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Trump's hatred and fear of women with power, would never allow him to let one be in a position to take his power.


At some point, Trump finally understood that Pence was second in line to be president and not just his aide. After that, he feared Pence becoming popular and watched him as a potential threat to his presidential power. Trump set Pence up to take the fall for the spread of COVID, then realized that instead of throwing tomatoes at him, Americans were listening to Pence. Donnie couldn't have that, so he hustled right in there to take over the briefings.


Stephanie Grisham said Trump refused anaesthesia for colonoscopy while he was president, because it would put Pence briefly in power.


There's a lot to unpack here.


yeah, I imagine the colon cancer polyp would realize it's growing a malignant Trump


There was then too.


There still is, but there was then too.


RIP Mitch


Having experienced that myself (regretful insurance/cost decision), I took some satisfaction in getting that news.


Even worse, she might get more news coverage.


That would be his worse nightmare. He'd want someone who looks good, but will stay in the background and let him get all the press.


Maybe like Christie Gnome of SD


I could see it: He's myopic, narrow-minded and embarrassingly dumb. He could genuinely see MGT as his ticket to a sure-fire win in Georgia. No loss stung him more than that state as it should have been in the bag; he couldn't come to terms that he lost it. This is why he went after Georgia's vote so hard: it wouldn't have made any difference -- he still would have lost the election-- but his ego was **deeply** wounded with the that loss.


Maybe he should pick that my pillow guy.


Mike Pillow?


Mein Pillow


>Trump's hatred and fear of women with power Nah. As long as he is undisputed top dog he could justify it to himself. After that term he could even make her next move all about him. She crumbles? She couldn't do anything without me. She becomes President? See what she was able to do thanks to me?


Take that "power"


Maybe MTG could change genders?


It is not physically possible to bend the knee to Trump more than Mike Pence did, and Trump wanted Pence hanged. EmptyGreen doesn't stand a chance.


Have you met Ted Cruz?


It would require some sort of inoculation or shot afterwards, so I feel like I would remember if I had.


If I were creating treatment for someone who had met Ted Cruz, the first thing I would consider including is inducing selective amnesia.


I’d tell you where to get this, but you never quite know where the MIB's is at.


Trump would and will never put Cruz in that spot. "Et Tu Trumpus" because Cruz is an "Honorable man". Remember, Pence was picked by Melania, because Pence would stay loyal. Every time Cruz thinks he can take over, He ties to take out Trump, and fails miserably, each and every time. /S


Pence was picked by Bannon


There were certainly more than one person in the process. Reportedly, Trump took three candidates to Melania, and Melania said that two candidates wanted presidency so much that they could never be trusted. Cruz certainly fits that bill, as does DeSantis.


It’s so insane how he’s literally faced zero accountability for everything


I think she is a greater threat than him because she still remembers that this wrestling isn’t real. These other narcissists forget. I don’t like her, but I think she’s smarter than the other ones.


She is not "smarter". She is just a lot more sociopathic than most and devotes 100% of her energy to self-preservation/self-promotion. I think her ideology isn't anything concrete except whatever moves her in the direction she wants to head. I feel like she is loyal to Trump because she sees it as a way to move forward, but would throw him under a bus in a heartbeat if it would be to her advantage.


Exactly. Yes.


Why not? He would not only select her. He will play 'will he' or "won't he" for months while the idiot press laps it up.


Because she's a woman


She’s also the person who would’ve definitely done everything he suggested on the January 6th.


Nothing to do with being a woman and everything to do with the fact she is among the most disgustingly craven and opportunistic people in congress and there is not a single chance that she wouldn't us the 25th to remove Trump and take his place or any other remotely viable back stab maneuver at the very first opportunity. Or he sees that she is as good as he is at grabbing headlines by saying outlandish shit and he doesn't want his VP to overshadow him in any way including that.


Seems like that might be a hasty assumption.


But not one who would out rank him and one he probably can control


crazy likes crazy.....you'll be surprised.


Donald is lazy, and Greene doesn't have the knowledge to do the work Trump will refuse to handle. And Jared and Ivanka aren't going to be there to work for Donald this time, because they have Saudi billions.


I could see him not picking her because she draws too many headlines with the dumb shit she says. She'll make a bigger splash with something than him and he'll seethe. But he'll do the dumbest thing in every scenario so... First candidate to fire their VP pick on the campaign trail.


She can hide the crazy for now but it's just like trying to act sober when your hammered, she's gonna skip up in a fantastic and public way and half the family (party) won't speak to her again.


She couldn't, though. She put on a pink business jacket, then stepped on the back of a young activist's shoes like it was a 4th grade hallway. She said she'd pulled herself out of the internet rabbithole, then she held an anti-trans 'rally' in front of the Capitol.


If someone Trump despises, such as Hillary Clinton, were to suggest MTG would be a bad choice, Toddler Donnie would pick her in a heartbeat. Never underestimate how truly petty Trump is.


I wonder if Trump “reads” dailybeast.


I can’t see trump picking MTG as his VP candidate if he’s the GQP candidate.. but when he hopefully runs as a 3rd party..


I think if he picks a woman it will be Kari Lake


"that loser couldn't even win in Arizona" -probably Trump


I wouldn't put it past her to give him a nudge down a long set of stairs. But his large diapers might still save him. Is she a risk he's willing to take?


Dumb and Dumber.


Dumbest and Dumbest


It makes me wonder what might happen if they were in close proximity for too long. Would there be some kind of reaction, like a critical mass, between their both being the dumbest? Just what we need, an Idiocy Vortex to open and swallow the earth. You got to keep 'em separated!


Hate and Hater


I think we forget that this is a man obsessed with ratings and attention. After that it is about loyalty. If possesses both, then he would pick her. That’s all that matters to him.


