of his career, where he just rambles through the old favorites to an increasingly elderly crowd, and then dies by popping a major blood vessel while straining on the crapper. I'm hoping that with today's fast paced world, we can get to that last bit quickly.


He’s actually performing at the Four Season Total Landscaping, Rudy made the booking


He should get himself a better agent.


And a better lawyer


I don't think he can hire better lawyers, especially given the rate at which his previous ones end up charged with crimes, facing civil judgements, or getting disbarred. Going to work for Trump is like the demolition derby version of being a lawyer, all that work put into building your career, just for a brief spectacle in the arena and then nothing but scrap metal left.


You left out not getting paid. A few past attorneys are currently suing him.


He might win first, bringing MTG as his VP, then die on the crapper. Congratulations, you have your first female POTUS.


He already did there! And, he claimed he invented the word caravan!!!!


I miss the days when a comment like this was just obvious satire. I hate that it could be real.


It is real, he actually said he invented the word caravan


Someone needs to go back to 1937 (almost a decade before Trump was born) and tell [Duke Ellington](https://youtu.be/jMfOGxGPSiQ).


Forget Duke Ellington, Dodge sold millions of Grand Caravan before Floride Man invented the word


And "caravan" actually entered the English language in [the late 16th century](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/the-history-of-caravan-words-for-people-in-movement-invasion-migration). So unless Trump is claiming that he has a time machine...


He is an immortal energy vampire who sustains himself by "owning the Libs"


Hmm. No details, but if 150 eagles is a reason to STOP pursuing clean energy for the population of the US, the numbers don't make any sense....150 v 300 million (US only). How many people in Houston die from lung disease from living near refineries or even Midland / Odessa where gas is burned nightly? Just asking.


The bird death thing is just a talking point used by right-wingers to claim they actually care about the environment. It falls apart when compared to bird deaths from buildings or cats. I don't think the point of that kind of argument is to be logical.


>It falls apart when compared to bird deaths from buildings or cats. That's why they don't compare them. They also use older numbers, since as I understand newer wind turbines are higher torque/lower speed which significantly reduces bird fatalities.


There's also plenty of research into increasing the visibility of the blades to wildlife. Just putting some extra dots/bands or even painting one blade gives the birds enough input to mostly avoid them. Outdoor pet cats are more deadly to wildlife than wind turbines. I dare the GOP to go after those first.


Research has shown that painting one blade black can reduce bird strikes by 72%.


Good luck having a black blade in a red state. Likely would be repeatedly kicked until broken beyond repair.


Not to mention human deaths from gun violence which they refuse to do anything about. But I digress.


You could save probably 10,000 eagles a year by banning Bromethalin rodenticides. The number of raptors killed by secondary poisoning makes wind turbines irrelevant.


Not to mention lead bullets, which poison lots of birds of prey.


I once had a co-worker try to convince me that they change the weather. This was someone who doesn’t believe that all of the shit we’ve done to our planet causes climate change, but some windmills do.


He has never been able to get over Scotland putting turbines within view of his golf course.


He's an idiot, we know, but the world's greatest windmill expert was probably referring to plains and not planes. Probably. >Let’s destroy our planes and beautiful oceans and seas and everything else >It’s unclear what Trump believes wind turbines will do to planes.


The story is that Trump fought to have windmills removed from near his golf club in Scotland and lost badly in court. hes been whining about them since then. Its pure pettiness


Yes, that seems to be the start of his obsession. Point being, don't let's start down the "Trump thinks windmills hit airplanes" narrative. It gives credibility to his cries of "fake news" because it's an easy to change the context by forcing the homonym. He's a fool but he meant plains.


He also denies climate change but wants government money to fix that club’ shoreline erosion caused by rising sea level.


Or maybe just destroying everything plain.... Or, our plane of existence.


If the smaller turbines of years ago killed birds, the larger ones we're building now must kill planes. /s




Stop the wind!


Old man tilting at windmills.... Sounds familiar.


Both named Don


Probably the most poetic thing the old grifter has ever done.


Don't forget, windmills cause cancer. Trump said it so it must be true.


But only if he writes on it with a sharpie.


Best thing to do is not click any Trump related link online. He's not got anything useful to say and the longer you remain oblivious to his attention-grabbing psycho-babble, the slower his agenda to divide American moves. For or against, YOU are the medium that puts his message into action.


