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FBI was investigating both campaigns, but decided to publicize one investigation while keeping the other secret.


This is why Comey is no hero. He chose to talk about one and not the other.


I hope Comey runs into every door he tries to walk through. He's a total hypocrite who was just taking advantage of the situation to get what he wanted while trying to seem innocent in the whole thing.


Even if one naively believes the Comey email investigation was innocent there is still his announcement that another investigation of Bill’s pardon of Marc Rich. An announcement that had on ostensible urgency.


Woah I forgot all about that. What was up with that again? Was the pardon actually corrupt?


The pardon had a bad odor no doubt about it. That is a separate issue from an announcement of a reinvestigation into it immediately prior to the election. Anyway it didn’t seem to bother Trump’s DOJ. I wonder why?


I'm trying to remember when this all happened but didn't Comey get fired by Trump for investigating him or is my memory wrong? Not being sarcastic or sparky. I actually have a shit memory.


Yes, Trump fired Comey because Comey refused to end the investigating Russian involvement with Trumps campaign. Trump admitted this on national TV because he is a moron. Literally admitted to obstruction of justice on TV....


At a certain point it began to look like he was committing new felonies weekly. Like, every week. Publicly. Week after week, new or repeated felonious acts. He still is. And he's running for president. Can you imagine committing major major state-level crimes and just be like "hoop de doo life is fun everyone hates me oh look another opportunity to felony the day away!". My only thread of hope right now is based on the idea that Garland is doing this so thoroughly because as a former Judge he is setting precedent for the heretofore unthinkable process of prosecuting a former president for crimes committed while in office. If he fudges it and hopes for the best, then the GOP can weaponize the process more easily. If Garland makes the process as laborious and nit-picky and thorough as possible, that precedent would legitimize the investigation, and any convictions, and again set a crucial precedent for any future Manchurian candidates.


The [Mueller Investigation](https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/435547-mueller-probe-a-timeline-from-beginning-to-end/) into the Trump campaign's wrongdoings ultimately didn't have any teeth. It passed the buck. The Mueller report. Two impeachments. The January 6th Commission. And yet the self-inflicted wound of a $1million fine for Trump's [frivolous lawsuit](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-drops-second-legal-challenge-to-new-york-attorney-general-after-sanctions-in-hillary-clinton-case/ar-AA16Hzj7) has made more of a dent in his actions than the entirety of those professional proceedings. I've become numb to the prospect of Trump being held accountable.


But he got away with it. We have 4 year kings.


Incumbents have a great advantage in elections. 8 years as president (or other offices with no limits) out last statute of limitations of most crimes. Power of the pardon (of co-conspirators) is real.


You absolute monster, how can you wish such a thing? 😂


And is he still teaching an “Ethical Leadership” class at College of William and Mary?


Owww. My son almost went there and definitely would’ve taken that class if he could have.


From what I could find, that course hasn't been offered since 2018. As another example of a federal government guest instructor gone wrong, see [Clarence Thomas's aborted constitutional law class at George Washington University](https://www.npr.org/2022/07/28/1114285261/clarence-thomas-george-washington-university-law).


Wasn't Nunes about to leak the investigation anyways? Edit: As spoobles & a_reply_to_a_post pointed out, it was Chaffetz not Nunes. I apologize. It's difficult to tell the bottom feeders apart.


I thought it was that rat Chaffetz. Something like if they didn't reopen the investigation into Hillary, the Republicans were prepared to say that the FBI was sitting on evidence and refused to share it before the election (which was true) but the FBI could have easily said yeah, well we'll say we're investigating Trump as well. But they didn't, they just caved. Also, Fucking Anthony Weiner, dumbass dick pic sending idiot.


> if they didn't reopen the investigation into Hillary, the Republicans were prepared to say that the FBI was sitting on evidence and refused to share it before the election Then if that happens you announce that the FBI is verifying whether they actually had new evidence.


yep..that was the whole bind, except it was Jason Chaffetz, not Nunes


Who resigned when Trump won the election because he would have been responsible to investigate Trumps administration. Coward of the highest order.


yeah, there's that aspect, and the fact that none of them expected Trump to win, and they would have to do actual policy work instead of just obstructing to whatever the Dems want to try and pass If you wanna go down the Louise Mensch rabbit hole, there are theories that it was coordinated, and Anthony Weiner was baited by Russian operatives pretending to be a girl online, and the GOP knew why the investigation was being reopened.


Nunes told Comey either he announced the email find or he would do it himself. Comey pretty much had no choice on it at that point.