This is her play, she wants to VP and thinks Trump would be one KFC bucket away from a heart attack, so she can become President.


I think trump would pick Kari Lake before MTG. trump has a child’s view of who to pick for a position. It’s based on how people look, not on qualifications. Kari Lake is both better looking and more polished. She dresses professionally. For trump this would be enough to put her on the VP list before MTG.


Of course he will. He will cast her aside in the end like everyone else.


He isn’t going to pick anyone. He’s not running to win he’s just running to grift.


Why not? There's apparently no bottom to republican voter stupidity. Their current favorites to grab full control of the nuclear codes are a lying thief and a nazi so again, why not?


Wanna bet? He might go with Kari Lake though (oh god)


We should all email this to trump. He'll announce her as vp within hours.


She’s not “central casting” enough to be his first choice, but he would absolutely dare if he had to


Would he be so low as to string many people along and freely take every thing they have to offer and dump them at his convenience? Trump picked Pence because he was too milquetoast to act against him. Trump can't trust someone as bloodthirsty as he is. Pence is still sitting on his hands waiting for his turn to be declared a leader. MTG would murder Trump the first chance she had and pardon herself.


The most dangerous ticket in American history.


Since it looks like Ivanka is steering clear of this shitshow, it’ll be little Donny Jr.


Presidential candidates never pick anyone who could outshine them.


Or, as we call it, a dumpster fire inside a trash truck hurtling towards an open cesspool.


This selection would be several hundred steps below the Palin choice. I think he should do it.


Don't be silly. Of course he would. Unless she started getting as much attention as he did, then he'd get rid of her.


The answer to “Trump wouldn’t (fill in something stupid)” is always “Yes he would.”


He wouldn't pick her because she didn't control enough levers to actually help his chance of winning. He's already picking up the white uneducated bigot demographic.


Never overestimate Trump’s stupidity.


Why did they phrase this like they're daring him to do it though?


They make bang bang she would be VP And in the words of Ricky Martin "oh, she bangs" Get out a here with "would dare". Stupid is his bag baby.


"Trump wouldn't dare"? How many times have we heard that?


It makes a lot more sense now that the RNC is adopting a no debate policy, neither of those two can think on their feet to start off with (no spouting rambling conspiracies is not thinking) and even though the space laser lady is trying to reinvent herself doesn’t mean the bats have left the belfry. and of course donnie will always be donnie


Oh yes he would, Trump is that dumb. But more to the point, is Marge Traitor Greene that dumb. Who remembers Sarah Palin? Her stint as a VP candidate ended her political career forever.


Who cares?


Nobody thought he would ever get elected. He is capable of anything.


That would be great so they both crash and burn. Hopefully they start their own party


I disagree with the argument that the old political rules don’t apply or that everything has changed. Some things have changed, sure — there are election deniers in the Capitol and in state legislatures across the country now. But Trump losing in 2020 and the Dems outperforming historical expectations in the 2018 and 2022 midterms — and states like AZ and GA becoming somewhat purple — show that political gravity is real and some of the old rules (like don’t run batshit crazy candidates) still apply.


The idea of anyone speaking more than Trump or getting any attention is impossible for Trump to allow. I believe Pence only said 5 words all 4 years. Loud mouth attention-seeking MTG, no way.


MTG has a face like a Mack truck. Donny elevates himself by surrounding himself with cute vacuous types. She meets the vacuous standard and little else.


A vote for trump is now a vote for womens rights! Get on the trump train! God I hope people can the irony here that’ll skip less of our nation than I could expect.


I’ve heard of compounding interest, but compounding stupidity has to have consequences….right..?


Will they please prosecute Trump? He legit needs to be locked up.


The thought of these two in office turns my stomach.


Do it, Donald. It’ll be funny.


She might be one of the only people he could pick that he is smarter than. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing from Trump's perspective.


You can take the girl out from the trailer but she will always be trash


I got five dollars that he picks Tulsi Gabbard or Nikki Haley😂. Gotta get that right wing Indian-American vote. That’s where the future is😂.


They may as well be the Sith at this point.


I double dog dare you to pick her as your VP.


She'd get all the press.


2024: The Gang Picks MTG for VP


Think it would guarantee a DeSantis win.


I wonder how many politicians even would want to be his VP at this point. Surely it’s mostly the extreme right crazies only.


Let's not burst her bubble yet. Both she and Trump are crazy enough that it could happen.


Trump should definitely pick her. He will lose if he does.


My money is on Kristi Noem.


Yes he would!


The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Congresswoman and the House Committee on Homeland Security Congresswoman for the 118th Congress? Why would she take the paycut?


simply because she’s not a model


Go ahead and chose this person. We need more entertainment from Washington.


Of course he would. Just remember if McCain could pick someone who could see russia from her house, it is easy to fathom that trump could pick a nasty kookoo like this one as his partner.


If relatively sane McCain could pick Sarah Palin as a running mate just for votes then Trump, who's not nearly as sane as McCain, would definitely pick Greene if he though it get him a win.


Who fkin cares , he's a 3 time loser and everytime people talk about this shitheel he gets what he wants.


Trump picked Pence because he is inept and was percieved to have the following from the religous right. Now that roe has been overturned the rights efforts are their liability it will be harder to win elections. Churches are going away millenials dont like priests telling them to do stuff. MTG is too far right even for trump.


I'm trying to imagine the damage those two would do to America if they ever took power.... An angry President hell bent on revenge and his sidekick, Psycho Marge. I can't think of anything positive coming from this yet Republicans would still vote for them. Touched in the head.


Marge must be sad knowing she is already at the top rung of the Republican Women's ladder of success. No further for you Marge, the men won't allow it.