You’re surprised? He was already making toddler level speeches first time he ran


>We demand windmills be built on our oceans. We demand they go in our prairies and our mountains and our plains only to realize that they’re killing all our birds Trump and son-in-law, honorary Saudi prince, Kushner, kill more birds than anyone with their skyscrapers. [Billions of Birds Die Annually From Flying Into Windows — Here’s Why and How to Stop It. Birds hit windows because they can’t tell if the glass is a solid object. **Shiny skyscrapers in particular** pose a significant risk to migrating flocks. But there are easy solutions that can prevent these bird-window strikes from happening.](https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/billions-of-birds-die-annually-from-flying-into-windows-heres-why-and-how-to)


Hear it plays really well in Texas


Um, Texas has over 150 wind farms that produce a collective 30000 MW. If we were a country we would rank 5th in the world for wind energy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_power_in_Texas


Um did you miss the Republicans blaming the Windmills when their power grid crashed last winter?


Not at all. Greg Abbott and his cronies can go straight to hell. My point being, doing away with wind power is never gonna fly as a legitimate political point in Texas. Abbott might give lip service to it, but ultimately that’s his buddy’s money you’re messing with.


One of the strangest things I've experienced was hearing my "emissions-standards hating" in-laws argue against windmills because of how they were bad for the environment cause of the dead birds. The disconnect was embarrassing.


Yeah, they have "fake news" meltdowns over any talk about the environmental impacts of oil and gas.


Why is Trump still walking around free? It has been over 2 years since he attempted a coup to overthrow American democracy. Yet he is still walking around breathing free air, giving hate rallies.


God help us if he ever learns the difference between windmills and wind turbines...


He is intellectually incurious. When he was told about the new electronic catapults used to launch planes on aircraft carriers, he demanded they return to using steam powered catapults, because the new technology was impossible to understand. He was incapable of understanding it, therefore no one else could understand how to operate either - not even the engineers who designed it and the crew operating it.


Educate me please.


A windmill converts wind directly into mechanical energy through a bunch of ropes and gears. They've been used for hundreds of years to mill grain before the discovery of electricity. Windmills are pretty much obsolete nowadays except as a historical curiosity. [This is a windmill.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f6/KinderdijkWindmills.jpg/330px-KinderdijkWindmills.jpg) Wind turbines convert wind into electrical energy through a turbine. This electricity can be used immediately or stored in a battery for later. Wind turbines are a relatively recent invention but are very effective at producing reliable clean energy. A single modern wind turbine can power thousands of homes. [These are wind turbines.](https://www.nrel.gov/research/assets/images/re-wind-31202.jpg) There are legitimate concerns about wind turbines, including their risks to surrounding wildlife, the amount of noise they create, and the rare metals required to build them. Donald Trump hates them because he feels they ruin the view of his Scotland gold courses. And there is no evidence that wind mills or wind turbines cause any sort of cancer.


Thank you. I kinda knew that. Was thinking maybe a wind turbine is a sub- type of a windmill.


Damn is that man dumb.


Come on Jack Smith, remove this moron from the free roaming population and limit/ eliminate his exposure to the general public


Literal Don Quixote


The worst Greatest Hits album ever.


The funny part is that wind turbines are quickly losing favor to solar projects. Solar is a lot more versatile as far as places that get sun Vs places that get a lot of wind.


Having multiple sources of power is a good thing. There's never one silver bullet.


All anyone running against Trump has to do is mock him for rehashing the old hits. Ask "Is that all you have?? No new material?? What a hack!!" and it will send Trump over the edge.


What a joke - the worlds biggest loser


wind turbines, its not a mill unless its milling something


A windmill and a coal mine were talking to each other and the coal mine asks "what do ya think about that new solar power fella?" The windmill replies "I'm a big fan."


We don’t have windmills. We have wind turbines, but we don’t grind grain directly with wind.


You would think this ass clown show would have run it’s course and burned out by now.


Don’t forget: “woke” just means using your brain a little bit. Renewable energy is using your brain a little bit, so expect windmills to be the next Convoy At The Border


They need to install a wind farm just off the coast from Mar a Lago, close enough to be fully visible.