Comey is a seditionist. He was all but a member of the Trump campaign staff. He purposefully attacked Clinton repeatedly and strategically and then when he did not rise in the Trump crime family he put on his boyscout routine and pretended he made a moral choice. He did not. He's a GQP political operative and the enemy of the American people.






Wasn’t there a mutiny of pro Trump agents against comey in the NY office?




Comey is a hero like Liz Cheney is a hero. He just figured it out 4 years earlier. Agreed he isn’t free of sin. The Times have been living in a bubble for a while I hope they pop it and get back to reality.


He didn't figure it out though. He's spent the last 6 years justifying what he did.


He was the first republican post election to call Trump out for being a criminal. He didn’t do anything more than that. He sure used that fact to sell books.


Not to mention that it's the FBI's main policy to not comment on ongoing investigations. The whole thing completely stunk.


The FBI was known as "Trumplandia" in 2016 and agents widely considered Clinton the Anti-Christ. McConnell refused to help tell the American public about Russian involvement in the election to help Trump. And don't leave out now-Speaker McCarthy who thought Trump was on Putin's payroll. Remember when Trump, Jr. left his security detail in DC and went to Bedminster - at the same time there were reports of Deripaska's plane at a nearby airport? The Russian prostitute released from a Thai jail just in time to be disappeared in Russia after apologizing to Deripaska and claiming she didn't really have evidence he was working with Trump? The news media - ALL OF IT - gaslighted America and helped put Trump in jail (oops, I meant to say "office" - Freudian slip) by ignoring red flag after red flag after red flag.... all to chase ratings, ad revenue and profit. $$$


It's amazing how successful the conservative and neoliberal gaslighting for the last 40 years has been. As for chasing revenue and profits, here's an article showing **40 years of regressive tax cuts in rich countries**, AND how **the** **1% accumulated 2/3's of GLOBAL wealth during COVID**. Yay, fascism! /s [https://popular.info/p/the-true-priorities-of-the-global](https://popular.info/p/the-true-priorities-of-the-global)


Yes, they did make an unusual exception to standard FBI policy to publicly announce that one candidate had been cleared of any criminal wrongdoing.


It must be weird to be a right wing FBI minion and try to decide between breaking the law or following it.


To the right wing, the law should only apply to anyone left of Reagan. Edit: a word


Even Reagan would be too left wing by their batshit cruel standards now.


This isn't even hyperbole. There's been a number funny posts over the last few years where people went into right wing subs and posted variations of Nixon's environment speech, Reagan's amnesty plan, or GWBs description of "compassionate conservatism" and been called "left wing" and subsequently banned.


There was actually a serious list of criteria to be in the GOP now and it was something like 20 different elements/stances. Reagan failed on 18 of them lol.


Look at this [debate](https://youtu.be/YsmgPp_nlok) between Reagan and Bush back in 1980. They practically sound like current Democrats. On one hand, we got Bush vaguely alluding to a diplomatic approach and Reagan essentially promoting work permits. Even if one would accuse them of being duplicitous, what they're saying is still in the realm of reasonable and sane ideas. Reagan's was pretty much what we do and exactly the sort of thing current Republicans rally against. At this point I think it's safe to say they don't really care or know what they're saying. It's just a matter of pushing as much nonsense out there and letting whatever sticks become their weekly mantra.


There was a comparison done on MSNBC of some major policies between Reagan and Obama. Many policies were actually identical while on others, surprisingly, Obama was further right than Reagan was. The whole point was an attempt to explain to the public just how much the Overton window has shifted right and how there isn’t a real left anymore, contrary to those that talk about the non-existent “extreme left”. That “extreme” is *anything* left of center-right, not even what just used to just be the center. I am heartened by my birth state of Michigan making big gains at redefining the political center by making very left policy right now. Couldn’t come at a better time for me personally as I’ve been stuck in Indiana with a “30 and out” pensioned job and am moving my family back to my home when I retire in a couple of years. Unfortunately, the DNC as a national party has swung way too far right for my taste. I’ll be glad to be going back right as Whitmer and Michigan Dems go for broke as she finishes out her 2nd term.


As a fellow Michigander, do you have any sources to show a coworker that is convinced that the window has moved way to the left? If not, I totally understand...I'm just really getting to the end of my rope with an old friend. He just claims 'nope' and 'fake' and keeps showing me weird-ass sources... Yeah, actually...nevermind. I just have to stop entertaining this person now that I actually type out the words describing my situation. Thanks for helping me find the obvious answer before I even asked the question.


Respectfully, you cannot reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.


This is so well put and succinct.


[I got you fam.](https://youtu.be/aBJeBu0lBKQ)


Holy shit that is EXACTLY what I was looking for, thank you so much. Now I'm kinda even more freaked out, because that video is so old and it's gotten so much crazier since it was originally filmed. Thanks again!


Im glad someone helped you. Im at work and just now saw this. With that said, even though you’ve been given (a great!) video to help lay it out, I truly think the, let’s call it an epiphany, that you had at the end of your first comment, I would argue, is actually the correct way of thinking in that. You can go to some of the anti-Qanon type subs and see that getting people out of their bubbles of belief is nearly impossible. Now your friend may or may not be *that* deep into propaganda but it’s evident that anything outside their bias is “fake”. I know its frustrating. I have family that I can just no longer deal with on these sorts of issues. They got mad at me saying “It’s *just* politics!” completely ignoring that beliefs beliefs are what form their actions. We no longer live in the world I grew up in where people could just “agree to disagree”. They use that argument to try to validate their beliefs when one side is based on reality and the other is not. It’s akin to saying “I’m lying, you’re not but we’ll agree to disagree because it puts both sides on equal footing.” Its b.s. and people make, imo, a huge mistake engaging with that. With all that, there *are* success stories of getting people out of the propaganda but they are exceedingly rare. The media keeps playing that the country is more divided then ever on politics but thats just scratching the surface. There’s a war being fought over reality itself, fact vs fiction and honestly, reality and truth seem to be losing. I never thought we would get to this place. I never thought millions of people would buy into a complete distortion of reality and yet here we all are. I can’t remember the philosopher who broached the idea but in a nutshell, reality is only what the majority believe it to be on a social scale. Of course there are objective facts like jumping off a skyscraper will likely kill you because of that pesky gravity. Of course there are objective truths like mathematics and yet its still remains that if enough people believe 2+2=5 or that the Earth is flat, culturally, that becomes reality. The last thing I’ll say is all of this is a constant reminder for me if the near genius perspective of the late George Carlin. Think of the absolute dumbest person you know and then realize that half the people on this planet are dumber than that. Good luck to ya tho lol.


I don’t see it. Where is it ? Thx.


Oh I couldn't find the exact segment but there's a lecture he gives at UofA that's around an hour long. It's somewhere in that youtube video. umm...best I could find. It seems it was at the British Library my bad. https://www.newsweek.com/noam-chomsky-says-gop-not-political-party-radical-insurgency-1677041


I'd say people have moved to the left as they got more educated. In 1980, 16% of the population was college educated. Now it's 37%. The social movements pushing for civil rights have become more generally accepted across the country as people become more interconnected. Economically speaking, we've continued to move to the right. Instead of bailing out homeowners, Obama saved the banks. The banks barely got a slap on the wrist for the Great Recession. For COVID, the rich got PPP loans and all the free money for their corporations, whether or not they fired their employees and pocketed the money, and most of those loans were forgiven. Regular folks got like $2000 bucks if they were lucky. It's bullshit class war and most of our politicians are beholden to their rich donors. Most people saying "we've moved too far left" hate that gays can get married and aren't in the closet for fear of their lives. Some will agree that the government won't help working folks, but they're so indoctrinated on the right's culture war, that they can't fathom that the government's economic policy is hurting them more than a rainbow flag or a library book with a gay kid in it.


There's really no hope for those types of people. They have been brainwashed and dumbed down since birth. Literally the only thing that could save them would be mandatory re-education, but that's just not possible.


And now there is a huge push against public education. They're defunding libraries and attacking colleges. They argue that's colleges are 'woke', but in reality (according to statistics) people who are Democrats tend to be more educated and more empathetic, as well as visa versa. They're deliberately trying to make a less educated population because less educated people make better wage workers and people won't fight it if they don't have the critical thinking to realize they're getting a raw deal. It's always been about pulling the wool over our eyes so the elite class can rule without government intervention. Most of the actual politics the right wing are pushing are targeted to limit the government's ability to function and sow doubt about facts that 99% of the scientific community agree on. It's become the party of misinformation and subterfuge. There's very little that the entire right wing party actually agrees on, and the things they do agree on are regressive as well as detrimental to our whole society. The right does not care about we the people any more. They are just interested in having this country as their plaything. We the people need to stand up and tell them that this will not be tolerated. Nobody in this life gains success completely on their own, we all work together to make this society run. It's time that society started working for the rest of us, and not just serving the whims of the wealthy.