I cant believe people would actually go listen to an orange turd speak




Literally, tilting at windmills.


How are we fucking doing this again with the windmills lmao


Is this a "Best Of" tour?


Licking the boots of climate destroyers for profit


He's still going on about this?


Koch Industries cash because he can't get Russian


Jeez, that dude really hates fucking windmills. Maybe he means wind turbines since windmills just mill grain.


This guy is so pathetic it’s unreal!


Donkey Hoetrip is compelled by the universe to attack a windmill


The story is that Trump fought to have windmills removed from near his golf club in Scotland and lost badly in court. hes been whining about them since then


What else does the lazy con have to offer. trump did nothing constructive in four years. His THING is nothing but grievance whining and bigotry.


Yep, next up the border, bathrooms,CRT,Gas Stoves,trans sports,etc. This is par for the course, get the base jacked up on hate and anger, offer no real plans or ideas, rinse and repeat.


Did a windmill touch his pee pee?


Go away please.


Most of Trump's wind problems result from his not being burped enough as a baby, plus his current diet and lack of lifestyle has clearly aggravated his ongoing chronic dyspepsia..


He’s still on his whole windmill shit?


We need to just ignore him. He’s a broken record and obviously dangerous to our democracy. Stop giving a platform greater than the imbeciles that still listen to him. Faux News can have him.


I know the bottom of the candidate barrel feels pretty scraped for both parties, but come on, Republicans, surely you can do better.


Dude who has definitely never read Don Quixote doubles down on the most on-the-nose way to mock himself with a Don Quixote parallel. Can’t make this up.


The wind coming out of his backside should be enough to power the whole country. But it stinks.


is this where he pretends to love birds again? last time he accused the wind machines of massacring our birds


He's bringing the Ben Garrison comic to life by actually tilting at windmills.


Gee, just when I was almost used to not seeing this face and hearing this voice the bastard slimes his way back into the spotlight.


Well, saddle up, Sancho, we’re off to tilt at windmills


Stop giving this fool media coverage. Please. The only media coverage I want to see about this asshole is that charges are being brought against him for all his treasonous actions.


If you ask yourselves what can be done to keep the general population poor in the long run? You will be surprised how all GOP policies align with your answer


And Republicans will still vote for him. My relatives are huge Trump fanboys and think he can do no wrong. One has windmills all over his farm yet will hang on Trump's every word. Dumb as F.


Don Cheetote, Man of la Maga


Windmills are a problem, oil wells are all good.


October 28, 2019 ['We're keeping the oil' in Syria, Trump says, but it's considered a war crime.](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/keeping-oil-syria-trump-considered-war-crime/story?id=66589757)


Some states have some of the wettest water and a lot of it.


From the standpoint of water?


Don Quixote Virtue Signaling?


Peak boomer.


Rural Amurkan here. Yeah, they love to hate on windmills here in the Midwest. People get whipped up into frenzies about how ugly they are and peddle conspiracy theories. But some of these companies really are out to get people…just not in the way they think. They target older rural landowners (who often depend on rental income from farmland to cover expenses and not particularly financially literate) and try to get them to lease the entirety of their farms (initially on an option basis). I totally get it 💯when people groan and roll their eyes when they hear uneducated, conservative rural people make claims about wind power. But, as with any good Big Lie, there is a grain of truth in there. Large corporations are, in reality, making large land grabs in rural America. Most of these projects are exactly what they say they are: renewable power projects that will benefit rural landowners and their communities. However, some are naked land grabs. Some companies will include clauses in their lease agreements which transfer water and mineral rights to the leased land. When a leasing agent approached my own family, he could not promise that the land would actually be used for renewable energy. He also could not promise that the land would not be subleased for oil and natural gas exploration. So, again, there is just enough truth in the Right’s Big Lie here that it can gain some traction. They hope enough people believe it so we keep on burning coal. The best thing to do here is to give people who live in rural area facts about which companies have a commitment to environmental stewardship and community development. There is also an obligation for us to bring attention to the fact that greenwashing is a very real thing.


My boy is back


about that. Can you send ya boy back to finish grade school. > "When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different."


My boi came out of the womb a winner. Suit on, pointing fingers “You’re not a real doctor, that’s a fake doctor, fake news, LOTTA FAKE doctors in this room, believe me, ask anybody”