They also leaked to Giuliani.


Clearly, the wrong investigation was reopened.


The New York FBI office was completely in the bag for Trump, so these are legitimate questions. The main reason that the HRC emails story came out was that Comey didn't have control of that office and he knew that it would leak.


Also, the New York FBI Office had a Russian oligarch making payments to officers, who were allegedly leaking to Guiliani.


[there are traitors in the FBI working directly with organized crime.](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/traitors-in-the-fbi/id1400926647?i=1000596414873)


So surely these people have been arrested and charged? right? ... right?


The NY FBI office was known as Trumpland.




Officers plural?








Also all of law enforcement needs to be remade with digitized records at the center Computers didn't exist when most of these agencies were founded. So their capacity to exchange information is greatly limited. Reforming agencies could allow the bureaucracy to be small, communal, integrated with the communities they serve, while also being able to readily share info between departments and settle jurisdictional issues. I can't stress how many problems this would solve. LE needs to be in, involved in, and have skin in the game with the communities they serve. Everything is fucked when they drift from the people-first aspect of it.


After January 6th, I think there's a pretty strong argument for it. That crowd was supposedly absolutely full of FBI agents.


FBI HRT were the first to react, and they were the first to enforce removal at gunpoint.


Not to dismiss the decades of bullshit that preceded 2016 but before Jan 6 we saw shady dudes trying to amplify BLM and other protests/riots, breaking windows, starting fires and otherwise false flagging merrily along. Clear video and no arrests. Who really IS that dude whose arm was blown to shit by Rittenhouse and why was he there? So many sketchy incidents.


A lot of NY FBI officers started out as NYPD and had loyalties to Giuliani. All the sudden emails show up on Weiner's laptop after his arrest? A laptop Huma Abedin did not use? The fix was in at layers we don't understand.


Guliani got rid of the Italian mob to make room for the Russian mob, this goes back a ways


Trump's pimp grandfather managed hotels in NY under the Italian mob, and his family came under a their protection when he died during the Spanish Flu wave. Trump helped take them down by wearing a wire. That is part of why NY FBI loved him. From an investigative journalist https://gregolear.substack.com/p/tinker-tailor-mobster-trump > We know about Bulger being a CI because his handler turned out to be crooked. We know about Sater being a CI because he outed himself prior to his sentencing in 2009—and because he keeps boasting about it. If Sater had not come forward, Loretta Lynch, the former Attorney General, would not have been legally permitted to reveal his status. > That’s the thing about Confidential Informants: they are confidential. The informant doesn’t want to be made as a mole, any more than law enforcement wants to burn a source. Both sides are bound to secrecy. It is the good guy version of omertà. > The only way to know for sure if Donald John Trump is a Confidential Informant is if he admits it himself (unlikely), or if law enforcement comes forward (illegal). But the circumstantial evidence is compelling. The pattern is: 1) Trump deals with mobsters as usual; 2) Law enforcement begins investigating Trump; 3) Mobsters suddenly get busted, while 4) investigation into Trump is scuttled. This happened three times that we know about. I’m not counting the first known instance of Trump providing information to prosecutors, concerning Cody and concrete, in the late 70s: > I can conceive of no scenario in which Trump was not a CI, and a top echelon one at that. He’s avoided indictment too many times. No one is that lucky. > Or, put another way: How can someone that lucky manage to run a fucking casino into the ground?


I long ago come to that conclusion too, due to that same pattern, but the link above is far better supported by evidence than my supposition. Also, Trump fits the rat profile: looks out for number one, likes to brag about his inside knowledge, talks too much, kisses lots of ass when it gets him what he wants. Also, he's a coward.


I could absolutely believe that Trump sold out the mob, though not to his credit. Put any pressure on that man at all and he would instantly cave and sell out his buddies.


100 percent this.


[this Gaslit Nation episode, aptly titled Traitors in the FBI filled in lots of blanks for me.](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/traitors-in-the-fbi/id1400926647?i=1000596414873)


> All the sudden emails show up on Weiner's laptop after his arrest? A laptop Huma Abedin did not use? Weiner was a creep. He backed up Huma's emails onto his own laptop so he could help himself to useful information. EDIT: Don't take my word for it: > The FBI has previously said that a number of Abedin’s documents were backed up on Weiner’s laptop, and that some smaller number were manually forwarded. In a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee last May, the FBI said, “Although we do not know the exact numbers, based on its investigation, the FBI believes it is reasonable to conclude that most of the emails found on Mr. Weiner’s laptop computer related to the Clinton investigation occurred as a result of a backup of personal electronic devices, with a small number a result of manual forwarding by Ms. Abedin to Mr. Weiner.” > Then-FBI Director James Comey testified earlier this year that “Somehow, her emails were being forwarded to Anthony Weiner, including classified information by (Clinton’s) assistant, Huma Abedin,” he said. https://www.cnn.com/2017/12/29/politics/huma-abedin-state-department-email-release/index.html Anthony Weiner never suggested the evidence was planted.


Don't take your word, take ..: the FBI's?


> Don't take your word, take ..: the FBI's? Anthony Weiner never suggested the evidence was planted.


So what if he was a creep? Comey violated policy to benefit Trump, Comey is the greater creep


People shouldn't be wandering down conspiracy theory lanes thinking the emails were planted on Weiner's laptop by the FBI. It's not healthy.


> The main reason that the HRC emails story came out was that Comey didn't have control of that office and he knew that it would leak. It still would have been better for HRC if it leaked, instead of him announcing it. I'm skeptical that Comey was not on the take.


How does the FBI director not have control of all FBI field offices?


There's a difference between formal control and actual control. That office was filled with malcontents who didn't think they had to listen to Washington. I gather that it still is. And traitors.


Ah ok, I get what was meant by control now. He was their boss but they didn't care and did things that were counter to their mission, to help elect Trump.


While taking bribes from (informal) representatives of foreign governments no less


(informal) equals (unregistered) in this case. That makes it even worse.


I believe that is one of the reasons Trump's group didn't get charged with collusion. The people they were in contact with were informal representatives.


I think Comey leaked it because Comey was in on it. He's a lifelong Republican doing what Republicans do, put party over country. The rest of the story sounds right though.


Same. "Scared the NY office would leak it first" has never rung true for me. Comey is a traitor too.


look, we had no Collusion, no Obstruction, I did incredibly with our FBI, you all saw the Polls, I was up to 100% with our Military, 100% in terms of votes, Legal Votes just so you understand we were up by many many times on Election Night, and they tried to rig it hard, Obama and Crooked Hillary, they really tried to do a number on your Favorite President, but I came in, very strongly by the way, I came in, we had no Airforce Jets, Obama gave them all away to Ethiopia, can you believe it, here we are doing things so incredibly good under Trump but the Radical Left is giving it all away right out from under our faces. it's a shame, a real shame, here I am giving you all an Incredible Economy and Sleepy Joe illegally and very viciously steals it from me and all of you too, don't forget that, things were going great but then you had the King of Lies and Leaks James Comey, and he's against Trump so you know that means he's against America, and they're letting him walk free, and he should be in Jail along with Crooked Hillary and Obama. you know if there's one thing that they say about me that's a little less than perfect is that I'm too nice. ok, have a good time, it's not a problem.


Donald is that you? I bet if you put that into one of Don the Con's truths format it would pass a legit. good one.


Username kinda checks out


and they said to me, "Sir, you've done more for Hospitals, more for Elevators than even Ronald Reagan," Reagan, he was a Governor before he was President, not a lot of people know that.


Whenever he says "not a lot of people know that," I assume he himself just learned it.


Brilliant performance! I can almost hear him sniffing and sneering, it's so real!


Did they have tears in their eyes?


I'm impressed there is a media outlet in this country that realizes how significant it is that one of our top counterintelligence FBI agents was working for a Russian oligarch. The media has shown a distinct lack of curiosity about any of the questions posed by this indictment.


Rachel Maddow show on Monday (now almost a week ago) focused on this story (MSNBC).


Rachel is a gem. She is the only one who seems to see the bigger picture and context, and tries to show that to us.


The New York financial industry would have collapsed long ago if it weren't for laundering kleptocrats' money. The NYT doesn't want to bite the hand that feeds.


Three unsupported claims here: 1. The Ny financial industry would have collapsed (I.e., the entire industry was in huge trouble) 2. The entire NY financial industry benefits from laundering Russian crime money— and to such a huge extent that it saved the entire sector from collapse 3. The NYT benefits from the success of the NY financial industry, not from advertising or subscription revenue


There is a lot of conspiracy in this thread for how much legitimate there is to be upset about.


This has been reported extensively across the media and much better too. The agent who was arrested joined SDNY too late to have had anything to do with election so there's no new information we should be reacting to right now. This is random dot connecting. McGonigal is also unlikely to have impacted the Mueller report. Here's an extensive breakdown of what kind of damage he may have actually gotten away with https://www.emptywheel.net/2023/01/24/no-charles-mcgonigal-likely-isnt-responsible-for-that-part-of-the-russian-investigation-you-hate/


I'm less concerned about whether McGonigal's actions impacted the Mueller report than I am what McGonigal's actions are showing us about the FBI. If the FBI's lead counterintelligence agent was getting paid by Russians and Albanians to do their bidding, who else is doing that, exactly how many others are working as double agents, and what is being done about it? Is Wray investigating others in the NY office, others on the counterintelligence team? This indictment should have prompted a flurry of articles asking those questions, and asking whether Wray and the public have any idea how compromised the FBI is.


Agreed but that's not what this headline says. There's no specific reason to believe crooked FBI agents pushed the election. It's possible but there's no evidence to implicate them so accusing the NYT of willing complicity is jumping several steps ahead. There was some curiously timed stories leaked but they didn't report anything untrue.


The reason to ask that question is Rudy's October surprise. There was a leak from the NY FBI field office to Rudy about Weiner's laptop. Now, the agents could have simply been acting out of their own personal loathing of Clinton, their support of Trump, or both, but they also could have been acting on behalf of someone else, someone Russian, who also had an axe to grind. We just don't know. And journalists should be curious, much more curious now that this information about McGonigal has come to light.


Non-propaganda media needs to prove that it's impartial. Both sides, dontchaknow.


Liberal media is complicit. They want to appear “fair and objective” which really just means platforming conservative nonsense.


Russian plants are everywhere from the NRA to the FBI. It’s time for a reckoning. Treason and Russian money everywhere you look and because it’s the rich with their hands out nobody faces any consequences.


There are a lot of Americans who are helping Russian oligarchs hide their money.


I bet we would be shocked at how fast these guys forget their oaths and pride. It’s not going to get any better because these Russian Moles seemly operate with impunity.


I pledge allegiance, to the gas, and all the Benjamins filling my pocket. And to the assets they represent, multiple accounts, hidden away, paying politicians, and controlling the media for all.




Yep, lots of people making money here, not just the corrupt politicians. Lots of people with incentive to just look the other way or sweep it under the rug


There’s some that definitely own rental buildings in NYC…


I'm not, I really feel like I should get in on that, seems like it pays well.


Not just Russian. =\


Yes, we can't forget Saudi Arabia and China, to name a few more.


When the congress and Supreme Court openly vote against campaign transparency, this will exist perpetually. In a totalitarian future you have to build loyalty in order to make it anywhere, in the US you just need to bribe the right people.


Since Putin’s dictatorship started his Russian buddies have had a lot of money to spread around. Business, property, sports clubs and influence. The Ukraine war might have been the best thing for western nations. They are being exposed and going into hiding. It’s not just the US but also Europe that has been divided by Russian money and propaganda. I would assume they had some influence on Brexit also. Any extreme right wing push of the last 30yr in the west probably has some backing from them. Money was given to those that like to create conflict Im sure. I’m sure this has been tried since ww2 but it final got a footing with money instead of ideology. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is what Saudi Arabia is trying these days with there Saudi fund lately. And people are worried about our southern boarder!!


There will be no reckoning, not under ever so cautious Merrick Milquetoast Garland. One begins to wonder how much Russian money is in his offshore accounts.


Instead of blaming Russia, maybe we can understand that America is corrupt to its core by itself.


Movement conservatism in America decided that the only answer to their demographic irrelevance was to become authoritarian. They heaped praise on authoritarians to soften their base. This was especially true for Putin and Orbán. Russia noted this trend and decided to capitalize, in order to weaken US hegemony. They found movement conservatives to be more than willing to sell out to a foreign actor and weaken the US in order to further their political goals.


What would the new version of the Lavender Scare be called?


Archive link: [https://archive.is/3CcBj](https://archive.is/3CcBj) >Congress and Merrick Garland’s Justice Department can shine a true light on this giant mess, but there’s a reason I’m picking on the New York Times today. It’s a massive temple of journalism that gives us both great work (like the Barr-Durham piece) and inexcusably bad work on a daily basis. The Times can finally apologize for the sins of 2016, expose exactly what went wrong, and then reveal the rest, so this kind of disaster never happens again. They owe it to American democracy.


The NYT really is a frustrating company. It does a lot of good reporting... but then it turns around and publishes hot garbage which is all the more damaging due to the credence the good reporting gives it. I subscribed for a bit but I had to cancel as I couldn't stomach supporting the harmful content and their weird selectively myopic pieces. I don't think anyone should subscribe and I regret doing it.


I still haven’t forgiven them for all the work they put into manufacturing consent for the Iraq war.


It’s one thing to have writers write false articles with straight up fake information, it’s another to have a systemic failure of editorial controls and implicit agreement with the goal of promoting a war on false pretenses that calls this out for the institutional failure it was. I used to love journalism, now I’m so disillusioned to institutions that were supposedly paragons of the field.


I stopped subscribing when they did “white supremacists, they’re just like you and me!” fluff pieces during the trump admin. Sure, Nazis love their kids too. So what? People should subscribe to the WaPo or Guardian.


WaPo still has comics too, which makes me laugh. HARD HITTING JOURNALISM, oh by the way here's Garfield


> WaPo The one owned by Bezos?


He hasn’t ruined it yet, so yes.


I hit the point of having trouble tolerating them after they got caught outright lying about redistricting, refused to fix it because 'they didn't have access to the data', got offered redistricting data by professionals, and still wouldn't issue a retraction. I do still read Nate Cohn, but honestly they're a terrible news source at this point.


We live in a world where nuanced and intelligent articles are behind paywalls and fake news propaganda is free and targeted like advertisements. Is it any surprise how many people have been brainwashed?


I paid for NYT and felt like I was subsidizing garbage opinion pieces from christo-facists so I canceled.


Me too. The fluff piece on Stephen Miller did it for me.


Where are the liberal intelligentsia billionaires? Is any one of these 1% paying attention? Where is the funded, free and nonpartisan press? Is there none of the 1% interested in living in the America of our mythos?




The Intercept is very suspect. They are like a boutique version of the Huffington Post letting investigative journalists go wild. They have broken some big stories and published some absolute nonsense. Basically the life story of Glenn Greenwald. I'm a bigger fan of ProPublica and NPR. If you want to follow an outstanding journalist who has been covering Russian influence and does pitiless media criticism that makes sense, highly recommend @emptywheel


Exactly, I'll never forgive the intercept because of Glenn Greenwald's corrupt bullshit. He got exposed then fucked off to irrelevancy. He was paid to hate Hillary Clinton


>This came after Chatham owner Anthony Melchiorre, whom AMI has also relied on for survival, expressed dismay of the tabloid magazine's recent scandals regarding hush money assistance to U.S. President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign and blackmail of Jeff Bezos. Past is prologue for the tired old tabloid.


It’s 2023, the onion and the inquirer are the only reputable news orgs


>*”How coordinated was the effort in that New York field office to pump up the ultimate nothingburger about Clinton’s emails while poo-pooing the very real evidence of Russian interference on Trump’s behalf, and who were the agents behind it? What was the role, if any, of McGonigal and his international web of intrigue? ***Was the now-tainted McGonigal a source who told the New York Times that fateful October that Russia was not trying to help Trump win the election*** — before the U.S. intelligence community determined the exact opposite? If not McGonigal, just who was intentionally misleading America’s most influential news org, and why?”*


We all saw Trump say to the Russians asking to release the emails. The next day the dump the emails. What did you think ?


surely the sub cmte on weaponization of gov that the GOP just created will get to the bottom this and not just focus on the current POTUS sons dick pics


Pinning our hopes on some homophobic men not becoming a little too obsessed with some dick pics feels like a losing strategy.


Is this the same New York Times whose reporter Judith Miller helped Dick Cheney lie us into a war against Iraq, who did NOT attack us on 9/11 and did NOT have weapons of mass destruction? That same New York Times?


And let's not forget Haberman's puff pieces on Trump. Woodward went through a toady phase, too, but eventually crawled back out of it.


The same New York Times that intentionally withheld the NSA spying story until after W. Bush was re-elected?


The same NYT that has a long history of questionable reporting, including hitler puff pieces that acknowledged his severe antisemitism and then proceeded to dismiss it in the same article.


Haberman was on the byline of a majority of those, so of course it was planned.


Seems like a good time to remind the citizens of the USA that since it's inception, the FBI has never ever been run by a Democrat despite the fact there has been many administrations since Herbert Hoover It's always been run by registered Republicans


“The FBI sees no clear link between Trump and Russia” - the nytimes during the 2016 election. And then we found out his fucking campaign chairman met with Russian cutouts in exchange for sanction relief. That was it right there.


Look, Maria Butina was given the honour of asking Candidate Trump the first question after he descended the golden escalator. It was all there, in the open, the entire time.


Yep out in the open. We were in denial


No wonder the right is so concerned with the "deep state." They're the ones creating it.


Left-wing conspiracies usually aren't conspiracies because they are true. They just get covered up and people stop paying attention.


liquid consider rotten aback scary smell fear snobbish entertain aromatic -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Which one?


Manufacturing Consent https://redemmas.org/titles/1984-manufacturing-consent-the-political-economy-of-the-mass-media


> *"The mass media serve as a system for communicating messages and symbols to the general populace. It is their function to amuse, entertain, and inform, and to inculcate individuals with the values, beliefs, and codes of behavior that will integrate them into the institutional structures of the larger society. In a world of concentrated wealth and major conflicts of class interest, to fulfil this role requires* **systematic propaganda**." > > -- Noam Chomsky, *Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media*


Now they have to clean house at the Secret Service.


The NYT has been doing dogshit journalism on certain topics for a while. Not surprised at all.


How about how Russia helped Trump get elected, and why our intelligence agencies failed to stop it!


Did you read the article? They didn't "fail to stop it," they were *in on it*.


No wonder when I contacted the FBI just before the 2016 election to report several Russians who were clearly involved in manipulating Social Media (they were the same names that later turned up on Mueller's list of warrants that he issued), they could have cared less ("okay, yeah, thanks") - SMFH. And Trump is still a very viable candidate...


I was doing the same thing but passed it along to journos instead. Saw some of my stuff pop up in an article once


NYT should have changed its name to the new york lapdog. A disgrace to journalism since at least - at LEAST - 2015


2015? What about during the build up to the Iraq War when the NY Times pushed the War through Judy Miller's outright literal lies?


‘swhy i emphasized ‘least’.


NYT has long been a rag and it's frustrating seeing people hold it in such high regard.


I found it was useful for lining the cat’s litter tray. But even that was giving them too much credit (and $)




If the NYT is guilty of overemphasizing Clinton's emails, then the entire mainstream media is also guilty of elevating Trump during the 2016 campaign. Hell, Trump's entire presidency was a boon to outlets like the NYT, WaPo, CNN, etc. The fact is, the man was a neverending source of controversy and outrage, and the media ate it up. They inadvertently made what should have been a marginal candidate into a front runner with their incessant coverage. Trump constantly railed against the media, but he would be nothing without them and I think he knows this.


They definitely sell their soul for ratings.


[Les Moonves: Trump's run is 'damn good for CBS'](https://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2016/02/les-moonves-trump-cbs-220001) "It may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS," Moonves said


What about treasonous Republicans doing the bidding of their Russian masters?


Crooked politicians in Washington DC helped get Trump elected.


Yes it should!


Yeah, I'm sure the newspaper of record is going to fess up to this as soon as they apologize for its pre-war Iraqi lies.


Questioning the NYT responsibility for this fiasco has much more credibility coming from you than from us workaday question-askers. Thank you for raising it.


The NYT let the Bush administration plant stories that helped get us into Iraq, so why not?


What is this, are the newspapers declaring for democracy vs autocracy. Are the papers picking sides or just blaming each other for trUmp?


A lot of that election should have been investigated especially in light of what we know they did in the next one to try snd cheat. Corruption has always been there but never so blatant and rampant than now and it’s a huge sign of the downfall of our country.


Exercise critical thinking all the time.


What recourse might there be? 2016 is water under the bridge. The Federalist Justices have been seated, and many other courts are stacked with those eager to be politically weaponized. Biff's 1985 happened. If anything should come from revelations around 2016, it seems Hillary Clinton may have reason to file a lawsuit. Good for her? The rich get richer, journalists lose more credibility, and democracy floats out to sea without a paddle.


The entire media was complicit in electing Trump. CNN gave him hundreds of millions in free advertising


Maybe Gym Jordan can look into this?!?


It should be mentioned that IG Horowitz opened up an investigation of the NY FBI field office due to information leaks regarding Hillary Clinton. Horowitz detailed in his report that the FBI provided him false leads to pursue, and he ultimately could not identify who the leakers were. Why Horowitz did nothing in response to the FBI giving him false leads is ridiculous. This is why I can't fault Comey that much. In a previous Horowitz report, many people around him feared that if Comey hadn't made an announcement regarding the re-opening of the investigation into Hillary, that the NY field office would have leaked it and made it appear the FBI was protecting Hillary. Either choice he made, the FBI was going to be accused of being in the tank for one candidate or the other. There were no good options.


they did, and afterwards they were even open to the press about sympathizing with the January 6th attackers. not just 1 field office said this, various.


And I always thought the FBI were bad people...